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Proposition for Indian policy [in Dutch]
September 16, 1679
Kendall, William, fl. 1679
Contains two separate proposals. Robert Livingston signed as the translator of both proposals.
Proposition made to the Mohawks
William Kendall, the Agent of Indian Affairs in Virginia, writes to set the terms of the colony's relationship with the Mohawks. In order to maintain peace and friendship, Kendall writes that all Indians are required to stand still and lay down...
Answer to Coll. William Kendall's proposition
Mohawk Indians
In their answer, the Mohawks find Coll. Kendall's terms of peace to be agreeable, and consent to lay down their arms before Christians as a sign of friendship. Signed and verified as a true copy by Robert Livingston Secr., who translated, compared...
Answer to Coll. William Kendall's proposition [in Dutch]
Contains the signature of Robert Livingston Secr.
"Answer upon a certain message sent to him by the Onnondages Sachims . . .
. . . with one of the Sakamakers call Othonoones." Kendall states that he knows nothing of an alleged covenant made in private between the Onondagas and Coll. Coursey. He also scolds the Onondagas for postponing a meeting due to smallpox, as he...
"Message from the Sachems of Onnondage to Col: Wm. Kendall . . .
Onondaga Sachems
. . . agent of Virginia sent by one of there Sachems calld Othonoonis accompanyed with his sonne and another Indian." Othonoonis explains that agreements made with Coll. Coursey indicated that colonial agents would visit Onondaga territory, rather...
"The Gov[erno]r Gen[era]ll Message to the Onneydes" [in Dutch and English]
October 12, 1679
Andros, Edmund, 1637-1714
The document announces the Governor's arrival in Albany with the Oneida squaw, and asks if the Oneidas plan to join them.
Message from the Sachems of Onondagas to Col: Wm: Kendall [in Dutch]
Answer to the Onondagas message [in Dutch]
October 6, 1679
"Accompt of Charges Expended upon the Christian Prisoners to witt . . .
Livingston, Robert, 1654-1728
. . . 2 woomen & 4 children wh. came from Oneyde, being taken from Virginia." Account of the services rendered by different individuals and the sums that they were paid.
Proposition to the Oneidas
Kendall states that he is writing to discuss recent incidents of Oneida Indians destroying and plundering colonial settlements, and abducting some women and children. He explains that he is willing to forgive these actions as long as the Oneida...
October 30, 1679
Copy of GLC03107.01.01891.
Proposition of Kendall and Col. Southy Littleton (who is noted to have died before the Indians came), contains the same statement as that in GLC03107.01.01891 and .01892. Followed by a proposition by Kendall to the Mohawks and westward Indians, in...
Copy of GLC03107.01.01893.
Answer to the proposition of William Kendall
Oneida Sachem
In their answer, the Oneida Sachems admit that they destroyed the property of white settlers and took women and children captive. They explain that they were unjustly provoked, however, when white settlers shot some Oneidas for eating their corn, a...
Answer to the proposition of William Kendall [in Dutch]
Proposition to the Oneidas [in Dutch]
Proposition to the Onondagas [in Dutch]
Proposition to the Onondagas
In the proposition, the Onondagas are reprimanded for their aggressions against white settlers, and are instructed to obey the law of standing still and laying down their arms before white men.
In the proposition, the Onondagas are reprimanded for their aggressions against white settlers, and are instructed to obey the law of standing still and laying down their arms before white men. Copy of GLC03107.01.01899.
In their response, the Onondagas claim that the attacks upon white settlers were made without their order, and thank the white men for their forgiveness and understanding. They note, however, that in the future the white men should allow the...
to Coll. Henry Coursey and Coll. Philemon Lloyd re: ambassadors to Albany
Baltimore, fl. 1682
Lord Baltimore appoints both Coll. Coursey and Coll. Lloyd as ambassadors to Albany in order to negotiate a peace settlement with the northern Indians.
"Propositions to the Commissaryes at Albany"
Coursey, Henry, fl. 1677-1682
Signed by both Coursey and Philemon Lloyd. They request the commissaries of Albany to inform the neighboring Indians that they must call back the troops they sent down to Maryland and Virginia so that no mischief may be committed against white...
Response to the proposition of Henry Coursey and Philemon Lloyd
Commisaries of Albany
The Commisaries of Albany express their solidarity with the people of Virginia and Maryland as subjects of the same crown, and pledge their support in the event of a war with the Indians.
Answer to the proposition of Henry Coursey and Philemon Lloyd [in Dutch]
Mohican Indians
Answer to the proposition of Henry Coursey and Philemon Lloyd
On p.1 the Catskill, Mohican, and Esopus Indians explain that they are a very small people with no intention of ever harming Christians. Their answer continues on the 20 July 1682 on p.2, in which they thank the Christians for their friendship, and...
Proposition of Henry Coursey and Philemon Lloyd to the Mohican. . .
. . . Catskill, and Esopus Indians [in Dutch]
Appeal to Anthony Brockholes for assistance with the investigation
Agents of Maryland, fl. 1682
The Agents of Maryland request the assistance of Brockholes and the government of New York in their inquiry into the transgressions of the northern Indians. They ask the New York agents to make it clear to the northern Indians that a peace agreement...
"Propositions to the Senedowannes"
Signed by both Coursey and Philomen Lloyd. They thank the Sinnondowannes for their outstanding loyalty, and ask that they renew their peace agreement. The Sinnondowannes are also instructed to hand over any Indian that has murdered a white man or...
Proposition of Henry Coursey and Philomen Lloyd to the Sinnondowannes & Senecas
[in Dutch].
Answer to the proposition of Henry Coursey and Philomen Lloyd
Seneca people
In their response, the Sinnondowannes and Senecas agree to uphold the covenant made with Coursey, and state their determination to resist all provocations. They also agree to remain on friendly terms with any Indian allies of the colonists, and to...
Answer to the proposition of Henry Coursey and Philomen Lloyd [in Dutch]
Proceedings with the Mohawks, Oneidas, Onondagas, and Cayugas [in Dutch]
1682/08/04 & 05
Record of the proceedings held between the Onondagas, Oneidas, Mohawks, and Cayugas over the course of a few days. During these proceedings, the Indians apologize for the actions of other northern Indians, and state their desire to maintain peace...
Proposition of Henry Coursey and Philomen Lloyd to the Maquas, On[n]eydes, . . .
. . . On[n]ondages, and Cajouges [in Dutch]
Proposition of Henry Coursey and Philomen Lloyd to the Mohawks, Onondagas, . . .
. . . Oneidas, and Cayugas Signed by both Lloyd and Coursey. The document discusses the crimes committed against Christian settlers, and explains that war will be declared if the Indians fail to pay for their transgressions.
3rd proposition to Indians [in Dutch]
2nd proposition to Indians [in Dutch]
2nd and 3rd Proposition to the Mohawks, Oneidas, Onondagas, and Cayugas
Contains the signatures of Coursey and Philomen Lloyd. The document sets the terms for a peace settlement between the agents of Virginia and Maryland, and the northern Indians. Lloyd and Coursey demand 500 beavers to pay for the robbery and plunder...
Instructions for Arnout the interpreter [in Dutch]
Howard of Effingham, Francis Howard, Baron, 1643-1695
P.2 contains a proposition to the western Indians, also in Dutch. Robert Livingston signed as the translator of both documents.
Senecas proposal not to go to the French [in Dutch]
Proposition to the 5 Nations [in Dutch]
Dongan, Thomas, 1634-1715
Docketed on verso.
Proposition to the western Indians [in Dutch]
Proposition to the Onondagas, Oneidas, Cayugas, and Senecas [in Dutch]
Byrd, William, fl. 1685
Answer to the proposition of William Byrd [in Dutch]
Onondaga, Oneida, Seneca, Cayuga, and Mohawk Indians
"Instructions for Arnought the Interpreter (to be by him followed to the . . .
. . . Senecas, Maqques, Onnondages, Oneydes & Cayouges." Effingham instructs the interpreter to inform the Indians that he is aware of the destruction they recently caused in Virginia, where they killed a number of cattle and a few Englishmen. He...
Proposition to the Mohawks, Senecas, Onondagas, and Oneidas
Effingham condemns the Indians for repeatedly breaking their covenant with Coll. Coursey and invading Virginia and Maryland, where they have robbed and plundered English settlements. He explains, however, that he has worked with Thomas Dongan, the...
Proposition to the Mohawks, Senecas, Onondagas, and Oneidas [in Dutch]
to Richard Ingoldesby re: plans to attack the French and Indians of Canada
Schuyler, Pieter, 1657-1724
Schuyler writes that he has enclosed a copy of his propositions to the 5 Nations, and writes of English designs for different attacks upon the French. He also writes of the expense accrued from the conflict. Letter marked as a copy.
Showing results 4,351 - 4,400