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to James Rivington
10 August 1783
Knox, Henry, 1750-1806
Thanks Rivington for the copy of Smith's "Wealth of Nations" that he sent. Knox signed in text. See GLC02437.02296 for Rivington's original note.
to Richard Söderström
20 April 1786
Declares that he would oblige him if he would make a payment on the bill of exchange he owes Knox, within the present week.
to Edward Hutchinson Robbins
10 June 1787
Forwards a paper regarding a Mr. Wetmore's claim to land (not included). Notes, "The business has not a good complexion..." Promises to look into Wetmore's claim fairly, and has written to Mr. Winslow (likely one of Lucy Knox's cousins) regarding the...
to Count de Rochambeau
25 July 1787
Asks Rochambeau to send him a list of all the French members of the Society of the Cincinnati from the land service. Explains that the list is necessary for maintenance of Society records, and also for filling out diplomas for the members.
to Henry Knox
20 August 1787
Ruggles, Samuel, fl. 1787-1791
Informs Knox that the house near Windmill Point, which was Knox's father's, is being sold. Says the owner would like to offer Knox the chance to purchase the house before it goes on the market.
to Thomas Russell
28 August 1787
Discusses the character of Mr. [Thomas] Randall and Samuel Shaw and their past experience in China; possibly having to do with trade. Notes he cannot speak with respect to the plans but can speak with great confidence about the men's character....
January 25, 1788
Lowell, John, 1743-1802
Cosigned by Thomas Russell. Russell and Lowell are apparently trying to collect money owed by Knox, or his late father-in-law, Thomas Flucker, to Captain Henley. The money pertains to a mortgage on land at Charlestown (state not specified). Lowell...
to the Count de Rochambeau
26 April 1788
Informs Rochambeau he forwarded [Society of the Cincinnati] diplomas to Louis-Marie-Athanase de Loménie, comte de Brienne, French Secretary of War. Reports that the application of a French officer will be addressed at the next Society of the...
15 September 1788
St. Clair, Arthur, 1734-1818
St. Clair, Governor of the Northwest Territory, remarks on war with the Indians: "In my public letter of this day I have taken the Liberty to mention my Ideas on the manner in which a War should be carried on against the Indians- I do most sincerely...
to Edward H. Robbins
January 11, 1789
Docket declares that the letter is addressed to both Edward Robbins and Benjamin Hichborn, but the address listed on the bottom of the letter only mentions Robbins. Contains similar content to GLC02437.04088, a letter to Hichborn. Has learned that...
to Edward Rutledge
January 21, 1789
Received his last letter with its enclosures to Colonel [Jeremiah] Wadsworth. Discusses his attempts to publish an advertisement Rutledge had also enclosed, and mentions some research he has been trying to conduct. Declares that he would do...
February 1, 1789
Robbins, Edward Hutchinson, 1758-1837
Discusses Mr. [William] Wetmore's application to the Court regarding the Waldo patent lands. Mentions the positive influence of Mr. [Benjamin] Hichborn on the Court. Provides a plan to handle the problem of the references, especially regarding how...
21 June 1789
Russell, Joseph, fl. 1789-1800
Thanks Knox for informing him that Mr. Livingston was away in the country, and for advising him that a personal interview would do better than a letter in handling their mutual business. Also thanks him for his offer of delivering the letter upon...
January 15, 1789
Asks Knox to help him settle a problem with Mr. Livingston [his first name is not provided], apparently a legal or financial settlement. Describes recent correspondence with Livingston. Writes, "If I should fall through Livingston's cruelty, I hope...
16 August 1789
Thanks Knox for his help in negotiating Russell's affairs with the House of Livingston. Received a letter from John R. Livingston in which Livingston expresses concern for Russell's misfortunes. Livingston is powerless to do anything for or against...
August 1789
Rodney, Thomas, 1744-1811
Written from "Poplar Grove, Delaware." Is happy to hear that Knox will continue on as Secretary of War. Declares that he has written to the President and recommended Colonel John Parks for the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. Would like Knox to speak...
to Thomas Rodney
7 September 1789
Writes that he received Rodney's last letter, respecting Rodney's correspondence with the President about Judge [Thomas] McKean and Colonel John Parks (see GLC02437.04345). Believes the President has complete knowledge of the character of these...
23 November 1789
Approves of the "disinterested kindness" Rutledge has shown to Catharine Littlefield Green. Discusses a loan in detail, noting that it might best be obtained in Europe from men with "independent and unembarrassed fortunes." Discusses the propriety of...
to [Catharine Greene]
December 21, 1789
Rutledge, Edward, 1749-1800
Rutledge gives the recipient detailed advice regarding a specific debt and estate. Urges the recipient to bring forward her claim and refers to her husband's character. Mentions the Cumberland Island bonds. Adds that General [Henry] Knox and Colonel...
12 March 1790
Refers to Rutledge's correspondence from December 1789 related to the estate of the late General Nathanael Greene (see GLC02437.04498). Has gathered evidence to place a petition before Congress regarding Greene's debt, and requests additional...
January 14, 1791
Writes on behalf of "the widow of Hector McNeill." Thanks Knox for helping her sort out her late husband's business and credit affairs. Says it has saved her the expense and time of having to hire someone to travel to New York to deal with his...
9 March 1792
Roche, Jean-Baptiste de la, fl. 1790-1792
Asks him to send a paperwork for them to sign (regarding an arrangement to settle on Knox's Waldo patent lands), including a translation of the legal documents, as he is "not at all acquainted with your forms of Law." Declares that Mr. Duer will be...
1 November 1792
Leval, Rosalie Josephe Bacler de, ?-1811
Discusses the status of Frenchman's Bay settlement in Maine, stating that the settlers have demanded titles to the lands. Complains that Henry Jackson has refused to grant the titles until a survey of the land is conducted. Signed Bacler de Leval...
to Madame de Leval and Jean-Baptiste de la Roche
19 November 1792
Informs de Leval and de la Roche that a new company will probably be formed to deal with their business.
December 6, 1793
Rivington, James, 1724-1802
Asks for a copy of the account they had between them when Knox was still in the book business. Believes Knox can help him get £247.10.0 for 275 pounds of Hyson Tea that was delivered in 1774. Notes he was in London at the time and has since lost...
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