Calling all teachers: Join us Tuesday, February 25 for our Teacher Symposium Open House
[carte de visite, vignette bust portrait of a young woman or girl]
Knight, W.M., fl. 1876
White mount with Knight's imprint on recto. Vignette bust portrait of a young woman or girl.
[tintype, oval bust portrait of a young woman]
Unmounted. Oval bust portrait of a young woman.
[carte de visite, oval half length portrait of a young woman]
White mount with gold border. Pencil inscription "Nora" on both recto and verso. Romanticized oval half length portrait of a young woman. Photo from engraving.
[carte de visite, oval bust profile view]
Shelby & McCauley
White mount with Selby & McCauley imprint on verso: " 'Specialite.' Selby & McCauley, Photograph Album & Carte de Visite Depot, No. 36 West Baltimore Street." Oval bust profile view in elaborate dress. Face, clothing, and adornments in hair are...
[carte de visite, full length view]
White mount. Full length view of a young woman in peasant dress carrying wheat or straw on her back.
[carte de visite, vignette of the front of a two-story house during winter]
White mount. Vignette of the front of a white two-story house during winter.
[carte de visite, Grant's headquarters]
Fowx, Egbert Guy, 1821-1891
White mount with ink inscription on recto: "Lieut-General Grants HdQuarters, Winter of 1864 [and] 5, City Point, Va." Inscribed on negative: "Sketched by Louis Bernkopf, Private 15th N.Y.V. Engr." Sketched view of a quadrangle surrounded by winter...
White mount with faded gold border and Fowx imprint on verso. Same image as #48.
[carte de visite, late residence of Jefferson Davis]
White mount. Inscribed on negative: "Late residence of Jefferson Davis, Richmond, Va., Sketched by Louis Bernkopf, Draughtsman, Hd. Qrs Engineer Brigade." Sketched view of the front and side of Davis's home.
[carte de visite, Portage Bridge]
White mount. Printed caption on recto: "Portage Bridge." Ink inscription on recto: "234 ft. high, 800 ft. long." Illegible notes on verso in blue pencil. View of a bridge with a locomotive crossing the top. Photo from engraving.
[carte de visite, chapel in the camp of the 50th Regiment N.Y.V. Engineers]
White mount with gold border and Fowx imprint on verso. Inscribed on negative: "Chapel in the camp of the 50th Regiment N.Y.V. Engineers, near Petersburg, Va. Built by Co. "F" of that Regt. Sketched by Louis Bernkopf, Private 15th N.Y.V. Engineers...
White mount with gold border and Fowx imprint on verso. Blurred and damaged print of image #52.
[carte de visite, Home on Furlough]
White mount with printed caption on verso: "Home on a Furlough." Scene of a soldier being welcomed home by his exuberant family. Photo from painting or engraving.
[carte de visite, The Belle of Winter]
White mount. Caption on image: "The Belle of Winter." Profile view of a woman ice skating in fur-trimmed clothes. Photo from painting or engraving.
[Collection of Elias W. Beach] [decimalized]
Beach, Elias William, 1841-1921
Contains documents related to Beach, who served in Company F of the 50th regiment, New York engineers. Includes 16 autograph letters or autograph notes signed, 8 autographs from military notables, a land contract, a typed genealogical document...
to Elias W. Beach
November 19, 1864
Warren, Gouverner K., 1830-1882
Letter written on Head Quarters Fifth Army Corps letterhead. "I have the honor to furnish you my autograph as you requested."
Permission for Elias W. Beach to visit Mount Vernon
June 2, 1865
Clapp, Channing, fl. 1865
Letter written from Head Quarters, Engineer Brigade, near Fort Berry. Clapp, assistant adjutant general, gives Beach a one day pass by command of General Henry W. Benham to visit Mount Vernon.
[Plan of a military headquarters or camp]
Hand drawn plan noting the position of captains, surgeons, colonels, chaplains, and cooks.
December 1, 1864
Humphreys, Andrew Atkinson, 1810-1883
Humphreys responds to Beach's request for an autograph.
[Autograph of Pettis, Colonel of the 50th Regiment, New York Volunteers, Commander of the Engineer Depot]
Pettis, William H., fl. 1860
[Autograph of Carl Shurz?]
Schurz, Carl, 1829-1906
[Autograph of George D. Ruggles]
Ruggles, George D. (George David), ?-1904
[Autograph of Joseph G. Totten?]
Totten, Joseph Gilbert, 1788-1864
[Autograph of John Gross Barnard]
Barnard, John Gross, 1815-1882
[Autograph of Benjamin F. Butler]
Butler, Benjamin F. (Benjamin Franklin), 1818-1893
Showing results 5,676 - 5,700