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to Prospect Selectmen
14 July 1802
Knox, Henry, 1750-1806
Announces he would like to see a road built on Brigadiers Island, present day Sears Island, Maine. Date taken from the docket.
to Henry Knox
February 5, 1806
Porter, Aaron, fl. 1806
Writes to recommend Mr. Nathaniel Coffin for a position of Justice of the Peace in the county of Bath. Relates his qualifications. Adds that Knox's friend General [David] Cobb, as well as Judge Thatcher, are well acquainted with him as well.
December 11, 1787
Putnam, Rufus, 1738-1824
Noted as written in "Rutland," possibly in Ohio or Massachusetts. Discusses a survey of the Muscongus patent completed by Captain Stone and Mr. [possibly Enoch] Titcomb.
January 19, 1783
Popkin, John, fl. 1771-1783
Marked as a duplicate. Colonel Popkin defends himself against charges of fraud posed by men in Colonel Crane's regiment. Their accusations pertain to repayment of the soldiers and depreciation of currency. Popkin regrets that he cannot follow Knox...
19 June 1783
Popkin defends himself against complaints waged against him by men from Colonel Crane's regiment. Knox had ordered Popkin to go to camp to address the complaints. Popkin writes, "The substance of the complaint is not true: Notes for Pay I never...
1 July 1783
Popkin informs Knox, Commander of West Point, " was, and is, my full intention to comply strictly with orders, and... no other circumstance whatever but the want of Money, has prevented me being at the Quarters..." For related documents, see...
ca. 1764
Price, William, ?-1790
Lieutenant Price discusses the state of ordnance and provisions at his post. Notes, "We have been badly supplyed [sic] here with Provisions- have been out three Days at a time- and all the salt meat we have drawn has been to bad that it was merely...
27 September 1785
Randall, Thomas, ?-1811
Writes, "I have the pleasure to acknowledge the receit of your favor of the 21st of August, but leaving Baltimore soon after prevented me from writing you, and being informed you were expected in this city. I delayed giving you a full account of my...
to David Ramsay
21 November 1789
Discusses Ramsay's idea of publishing the names of all the officers in the Continental Army in the appendix of Ramsay's history. Although originally pleased with Ramsay's idea, Knox is now against the idea. "Upon examining the list I found it...
to Joseph Peirce
1 May 1782
Apologizes for not writing sooner but explains that he was held on "public business" in Elizabeth Town, New Jersey. Mentions a petition he gave to General Benjamin Lincoln. Focuses on matters of personal finance, such as his possible purchase of an...
to Joshua Loring and Joseph Peirce
12 June 1782
Consists of Knox's working drafts of two retained letters, one to Joshua Loring and one to Joseph Peirce. In the letter to Loring, Knox asks that he forward him any money that he owes him as well as the proceeds for any sales of items belong to his...
3 April 1783
Discusses consolidating business securities, which do not appear to be doing well. Rejoices in the "glorious" conclusion of the war.
4 July 1783
Written by Major General Knox to Peirce, an associate in Boston who was handling some of his business affairs. References Peirce's letter of 16 June. Says he wants to purchase a farm where he can "live a decent oeconomy." Says if one cannot be found...
[Weekly return for the corps of Sappers and Miners]
3 October 1783
Bushnell, David, 1740-1826
Lists men by status, rank and file. Written at Constitution Island.
to Lucy Knox
14 June 1788
Moore, Thomas Lambert, 1758-1799
Updates Lucy on the progress of her son, Henry. Writes, "Master Henry's advances in the Latin are such as I hope will please you sufficiently... His mind appears strong, and his judgment solid- his ideas are lively and his memory sufficiently...
3 March 1789
Ogden, Samuel, 1746-1810
Writes a letter of introduction for the bearer, Mr. [Henry] Wynkoop, one of the Pennsylvania representatives to the new Congress, who will be spending time in New York. Recommends him as an acquaintance who will "meet your esteem & civility." He...
March 23, 1789
Discusses an order for iron from Mr. Parkman for [Samuel] Shaw's ship and comments that he needs to acquire more iron "of the first quality." Asks if Knox can find out for him where he might get some. Also asks some questions about Congress....
3 April 1789
Encloses an excerpt of a letter written to him by Mr. [Samuel] Parkman, respecting iron wanted for Mr. [Samuel] Shaw and Mr. [Thomas] Randall. The letter also discusses the dimensions and quantity of iron desired. Ogden writes, "My wish, nay my...
9 April 1789
Writes, "I have the happiness to tell you that Mrs. Ogden is safely in Bed with a sweet little Girl." Adds that Mrs. Ogden would like Mrs. Knox to select a name for the child. Also mentions that he will receive information tomorrow about their...
26 May 1789
Writes, "We very much lament the occasion which hurryed you by us with out giving us a call, we hope to hear of the recovery of your Child without injury having happened to so precious a member as its Eye." He and his wife look forward to an...
13 July 1789
Has only just received his letter, so sent a Jacob Tuthill to Booneton [Boonton, NJ] as quickly as possible to make sure Knox got the necessary paperwork on time (likely referring to paperwork Knox asked for regarding Ogden's business with James...
5 November 1789
Notes that he should have replied sooner to Knox's last letter, but wanted to consult [Gouverneur] Morris (Ogden's brother-in-law) first. Laments the poor state of their funds. Notes that Mrs. Ogden is ill. Written at Delaware Works, located in what...
March 21, 1791
Writes a detailed letter to Peirce dealing with Thomas Flucker's estate, the Waldo Patent, land deals, and other financial matters. Encloses a letter (not included) to Captain [Thomas] Vose and Mr. [David] Fales regarding advertisements for the sale...
8 May 1791
Hopes that Peirce sent Captain Vose "duplicates and copies." If there are any problems regarding the sale of his land, Knox expects Peirce to take care of it.
31 May 1791
Written by Secretary of War Knox to his agent in Boston, Joseph Peirce. Encloses documents related to the Waldo patent, including Samuel Waldo's original deed (not present). Is sending them via his friend General [Henry] Jackson. Refers to various...
23 June 1791
References Peirce's letters of 14 and 16 June. Consider the importance of the deeds he asks them to be "drawn up in a masterly manner." Tells him to employ who is necessary to get this done. Expects to learn about the sale of the estate on...
2 July 1791
Written by Secretary of War Knox to Peirce, his agent in Boston. References Peirce's letter of 23 June that enclosed the draft of the deeds. Reports that he had the one from Peirce copied and executed, and the one for Oliver Smith drawn upon...
21 July 1791
References a letter from Peirce but does not provide a date. Encloses a summary of his accounts as Peirce requested. Gives what information he can, but says his papers are divided between the town and the country. Claims he took no receipts of...
December 31, 1792
Writes concerning debts to the Flucker estate.
December 28, 1793
Provides Peirce with a list of arguments to use against the 10 proprietors who are bringing a suit against him. Mentions lack of state surveys and irregularities of former sales. Says "It is a matter of some consequence to ascertain whether the 10...
5 July 1794
Discusses land deals with the settlers. Believes he will be able to settle with all the settlers, except for those in Waldoboro, Maine. Comments the Waldoboro settlers seem to be with a bad influence. Mentions about possibly being friend and...
29 September 1794
Discusses land deals which appear to involve Mrs. [Sarah Lyons?] Flucker. Requests Peirce to deliver the proceeds of the estate to Henry Jackson.
to Joseph Peirce [incomplete]
11 November 1794
Writes, "When I saw Colonel Walker in New York, which was in the street he informed me that[.]" Part of the letter appears to be missing, although the letter does not appear torn or damaged. Possibly the beginning of a draft. Brief note in the...
December 6, 1794
Mentions he enclosed (not included) a draft for $1500 from the Bank of the United States. Inquires about the total sum of [Mr.?] Flucker's debts. Knox is possibly referring to Thomas Flucker's estate. Mentions Isaac Winslow's mother received some...
January 31, 1795
Informs Peirce that he will not be able to be in Boston during the session of the legislature as planned. Will forward a memorial to be presented to the legislature about the towns in the Waldo Patent. Letterpress copy.
February 21, 1795
Discusses business in relation to towns in the Waldo Patent.
31 August 1796
Writes to remind Peirce that he wanted him to purchase iron and several other items. Also encloses acceptances from Mr. [Alexander] Baring, and discusses Baring's upcoming trip to Boston. Comments extensively on financial matters, and includes some...
14 October 1796
Addressed to "Joseph Peirce & Son." Asks Peirce to inquire after a gardener Knox is supposed to be hiring from England. Also asks Peirce to forward a variety of articles, including crackers, hinges, nails, and a kettle.
24 October 1796
Addressed to Joseph Peirce & Son. Places an order for several items, including corn and coal.
2 November 1796
Unsigned, and written in two hands. One portion, and the docket, appear to be written in Henry Knox's hand. Written from Montpelier, Knox's home in Thomaston, Maine. Safely received his last letter and the merchandise Peirce sent. Discusses the...
10 November 1796
Discusses a previous order of wood, and places an order for several items, including rum and molasses, to be delivered to Zenas Lothrop on Brigadier's Island.
28 November 1796
Comments on the merchandise Captain [Thomas] Vose purchased on his behalf while with Peirce. Discusses his financial accounts and his investments in the shipping industry. Mentions an order of merchandise he placed to ship to his associate, Zenas...
16 August 1799
Knox received letters of the 12 and 13 of August 1799 "by Kirkpatrick." Knox cannot pay Peirce the sum he requested because he says people are late paying him (Knox) and does not have the money.
23 August 1799
Knox writes, "I have the goodness to deliver Mr. John Davis the deed of relinquishment to the State of other lands, and receive from him the deed of Mr. Thomas Davis to me in behalf of the State." Knox also sends his wife's signature on a paper...
16 December 1799
Knox has sent Peirce fifty dollars for items that Mrs. Knox has requested. Knox asks, "I pray you to send me three pairs of large warm socks."
January 12, 1800
Knox writes to Peirce that "Mr. Sullivan will guard us from injury" against those filing suits against them. Knox has shipped out planks that will "amount to more than 200 dollars nett." Knox gives Peirce instructions on how to receive and pay out...
13 March 1800
Peirce, Joseph, 1745-1828
Peirce has spoken with "[Master] Flucker" about their business. Say that a vessel "is advancing for Liverpool but is not yet begun to load." Peirce says, "I mention this for your Government."
March 18, 1800
Peirce reports to Knox of his conversations with "T Flucker" and Ebenezer Pemberton, and of the state of their business affairs on Peirce's end.
March 24, 1800
Knox received Peirce's letter of March 18. Talks about business with Mr. [Ebenezer] Pemberton, Cummings and Gould. On the back of the document, Knox notes that "Jonathan Jackson Esq., agent for the fortification of the United States in Boston...
08 April 1800
Peirce includes a list of bills from Ebenezer Pemberton. Talks about Thomas Flucker getting money from Beaumez and a portable desk from his mother. Talks about their business affairs and various shipments.
23 April 1800
Peirce asks Knox if he has "the Goods of Mr. Fluckers." The Committee is planned to meet the next month. He advises Knox to attend the meeting.
19 May 1800
Peirce informs Knox that the "President has directed the Troops to be disbanded." John Marshall has replaced Timothy Pickering as Secretary of State and Samuel Dexter has been nominated as Secretary of War.
15 August 1800
Knox asks Peirce to give the enclosed affidavits of the assaults on his surveyors to the Governor Caleb Strong. Knox believes the majority of the back country residents reside in Plymouth Grove. The insurgents killed "a Mr. Winslow" according to the...
22 August 1800
Peirce talks of the issue of Knox's surveyors and Mr. Bowdoin's plans to "prevent Surveyors running any Lines." Peirce tells Knox Francis Flucker is in town and has requested $75 in funds.
18 October 1800
Knox tells Peirce he has loaded vessels with lime and lumber. Knox informs Peirce about the instructions Knox gave to his nephew Thomas Flucker. Knox will be at his wits' end if Thomas does not board the Constitution.
19 June 1801
Discusses business transactions between himself and Joseph Peirce. Appears to be trying to regulate the quantity and price of lime shipped out. Also requests Peirce sends him various items for Knox's house.
29 June 1801
Discusses various business transactions and payments. Also discusses the lime production noting the price and amount shipped. Mentions his competitors prices and their terms of sale. Provides a list of articles he shipped to Knox.
13 July 1801
Encloses (not included) $30 for some cyder, corn, and rum.
25 September 1801
Discusses a financial matter involving Knox and a General Elliot. Reports he received Knox's $800 and paid Elliot as Knox requested. Notes he did not have Elliot endorse the receipt as Knox requested but will correct his mistake.
29 September 1801
Informs Knox he shipped him the articles Knox requested. Comments he has been ill at home for several days. Also discusses several business transactions.
6 October 1801
Letter is not signed but appears to be in Knox's handwriting. Informs Peirce he received the rum, crackers, and a receipt for $800. Discusses various business dealings including his troubling situation with the low price of lime. States, "the low...
19 October 1801
Informs Knox he received his letter and the $1200. Mentions Mr. Brown is in the country and he will call on Brown once he returns. Also discusses the quantity of lime he has sold for Knox.
23 October 1801
Discusses business transactions involving Henry Knox and a Mr. Brown. Informs Knox that Brown endorsed Knox's note for $999.
9 November 1801
Recommends Lieutenant Humphrey [Hooh] to Peirce. States Peirce would be wise to sell the land to Hooh. Says Hooh is a valuable settler and citizen and vouches for his character.
24 July 1802
Discusses his lime production, noting the various orders and quantity sold. Also describes which bills and people to pay with the proceeds from the lime.
14 August 1802
Continues to discuss his lime business. Mentions the amount of lime they should produce and ship and how to finance it all. Also discusses other business dealings appearing to pertain to land deals.
December 21, 1802
Speaks of his troubling affairs over his debt and the humiliation he has sustained from not being able to pay his notes as promised. States, "This circumstance has embittered my existence." Mentions making any type of payment is out of his hand right...
30 December 1802
Responds to Knox's letter (see GLC02437.07776) regarding lack of payment. Apologizes to Knox for pressing him for a payment but stresses that his "commercial existence" depends on the immediate payment of some papers. Notes he will wait for Knox's...
18 October 1803
Discusses his management of Knox's financial relationships with Mr. J[onathan] D. Robins, Mr. Samuel Brown, Mr. William Marston, and others.
29 November 1794
Discusses account information regarding [the late] Mr. [Thomas?] Flucker's estate. Requests Pierce has General [Henry] Jackson pay the creditors first then draw upon Knox for any differences.
to unknown
December 18, 1793
Discusses information about a bond and that he has "since heard that they have ordered the bond to be put into suit." Feels anxious about this and wants to be informed as soon as possible about it. Goes on to discuss arguments concerning the bond....
January 11, 1794
Discusses proprietors and states that "it must be defered as soon as possible in order to give time to obtain an aqcuitable [sic] decision or compromise with the state." Mentions issues with taxes and employment of new people. Waterstained in the...
March 19, 1794
Writes about continuing to receive supplies from France. Seems annoyed about changes in the arrangements, stating "[t]his therefore had better be the course of the business that is to descend upon the agreements ... in Paris." Discusses Mr. Dunton...
17 June 1794
Discusses the situation with the construction of the house and states that "I am making great exertions to endevor [sic] to be arrange my business in such a manner, as to set [out for] the province of Maine in the in the course of the next month ......
Discusses money for a payment and concerns about the house. Letterpress copy.
to John Peirce
19 July 1783
Discusses the printing of certificates of account balances for officers. He writes that the officers wish their certificates to be printed "either with common type or copper plated". Knox agrees with the officers and suggests that the certificates...
to Joseph Peirce [incomplete?]
circa 1770-1806
Discusses debts and payments.
Hoping to sell the portion of the Waldo Patent that previously belonged to Thomas Flucker as soon as possible. Worries that the lands will soon be made worthless by the number of people who have settled there illegally without paying. For this...
20 August 1798
Pemberton, Ebenezer, fl. 1747-1810
Updates Knox on Thomas and Francis Flucker's accounts. Notes he has enclosed (not included) their accounts and receipts for the winter term.
31 July 1783
References several of Knox's letters, the last one from 4 July 1783 which had pamphlets to distribute. Says they have been printed, along with General Washington's letter, and distributed. Says Washington's letter has been in some of the newspapers...
13 August 1783
Asks for his decision regarding a house in Dorchester and forwards a letter for Lucy Knox from a Mrs. Howard of London, the daughter of a Sheriff Stephen Greenleaf, and a letter for Knox from his brother. Mentions that he heard from a Mr. Samuel...
4 September 1783
Peirce references Knox's letter of 27 August. Says he has signed an agreement for a house for Knox "for one quarter certain to commence the 15th of this month at £45." Reports the farm can be rented with the house next year.
17 September 1783
Discusses obtaining information regarding certain unspecified business matters dealing with the Flucker estate.
7 October 1783
Discusses a petition in Congress "to postpone the sale of absentees estates till further orders of the court, and to enable agents to lease as heretofore," which would affect Knox's claim to the Waldo patent. Also discusses the issue of commutation...
20 October 1783
Informs Knox that Congress has voted to "discharge the National Debt," and that one party had wanted to insert a clause to "exclude the Commutation & confirm it solely to discharge the foreign debt," though this clause did not pass.
10 May 1788
Discusses money due on Mr. Webber's goods and the depreciation of currency (possibly referring to James Webber, a London merchant). Writes, "The political State of this Country I hope and trust is very much altering as to monied transactions, so...
19 June 1788
Imparts his wishes for Eli Hayden to hire Nicholas Hoffman & Son as agents for the sale of his tea to resolve a complicated business transaction (refer to GLC02437.03902 and GLC02437.03903). Transmits his wife's regards to Lucy Knox and the family....
8 September 1788
Relates the opinion of the British Lord Chancellor on a legal case. Apparently, the Lord Chancellor will grant a perpetual injunction against any suit brought to court in England against an American whose estate was confiscated to pay his debts....
3 December 1788
Introduces Mr. Barclay, the bearer of this letter, noting that Barclay hopes to solicit an office in the new government. Asks Knox to make Barclay "known to the Eastern Senators." Docketed by Knox: "from S. Ogden Esqr. respecting Mr Barclay also...
January 27, 1789
Has received Knox's last letter. Has not yet seen Mr. [Isaac] Winslow, Sr. but has seen a member of the petition committee, who declared that the committee will meet in two or three days. Hopes to see Mr. Winslow before then. Has enclosed a copy...
February 14, 1789
Has enclosed money which he hopes Knox will send to England at his first opportunity. Refers to Mr. [possibly Joseph] Compson's letter authorizing him to draw on the money, and hopes Knox will remind Mr. [James] Webber to include the letter of...
January 31, 1790
Forwards a letter for his brother and thanks Knox for the information about his brother since he had not heard from him since his absence. Asks Knox if he received Pierce's father's letter regarding being the heir to "county land due to my late...
4 April 1790
Asks Knox to assist a friend's son, who wishes to enter the service. States that the boy would be well suited for arms, but says he has informed the father that a position being available is unlikely due to the number of officers applying for...
February 15, 1791
Writes Knox to discuss the "business of Mr. Flucker's Estate." Says he has heard from the debtors and "they seem disposed to pay as fast as they can." There are some obstacles with some of the debtors that the letter details. Notes General [Josiah]...
March 20, 1791
Writes Knox about his son receiving "an appointment in the 2d Regiment of the Federal Troops." Informs him that his son cannot accept the appointment due to his present commitment, but they are both grateful for the opportunity. Mentions issues...
6 April 1791
Peirce writes to Secretary of War Knox regarding the condition of Knox's property they are trying to sell. Peirce tells Knox, "it may be of importance for me to know if you furnished Mr. Jas Bowdoin with the statement of Mr. Flucker's acct." Peirce...
9 April 1791
Peirce tells Knox that in his last letter, he forgot ask about other documents he might have. There is a question regarding Thomas Flucker's estate and "whether the Estate should be held responsible for quieting the settlers that were in possession...
Discusses land deals related to the Flucker family and the Waldo patent. Mentions business affairs with Mr. [James] Bowdoin, Mr. [Benjamin] Hichborn, and Judge [John] Sullivan, among others.
17 May 1791
Peirce received Knox's letter of 8 May 1791. Says the Commissioners rejected Mr. [James] Bowdoin's claim. Also discusses a letter he received from Captain [Thomas] Vose regarding advertisements Vose put up, with the help of [David] Fales and [Moses...
24 May 1791
Written by Knox's agent Peirce to Secretary of War Knox. References Knox's letter of 16 May, which mentioned the insolvency of the estate. Is confident it is insolvent because the probate judge reported it so to the judges of the Supreme Court and...
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