Higgins, Patrick, fl. 1859-1862 to Fannie Schoonmaker

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GLC02164.07-View header record
March 17, 1862
Higgins, Patrick, fl. 1859-1862
to Fannie Schoonmaker
Place Written
Washington, District of Columbia
3 p. : Height: 20.2 cm, Width: 25.3 cm
Primary time period
National Expansion and Reform, 1815-1860
Age of Jackson

Printed on stationery marked "Liberty and Union." Has a "troubled mind." Does not know why she has not responded to his letter. Is "ready to face the enemy and stand fast." The regiment is going to move, and he has to go to the "cursed hospital" for a day. Is "bound" to go, but does not want to. The doctor will force him to go to the Hospital unless he leaves, and none of the soldiers are allowed to leave. The whole army of the Potomac is on the move. Has seen gun boats on the river. Hopes she will write him a letter soon explaining her delay in responding to him.

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