Livingston, William, 1723-1790 An Act to preserve buildings in this State belonging to the United States from being destroyed and for the Punishment of those that shall seize on or injure the same.

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5 June 1781
Livingston, William, 1723-1790
An Act to preserve buildings in this State belonging to the United States from being destroyed and for the Punishment of those that shall seize on or injure the same.
Place Written
4 p. : docket ; Height: 33 cm, Width: 20.5 cm
Primary time period
American Revolution, 1763-1783
The War for Independence

Signed by William Livingston as Governor of New Jersey. Countersigned by Josiah Hornblower, Speaker of the New Jersey House of Representatives. Endorsed on verso near docket by Bowes Reed and Maskell Ewing, clerks of the Assembly, stating the document was read three times and has passed the House. Resolution written because of Congressional recommendations of 3 July 1779 asked the various states to preserve buildings owned by the United States. Says any person convicted of damaging or destroying a building or fortress owned by the United States will pay no more than a 20 pound fine and the costs of the damage. It is also possible for the United States to sue to recover damages. Anyone in possession of a government building illegally can be ousted and any changes they have made to the building altered for military purposes. Provides for rules on trespass and care of the buildings as well.

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