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to Alan Brock
January 15, 1978
Love, Bessie, 1898-1986
Love thanks Brock for a Christmas card and the piece about his mother. She offers condolence, and suggests reading Christian Science literature as a means to heal his grief.
to Alan Brock re: death and eternal existence
1978-1987 circa
Manners, David, fl. 1978-1987
Actor David Manners writes about death and eternal existence as a response to Brock's "record of human horrors," apparently attempting to cheer him up. He mentions giving Alan Irene Rich's address, invites him to visit, and mentions names of some...
to Mrs. Nice
March 29, 1967
Mansfield, Jayne, 1933-1967
Mansfield thanks Nice for her concern for Zoltan, Mansfield's son. She also writes: "I have always had a great belief in my fellow man, but I am now fully assured that the heavens above have succeeded in creating a beautiful earth upon which to live...
to Mrs. C. Mason
7 September 1825
Mason, Lowell, fl. 1825
Mason writes to his mother. He meditates on how children come to appreciate their parents as they grow older and hopes to see his mother next season. He expresses that it is more important that they meet in the next life than in this one, and relies...
3 June 1975
Mason, Tom, fl. 1975
Mason offers condolence upon the death of Brock's mother. He offers a quote from a magazine article that he read when his own mother died in 1951 that he hopes will be comforting. The passage describes death as nothing because loved ones are...
to unknown
5 September 1914
MacVeagh, Wayne, 1833-1917
MacVeagh begins by asserting that virtually every question affecting one's life is a moral question and states that no one is ever really in doubt about whether or not a particular "line of conduct" was right or wrong. He suggests that if one did...
to James Savage
March 21, 1831
May, Samuel J., 1797-1871
May asks Savage to read the new edition of his book, "Letter to Dr. Hawes," and to use his knowledge of early New England history to correct any mistakes. He asks Savage to pay special attention to the letter on the pilgrims, and discusses the...
to Roy Pitts
March 18, 1954
McKeldin, Theodore, 1900-1974
He writes the highlights of his career are being born an American citizen and nominating Dwight D. Eisenhower for the presidency. He gives the names and addresses of Maryland's living former governors and sends an autographed copy of the Maryland...
[Clipped signature, with later note on provenance]
Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix, fl. 1844
Signature with a later note: "Signature of Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy taken from a list of compositions performed at Concerts at Leipzig 1844."
to F.A. Luck
9 September 1893
Moody, Dwight L., fl. 1893
Addressed "Dear Friend," Moody discusses present evangelization efforts at the World's Columbia Exposition held in Chicago in 1893 and the need to expand their work if they want to accommodate the growing number of people coming to the fair. He asks...
to Marshall E. Bean
13 October 1966
Morison, Samuel Eliot, 1887-1976
Morison responds to a letter by Bean, citing his favorite Biblical quotations as "I know that my Redeemer liveth... " and "My Father's house has many mansions."
to Rev. Sprague
30 August 1841
Morse, Samuel Finley Breese, 1791-1872
Morse encloses autographs to Sprague and hopes that an upcoming venture will prove fruitful. "I confess that if unfavorable, (Unfavorable to our shortsightedness perhaps) I shall suffer much."
February 14, 1860
Morse encloses an extract about Roman Catholics from a New Orleans journal. The extract criticizes the Roman Catholic Church for issuing a document falsely purporting to be the voluntary sentiment of the laity and meant as a token of praise for a...
17 May 1966
Niebuhr, Reinhold, 1892-1971
Niebuhr praises Bean's faith and serenity in the face of death. He regrets that he has no photos to send.
to Mrs. Robertson
3 June 1891
Nightingale, Florence, fl. 1891
Apologizes for not paying her account for April and inquires whether she paid her for the last "Peptonized Cocoa." Mentions welfare of friends.
[Photograph of Richard M. Nixon]
circa 1972
Image of Richard Nixon, smiling with arms folded. He wears a suit and tie and smiles at something to his left.
Terence James Cardinal Cooke: Some Observations by John Cardinal O'Connor, Archbishop of New York
23 September 1993
O'Connor, John, 1920-2000
In this excerpt from a book, Cardinal O'Connor describes Cardinal Cooke as a virtuous man, who even though he was dying of cancer, never let anyone know of his suffering. Accompanied by photograph (GLC05508.198.02).
to John
18 April 1938
Oursler, Fulton, 1893-1952
Oursler offers condolence to John after the death of his wife. He comforts his friend by reminding him of his faith. He writes of one man who did not believe in an after life and the sense of utter hopelessness that man faced when his wife died....
to Rev. Dr. Peabody
31 May 1862
Palmer, Raymond, fl. 1862
Palmer praises an article Peabody wrote in the "North American Review" on the American Board of Committees for Foreign Missions. He thanks Peabody for the service he has done for Christian missions. He remarks that he has heard Peabody will become...
Nine engravings of scenes from Paradise Lost
circa 1870-1880
Milton, John, fl. 1740-1804
to Z. P. Grand
8 April 1835
Peters, Absalom, fl. 1835
Peters has read "A Field Unoccupied" by Mr. Bannister, and agrees with his suggestions concerning women's education. He apparently supports women's education and is glad about the increased attention it is receiving. He also discusses several...
to Mr. Buchanan
20 September 1967
Phillips, J.B., 1906-1982
Phillips has no one person in mind who is especially notable in contributing to world peace. His motives for being ordained were mixed, but he feels the his desire to communicate the Christian Gospel was the best one.
to George Vaughan
14 October 1933
Pickford, Mary, 1892-1979
Pickford writes that she believes the real "depression" stems from the world-wide moral lapse brought on by World War I. She believes that "a greater spiritual consciousness is manifesting itself throughout the entire world" due to the influence of...
March 17, 1849
Pond, Enoch, 1791-1882
Pond read, disliked and is writing a review of Dr. Horace Bushnell's new book "God in Christ". He writes to ascertain if his correspondent is writing a review as well, in order to arrange it so that their publications do not interfere. If he is not...
[Contract between Powers and Universal Pictures for movie "Mississippi Gambler"]
10 July 1952
Universal Pictures Company
Refers to contract stipulations. Signed by Universal Pictures' Assistant Secretary and Assistant Treasurer, and approved and accepted by Tyrone Powers.
[When you have found The Kingdom you will likewise find your place in it...]
circa 1976
Presley, Elvis, 1935-1977
Written approximately one year before his death, Presley quotes from a mystical work entitled "The Impersonal Life." He expurgates the orginal text, omitting the phrase: "...realizing now that you are in truth one of my divine attributes...".
19 October 1880
Pusey, Edward, fl. 1880
He writes the news of several men who are in missions or learning the gospel. He also writes of his work "investigating the fulfillments of prophecy as to the Philistine cities, [illegible], Edom, Assyria," and his study of a Cuneiform inscription...
[Whether we climb...]
28 October 1923
Reese, Lizette W., 1856-1935
Four lines of poem: "Whether we climb, whether we plod,/Space for one task the scant years lend--/To choose some path that leads to God,/And keep it to the end."
to Earl G. Hunt
March 28, 1979
Ridgway, M. B., 1895–1993
Ridgway responding to Hunt's request for favorite quotations. The first quotation is Book of Joshua 1:5. The second quotation can be found on the base of the monument to the Scottish-American soldier dead of World War I. He describes the monument...
[Behold, one faith endureth still]
March 29, 1892
Riley, James Whitcomb, fl. 1892
Riley writes on small card: "Behold, one faith endureth still-/ Let factions rail and creeds contend,-/ God's mercy has, and is, and will/ Be with us, foe and friend."
to Bishop Earl Hunt
March 30, 1971
Roberts, Oral, 1918-2009
Roberts writes that he heard about Hunt taking time off because of overwork. He will pray for Hunt's full recovery.
to Curtis Guild Jr.
29 October 1910
Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919
Roosevelt writes to Guild mentioning "The Outlook" and expressing his greater sympathy with Unitarianism than Calvinism. Marked "Private" at the top.
to Bishop Walker T. Sumner
2 October 1914
Roosevelt congratulates Sumner on being elevated to Bishop. He comments that bishops tend to grow "mentally inert" and apart from ordinary people (which he also sees as a tendency among successful professionals and businessmen), and is glad to group...
to Leonard V. Fulton
3 January 1963
Rubottom, R. Richard, 1912-?
Rubottom responds to a letter from Fulton written during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Rubottom shares a concern about the world and the future. He notes that all three of his children are October babies and during the holidays the family spent a lot...
to Mr. Beck
11 May 1852
Rush, Richard, 1780-1859
Written by one of Rush's secretaries. Rush thanks Beck for the copy of the sermon, "On the Errors of Ultraism in Morals and Religion," Beck sent to him through Mr. Williams. The sermon was preached at Newport the previous summer. He briefly...
to Frederick J. Furnivall
March 17, 1851
Ruskin, John, fl. 1851
A response to Furnivall's comments on Ruskin's pamphlet, "Notes on the Construction of Sheepfolds." Ruskin comments on who should and should not be turned out of the Church and on the relationship between Church and State. Ruskin does not entertain...
to Arthur A. Schaffer
January 12, 1951
Santayana, George, 1863-1952
Santayana responds to Schaffer's letter. Santayana notes their similar religious background but claims to have never left the Catholic church because he never had a sense of being in it, although he does "think in its terms." He discusses Schaffer...
to Ashely T. Cole
circa 1965
Sayre, Francis B., fl. 1965
Written while serving a diplomat in post- World War II Tokyo. He writes a quotation expressing that human brotherhood, sacrifice, and genuine international cooperation are the only bases for an enduring human society. Regardless of man's actions...
13 September 1935
Seton, Ernest Thompson, 1860-1946
Seton writes in response to Vaughan's letter concerning "our spiritual depression" to express hope of the future. He is also publishing an "Indian Bible," containing "the spiritual message of the Red Race" which should be of service to many. Typed...
to John D. Buchanan
7 August 1967
Sheen, Fulton J. (Fulton John), 1895-1979
Bishop Sheen answers questions posed by Buchanan apparently about the priesthood. Sheen refers Buchanan to his televised address, "Modern Saints," published in "Footsteps in a Darkened Forest." He also comments on the priesthood as a "state in life...
[American Liberty]
circa 1940
Smith, Alfred Edgar, 1903-1986
Smith states his belief in a parent's right to choose between public and religious schools for their children, the principle of non interference in the internal affairs of other nations, and common brotherhood of man under common fatherhood of God....
to Thomas Hazard re: suppression of the slave trade & colonization efforts
Clay, Henry, 1777-1852
Accompanied by FF envelope. Clay writes that that the subjects Hazard wrote about will receive little attention until the slave trade question is settled. Clay argues that the best way to stop the slave trade is by creating strong colonies on the...
[Post-war plantation diary and journal of Mississippi cotton planter]
English, John G., fl. 1827-1869
English mentions Confederate generals visiting, Civil War battles, slavery, and Reconstruction, among other topics. Provides a list of all slave families on this Mississippi Cotton plantation. Contains a detailed account of crops planted, weather...
to his daughter
12 April 1862
Gordon, George Washington, 1836-1911
Written in pencil as P.O.W. at prison no. 3, Camp Chase, Ohio. Gordon writes about conditions living as a P.O.W and the liberty he enjoys through Christ. He mentions sickness in the camp, both deceased and surviving members of his company, and some...
12 October 1836
Key, Francis Scott, 1779-1843
Apparently written to a clergyman friend who refused to baptize the child of unbelieving parents. Key dwells at length on the sponsors' obligations in baptism, supporting his friend's decision. He gives specific advice on how he would have proceeded...
27 August 1974
Albert, Carl, 1908-2000
Responding to Methodist Bishop Hunt's request for his favorite quotation, Albert cites the Golden Rule (Matthew 7:12). He learned a slightly different version from the text given in the King James Bible. He also remarks that it has subconsciously...
Atlas. [Vol. 6, no. 164 (January 11, 1838)]
January 11, 1838
Haughton, Richard, 1799-1841
Most prominent on this page is a report on the debate of "Calhoun's resolutions" concerning the parameters of the "gag rule," which was renewed by the senate annually between 1836 and 1844. The debate touches on states' rights, free speech, and...
to Harriet Henry
2 April 1836
Buchanan, James, 1791-1868
Buchanan writes to his sister because he is concerned for her health. He writes: "let me strongly urge you to resist the gloomy feelings & apprehensions which I fear you indulge." He asks her to submit to the will of God, but also acknowledges he...
to Rev. Cornelius Greenway
February 7, 1950
Burke, Arleigh, fl. 1950
Responding to Greenway's request for a signed photograph (not included) and commenting that the only way to world peace is through "the establishment of a real Christian philosophy in our own country, as well as other countries of the world."
[Except the Lord build the house...]
circa 1977-1989
Byrd, Robert C., 1917-2010
Quotation from Psalm 127 typed on stationery of the Senate Majority Leader: "Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that built it: except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain." Originally in the Earl Hunt Collection....
[I believe in beauty and in joy...]
circa 1875-1885
Cable, George Washington, 1844-1925
Cable quotes Charlotte Oliver, in part: "As to the resurrection, punishment and reward, I can't see what my noblest choice has to do with them; they seem to be God's part of the matter; mine is to love perfect beauty and perfect joy...."
to Mr. Hardwick
30 May 1924
Carver, George Washington, 1864-1943
Discusses at great length Hardwick's emerging spirituality. Carver mentions that he created a medicine from peanuts to alleviate respiratory problems after hearing a sermon about an African girl who converted to Christianity and then died, probably...
Negro Scientist Shows "Way Out" for Southern Farmers[:] A Story of George Washington Carver of Tuskegee
22 December 1929
Zuber, Osburn, fl. 1929
Reprinted from the "Montgomery Advertiser." With Carver's signature beneath his photo portrait inside the front cover.
to Mrs. Strong
9 April 1925
Coolidge, Grace Goodhue, 1879-1957
Answers Strong's question, which asks what has given Mrs. Coolidge the most comfort. Coolidge states that passages from the Bible about faith and Whittier's "The Eternal Goodness" have provided much comfort but she finds that James Martinean's...
to G. F. Robinson
19 August 1940
Davis, James, fl. 1940
Davis believes Willkie will be the next President. He discusses the passing of his wife, the life they had together and the one she now has in heaven. Briefly mentions aid to Britain. Written on Stationery of the Senate Committee on Finance.
to Thomas R. Hazard
Encloses testimonial (not included) "in behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Jones," who are traveling to Africa and back to America. Remarks that he has been largely away from home the last eighteen months, and so will not be able to visit Newport this summer.
[Mississippi cotton plantation diary and journal]
circa 1850-1855
Signed in inner front cover in August 1850, where English notes that his father, James English, moved from Kingsport, Tennessee to Madison County, Alabama in 1818. Records that James took him, and left his sister in Salem, North Carolina, and his...
[G.T. Beauregard]
1880 August 27
Beauregard, G.T. (Gustave Toutant), 1818-1893
Signed on the front "G.T. Beauregard. 1865" with a note on verso giving an August 27 1880 date. Imprint of Washburn, New Orleans.
[James Birdseye McPherson]
1861 ca.
McPherson, James Birdseye, 1828-1864
Carte de visite in uniform. Trimmed oval, no imprint. Signed as Major General.
[Winfield Scott]
1860 ca.
Brady, Mathew B., 1823-1896
Anthony imprint on verso. Inscription on verso reads: Presented "To Miss Mary Trumbull -- daughter of the noble [Revolutionary War] Colonel, my friend [John Trumbull]. Health & happiness." Shows Scott 3/4 length in dress uniform.
Pro-Lincoln political rally in Momence, Ill., group carte de visite
1862 ca.
Hamilton, J.B., fl. 1850
Faded carte showing men and boys gathered at a pro-Lincoln political rally in Momence, Illinois. The front ranks have children with drums. Men in the center and rear are holding poles. Imprint on verso of J.B. Hamilton, Momence, Ill. Tax stamp...
[Mourning ribbon]
The ribbon is made of gathered black cloth and is tied with white ribbon in the center. A small lace rondelle with a portrait of president Lincoln is found in the center, below the white ribbon.
Collection of two items pertaining to Thomas Sully [Decimalized .01-.02]
[Collection of documents relating to religion and spirituality. See decimalized entries.]
1699-1980 ca.
to Mary P. Payson
31 August 1842
Jackson, Andrew, 1767-1845
Jackson sends Miss Payson a sentiment: "Seek true wisdom[:] it is the pearl of 'great price' which cheers us thro' life, and ends in happy mortality." One black and white bust engraving of Jackson included.
to Richard Waldron
21 July 1743
Pepperrell, William, 1696-1759
Pepperell reports his daughter and grandson very ill. He also mentions business matters.
to George L. Rihl
December 1946
Rickenbacker, Edward Vernon, 1890-1973
Rihl resided around Mexico City. Rickenbacker reflects on the state of the country during the Christmas season. He sees Americans' hatred of Germans and Japanese, cultivated during WWII, being transferred to fellow citizens in post-war America...
[Gardner Civil War photographs: Meade, Grand Review, etc]
circa 1864-1865
Gardner-Ordway Collection. Group portrait. Photograph 1, neg. number 225.
Uncle Tom's Cabin
circa 1910
J. H. J. Ronner announces a play by Harkins and Barbour of Uncle Tom's Cabin with 200 people in the cast. Boosts, "Cotton pickers, dancers, jubilee singers, Mississippi steamboat." "Scenically the most mammoth production of modern times." At the...
to Mr. Davidson
2 October 1897
Abbott, Lyman, 1835-1922
Abbott, a Congregational cleric, clergyman, and author, writes to Davidson, possibly a clergyman in an obscure pastorate. Abbott praises the "quiet work" individually undertaken by "many great men" in an effort to bring about a "new rational faith."...
to Jedidiah Morse
15 May 1815
Adams, John, 1735-1826
Adams thanks Morse for his pamphlet "American Unitarianism" (Review of American Unitarianism, published in 1815), but comments that he heard the doctrines maintained 65 years ago by a number of ministers. Adams resists what he perceives as Morse's...
[Rich is the life which seeks a noble end].
December 18, 1882
Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899
A poem about helping others. The selfless person "wins Heaven's approval, gains true success."
[Service to others...]
4 August 1984
Ali, Muhammad, 1942-2016
Ali writes, "Service to others is the rent we pay for a room in HEAVEN." Quotation written "To Bobby," signed with a smiley face. Ali has also signed his portrait printed in the accompanying program (GLC05508.019.02).
to Horace C. Tracy
22 April 1937
Anderson, Alexander P., 1862-1943
Anderson was a scientist. In old age, Anderson writes a meandering letter, apparently in response to Tracy's asking for an autograph or opinion.
A Christmas Eve Prayer from Lunar Orbit (Apollo 8 Astronauts)
5 May 1969
Borman, Frank, 1928-
A printed commemorative document quoting William Anders, Jim Lovell, and Frank Borman reading a prayer and the first 8 verses of Genesis as they approached the Lunar sunrise aboard Apollo 8, 24 December 1968. Includes their portraits. Also includes...
to Mr. Gaskell
24 May 1931
D'Arcy, Charles Frederick, 1859-1938
The Bishop of Armagh discusses a series of questions and answers on science and religion, the nature of God, and the creation and Christ. He mentions that the purpose of his book, "God in Science," is to answer the modern theological question about...
Between You and Me [inscribed to Lena Horne]
Bailey, Pearl, 1918-1990
Inscribed to singer Lena Horne on the title page: "My darling, beautiful sister -- Keep a firm, loose arm -- and know that God is ever present -- You are His -- nothing is more important[.] I love you[.] Sister Pearl --"
to John Buchanan
12 October 1967
Barbieri, Sante Uberto, fl. 1967
Answering questions asked in a previous letter, Barbieri identifies Walt Disney as the greatest contributor to a "World of Peace." The themes in Disney's films "link together children, youth and adults of the whole world by showing the virtues which...
Onward, Christian Soldiers
circa 1880
Baring-Gould, Sabine, fl. 1880
All five stanzas of this hymn, bound in a red morocco binding.
One Life. Part I. The Great Karoo
circa 1960
Barnard, Christiaan, 1921-2001
Barnard recounts an anecdote from his childhood about the first time he doubted God's ability to handle all of mankind's imperfections. He describes assisting his mother play the organ during church and the minister's sermon on sin.
May 19, 1905
Bates, Katharine Lee, 1859-1929
Also known as "America the Beautiful," Bates' lyrics begin "O beautiful for spacious skies..." Four stanzas, carbon printed.
to Lee T. Tuttle
14 December 1962
Bea, Augustin, 1881-1968
Cardinal Bea writes about his experience with the Delegated Observers after the close of the first period of the Second Vatican Council. The purpose of the gathering was to develop more understanding between different Christian sects.
to Irene Lambert
December 7, 1965
Ben-Gurion, David, 1886-1973
Ben-Gurion discusses his contribution to Jewish religion through helping Jews to live in Israel. He also states that the best way to preserve Jewishness in the Diaspora is through "Hebrew education" and "Building Israel." He concludes, "My advice to...
to Mr. Pitts
January 17, 1967
Berry, Raymond, 1933-
Berry writes about his evangelical beliefs. He also discusses Sunday morning prayer meetings with the Baltimore (now Indianapolis) Colts, as well as who on the team is Christian or becoming Christian.
[Let the words of my mouth...]
8 June 1898
Bickerdyke, Mary Ann, fl. 1898
Quoting Psalm 19:14, Bickerdyke writes: "Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength and my redeemer." A small bust engraving of Bickerdyke is collateral to the quotation (GLC05508.037.02...
to Mr. Holman
11 July 1874
Blaine, James Gillespie, 1830-1893
A letter of condolence over the death of Holman's child. Blaine share's the story of losing his first-born child. He writes that such a loss taxes one's faith, but expresses a belief that "Time's cloud has its radiant silver lining in Eternity."...
to John Christopher Allen
14 December 1974
Blake, Eugene Carson, 1906-1985
President of the National Council of Churches Blake writes to a young boy at the request of his father. Blake expresses hope that when the boy gets older he too will have a life-long interest in Christian unity and service to the world.
to Homer H. Stuart
February 10, 1846
Blanchard, Jonathan, 1811-1892
Blanchard discusses living the Christian life. He focuses on how worldly suffering brings you closer to salvation, because it is partaking in Christ's suffering. Last page of a longer letter.
circa 1975
Boles, Tiffany, fl. 1975
Boles writes: "I cannot sign the enclosed pin-up of me because it is not me anymore. I have become a Christian and do not enjoy that image of me carried on." Written in blue felt tip pen.
to Mrs. Howard
circa 1970
Bolinger, Truman, fl. 1970
Bolinger, a sculptor, argues that people on welfare do not appreciate what they receive because they have not exchanged anything for it. He then offers his own interpretation of the phrase (from the Sermon on the Mount) "Ask and ye shall receive...,"...
[There is abundant evidence...]
circa 1920
Booth, Evangeline, fl. 1920
Commander of the Salvation Army Booth argues that "class consciousness" is giving way to "service consciousness." She comments on the Church's strengthening appeal and its readiness for service. The speech began a fund-raising effort within the...
to Mrs. Harrison
circa April 3, 1887
Booth, Maud Ballington, 1865-1948
Booth thanks Harrison for her donation to the Salvation Army.
Sermon on the Mount
27 July 1972
Bradley, Omar, 1893-1981
Bradley's sentiment is about spiritual guidance being found in the Sermon on the Mount, especially at the end of the Lord's prayer.
to Mr. Williams
4 March 1862
Bridgman, Laura Dewey, 1829-1889
Bridgeman, a deaf-blind mute who learned to read via embossed letters, writes of a deeply religious life. She fulfills his request for a letter, and offers Williams a prayer.
to Elmer T. Clark
9 October 1920
Brough, Charles, 1876-1935
Governor of Arkansas Brough gives his approval of the Methodist Episcopal Church's efforts to improve Christian Education. He displays confidence and pride in the selection of Dr. John Hugh Reynolds (president of Hendrix College in Arkansas) to the...
Address of John Brown to the Virginia Court, when about to receive the sentence of death, for his heroic attempt at Harper's Ferry...
December 1859
Brown, John, 1800-1859
Small broadside with lithograph signature of Brown produced by the Liberator, reprinting his address to the Virginia Court before sentencing. Brown denies wanting to murder or cause an uprising. He argues that his raid on Harper's Ferry was just...
to Mattie
circa May 1, 1850
Burnet, David G., fl. 1830-1870
Burnet writes to a young girl who is feeling swings in emotion, and ascribes the problem to excessive indulgence in "fashionable amusements." He advises putting "a philosophical curb on our enjoyments and restrain[ing] them from exciting us too...
to Rev. N. Wells
18 July 1836
Butler, Josiah, fl. 1836
Butler talks of his desire to be baptized and join the Congregational Church, but suspects he is not wanted and rescinds his desire. The circumstances that prevented Congressman Butler from joining the church are unknown.
[Excerpt from Thomas Carlyle's 'Past and Present'].
circa 1843
Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881
From chapter 8 "Unworking Aristocracy," on p. 172-74 of Carlyle's 1843 book, "Past and Present." A note on the top identifies the content: "A scrap of T. Carlyle's manuscript of 'Past and Present.' RW. Emerson," although, it is probably not in...
to Mrs. Fry
April 1842
Caroline, Amelia, fl. 1842
Writing as the Queen of Denmark, Caroline quotes Proverbs 19:17: "He that hath pity on the poor lendeth to the Lord, and that which he hath given will He pay him again."
Showing results 20,501 - 20,600