Webster, Daniel, 1782-1852 to James William Paige

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January 22, 1832
Webster, Daniel, 1782-1852
to James William Paige
Place Written
Washington, District of Columbia
2 p. : address : free frank Height: 25.2 cm, Width: 19.9 cm
Primary time period
National Expansion and Reform, 1815-1860
Age of Jackson

Requests that his brother-in-law send "Remarks on the Federal Land- N.W. of the Ohio- or Memoir on the Federal Lands" to Washington for use in a court case involving the City of Cincinnati. Instructs Paige to send it safely and "without the loss of a post" to Walter Lowrie, Secretary of the Senate. States that Mr. A. (Massachusetts senator Nathan Appleton) made a speech regarding [Thomas] Bouldin's Resolution, which "caused some sensation." Writes, "It contains some very good points... He Proved, Conclusively, that the minimum price [after], which Mr. [Hayne] & other gentlemen so loudly reproach, is of S. Carolina origin, introduced, for the first time, by Mr Lowndes. Chair of the W's & M's [Ways & Means] in 1816, & defended, & [voted] for by him & other S.C. members- this brought up Mr. [George] McDuffie, in some warmth." Concludes that Paige will "see the debate shortly." 22 January 1832 written in pencil at a later date.

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