Ward, Edward K., 1837-1864 to his sister

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GLC02232.09-View header record
11 July 1862
Ward, Edward K., 1837-1864
to his sister
Place Written
Tupelo, Mississippi
6 p. : envelope Height: 20 cm, Width: 26.5 cm
Primary time period
Civil War and Reconstruction, 1861-1877
The American Civil War

Writes that some letters he sent to his father were confiscated and later returned to him by General Grant. He laments that General Clarke has been reassigned and writes that "there was never a general so beloved by his troops." Explains that his company has every Saturday to clean up camp, and do the wash and other chores "like negroes" do. He jokingly admits that the men are better at playing poker on Saturdays. Ward is anxious to see girls again and is still resolved to marry. Discusses his feelings on women and marrying and warns his sister to never be "green enough" to let someone fool her. Updates his sister on news from other soldiers. Complains about how hard General Bragg works the men.

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