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[Resolves respecting the Army]
30 September - 13 October 1783
United States. Congress
List of resolves respecting the issuing of commissions, rank and promotions. Signed "B. Lincoln" by a secretary for General Lincoln.
Return of clothing wanted in the Connecticut Regiment
10 October 1783
Clark, S., fl. 1783
Lists items by type and amount. Includes hats, shirts, and blankets.
[Report regarding a new agent for the 1st Connecticut Regiment]
16 October 1783
James, fl. 1777-1783
Reports that "The Subscriber is now residing at Mandevillls home, and is employed in filling the Cloathing and pay-Accts of the late, first Connt. Regiment." Noted as written at Mandevills.
[Resolution and order regarding sending an officer to Canada to negotiate the withdrawal of British troops from the United States]
24 May 1784 - 3 June 1784
United States. Continental Congress.
Signed by Charles Thomson as Secretary of Congress. Includes a resolution from 24 May 1784 that "Congress approve of the proposition of Major General Knox to send a field officer into Canada for the purpose of ascertaining... the time when the posts...
[Congressional resolution regarding the discharge of troops]
2 June 1784
Signed by Charles Thomson as Secretary of Congress. This resolution indicates the number of troops to be discharged at West Point, New York and Fort Pitt, Pennsylvania. Stipulates that no officer above the rank of captain will remain in service....
to David Cook
26 November 1786
Knox, Henry, 1750-1806
Informs Captain Cook he cannot help him obtain a promotion to command a company of artillery. Writes, "Congress agreably [sic] to the confederation cannot make any appointments of military officers..."
[Congressional resolution establishing the salary for the Secretary at War with Henry Knox's appointment as Secretary at War]
4 March 1785
Signed by Charles Thomson as Secretary of Congress. Contains two separate sections. In the first, dated 4 March 1785, Congress resolves that the salary for the Secretary at War will be 2,450 dollars per year. The second part, signed by Thomson 8...
[Congressional resolutions]
24-25 August 1786
United States. Congress of the Confederation.
Copy, in the hand of War Department secretary Robert Pemberton, of three Congressional resolutions. The first resolution, dated 24 August, is based on the report of a committee to whom were referred two letters on the Moravian Indians, one of which...
to Henry Knox
14 November 1786
Cook, David, fl. 1751-1823
Writes to offer himself as "a candidate to your Excellency, for an appointment to command a Company of Artillery" in the expedition to "quell" the Indians in the Western territories or any other expedition. Writes that Knox knows of his service in...
January 24, 1787
Cooper, Samuel, 1757-1840
Written from "New Burgh," likely Newburgh, New York. Docket reads, "Mr. Saml Cooper- Wants an appointment what I cannot give him." Thanks him for his recent letters, as well as for his good opinion and willingness to help him. Writes that he is...
to Benjamin Lincoln
January 31, 1787
Cook, P., fl. 1787
Written from Granby, likely in southern Massachusetts, near Springfield. Writes on behalf of the town of Granby that the prospect of war is causing severe anxiety among the townspeople, despite the fact that they have a lot of faith and confidence...
to Samuel Cooper
February 24, 1787
Writes that the arrangements of the Massachusetts artillery are completed and all the vacancies filled. Notes he will mention Cooper's request to Col. [Henry] Jackson. In a different hand, noted as written at "W. O.," which most likely stands for...
6 March 1787
Ward, Artemas, 1727-1800
Copy of a Massachusetts state resolution concerning money matters for raising "six hundred and sixty men as ordered by the aforesaid resolve, and for the pay[,] cloathing, & subsistence of the said men: Provided that the said sum shall not exceed...
[Paper on the United States Constitution]
circa 1787
Knox's views on government and how the Articles of Confederation are not effective. Pages 5-8 constitute a redraft of pages 1-4. Sewn binding.
2 April 1789
Copeland, Moses, fl. 1786-1807
Written from "Warren." Received his letter via Mr. [Thomas] Vose and is glad to hear Vose is acting as Knox's agent in the region. Writes that he will assist Vose whenever he can, and the people of the region are willing to accept him also....
24 April 1789
Hopes not to offend him by communicating his wishes. Repeats his desire to obtain an appointment with the new government, whether in the civil or military arena. Notes that in a 27 February 1787 letter to Cooper, Knox had expressed a favorable...
to Moses Copeland
10 May 1789
Received his 2 April letter (GLC02437.04163) via Captain Thomas Vose. Is happy to hear that Vose is agreeable to him, and feels sure the people (likely citizens of the Waldo patent lands where Vose was hired as an agent) will embrace him. Discusses...
15 October 1789
Talks about settlements on Knox's land in Maine. Discusses plans for the land and makes suggestions for improvement. Mentions finding settlers and the payment of taxes. Also comments briefly on land ownership issues among the Waldo heirs and...
7 January 1790
Writes on behalf of the inhabitants of Warren and other neighboring towns concerning the "Division of the Destricks [sic] of the Navil [sic] offers Department ... " There appears to be a disagreement regarding the use of the port of delivery and the...
17 September 1790
Constable, William, 1721-1791
Constable tells Knox he transmitted Knox's letter from 23 July "to the party for whom I was in treaty respecting the Lands bordering on the St. Lawrence." Constable has received orders to purchase the land "agreeable" to Knox's terms, and asks Knox...
September 1790
Captain David Cook turns to Knox to help him "advance [his] commutation." The recent "resolve of Congress" prohibits Cook from getting his friends to help him. Cook tells Knox that the problem is that "they say the Commutation amounts to more, then...
to Thomas Procter
7 March 1791
Solicits Proctor's help regarding his claim. Cole had gone to Philadelphia to "prosecute my Claim at a very Considerable Expense." Notes his funds have been drained to the point that he cannot finance a return trip home. Originally enclosed with...
1 November 1791
Reports that he will sail to London in ten days and wants to have his interest in the Kennebeck Company defined. Adds, "Duer being now with you may I request that you will forward me some sort of memorandum for my share in that Concern." Would have...
to William Constable
3 November 1791
Has received his recent letter about Constable's stake in the Kennebunk Company (see GLC02437.05218). Writes, "In answer to which I can only say [inserted: that] as you were one of Mr Duers associates that I must refer you" to him. Wishes him a...
13 September 1794
Discusses construction plans on a road being built from Broad Bay, Maine to Warren, Maine. Appears to discuss issues with either the road or the land. Informs Copeland the road should be completed by the summer.
to Daniel Cony
21 September 1795
Asks Doctor Daniel Cony if the survey of the Plymouth Patent is complete.
2 October 1795
Cony, Daniel, fl. 1777-1816
Discusses the Waldo Patent and the Plymouth company.
to Benjamin Cooper
30 October 1795
Discusses the price of land in Maine.
December 9, 1796
Writes to ask Knox about a land deal Copeland has been involved in since 1776, involving a William Gregory, John Martin, and Caleb Turner.
29 September 1798 - 2 April 1799
Partially printed document with subsequent information filled in by hand. Certifies that Moses Copeland has sold land to Henry Knox and that he relinquishes all his claims to that particular property. Signed by David Copeland and Samuel Lowe as...
to Joseph & Moses Copeland
6-9 January 1801
Copy of multiple letters. Appears to be correspondences between Henry Knox, Joseph Copeland, and Moses Copeland regarding Knox's Eastern lands. Knox complains about people cutting his timber on the Warren lands and requests Joseph Copeland's...
29 October 1801
Knowles, Abner, fl. 1801
Letter is signed by ten different men who are the subscribers of a place called Sandy Stream Plantation. A recommendation of Joel Rich. Introduces Knox to Joel Rich who is a settler residing on Knox's land. Describes Rich's situation saying that the...
January 18, 1801
Discusses an upcoming court date regarding the settler's petition. Warns Knox of a gentleman who plans on submitting his petition during the last part of the session in hopes the court will have to extend its session out. Says the gentleman is...
February 21, 1788
Resolves regarding admission to the public audience at Congress scheduled for "Tuesday next" (February 26). In the hand of Congressional clerk Roger Alden. The event was the formal introduction of the new minister from France, the Comte de Moustier.
Proposals for coining copper for the United States
circa March 1787
Hopkins, Joseph, fl. 1787
Lists five proposals for the use of copper to mint coins.
[List regarding copper mining]
circa 1787-1788
Discusses the process and issues to consider when mining for copper.
14 December 1792
Complete draft of Knox's cover letter to his December 14, 1792 report to the U.S. House of Representatives on invalid pension claims (printed in U.S. State Papers, Claims v.1, pp. 56-57.) Docket, in Knox's hand, reads: "This is to be copied out a...
[Invoice of goods]
Conkling, Joseph, fl. 1773
List of items sold to Mrs. Lucy Knox. Items mainly consist of stationery, including ink, quills, nubs and paper. Date previously inferred, written in pencil.
circa September 1782
Titled "details of the different guards & fatigue kept by the 2d. Connect. Regt." Locations are in the West Point area. Probably related to GLC02437.01559, .01577 and .01578.
25 November 1804
Wiggins, William H., fl. 1804
Certifies that E. Conner has made 1,200 casks for lime. Signed by John Gleason and William H. Wiggins.
24 December 1804
Conner, E., fl. 1804
Lists transactions between Henry Knox and E[liphabet ?] Conner from 6 January to December of 1804.
[Title to Cooper's claim]
15 May 1773
Bradbury, Theophilus, 1739-1803
Outlines the historical basis for the claim [William] Cooper has on lands in the Waldo patent.
26 August 1786
Thanks Copeland for his recent kindness. Discusses residents of the town of Warren, Maine, as well as the value of lands in that region.
4 March 1783
Nicolas, Lewis, 1717-1807
Colonel Nicola writes from General [Horatio] Gates's Quarters. Recommends Sergeant Coombs, of the Invalid Regiment, for a leave of absence to see his wife in Weatherfield, Connecticut. Sends his respects to Lucy, Henry's wife.
circa 1781-1791
Discusses the sale of land. A date of 1795 was previously inferred and written in pencil, but Constable died in 1791, indicating that the document must have been written prior.
Schedule of requisitions on the several states by the United States in Congress assembled
1 July 1786
Nourse, Joseph, 1754-1841
Lists the requisitions and quotas, date, amount paid and balances due by state. Noted as taken from the Register's Office in the Department of the Treasury.
Rent agreement between Stephen Sullivan & Alexander Brown
Sullivan, Stephen (Brown), Alexander, fl. 1788
The document is a rent indenture in which Stephen Sullivan agreed to rent a farm on the island of St. John to Alexander Brown for an indefinite period of time. John Patterson signed as Sullivan's attorney.
Rent agreement between Stephen Sullivan & Hugh McCarter
Sullivan, Stephen (McCarter), Hugh, fl. 1789
The document is a rent indenture in which Stephen Sullivan agreed to rent a farm on the island of St. John to Hugh McCarter for an indefinite period of time. John Patterson signed as Sullivan's attorney. Hugh McCarter signed with his mark.
Law suit brought against John G. Johnson by William Shaw
New York Supreme Court
The document states that William Shaw and his attorney John Patterson have charged John G. Johnson with the crime of trespass. It also explains the New York Supreme Court's decision in the matter, and how Johnson is expected to repair for his crime...
to William [Patterson] re: clearing debts and business concerns
Patterson, Robert L., fl. 1807-1808
Robert asks his brother for some financial assistance, and also discusses his hopes for success in the cotton business. The letter is marked as a duplicate.
Sale and release of land to Edward I. Lee
The document states the terms of a sale of a lot of land in Pennsylvania by Robert L. Patterson to Edward I. Lee.
to Mssrs. La Farge & Patterson re: trading disagreement
Mackenzie, R., fl. 1819
Various fragmented letters
Patterson, John, fl. 1777-1792
The manucript contains various fragmented letters and writings by J.P. [John Patterson] to members of the Patterson family, and also to Henry Livingston.
to Mr. Livingston re: order for appearance at the office of the Street Commissioner
Adamson, L.B., fl. 1865
The letter orders Mr. Livingston to appear at the office of the Street Commissioner's, where he will receive instructions for labor upon the streets of the city.
Claim to the J M Mothy Lode for mining purposes
9 June 1865
Livingston, De Grasse, 1833-1895
Claim to the Georgiana Lode
18 July 1865
The document states the claim of 16 individuals, including D.G. Livingston, to mining rights of the Georgiana Lode.
to DeGrass Livingston re: invitation to a social party given by the Masonic Fraternity
21 July 1865
Masonic Fraternity
The invitation is for a social party to be given on 21 July 1865.
to Crawfurd Livingston re: writing samples
Livingston, Robert M., fl. 1833-1834
Robert M. Livingston shares some of his poetry and prose with Crawfurd Livingston.
to Crawfurd Livingston re: frustration over lack of correspondence
Robert scolds Crawfurd for his failure to write.
to C[rawfurd] Livingston re:travel plans
Van Rensselaer, R.S., fl. 1836
van Rensselaer describes the route he plans to travel to Ohio.
to Crawfurd Livingston re: shipwreck
Wallace, fl. 1839
Wallace writes that he is stranded in Key West because of a ship wreck, and describes his current living conditions.
to Crawfurd Livingston re: best wishes for an upcoming voyage
circa 1815-1860
Denning, Elmira, fl. 1815-1860
E. Denning offers Crawfurd best wishes for an upcoming voyage down South.
to Crawfurd Livingston re: plea for forgiveness
Livingston, Johnston, 1817-1911
The author of the letter begs Crawfurd to forgive him for his faults, and wonders why he is criticized so harshly.
to Crawfurd Livingston re: news of the family
to Crawfurd Livingston re: advice to consult a physician
Denning expresses grief over the news of Crawfurd's ill health, and advises him to seek a physician.
Survey of a farm of Harman Livingston
Eno, William, fl. 1833
The document gives a full list of the boundaries of Harman Livingston's farm.
Receipt of 4 fowls from Conrad Myers
Livingston, John, 1750-1822
Receipt of 4 fowls
Receipt of four fowls from Johannis Rosman for rent
Receipt of four fowls for rent
Receipt from Jurry Snyder of four fowls for rent
Receipt from Johannis Best of four fowls for rent
circa 1783-1815
to Walter Patterson re: description of his trip to Europe
Patterson, Daniel, fl. 1803-1818
Docketed on address leaf.
11 July 1791
Coxe, Tench, 1755-1824
Marked "private." Written by Coxe as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury to Knox as Secretary of War. Has heard the Postmaster General (Samuel Osgood) has resigned or signified to President Washington his desire to resign. Would like Knox to...
[Chain of posts in South Carolina captured from British]
[20 July 1781]
Harrison, Charles, 1740-1796
Signed with initials. Lists several posts established by Lord Cornwallis in South Carolina which had been reduced and evacuated by American forces. Notes that there are about 1200 prisoners in the reduced works. Adds that these posts secured Britain...
to Samuel Shaw
3 September 1782
Corne, Peter, fl. 1782
Writes, "I am much oblig'd to you for the agreeable lines you sent communicating the good intentions of the Commander in Chief I thank him & shall [bean?] respect I shall strictly obey the order of staying in my quarters & joyfully wait the happy...
[Order to the Commissary for the arrearage of provisions due to Mrs. Corbin of the Invalids]
14 September 1782
Shaw, Samuel, 1754-1794
Includes a note at the top of the page, in Shaw's hand, from Jonathan Pugh, Lieutenant of Invalids, which reads, "This is to certify that Mrs. Margaret Corbin (wife of John Corbin a soldier in the corps of Invalids) has not drawn any liquor with the...
16 October 1782
Cornell, Ezekiel, 1733-1800
Written from Camp Verplank's Point, present-day Verplanck, New York. Encloses a copy of the contract from the day's General Orders. Would have liked to send a copy of the new contract but it is not yet finished; will send it when it is complete....
[Provision return for masons]
March 25, 1783
Cheesman, Joseph, fl. 1783
Countersigned by Samuel Shaw with a note on verso from Jacob Wight. Lists amount of extra rations provided for Masons;. Date and place writ from note on verso.
[Extract from minutes]
December 18, 1783
Hughes, James M., fl. 1783
An extract from a council's minutes. States that the Governor of New York expresses his thanks for the citizens of the state and Major General Henry Knox for their help in "preserving the Peace and good Order of the Southern District, since the...
24 December 1783
An extract from the Council's minutes. Resolve gives the governor of New York the authority to "discharge the said Troops; except such Number or Detachment of them as Major General Knox, or other commanding Officer of the Troops of the United States...
An account of clothing, Corryels Ferry July 1777, that was received of the depy clothier
circa 1783
Shaw signs as Henry Knox's aide-de-camp. Marked as a copy. Date of creation based on a previously inferred date written in pencil near the top of the page.
[Court martial of soldiers from Constitution Island]
February 11, 1784
Gibbs, Caleb, fl. 1748-1818
Major Gibbs serves as president. Contains the detailed proceedings of the trial of a group of soldiers from Constitution Island who broke into the home and store of David Sands, a Quaker. According to GLC02437.02948, they "abused his Wife, and...
[Extract from minutes of the Georgia Executive Council regarding the Creek Nation]
March 15, 1785
Handley, George, 1752-1793
Extract from the minutes of the Georgia Executive Council prepared by George Handley, secretary of the council and later Governor of Georgia (1788-1789). Relates to an act recently passed respecting land within the state and the appointment of Major...
[Letter related to the Creek Nation and minutes of the Georgia Executive Council]
9 June 1785
The first part of this document consists of a letter from the Creek Nation presented before "the board," or Executive Council of Georgia, of which Handley was secretary. The letter, written by James Durouzeaux and copied by Handley, indicates: "The...
December 11, 1790
Tells Knox that Benjamin Bourn will be bearing this letter on his way to Philadelphia to take his seat in the House of Representatives. Points to Bourn's visit with him as "evidence to you that he is not an Anti" [possible anti-federalist or anti...
March 20, 1791
Tells Knox he is inclosing "brief remarks upon a subject of public importance." He further asks Knox, "I beg leave to remark that I do not appear to be the writer except to such public Characters as from a sense of duty & from respect I deem it...
[receipt for drawing lessons for Knox's children]
May 27, 1791
Cox, James, 1751-1834
Receipt in Knox's hand and signed by Cox. The receipt is for eight pounds one shilling that Knox paid Cox, an English-born drawing master in Philadelphia, for teaching his daughter Lucy and his son Harry "the art of drawing and for colors."
[Minutes of a conversation with Tench Coxe]
28 July 1792
Reports on a conversation with Tench Coxe, Commissioner of the Revenue, regarding Knox's traveling expenses for 1784-1788. Describes what Coxe feels he can be reimbursed for, according to the "strict resolves of congress."
13 April 1795
Forwards Knox a note listing exports of Maine (not included). Signed in text.
[to Andrew Cragie]
2 July 1799
Knox describes that 11,520 acre tract of land he has conveyed to Andrew Craigie. Docket notes the document was given to Mr. J. Foster.
[Quit claim]
March 25, 1802
Craigie, Andrew, 1744-1819
The letter is signed by Andrew Craigie and his wife, Elizabeth Craigie. Alice Pollard signed as a witness and Aaron Hill signed as a witness and Justice of Peace. Craigie vouches that he received $10 from Henry Knox and releases all rights and "quit...
[Judgment against Andrew Craigie in favor of George Storer]
10 June 1805-1 August 1806
Cushing, Charles, fl. 1805
Partially printed. Judgment in favor of George Storer of Boston, and against Andrew Craigie of Cambridge. Signed by Charles Cushing, as Clerk. Note on verso signed by George Storer acknowledging receipt of the funds in full on 1 August 1806.
[Cornplanter's memorial]
circa December 27, 1790
Titled and docketed as "Objects of the memorial of the Cornplanter." Lists nine points addressed by the Cornplanter (a Seneca chief) in his memorial. The issues pertain primarily to land disputes and claims to having been cheated.
[Receipt to General Henry Knox]
April 1778
Craft, Nathaniel, fl. 1778
Knox bought three pounds of the "Best Green Tea." The total was from £22.10.
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