Higgins, Patrick, fl. 1859-1862 to Fannie Schoonmaker

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April 23, 1862
Higgins, Patrick, fl. 1859-1862
to Fannie Schoonmaker
Place Written
Warwick Virginia
3 p. : envelope Height: 19.9 cm, Width: 24.4 cm
Primary time period
National Expansion and Reform, 1815-1860
Age of Jackson

Printed with a red white and blue stamp of a woman clad in the American flag. Received her letter a day ago. Many have been wounded since he last wrote. Will give a short account of what has happened. Rebels spotted two miles from camp. When they closed to within a few hundred yards from the rebel fort his company engaged them. One of his comrades was nearly hit in the head by two bullets. Two of their captains were shot. Found a small church to use as cover. Every few moments they could hear the sound of enemy shots being fired. The men were very eager and took a shot every chance they could. Hopes to sleep once night comes. Can't think of anything else to write; has no place to write. Would not write anymore if she were not such a dear friend. Grows lonelier every week he spends away from home.

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