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to Congressman Carlos J. Moorhead
7 November 1973
Vaden, E.M., fl. 1973
One telegram from Mrs. E.M. Vaden to Congressman Carlos J. Moorhead dated November 7, 1973. Vaden is against the impeachment of President Nixon.
2 November 1973
VanDeerlin, A.B., fl. 1973-1974
One letter from A.B. VanDeerlin to Congressman Carlos J. Moorhead dated November 2, 1973. VanDeerlin is against the impeachment of President Nixon.
27 October 1973
Van Dosen, C., fl. 1973
One letter from Mrs. C. Van Dosen to Congressman Carlos J. Moorhead dated October 27, 1973. Van Dosen is against the impeachment of President Nixon.
circa 1973-1974
Vollette, David E., fl. 1973-1974
One letter from David E. Vollette to Congressman Carlos J. Moorhead dated circa 1973-1974. Vollette is against the impeachment of President Nixon.
Vierich, Alan, fl. 1973-1974
One newspaper clipping sent by Mr. and Mrs. Alan Vierich to Congressman Carlos J. Moorhead dated circa 1973-1974. The Vierichs are against the impeachment of President Nixon.
9 November 1973
Unger, Ruth, fl. 1973
One postcard from Ruth Unger to Congressman Carlos J. Moorhead dated November 9, 1973. Unger is against the impeachment of President Nixon.
Velasco, Arturo, fl. 1973
One letter from Arturo Velasco to Congressman Carlos J. Moorhead dated November 9, 1973. Velasco is against the impeachment of President Nixon and writes, "Nixon might be a crook too, or whatever anybody else calls him, but I say let's forget about...
February 6, 1974
Victor, W.R., fl. 1974
One newspaper clipping set by W.R. Victor to Congressman Carlos J. Moorhead dated February 6, 1974. Victor is against the impeachment of President Nixon.
Van Dell, T., fl. 1973-1974
One newspaper clipping sent by Mr. and Mrs. T. Van Dell to Congressman Carlos J. Moorhead dated circa 1973-1974. The Van Dells are against the impeachment of President Nixon.
January 18, 1974
One newspaper clipping sent by A.B. VanDeerlin to Congressman Carlos J. Moorhead dated January 18, 1974. VanDeerlin is against the impeachment of President Nixon.
February 4, 1974
Vanderbill, D., fl. 1974
One newspaper clipping sent by Mrs. D. Vanderbill to Congressman Carlos J. Moorhead dated February 4, 1974. Vanderbill is against the impeachment of President Nixon.
January 14, 1974
Van Dell, Don, fl. 1974
One newspaper clipping sent by Mr. and Mrs. Don Van Dell to Congressman Carlos J. Moorhead dated January 14, 1974. The Van Dells are against the impeachment of President Nixon.
December 17, 1973
Van Eps, Robert, fl. 1973
One letter from Robert Van Eps to Congressman Carlos J. Moorhead dated December 17, 1973. Van Eps is against the impeachment of President Nixon.
January 17, 1974
Yeghoyan, Lillian, fl. 1974
One newspaper clipping sent by Lillian Yeghoyan to Congressman Carlos J. Moorhead dated January 17, 1974. Yeghoyan is against the impeachment of President Nixon.
Zeboray, Lucille, fl. 1973-1974
One newspaper clipping sent by Lucille Zeboray to Congressman Carlos J. Moorhead dated circa 1973-1974. Zeboray is against the impeachment of President Nixon.
12 November 1972
Young, Z.A., fl. 1972
One letter from Z.A. Young to Congressman Carlos J. Moorhead dated November 12, 1972 Young is against the impeachment of President Nixon.
17 November 1974
Walls, Lou B., fl. 1974
One newspaper clipping sent by Lou B. Walls to Congressman Carlos J. Moorhead dated November 17, 1974. Walls is against the impeachment of President Nixon.
18 November 1974
Willets, Margaret M., fl. 1973-1974
One newspaper clipping sent by Margaret M. Willets to Congressman Carlos J. Moorhead dated November 18, 1974. Willets is against the impeachment of President Nixon.
Weed, U., fl. 1974
One newspaper clipping sent by Mrs. U. Weed to Congressman Carlos J. Moorhead dated January 18, 1974. Weed is against the impeachment of President Nixon and writes, "Lets get away with the impeachment freaks!"
One note from Mrs. U. Weed to Congressman Carlos J. Moorhead dated January 18, 1974. Weed is against the impeachment of President Nixon.
Wallace, Mildred D., fl. 1974
One newspaper clipping sent by Mildred D. Wallace to Congressman Carlos J. Moorhead dated January 17, 1974. Wallace is against the impeachment of President Nixon.
January 19, 1974
Wammaker, Harry, fl. 1974
One newspaper clipping sent by Mrs. Harry Wammaker to Congressman Carlos J. Moorhead dated January 19, 1974. Wammaker is against the impeachment of President Nixon.
January 13, 1974
Williams, Norma, fl. 1973-1974
One newspaper clipping sent by Norma Williams to Congressman Carlos J. Moorhead dated January 13, 1974. Williams is against the impeachment of President Nixon.
Warwick, Donald P., fl. 1974
One newspaper clipping sent by Donald P. Warwick to Congressman Carlos J. Moorhead dated January 18, 1974. Warwick is against the impeachment of President Nixon.
January 16, 1974
White, Marie S., fl. 1974
One newspaper clipping sent by Marie S. White to Congressman Carlos J. Moorhead dated January 16, 1974. White is against the impeachment of President Nixon.
Yates, J.S., fl. 1974
One newspaper clipping sent by J.S. Yates to Congressman Carlos J. Moorhead dated January 14, 1974. Yates is against the impeachment of President Nixon.
Ziert, Floyd I., fl. 1973-1974
One newspaper clipping sent by Floyd I. and Edna Ziert to Congressman Carlos J. Moorhead dated circa 1973-1974. The Zierts are against the impeachment of President Nixon.
January 15, 1974
Van Deventer, A.G., fl. 1974
One newspaper clipping sent by A.G. Van Deventer to Congressman Carlos J. Moorhead dated January 15, 1974. Van Deventer is against the impeachment of President Nixon.
Wood, Helen C., fl. 1974
One newspaper clipping sent by Helen C. Wood to Congressman Carlos J. Moorhead dated January 17, 1974. Wood is against the impeachment of President Nixon.
Weyl, Charles, fl. 1973-1974
One newspaper clipping sent by Charles and Leona Weyl to Congressman Carlos J. Moorhead dated circa 1973-1974. The Weyls are against the impeachment of President Nixon.
Winseman, W., fl. 1973-1974
One newspaper clipping sent by Mr. and Mrs. W. Winesman to Congressman Carlos J. Moorhead dated circa 1973-1974. The Winesmans are against the impeachment of President Nixon.
Welling, Hal, fl. 1974
One newspaper clipping sent by Hal Welling to Congressman Carlos J. Moorhead dated January 13, 1974. Welling is against the impeachment of President Nixon.
Walsh, Arthur, fl. 1974
One newspaper clipping sent by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Walsh to Congressman Carlos J. Moorhead dated January 15, 1974. The Walshs are against the impeachment of President Nixon.
Westgate, Raymond, fl. 1974
One newspaper clipping sent by Mrs. Raymond Westgate to Congressman Carlos J. Moorhead dated January 15, 1974. Westgate is against the impeachment of President Nixon.
Wood, Agnes, fl. 1974
One newspaper clipping sent by Agnes Wood to Congressman Carlos J. Moorhead dated January 15, 1974. Wood is against the impeachment of President Nixon.
Wilson, Eberle, fl. 1974
One newspaper clipping sent by Mr. and Mrs. Eberle Wilson to Congressman Carlos J. Moorhead dated January 15, 1974. The Wilsons are against the impeachment of President Nixon.
Wegner, Glen, fl. 1974
One newspaper clipping sent by Glen and Miriam Wegner to Congressman Carlos J. Moorhead dated January 17, 1974. The Wegners are against the impeachment of President Nixon.
January 31, 1974
Woods, Robert B., fl. 1974
One newspaper clipping sent by Robert B. Woods to Congressman Carlos J. Moorhead dated January 31, 1974. Woods is against the impeachment of President Nixon.
Wiese, Katherine M., fl. 1974
One document from Katherine M. Wiese to Congressman Carlos J. Moorhead dated January 14, 1974. Wiese is against the impeachment of President Nixon.
Wiese, Harry, fl. 1974
One document from Harry Wiese to Congressman Carlos J. Moorhead dated January 14, 1974. Wiese is against the impeachment of President Nixon.
Wiuter, Raymond H., fl. 1974
One letter from Raymond H. Wiuter to Congressman Carlos J. Moorhead dated January 14, 1974. Wiuter is against the impeachment of President Nixon.
13 November 1973
Turrill, Marie, fl. 1973
One note from Marie Turrill to Congressman Carlos J. Moorhead dated November 13, 1973. Turrill is against the impeachment of President Nixon.
28 October 1973
Lewis, Bert, fl. 1973-1974
One newspaper clipping by Bert and Melba Lewis to Congressman Carlos J. Moorhead dated October 28, 1973. The Lewis’ are against the impeachment of President Nixon. A statement published in newspapers in support of the president and against...
23 October 1973
Tremaine, Glendon, Mrs., fl. 1973
One telegram from Mrs. Glendon Tremaine to Congressman Carlos J. Moorhead dated October 23, 1973. Tremaine is against the impeachment of President Nixon.
Turner, Catherine, fl. 1973-1974
One letter from Catherine Turner to Congressman Carlos J. Moorhead dated circa 1973-1974. Turner is against the impeachment of President Nixon.
21 October 1973
Trinast, Ludwig, fl. 1973
One letter from Ludwig and Stella Trinast to Congressman Carlos J. Moorhead dated October 21, 1973. The Trinasts are against the impeachment of President Nixon.
15 November 1973
Moorhead, Carlos J., 1922-2011
One letter from Congressman Carlos J. Moorhead to Ludwig and Stella Trinast dated November 15, 1973. Moorhead responds to the Trinasts letter regarding the impeachment of President Nixon.
24 October 1973
Turner, Dorothy W., fl. 1973
One letter from Dorothy W. Turner to Congressman Carlos J. Moorhead dated October 24, 1973. Turner is against the impeachment of President Nixon.
Tremaine, Glendon, fl. 1973
One telegram from Mr. and Mrs. Glendon Tremaine to Congressman Carlos J. Moorhead dated November 15, 1973. The Tremaines are against the impeachment of President Nixon.
29 October 1973
Todd, John O. Jr, fl. 1973
One telegram from John O. Todd Jr to Congressman Carlos J. Moorhead dated October 29, 1973. Todd is against the impeachment of President Nixon.
Showing results 76,851 - 76,900