Greene, Nathanael, 1742-1786 Estimate of camp equipage necessary for an Army of 30,000 infantry &c. for 1 year no: 3

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Greene, Nathanael, 1742-1786
Estimate of camp equipage necessary for an Army of 30,000 infantry &c. for 1 year no: 3
Place Written
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
2 p. : Height: 39 cm, Width: 51 cm
Primary time period
American Revolution, 1763-1783
The War for Independence

Main page is a large list counting the necessary amounts of various military stores, where they are required, their cost in 1775, and the total cost in 1775 of all these stores. Stores include items such as tents, buckets and iron cups. Second page contains the title and a note. Note explaining that if the army is forced to fight in the winter the tents may be ruined, and that a stationary army needs fewer kettles, canteens and knapsacks than a marching army. These factors will affect the total cost. Prepared by the office of the Quarter Master General, Nathanael Greene, for the budget of 1780.

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