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to James Clinton, re: enlisting troops to attack Canada
Delancey, James, 1703-1760
Signed as Lieutenant Gov. of New York.
Certificate of discharge for Jonathan Mury and anchor button [Decimalized .01-.02]
circa 1783
[Certificate of discharge for Jonathan Mury]
13 April 1783
Barry, John, 1745-1803
Barry, Captain of the frigate Alliance, states that Mury served on board the ship 6 December 1781- 13 April 1783. Discharges Mury, stating that he is eligible for prize money. Contains several dockets.
[Anchor button]
Round in shape. Contains the image of an anchor. Transmitted with a certificate of discharge for Jonathan Mury, who served on board the frigate Alliance 6 December 1781- 13 April 1783 (refer to GLC01450.655.01). Date inferred from certificate of...
[Copy of an act to suspend the opening of certain streets in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania during the War of 1812]
1 April 1813
Snyder, Simon, 1759-1819
Suspends an act issued on 1 April 1811 authorizing the opening of streets through the Navy Yard in the Philadelphia districts of Moyamensing and Passyunk. The suspension will last for either six years or until the construction of war ships for the...
[License for William Dehone to sell goods in Boston, Massachusetts].
1 July 1808
Bulfinch, Charles, 1763-1844
Also signed by Charles Bulfinch, William Porter, Eben Oliver, Joseph Foster, and Nathan Webb, all serving as the selectmen of Boston. The license was good for one year, and made in accordance with a June 1795 act of the General Court giving...
to Gentlemen
April 26, 1806
Kiteridge, Peter, 1750-?
Statement by Peter Kiteridge to Medfield's selectmen for financial assistance. One document written by Peter Kiteridge dated April 26, 1806. Details that he was born to African parents in Boston. Kiteridge at the time of this document is a freeman...
to General Brooks
September 19, 1814
Strong, Caleb, 1745-1819
The recipient was probably Micah Brooks. Explains that the government will not be able to grant the request of the Selectmen of Belfast to send troops to expel the British from Fort Castine on the Penobscot Bay, which they recently came to occupy. He...
Columbia, Land of Liberty
Sheet music for the song "Columbia, Land of Liberty." Provides the musical score and three verses of lyrics.
to Nathan Hodgdon
June 21, 1813
Hodgon, Silvanus, fl. 1813-1815
Informs his uncle that he has been aboard the frigate Macedonian for two months, which he reports is blockaded in by seven British ships. Asks him to send a letter to his mother and to give his love to friends and family. Also notes that his captain...
March 7, 1814
Informs his uncle that he is in good health and asks that his love be given to family and friends. Notes that his time (serving aboard the frigate Macedonian) is about half up and he has been at sea since the previous April. He asks to be written to.
January 16, 1815
Informs his uncle that he is in good health and asks that his love be given to family and friends. Indicates that they are building ships "and expect to take the Lake next summer," referring to Lake George. He asks to be written to and that the mail...
to George Talcott
December 12, 1843
N. Starr, & Son, fl. 1843
N. Starr & Son, weapons repair or manufacturing firm write to Lieutenant Colonel George Talcott of the Ordnance Department regarding a rifle repair or supply contract. This letter discusses the reasons why they have been unable to fulfill their...
to Amasa Davis
April 27, 1792
Orr, Hugh, 1717-1798
Letter written by Orr as an inventor and owner of a foundry to Davis as Quartermaster General of Boston. Says he is in possession of a cannon bore which belongs to the state and wants to return it. Claims it would be proper to give it to Davis. It...
to Tench Coxe
March 24, 1811
French, Thomas, fl. 1811
Letter written by Thomas French, Phineas Blake, and Adam Kinsley, heads of the gun firm French, Blake & Kinsley. Sends duplicate receipts for four hundred muskets purchased.
Regulation of Catharine Street, from the Bowry Road to the south side of William Street
24 August 1789
Bancker, Evert, fl. 1734-1789
Continues "Done by order of the Corporation of New York August 24th 1789. By Casimir Goerey, Evert Bancker, City Surveyors." Includes the descent of the street every ten feet.
to Abiel Wood
June 18, 1813
Roby, Henry, fl. 1810-1820
The top half of the first page records three diary-like entries for June 16-18, 1813. They discuss the weather, farming, and local naval activities in the War of 1812, including reports of "a heavy cannonading." The bottom half takes the form of a...
[Two Letters] [Decimalized .01- .02]
Foster, fl. 1858
to his cousin
March 8, 1858
He received his cousin's paper, but has not written earlier because his studies, at Brown University, have kept him busy. Reports of a local stable fire in which eight of sixty horses died and nearly all their carriages were destroyed. Two days later...
June 14, 1858
Foster describes Class Day at Brown University and an upcoming event called Whately Burial, in which juniors carry a coffin through the streets containing one of their textbooks, Whately's Logic. Comments on last year's Whately Burial and getting...
Black Walnut Gun Stocks
circa 1803-1809
Coxe, Tench, 1755-1824
Printed document under Tench Coxe's name, but unsigned. This request for contractor proposals to supply black walnut gun stocks to the government was issued by Coxe as Purveyor of Public Supplies, an office he held 1803-1812. Asks that proposals...
[Document regarding Massachusetts militia]
circa 1788-1813
Goodwin, N., fl. 1811
Signed by Benjamin Warren, per orders of Brigadier General Nathaniel (Goodwin), who served as a General in the War of 1812. Contains the printed name of William Donnison, who served as Adjutant General and Inspector General of Massachusetts 1788...
to Barton J. David re: accounting for flour to Iowa Indians
Chamber, John, fl. 1842
Governor of Iowa and Indian agent. Signed as Superintendent of Indian Affairs
Collection of two items mentioning William H. Harrison [Decimalized .01- .02]
[Statement of sales of the property of Captain William C. Baen]
9 May 1812
Miller, James, ?-1851
Account of the sale of the goods and chattel of the deceased Baen. Lists shirts, stockings, vests, swords, etc., the amount sold for, and to whom they were sold. One listing is for a sword belt sold to William Henry Harrison (listed as Governor...
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