Painter, Heber, 1841-1900 to his aunt

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GLC02016.074-View header record
February 19, 1865
Painter, Heber, 1841-1900
to his aunt
Place Written
In the field, Virginia
6 p. : Height: 25 cm, Width: 20 cm
Primary time period
Civil War and Reconstruction, 1861-1877
The American Civil War

Written to his aunt, Mrs. George A. Frick (Rebecca Frick). Writes that President Lincoln's peace mission has failed. Reports that he has been promoted to 1st Lieut. of Company I while Lieut. Birmingham has been promoted to captain of Company G. He will need to purchase attire for his new position, which may prove to be expensive. He is waiting to be paid off this month for the amount of $193. Also writes that Grant is planning to clean out the hospitals and other places where injured and ill soldiers are housed. Painter explains that he's not ungrateful for the bravery of these men, but feels they could be more useful if "forwarded to their respective commands." The company is getting ready for the spring campaign. Reports that there is rumor of a railroad being built to transport supplies to Grant or Sherman. Thinks that Sherman will move towards Richmond through North Carolina leaving Schofield to attend to the northern part and the rear. Receives word that another member of the company, Joseph Reitz, has died.

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