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to Henry Knox
15 July 1796
Ulmer, George, 1756-1825
Relates his concerns that supplies Knox has recently purchased and had shipped to Ducktrap are not being adequately cared for and may get lost.
10 November 1796
Provides news on Samuel Ely, who tried to stage a rebellion against Knox due to the way Knox owned and managed his lands in Maine. Describes locations where Ely has been seen, and explains attempts to apprehend him. Also discusses business matters...
to George Ulmer
14 September 1796
Knox, Henry, 1750-1806
Writes that he received Ulmer's letter. Declares that the news of the loss of the spars is mortifying, since he just hired a vessel to take a shipment of them to Philadelphia. Does not know, now, whether there will be a sufficient load to ship. Is...
27 September 1796
Briefly discusses business matters, before turning to the recent reappearance of Samuel Ely, who had tried to organize a rebellion against Knox's policies as a landowner. Believes Ely should be apprehended and arrested.
28 September 1796
Writes regarding a business interaction between himself, Ulmer and a Mr. Knight [or Knights]. Knight has asked Knox, following Ulmer's advice, for a receipt from a certificate from July. Knox does not know what the price was, so asks Ulmer to...
12 October 1796
Written from Montpelier, Knox's estate in Thomaston, Maine. Provides some instructions for Ulmer and Mr. [likely John] Gleason regarding the building of a dockyard. Provides some practical concerns and his opinion on the situation with Samuel Ely...
February 19, 1797
Discusses financial matter regarding prices.
3 March 1797
Reports of a conspiracy with Samuel Ely and Harris Ransom leading about 80 people.
March 12, 1797
Discusses a possible conflict with a Harris Ransom and Mr. Ely and assures Ulmer that he will have the support of the government. Continues to write about issues with settlers. Noted in Knox's hand, as "Copied by Julia," who is most likely Knox's...
25 July 1797
Informs Knox of a meeting and that he will be coming to Boston.
26 July 1797
Relays to Knox complaints from settlers regarding trouble on account of the land.
28 October 1799
Discusses a problem with handing out a deed to some settlers.
14 November 1797
Asks Knox for assistance with other business ventures to help support his family as he is unable to do so with his present situation.
19 April 1800
Ulmer tells Knox he has the power to persuade the court to prevent a bridge being built across the Belfast river. Discusses developments of Knox's land.
10 August 1800
Ulmer received Knox's letter of August 9, 1800. Ulmer has written to an "Esqr Houston" for the affidavits Knox requested. Ulmer hopes justice will come to those assailants of Knox's surveyors.
14 August 1800
Knox thinks the owners of the lands dating back to the "signing in 1788" should have "warruntee deeds of the same." Knox says he wants to Ulmer to let the settlers know that if they are willing to pay for the land with interest, they will get the...
23 August 1800
Ulmer traveled with Robert Houston to see Paul Dudley Sargent and Oliver Parker, but did not get to see the Sheriff Thomas Phillips. Ulmer reports, "the Insurgents say they are two thousand strong --and keep spies out Continually to watch the...
06 September 1800
Ulmer tells Knox that one of the wounded surveyors is staying with him, and that man knows someone who knows who fired the shots.
08 September 1800
Ulmer says that Captain Swan thinks the settlers should take the land before they are surveyed, but Ulmer does not think it is a good idea. Ulmer also advises Knox not to sell land around Belfast River until he knows how suitable they are. Mentions...
21 September 1800
Ulmer says he gave Captain Robert Swan permits to settlers "to work upon the land in Township B," as Knox requested. Warns Knox that the insurgents are becoming more confident and something must be done to stop them. Ulmer believes that the new...
23 October 1800
Notes on a letter Knox sent to Ulmer. The note mentions that Knox gave Ulmer a "list of settlers who subscribed in 1788 for lots and paid." Knox wants Robert Houston to finish his surveying and notes that Benjamin Lincoln and Henry Jackson are his...
15 December 1800
Appears to discuss a proclamation that was issued. Mentions he informed Captain Knowles to raise a company to apprehend those who are in support of an undisclosed issue (possibly concerning settlers in Maine). Also mentions they were unable to...
January 18, 1801
Informs Knox he is either sending or has sent him a list of letters (not included) of people who have applied for land in Knox's patent (likely part of the Waldo patent lands). Notes he marked the quantity and price agreed on next to each man's name...
February 8, 1801
Informs Knox he believes some of the settlers in the [Newgorham] neighborhood (present day Gorham, Maine) are against the surveys being conducted. Also discusses the petitions on the Ducktrap land in Maine.
March 18, 1801
Informs Knox he has not been able to hire any men to assist in surveying the new townships (likely in Maine). Says everyone is intimidated by the back settlers who threaten to fire upon anyone who attempts to "run outlands." Recommends increasing...
22 April 1801
Tucker, Thomas, fl. 1801
Expresses his disappointment in Knox's son's (likely Henry Jackson Knox) behavior. Apologizes for handing the money to Knox's son, noting it only encourages him. Discusses terms for Knox repaying the money.
20 June 1801
Discusses his continuing investigation of the men who shot at the surveyors on Knox's patent. Describes the conversations he had with various men and the settlers public opinion of Knox. Also recommends employing more surveyors and spreading them out...
28 June 1801
Discusses financial matters involving the townspeople and the prisoners (likely in Maine). Mentions the new prisoners who were brought in for firing at the surveyors on 16 July [1800?]. Notes he and [Robert?] Houston examined the prisoners last...
9 July 1801
Informs Knox they are transporting the party of men to Brigadiers Island, present day Sears Island, Maine. Mentions he has heard rumors that there are a 1000 armed men in the back settlement who aim to release the prisoners and oppose the surveying...
11 July 1801
Continues to discuss the ongoing conflict between the settlers and the surveyors on the north part of the Waldo patent. Appears to discuss spies he has mixed in with the settlers. Also provides names of the suspected people involved.
8 August 1801
Informs Knox that a gentleman named Thomas has agreed to assist Knox in stopping the settlers in the back country (likely the north part of the Waldo patent) from committing further violence on Knox's surveyors.
22 August 1801
Noted as a copy. Discusses the progress of the surveying and updates Knox on his schedule. Mentions the committee's presence may help keep the peace with the settlers. Letter is a duplicate of GLC02437.07588.
28 August 1801
Updates Knox on what appears to be a gourp or party of men gathered by Ulmer likely to insure the safety of the surveyors against the settlers.
5 September 1801
Informs Knox they have completed the business (surveying) and they no longer need all the reinforcements. Reports the "Jacobins of the wilderness" burnt down Mr. Joseph Jones and Mr. Benjamin Bartlett's barns full of goods. States, "our enemies...
12 September 1801
Discusses the progress of the survey work being conducted in various towns across Maine. Believes it will be safe enough for the surveyors to complete their work this fall. Notes his health and business will keep him from participating in the...
13 September 1801
Interesting letter to Knox, still concerning the insurgents, who apparently call themselves Indians. States Mr. Joseph Jones saw 60 insurgents who were looking for Ulmer and his party; 16 of the men Jones could identify. Says the men are from the...
29 October 1801
Discusses a complicated land deal involving Nathaniel Knight and a Mr. Hartie. Requests Knox gives the lot to Knight for under $4 per acre. Also advises Knox on a different land deal concerning Joel Rich. Recommends Knox not grant Rich his wishes...
6 November 1801
Recommends Samuel Moores to Knox's attention. Describes the assistance Moores has lent Ulmer while conducting Knox's surveys.
9 November 1801
Informs Knox that Adam Rogers and Lydia Pendleton are each intitled to fifty acres of land.
to unkown
10 November 1801
Discusses a Mr. Demooth and his 200 acres of land. Describes the complicated way in which Mr. Demooth came in possession of the land.
14 November 1801
Appears to discuss either land or business dealings. Mentions the bearer of this letter will be presenting Knox with two certificates. Also discusses a situation where a permit was stolen from Samuel Peterson and sold to another gentleman who...
15 November 1801
A lengthy letter of resignation from Ulmer to Knox. Ulmer mentions he was mortified to see Knox returned the letters and certificates Ulmer sent him. States, "it is an evidence that your confidence in me is in a Great measure withdrawn I of course...
13 December 1801
Requests Knox handles a particular settler's debt kindly. Notes the gentleman is ready to pay off his notes and is afraid Knox will treat him unkindly for paying so late. Says the gentleman requested Ulmer speak to Knox on his behalf. Ulmer says the...
to Mary Turner
29 April 1802
Discusses a land deed involving Mary Turner and Hezekeah Trench. Mentions Trench is ready to comply with the terms of the deed and that [George?] Ulmer confirmed this information. Questions how Turner believes she can legally withhold the deed from...
23 July 1802
Acknowledges the receipt of two copies; one for the incorporation of the plantations in Maine, the other to enable himself and others to build a bridge over Ducktrap, Maine. Says he will gather the inhabitants together to choose town officers and...
7 June 1803
Written from "Cambden," likely Camden, Maine. Informs Knox that a "poor unfortunate man" named John Thomas has asked the Amity Lodge of the FreeMasons; to recommend him for an appointment as lighthouse-keeper for the new lighthouse at Whitehead...
5 September 1803
Tuckerman, Edward, fl. 1803
Writes to tell Knox that a number of "Scotch families from the Highlands" have arrived in Boston, with the intention of settling, but have no place to settle themselves. Several local residents have taken an interest in helping them, and Tuckerman...
to Edward Tuckerman
21 September 1803
Writes, in response to Tuckerman's letter (see GLC02437.07818), that he has excellent land for sale and that he would be happy to settle it with the industrious Scotch men Tuckerman recommended. Provides the terms of purchase, including an offer of...
February 13, 1805
Tudor, Frederic, 1783-1864
Writes to urge Knox to renew a note showing money he owes to Tudor. Warns that if he refuses, Tudor may have to take "unpleasant measures."
February 14, 1805
Tudor, William, 1750-1819
Explains why he parted with a note of Knox's. May have given it to his son [Frederic] to help finance his son's business ventures (see GLC02437.07909). Discusses his own financial hardships, and apologizes for having to extricate himself from their...
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