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[Information pertaining to the British 38th and 45th Regiments of Foot]
5 May 1781
Mentions Ensign Forrest, in the 38th Regiment of Foot. Cites W. Evan's removal to the 45th Regiment.
to S. Little
April 20, 1700
Statoon, E., fl. 1700
Statoon addresses Little as "my dear chum." Writes after a long separation to tell him he has the warmest feelings for him. Hopes that hearing from him will excite a like emotion in Little. Has heard that he has become a minister. Sends his...
to Thomas Irving
April 11, 1772
Irving, William, fl. 1772
Letter written by William Irving to his son Thomas Irving, who was Inspector General of Imports, Exports, and Register of Shipping for North America in Boston. Says he has waited impatiently the past three weeks for the result of Charles's petition...
[Appointment of Thomas Irving to Inspector of Imports and Exports and Register of Shipping in America]
Robinson, John, 1727-1802
Also signed by Charles Parson, William Burch, Henry Hudson, and one other ("J. Wm. [illegible]"), all at the Customs House in Boston. Appointed by "the Commissioners for managing & causing to be levied his Majesties Customs and other Duties in...
[Blank commission for an ensign]
Butler, James, fl. 1699
Signed as Duke of Ormonde.
[Bond between Silvanus Scott and Jonathan Sprague, Junior, and the Colony of Rhode Island]
3 November 1731
Scott, Silvanus, fl. 1731
Also signed by Jonathan Sprague, Junior. Signed as witnesses by John Wickof and Daniel Abott. Scott and Sprague agree to bond themselves unto General Treasurer of the Colony of Rhode Island Abraham Borden, and to his successors in office, the sum...
[Receipt for John Bartlett]
17 May 1731
Carter, C., fl. 1731
Receipt for three pounds fifteen shillings "for service done as a commissioner in order to settle the line of gover[men]t from Patucket Falls to the Massachusetts south line."
[Legal document transfering land to the colony of Rhode Island]
14 June 1776
Coman, Richard, fl. 1776
Co-signed by Coman's wife Sarah. Also witnessed and signed by Philip Peekham and Jacob Goff. Coman sold about one acre of land to the colony of Rhode Island for 50 Spanish milled dollars. The deal was made with John Jenckes and John Waterman as...
[Rhode Island Council of War resolution of Rhode Island to pay Caleb Harris]
13 November 1777
Foster, Theodore, 1752-1828
Signed by Foster as town clerk. Harris, the manager and director of a gun powder mill, is authorized to draw 120 pounds on the treasury. Harris signed on verso, noting he "Recd the Contents."
[Rhode Island resolution ordering the purchase of land near a gun powder mill]
21 August 1777
Rhode Island Assembly
Signed twice by J. Lyndon (clerk of the lower house), R.J. Holme (deputy secretary of the Upper House), and certified a true copy Henry Ward. Authorizes Jacob Goffe to purchase land near the mill and build a house, all at the state's expense. The...
Commission of William Young as Capt Lieut. to defend western frontier
21 June 1778
Bryan, George, 1731-1791
Partially printed document signed by Bryan as Vice-President of Pennsylvania's Supreme Executive Council and countersigned by Timothy Matlack as secretary. Indicates that he is being appointed to "a Company of Woodsmen to be raised for the defence...
[Oath of loyalty to the King of England]
30 November 1776
Tryon, William, 1729-1788
Partially printed document signed by New York's Royal Governor William Tryon. Certifies Daniel Rogers as having subscribed to the proclamation offering a pardon to any rebels who came forward and took an oath of allegiance to the king. The...
Receipt for billeting soldiers for Canadian expedition
[Receipt for 1410 pounds of flour]
31 May 1781
Morgan, Ephraim, fl. 1776-1783
Morgan, the Quartermaster for the Connecticut line during the American Revolution, notes his receipt of the flour "for the use of the Connt Division."
[Receipt for corn and rye for Nathan Barber, a wagoner]
9 November 1784
Mitchell, Thomas, fl. 1781
Mitchell, an assistant deputy quarter master, asks Jacob Benson for five bushels of corn and three of rye for the New Hampshire line. Nathan Barber, the wagoner, signed as "Waginer" noting his receipt of the items from Benson on the verso.
[Order to pay Timothy Coffin 103 pounds, 11 shillings]
5 September 1777
Helme, R.J., fl. 1768-1778
Witnessed and signed by Helm as clerk. Ordered by the Rhode Island Council of War so that Coffin could pay the portage bill of the Sloop Diamond for a voyage to South Carolina. A note signed by Coffin on the verso attests to his receipt. Surname...
to uncle
March 8, 1762
Thurston, Samuel, fl. 1762
Letter regarding Spanish hostilities against American ships. Reused by recipient, containing three retained drafts of Edward Thurston (uncle) written on the inner pages to other people, Newport, 1762.
to Esek Hopkins
January 28, 1777
Bradson, John, fl. 1777
Bradford discusses a matter involving Mr. Southouse. States "I think tho he had been a Revenue officer (wch I find he is not) I shou'd thought my self Justifiable to have given him what he Claimd being no more than his furniture as its Characteristic...
to John Fisher
September 13, 1779
Meng, Christopher, fl. 1779
Meng asks Fisher, who is referred to as a Storekeeper (but who was also an assistant deputy quartermaster and military supply agent) for a marquee for Colonel Jeduthan Baldwin, who "by the late high Winds has had his old one torn to pieces."
to George King
March 4, 1779
Thompson, Ebenezer, 1737-1802
"Agreeable to your request" he is sending King papers relating to the cases of "Champney vs Boyd & Dennis vs. Boyd." Hopes the papers are returned, and tells King to bill Champney.
[Receipt for 200 barrel hoops]
6 September 1777
Spear, Gersham, fl. 1777
Needed for the making of powder barrels during the American Revolution, priced at six shillings per hundred hoops. With a signed (with a mark) note indicating Thomas Frace received the hoops from the commissary, Samuel Hodgdon.
to Abraham Lewis
August 22, 1778
Marschalk, Joseph, fl. 1778
Marschalk saw Frederick Fine, a block maker, and says Fine would appreciate a letter from Lewis.
British impressment order to Capt Powlett, signed as Lord High Admiral
Anson, George, fl. 1755-1756
Countersigned by John Cleveland.
to Mary Cox
December 26, 1782
Moore, David, fl. 1782
Travel to Baltimore disrupted by "the enemy." His boat was forced to return to Petersburg because the British controlled "the bay." Is informed that a ship bound for France carrying her nephew was lost, and hopes she has heard from him. Has directed...
to his brother
October 25, 1781
Stone, Michael Jenifer, 1747-1812
Stone writes a long letter to his brother that includes an announcement that "Cornwallis was taken." Discusses his brother's business in Philadelphia and advises him of the benefits of continuing to cultivate a friendship with a man named Mr. Morrill...
Showing results 5,351 - 5,375