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[Letter and Newspaper][Decimalized .01- .02]
January 25, 1862 - August 04, 1863
Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865
Letter from Lincoln to General Hurlbut not to order subpar guns, and a issue of Scientific America with a cover story on guns.
Pardon of Samuel Cooper.
June 28, 1879
Hayes, Rutherford Birchard (1822-1893)
Convicted of embezzlement from the mails; pardoned since he behaved well, the crime was a first offense and he was a good Union soldier. (c/s Wm. M. Evans) One black and white bust engraving of Rutherford Birchard Hayes included.
[Society of Colonial Wars membership application for I. H. Payne]
Circa 1865
unknown, 1808-1875
A application to be part of the Society of Colonial Wars, includes geneological line for the applicant as well as a description of the service of his ancestor
[Leather Valise/Pouch]
August 24, 1865
A transmittal envelope for pardon of Payne. There is a seal on the back.
Lather valise/pouch contained a pardon for Payne and a transmittal envelope and letter. GLC00044.07.01-.03
Warrant for Commutation of Sentence of Albert Holtzman
July 8, 1914
Finch, James A., fl. 1911-1914
Warrant, signed by Pardon Attorney James A. Finch. Albert Holtzman of West Virginia was convicted of violating the Slave Trade Traffic Act. Pardoned after serving three months of his six month sentence. Prosecuted for white slavery and kidnapping...
Photograph of President Roosevelt
One photograph of a seated Theodore Roosevelt dated circa 1901-1909. Published by Henry in Washington D.C. during his presidency. Originally with a letter by Theodore Roosevelt addressed to Herbert Hoover (see GLC00162.13).
Print of National Washington Monument
circa 1877-1900
Print of National Washington Monument with signatures
Presidential note to Secretary of War Edwin Stanton
July 1, 1862
Note from Abraham Lincoln asking that Charles F. Johnson be given parole in Cleveland. Johnson is unidentified, but presumably from Senator Lazarus W. Powell's state, Kentucky. Accompanied by photograph (GLC00206.02) of Lincoln and Tad, reading (with...
[Photograph of Abraham and "Tad" Lincoln]
February 9, 1864
Berger, Anthony, fl. 1864
Photograph of A. Lincoln and his ten-year-old son "Tad" reading. (with tax stamp on back). An enduring popular image of Lincoln and his youngest son. This informal joint portrait, taken in Brady's Washington studio, features Lincoln seated with a...
to Captain Julius Walker Adams
April 11, 1879
Porter, Fitz-John, 1822-1901
Fitz-John Porter remarks that he recently traveled to Washington, D.C. for business. Discusses the board evaluating his conduct in the Battle of Second Manassas. Remarks that Major Gardiner plans to attempt to gain support from the Secretary of War...
June 9, 1879
Refers to his lawyers John C. Bullitt and Joseph Hodges Choate. Mentions General Irvin McDowell, dispatches pertaining to his case from 1862, and a letter he (Porter) sent to Adjutant General Edward Davis Townsend concerning the testimony McDowell...
to Robert Bruce Warden
June 26, 1887
General Porter, New York City Police Commissioner, writes to Warden, an author and associate judge of the Supreme Court of Ohio. He has given General Henry Jackson Hunt, Governor of the Soldier's Home in Washington, D.C., an introduction card. He...
to Colonel Julius Walker Adams
October 26, 1878
The year for the date is inferred from the letter's content. The letter mentions Generals Irvin McDowell and David Hunter, in reference to an investigation called to reevaluate Porter's actions at the Battle of Second Manassas. He remarks, "There is...
General Orders No. 144
27 September 1862
Thomas, Lorenzo, 1804-1875
Copy of General Orders No. 144 of September 27, 1862, signed by the Assistant Adjutant General, dismissing Key from the service for uttering disloyal sentiments.
In the Senate of the United States. December 27, 1837. Mr. Calhoun submitted the following motion for consideration.
December 27, 1837
Calhoun, John C. (John Caldwell), 1782-1850
25th Congress, 2d session, no. 47. Calhoun's famous resolution establishing the orthodox state rights position. "Resolved, That in delegating a portion of their powers to be exercised by the Federal Government, the States retained, severally, the...
In the Senate of the United States. December 28, 1837. Mr. Norvell submitted the following motion for consideration.
December 28, 1837
Norvell, John, 1789-1850
25th Congress, 2d session, no. 49. Norvell agrees with John C. Calhoun's famous resolution establishing the orthodox state rights position (GLC00267.021.01). "Resolved, That the government of the United States is a national government only for the...
Schooner Amistad.
24 June 1846
United States. Congress (29th, 1st session : 1846)
Includes a letter from James Buchanan, Secretary of State, to Charles J. Ingersoll, Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives. Contains correspondence between A. Calderon de la Barca, envoy extraordinary and...
Resolution of the legislature of New Hampshire, in relation to slavery.
February 19, 1847
New Hampshire Legislature
29th Congress, 2d session, Senate document # 154. Resolves that the New Hampshire legislature is firmly against slavery. Printed by Ritchie & Heiss, printers.
Resolutions of the general assembly of Alabama, in relation to the obligations of the States to surrender fugitive slaves from justice.
January 21, 1841
Alabama. Legislature.
26th Congress, 2d session, Senate document no. 127. Printed by Blair & Rivers. Concerns the stealing and carrying away of a slave named Atticus by Daniel Philbrook and Edward Kilbron from Georgia to Maine. Maine refused to surrender Philbrook and...
Resolutions of the Legislature of Iowa, in reference to the Compromise measures passed by the Congress of the United States.
March 8, 1862
Iowa Legislature
32nd Congress, 1st session, House of Representatives miscellaneous document no. 20. Resolves to support the compromise measures passed by Congress addressing slavery and the boundaries of territories acquired during the Mexican-American War.
Resolutions of the Legislature of Connecticut, on the subject of the Compromise measures of the 31st Congress.
06 August 1852
32nd Congress, 1st session, House of Representatives miscellaneous document no. 65. Resolves to support the compromise measures passed by Congress addressing slavery and the boundaries of territories acquired during the Mexican-American War.
Speech of the Hon. Daniel Webster, in the Senate of the United States, on the subject of slavery.
Webster, Daniel, 1782-1852
Accompanied GLC00267.376. Pages 13-32. Removed from previous binding. Discusses slavery in relation to states' entry into the Union.
to James Woodruff
October 21, 1861
Ripley, James Wolfe, 1794-1870
States that Woodruff's proposal to furnish a light three pounder cannon is not advisable and will not be accepted because they already have a lighter field artillery piece in use, the bronze mountain and the prairie howitzer. Written from the...
Passage through Baltimore
circa 1880-1890
Volck, Adalbert John, 1828-1912
Comments on Abraham Lincoln's stealthy trip through pro-South Baltimore on his way to Washington to be inaugurated. Lincoln's plans were changed in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania on 22 February 1861 to avoid trouble in Baltimore. He boarded a special train...
The Battle in Baltimore April 19th 1861
What Volck calls a "battle" has been more often been described as the Baltimore Riot. Shows the 6th Massachusetts Regiment travelling through Baltimore to Washington, answering Lincoln's call for 75,000 volunteers for ninety days' service to defend...
Marylanders crossing the Potomac to join the Southern Army
Depicts four Marylanders rowing south across the Potomac River into Virginia to join the army of Robert E. Lee. One man is standing in the boat in an echo of George Washington in Emanuel Gottlieb Leutze's famous painting "George Washington Crossing...
Election in Baltimore, November, 1862
Depicts Federal troops overseeing the election. They are intimidating the respectable citizens attempting to vote while encouraging those of less reputable character. Unruly Unionist members of the crowd, at least some of whom appear to be African...
[Collection of 2 items concerning James Monroe as Minister to France] [Decimalized .01-.02]
Monroe, James, 1758-1831
to the Editors
April 22, 1852
Johnson, Andrew, 1808-1875
Letter to the editors of the Daily National Intelligencer on being misquoted regarding the Homestead Act. Claims extracts of his speech are out of context. Requests the publication of entire speech. Imprint of building in upper left hand corner...
[Endorsement for a naval position]
25 September 1839
Poinsett, Joel Roberts, 1779-1851
In response to Herman Allen's third-party request for a naval position. Forwarded to Secretary of the Navy James K. Paulding.
Cornwallis' Cave, Yorktown, Va.
Brady, Mathew B., 1823-1896
Stereocard from the War Views series, a photographic history of the War for the Union. No. 2379. Published by E & H.T. Anthony, & Co. American and Foreign Stereoscopic Emporium, 501 Broadway, New York. Negative by Brady & Co., Washington.
Fort Brady and Company Street, Va.
Stereocard from the War Views series, a photographic history of the War for the Union. No. 2316. Published by E & H.T. Anthony, & Co. American and Foreign Stereoscopic Emporium, 501 Broadway, New York. Negative by Brady & Co., Washington.
View from the parapet of Fort Sumpter, Charleston Harbor, S.C., during the raising of the old Flag, April 14th, 1865.
Stereocard from the War Views series, a photographic history of the War for the Union. No. 3137. Published by E & H.T. Anthony, & Co. American and Foreign Stereoscopic Emporium, 501 Broadway, New York. Negative by Brady & Co., Washington.
Interior of Ft. Wagner, Morris Island, S.C.
Stereocard from the War Views series, a photographic history of the War for the Union. No. 3489. Published by E & H.T. Anthony, & Co. American and Foreign Stereoscopic Emporium, 501 Broadway, New York. Negative by Brady & Co., Washington.
tax stamps
Internal Revenue Proprietary 3 cent tax stamps. Printed in green with image of George Washington.
to Ma
April 10, 1861
Figures, Henry Stokes, 1844-1864
One letter addressed to Hattie E. Figures from Henry S. Figures dated April 10, 1861. Provides updates of his health and wellbeing. Asks for his siblings to write. Mentions that the capital may be relocated to Huntsville. Figures writes that 5 of the...
to Pa
April 25, 1861
One letter from Henry S. Figures addressed to his father dated April 25, 1861. Mentions Catholic services and that he hadn't been invited to a wedding. Henry discusses his impressions of a Catholic mass he attended, and goes into some detail about...
April 27, 1861
One letter addressed to Hattie E. Figures from Henry S. Figures dated April 27, 1861. Recounts that he has been gone for two years and expresses concern for the safety of his family. Henry asks if the enemy has taken his father away, and wants any...
to my Dear Sister
June 17, 1861
One letter addressed to Hattie Figures from Henry S. Figures dated June 17, 1861. Pertains to possible evacuation of Harper's Ferry; Richmond, Virginia; the statues of Henry Clay and George Washington. Henry describes all he has seen in Richmond, and...
June 24, 1861
One letter addressed to Hattie E. Figures from Henry S. Figures dated January 24, 1861. In the beginning of the letter Henry discusses family members and their welfare, as well as their behavior. Henry mentions quite a few young women back home by...
to My Dear Sister
February 19, 1862
One letter addressed to Hattie Figures from Henry S. Figures dated Camp Ala., February 19, 1862. Mentions that he requested shoes and $25. Henry tells his sister he has heard a rumor that there had been a "big fight in Kentucky" in which they the...
March 31, 1862
One letter addressed to Hattie Figures from Henry S. Figures dated Camp Bartow, March 31, 1862. Mentions a soldier named Mr. Robinson who abandoned fighting and ran away from Union Army fire. Henry tells his sister he will be home in "four weeks at...
January 22, 1863
One letter from Henry S. Figures addressed to his father dated January 22, 1863. Pertains to life while stationed in the camp. Mentions that furlough was only given to four men in the company. In this short letter Henry discusses the furloughs the...
February 1, 1863
One letter addressed to W.B. Figures from Henry S. Figures dated February 1, 1863 at Camp Near Fredericksburg. Pertains to receiving an overcoat and that he had not been promoted. Also details that Will Biron had passed away. Henry is in winter camp...
to My Dear Mother
February 9, 1863
One letter addressed to Hattie E. Figures from Henry S. Figures dated February 9, 1863. Mentions that he spoke to Colonel Foster recommending him for a furlough. Henry discusses the difficulty of getting a furlough and all the channels he must go...
March 4, 1863
One letter addressed to Hattie E. Figures from Henry S. Figures dated March 4, 1863. Mentions that he had his ambrotype taken and provides no updates on furlough. Describes the trying task of getting a furlough from Law's Brigade of the Confederate...
to Sister
March 1, 1863
One letter addressed to Hattie Figures from Henry S. Figures dated March 1, 1863 and 5 miles from Richmond. Pertains to furlough; the cost that enslaved people were being sold at in Richmond. Henry notes that Richmond is getting dull, mainly because...
March 10, 1863
One letter addressed to Hattie E. Figures from Henry S. Figures dated March 10, 1863. Mentions attending church, borrowing money to buy a gun, and his ambrotype. Henry's gun made it back home alright, and he is longing for home. His shoes, gloves and...
March 14, 1863
One letter addressed to Hattie E. Figures from Henry S. Figures dated March 14, 1863. Provides updates of family and friends, and that a friend fell in love with an unnamed girl in Huntsville. Henry mentions the goods he received from his mother, and...
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