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10 March 1774
Longman, Thomas, 1731-1797
List of goods ordered and bought by Henry Knox to be shipped to Boston. Consists of books on a variety of topics, including government, sermons, law and others. Date from docket.
18 July 1772
List of goods ordered and bought by Henry Knox to be shipped to Boston. Consists of books on a variety of topics, including the sermons, dictionaries, the sciences, medicine and others. Noted as a copy.
Appears to be the original of GLC02437.10376. List of goods ordered and bought by Henry Knox to be shipped to Boston. Consists of books on a variety of topics, including the sermons, dictionaries, the sciences, medicine and others.
[William Burns's declaration regarding the Muscongus settlement]
February 26, 1747
Burns, William, fl. 1747
Burns discusses his settlement on Samuel Waldo's Muscongus Patent (also known as the Waldo or Linconshire Patent, land in present-day Maine). Discusses improvements Burns made to a stone house, and mentions his black cattle. Burns was given command...
to Lucy Knox
15 October 1777
Knox, Henry, 1750-1806
Written from camp 24 miles from Philadelphia. Sends this letter by Captain Randall, who had "the misfortune to be again made a prisoner after being slightly wounded in 7 or 8 places." Asks why she has not mentioned a gold watch he sent, worrying...
to David McClure
1 October 1792
This letter was copied in an unknown hand. Writes to the Reverend David McClure and thanks him for the "remembrances of the pure friendship of our early years." Goes on to discuss his views on the Indian Wars and his ideas for intermarriage between...
List of goods ordered and bought by Henry Knox to be shipped to Boston. Consists of books on a variety of topics, including medicine, sermons, Classical literature, and others.
28 August 1771
List of goods ordered and bought by Henry Knox to be shipped to Boston. Consists of books on a variety of topics, including Bibles, grammar and spelling books, and dictionaries.
30 June 1785
Smith & Loring, fl. 1785
Sales of sundry equipment on William Knox's account from October 1781 to July 1782. Includes prayer books, spelling books, hinges, brass knob locks, and various other items.
to Joshua Leavitt
26 June 1847
Birney, James Gillespie, 1792-1857
Birney, an abolitionist, writes to Leavitt, a reformer and minister in Boston. Has been asked to write columns for the Herald, a newspaper, and is allowed by the editor to freely express his opinions. Notes that Dr. Bailey (possibly Gamaliel Bailey...
[Manumission of a slave]
1 August 1791-2 January 1792
Carter, Robert, 1728-1804
Appears to be a copy dated 2 January 1792, of a document written on 1 August 1791. Note at bottom signed by Thomas Edwards on 2 January 1792 says "An extract from the Deed recorded in the Northumberland District Court." Document says that Carter was...
to George Washington
8 September 1791
Initialed by Knox. Thanks Washington for his sympathy regarding the death of his son. States "The arrow with [which we were] stricken is indeed barbed with the keenest anguish." Says that neither reason nor philosophy has had their proper effect.
to Henry Knox
26 September 1791
Belcher, Andrew, 1763-1841
Writes, "It is often matter of great Regret... that it was out of my power to improve & to cultivate so much as I cou'd have wish'd, the Acquaintance I was honor'd with in your Family & to be recognized by Mrs. Knox as a near Relation." Introduces...
9 September 1791
Butler, Pierce, 1744-1822
Asks Knox's pardon "for the intrusion of a letter on business yesterday morning - I had not heard 'till late in the afternoon of your House being a House of Mourning, or I shou[l]d never have broke in on you at such a season." This is in reference...
3 September 1792
McClure, David, 1748-1820
Writes concerning the state of the Indian wars. Though he prefers peaceful ways to settle the conflicts, acknowledges that "[p]acific measures which I wished ardently at first, are now probibly [sic] too late. When I wrote you, I knew not that so...
22 October 1792
Responds to a previous letter from Knox (GLC02437.10255) and thanks him for ordering copies of his "Sermons on the Moral law." States that Knox has suggested the only plan for teaching the Native Americans "civilization": "an incorporation of white...
18 September 1792
Discusses his attempt at publishing several sermons. Forwards one of his subscriptions for Knox's review and opinion: "If sir, you approve of it, I shall be gratified to have it honor'd with the name of so dear & valuable a friend." Notes how the...
[Duties of Christian minister]
29 July 1797
Lists all of the duties he believes a Christian minister should have. Date from docket.
[to Jedediah Morse]
27 December 1798
Knox informs Reverend Morse that "Mr. Volney when in Boston in the spring of 97 himself gratified at the progress of the spirit of the french revolution." Knox quotes Volney as saying, '"'England said he will be revolutionized, the same spirit will...
[Receipt to Henry Knox]
18 June 1796
Andrews, John, fl. 1796
Receipt of monies Knox paid to Samuel Breck for various items, including ten dollars owed to Breck, as well as for the use of one half a pew in Peters Church, Philadelphia. Extensive docket in Knox's hand on verso.
to Mrs. Thomas F. Burpee
December 1, 1862
He talks about the change in leadership from McClellan to Burnside. He writes that McClellan is a genius but he failed to fight sometimes.
December 11, 1862
Burpee, Thomas Francis, 1830-1864
He is unclear whether there will be any more fighting, but Burnside has pushed the rebels back. Fredricksburg has been badly damaged by artillery. Written in a camp near Falmouth.
[Roll of the High Council of Weber Stake]
December 1, 1890
Bishop's Court. Weber Stake of Zion
[To the High Council of Weber Stake of Zion]
December 11, 1888
Trial between Mary and L. M. Nelson.
to body of High Council of Ogden City
December 31, 1888
Waldram, Cnaria, fl. 1888
Henry Rose has left and sold land that did not belong to him. This is proof of his guilt in the matter awaiting the court's decision.
Showing results 501 - 525