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Carte de visite of William T. Sherman with two stars by Anthony
1865 ca.
Sherman, William T. (William Tecumseh), 1820-1891
Seated Napoleon pose with canceled 2 cent tax stamp on reverse.
Carte de visite of George B. McClellan in dress uniform & sword [Brady-Anthony]
1863 ca.
McClellan, George Brinton, 1826-1885
Three-quarter length standing portrait in Napoleon pose. Brady negative published by Anthony.
Genl. Geo. B. McClellan & Staff [Brady-Anthony] [carte de visite]
Portrait of McClellan and three staff officers at a table. McClellan in Napoleon pose. Brady negative published by Anthony.
Carte de visite of George G. Meade bust portrait
Meade, George Gordon, 1815-1872
Appears to be a photograph of an engraving.
Carte de visite of Winfield Scott in dress uniform [by Gurney]
1861 ca.
Scott, Winfield, 1786-1866
Three quarter length portrait with some engraving to soften his features.
Carte de visite of Winfield Scott in dress uniform [Brady-Anthony]
Seated full length portrait of Scott in front of a window holding his sword upright. The photograph has been mounted upside down on the mount.
Lieut. Gen. Winfield Scott [Chas. Fredericks & Co.] [carte de visite]
10 June 1862
As noted on back by Fredericks, the picture was taken "at West Point, N.Y., June 10, 1862," after Scott had retired.
Carte de visite of William H. French [Brady-Anthony]
Brady, Mathew B., 1823-1896
Half-length portrait (seated?) showing one star. French is clean-shaven except for his mustache. A hand-written note on back indicates: "From Gen. Duslins [?] Album. All [?] Lincoln letters"
Carte de visite of Oliver O. Howard in dress uniform
Half-length portrait with two stars visible. Howard appears to be hiding his arm, and the shirt-sleeve has been adjusted to look full.
Carte de visite of John C. Fremont in civilian dress [Gurney]
1862 ca.
This appears to be a photograph of an engraving.
Carte de visite of Henry W. Slocum [Brady]
Slocum, Henry Warner, 1826-1894
Bust only portrait. Slocum's hair is slightly disarrayed and he wears a trimmed beard.
Group of Civil war stereocards including Brady, Anthony [Decimalized .01-.12]
Twelve stereocards from the War Views series. Many from Brady negatives and most with New York imprints.
Carte de visite signed by Lorenzo Thomas, photograph by Gutekunst
Thomas, Lorenzo, 1804-1875
Signed at bottom: "L. Thomas / Adjt. Gen. U.S.A."
Carte de visite signed by Hugh Judson Kilpatrick
E. & H.T. Anthony (Firm)
Brady negative published by E. & H. Anthony. Kilpatrick as Brig. Gen of Vol. Full-length standing portrait
[Confederate prisoner parole document]
11 May 1865
Jackson, William Hicks, 1835-1903
Also signed by Union Brigadier General Elias Smith Dennis. Jackson signed as Confederate Brigadier General. Partially printed parole of honor of Confederate soldier John L. Dismukes, 2nd Lieutenant, Company K, Nixon's Regiment, Tennessee...
The Geographical Reader for the Dixie Children
Moore, Marinda Branson, 1829-1864
Published by Branson, Farrar & Co. A Confederate textbook of American geography that was written because the author "having found most of the juvenile books too complex for young minds, has for some time intended making an effort to simplify the...
[2 letters to Edward S. Ruggles pertaining to his appointments] [decimalized .01-.02]
Ruggles, Edward, 1817-1867
Decimilized at GLC0571.01 and .02.
to Edward S. Ruggles
15 May 1862
Mallory, Stephen R., 1813-1873
On Confederate Navy Department stationery. Signed by Confederate Secretary of Navy Mallory. Endorsed by Admiral Franklin Buchanan and Commodore Charles McBlair. Letter appointing Ruggles, who was in Jackson, Mississippi, as Acting Midshipman in the...
20 August 1863
Seddon, James A. (James Alexander), 1815-1880
Partially-printed document signed by Confederate Secretary of War Seddon. Appoints Ruggles as Signal Officer with the rank and pay of Second Lieutenant in the Provisional Army (Ruggles had previously served in the Navy), effective 19 August 1863...
Collection of Paul J. Semmes, 2nd Regiment, Georgia, infantry [Decimalized .01-.38]
Semmes, Paul Jones, 1815-1863
Documents relating to the arming of Georgia and Semmes's militia and early Civil War service. Most documents are housed together, although .4 and .18 are in oversize documents and .38 (button) is housed separately. Includes his Univ of Virginia...
Endorsement (by Lee and Beauregard) of telegram from Gov. Zebulon B. Vance
05 September 1864
Lee, Robert E., 1807-1870
Telegram from Raleigh, N.C. written in a clerical hand on stationery of the Southern Telegraph Company. Endorsed on verso by Beauregard and Lee. Vance was North Carolina governor.
to William J. Fowler
June 7, 1894
Longstreet, James, 1821-1904
General Longstreet discusses the reconstruction policies of Presidents Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson with Fowler, a judge in Boston, Massachusetts. He states "The independent action of President Johnson, was the error that lead the grave...
to Henry F. McSherry
circa early 1861
McSherry, Anna, 1833-?
Large parts of the letter are faded and it is hard to read. References receiving Henry's letter. Says she is sorry to hear that he is to lose Mr. Cunningham - who appeared to be a naval officer on Henry's ship. She knew he was an agreeable companion...
circa mid 1861
Letter is faded with water damage and mold. Written by Anna to her brother Henry in the U.S. Navy. Henry seems to have contracted malaria. Says through the tone of his letter she assumes his health is better. Asks if he has taken the quinine. Says...
December 8, 1861
McSherry, Eliza, 1829-?
Letter is faded from water damage. Written by Eliza to her brother Henry. Is sorry he has to "go away without even getting a sight of a home face." Wants him to come up to Littlestown to visit while his vessel is being prepared. Tells him to "not...
March 18, 1862
McSherry, Richard M., 1818-?
Written by Richard to his brother Henry. References Henry's letter of 21 February. Says he heard of him through Mrs. Miller's brother. Reports that "The Balt & Ohio R.R. will probably be open to Wheeling in the course of a week, so that our...
To his wife
December 8, 1862
Tillotson, George W., 1830-1918
Money sent to wife, difficulty of collecting debts from other soldiers, mentions pursuit of deserters.
March 15, 1863
Written in pencil. Continued on March 16. Describes his accommodations: "The house consists of four pieces of tents, two of which are buttoned together, for the sides, with little rope loops, at the corners, to pin them down to the ground. ......
March 20, 1863
Written in pencil. Continued March 21. Has moved to better ground and larger house, which he describes. Now has a stove made from an old camp kettle, so the other boys crowd his house to stay warm. Describes leg swelling and lameness, makes...
March 25, 1863
House building costs and materials. He has fattened-up and now weighs 170 lbs. Other regiments transferred to Tennessee. Written in a camp near Suffolk, Virginia
December 27, 1863
On furlough. Had hoped to surprise her by coming home, but must go to Albany. Still hopes to see her.
To her brother George Tillotson
15 April [1864]
Tillotson, Mary, fl. 1866
George has lost a son. Describes the invalids who come to Vineland to be cured by fresh air and water. Also includes a letter to her sister-in-law Libbey on verso and a small postscript to her sister Fanny.
To her sister Fanny
28 August [1865]
Post war lettter also addressed to George Tillotson and his wife Libby. Discusses family news.
To George Tillotson
5 April [1862]
Tillotson, Louisa, fl. 1861-1898
Family news. Brother Nelson may have been captured in Tennessee. Nelson, a teamster, believed Negroes would be recruited to drive them teams so white men could fight.
Newspaper clippings
1913 to 1928
Miscellaneous news clipping including: obituaries, anniversary and birthday celebrations, G.A.R. reunion news, and other news related to the Tillotson family.
Ambrotype of Tillotson family
Ambrotype of Mrs. Tillotson, Leon, Georgina (age 6) and Lucy (age 3) in a wooden case.
to Fannie Schoonmaker
March 17, 1862
Higgins, Patrick, fl. 1859-1862
Printed on stationery marked "Liberty and Union." Has a "troubled mind." Does not know why she has not responded to his letter. Is "ready to face the enemy and stand fast." The regiment is going to move, and he has to go to the "cursed hospital" for...
to Lodema
December 9, 1862
Bettes, William H., fl. 1862-1865
Writes from Chantilly Camp. Experiencing extreme winter weather, such as snow, but are surprisingly comfortable. Has no war news to report, there is more information in the papers. S. Z. Dickinson is still in the Regimental Hospital and very sick...
December 19, 1862
Encamped near Potomac Creek, Virginia about four miles from Hartford Court House and six or seven miles from Fredericksburg, Virginia. Left the camp at Hall Farm on Saturday and went to Fairfax, Ohio and found the troops. Saw S. Z. Dickinson at...
to his parents
Weeks, John F., fl. 1860-1882
Reports the death of Capt. Holden from a wound through the muscle of the arm below the elbow. Also reports that one corporal was killed and two wounded, leaving four corporals on duty. He has finally been paid and hopes to be paid again soon....
to Etta
March 16, 1863
Writes that he is on picket duty twice a week and that he was recently in Knoxville. Reports that contraband come into the lines every day to list for sugar. Also reports that the troops are currently engaged at Dandridge.
to his sisters
Complains about the monotony of the barracks. Left for Vicksburg early in the morning. Describes the eating habits of the soldiers and compares them to pigs eating swill. Writes that his eating utensils consist of a tin cup and a jack knife.
to Frank
December 29, 1864
Pratt, Emery, fl. 1860
Describes a series of events including a skirmish with General Hood's forces and the battles of Franklin and Nashville. Writes that some men from the company were lost and some "pretty badly demoralized". Also writes that the soldiers are living on...
to Thomas Weeks
December 8, 1872
Shoaf, David, fl. 1860
Writes to inform Weeks that he is still alive and would like to hear from him.
to John Weeks
March 16, 1882
Lenhart, John, fl. 1860
Is happy to hear from "one of our boys that is still alive". Writes that George Biddulph, John Gardon, and Capt. James Hogue are still living in the area. Assures Weeks that any of the men would be willing to help him out with his case.
diary belonging to John F. Weeks--Includes entries for almost every day of the year 1862.
January 1, 1862 - December 7, 1862
includes what looks like a peacock feather
[Poem about soldiers]
December 27, 1864
Four line poem about soldiers.
to Parents
Van Nuys, Samuel Watson, 1841-1864
March 22, 1863
December 6, 1863
March 27, 1864
to Eleanor Hammond
December 18, 1864
Hammond, Horace J., fl. 1862-1865
Is very healthy: "cough is most well, my appetite is first rate, and I feel first rate." Leg is still a bit sore, but it is getting better. Fayette is healthy, but Joseph has the mumps. Eats all he can get at, and gets enough food. Moved about a mile...
March 20, 1865
All are healthy. Feels "first health is the best it has been for 4 or 5 years," but would feel even better if he were at home. Hopes this letter will find her and Oscar in a similar condition. Has sent $95.50 in total to her in the form of...
March 24, 1865
All are healthy. Leg is back to normal. Has not received a letter in two weeks, but supposes that that is on account of the high water taking out some of the railroad. Weather has been cool and windy for 2 or 3 days now. "We lay here very quiet in...
March 27, 1865
All are healthy; hopes this letter finds her in equally good health. Has not received a letter since March 10th. Is sending a few pictures with this letter. One shows the railroad bridge that has been built since the battle of Hatcher Run. "It is 35...
E. D. Morgan
December 19, 1864
Morgan, Edwin D., 1811-1883
Senator from New York Late Governor of the State of New York Written on verso: Senator 3/4/63-3/3/69
to "Powers"
December 9, 1871
Harrington, C. S., fl. 1871
Signed "C S Harrington"
to Miller A. Wright
December 17, 1862
Flora, fl. 1861-1863
[cousin]. Flora is playfully upset with Miller for not writing recently, charging that she wrote to him last, and that it was several weeks ago that she sent the letter in question. However, she quickly darkens the tone of her prose. Flora is...
Wright, Moses R., fl. 1864
The salutation reads "Dear Nephew." Moses is helping Miller go into business. He writes briefly here to ensure that he reaches Miller, as he may not see his nephew for a few days.
to Force [Judge Manning Ferguson Force]
December 17, 1879
Pope, John, 1822-1892
with annotations.
March 22, 1880
with annotations. Marked confidential
March 22, 1881
December 9, 1881
with annotations. Followed by blank half leaf. Envelope dated 12 December.
March 24, 1882
December 18, 1882
to Eliakim P. Scammon
December 7, 1863
Orders him to attack Lewisburg and hold it until December 17-18: "The object of this is to engage the attention of the enemy while Brg. Gen. Averell is completing his expedition against the Virginia and Tennessee Railroad at Salem..."
to Samuel Watson Van Nuys
December 9, 1861
Van Nuys, John H., fl. 1861-1862
Explains that his plans to deliver clothing and blankets to Company F have been delayed until he receives another letter. Describes the participation of young people in a recent church service, and includes a list of those who have recently joined...
March 14, 1862
General news of home (health, family, weather, crops, etc.) Describes "a great battle in Arkansas" (Pea Ridge?), which involved the 18th Regiment. "It was a glorious victory. I suppose the infernal McCulla [Benjamin McCulloch] is dead at last."...
"Stanton has is[s]ued an order forbidding the publishing of Army Movements," thus Vannuys confesses to being uninformed of current army activities. He suspects his son will go to Winchester, and does not believe there will be forward movement on the...
March 24, 1862
December 26, 1861
List, Samuel F., fl. 1861
to [illegible]
Waldron, J.H., fl. 1864
Signed "J. H. Waldron"
March 23, 1865
Gale, George, fl. 1864-1870
Signed "Gale"
[Commission for J. H. Van Nuys to carry donated goods]
December 7, 1861
Vajen, J.H., fl. 1861
Commission for J. H. Van Nuys to carry donated goods for the 7th, 9th, 13th, and 14th Indiana Regiments stationed in Western Virginia
to Frank A. Cole
March 16, 1861
Cole, J., fl. 1861
from his father. illegible.
to Mother
Lowrie, James Addison, 1843-?
a great deal of the company has been wounded or killed. hoping to get a furlough soon.
December 27, 1862
his wound is improving. still suffering from pneumonia. sent to Farmville to recuperate.
to Brother
March 14, 1864
water damage, cannot be read.Written in a camp near Kinston, North Carolina
water damage, cannot be read. Written in a camp near Kinston, North Carolina
to Maria, Elma, Amus, Johnny and Co.
March 14, 1865
Wells, Edmund C., fl. 1864-1865
today went with Wallace and used his money. an agent from head quarters and said he prefers to have them run it. acknowledges his mother's suffering because of his absence.
to Maria
March 15, 1865
records his movements. encountered snow and ice. The third morning out they found a fleet of chickens. decided to shoot some.
March 21, 1865
has been informed of Mother's death. weather is cold. the price on farms is low now.
March 24, 1864
south of Petersburg. yesterday there was a review of the 2nd corps. very rainy and windy weather.thinks they're better situated then they were last summer.
March 18, 1865
General Grant is in the area. has a paper giving a full account of Sheridan's actions but has no way to send it right now. Written at City Point- now named Hopewell
Levi left his trunk on boat of City Point. heard that Capt. Manville was relieved of duty but does not know who will succeed him. thinks hoops must be going out of style because his cousins aren't wearing them.
the enemy attacked the 9th and 2nd corp. describes the Comissary Quarters. believes that men can live more comfortably apart from women than women can by themselves.
to Annie
Keyes, Samuel. fl. 1862-1863
writes there will be a forward movement. 20,000 more have joined them. they are getting ready to attack Norfolk. writes "before I came to the South, I had some sympathy for the slaves, but it has all gone..."
to J.W. Thayes
December 19, 1859
Burpee, Thomas Francis, 1830-1864
He is sending a sample of the Doeskin which Mr. Terry is making. He has done the finishing.
officially appoints Thomas F. Burpee legal guardian of three children
March 21, 1853
Buce, Moses B., fl. 1853
Frances S. Watts, Emma C. Watts and Francis Alonso Watts
to J.W. Thayer
December 8, 1856
He writes of a band that cannot come to an agreement as to whether they want the more expensive instruments or the cheaper ones.
Sentry Box
March 15, 1929
Article about R.O.T.C summer camp and the civil war history they will learn.
to Rev. and Dear Brother
March 22, 1862
Buttre, C.M., fl. 1862
He arrived home and found all things well, is enclosing something for his daughter.
to Col. Lucien F. Burpee
March 25, 1913
Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Company
Written in pencil: Execution of Dr. Wright.
to Paymaster
Bowen, C.D., fl. 1865
asks paymaster to please forward his pay immediately to the above address. has not been paid since he was taken prisoner and desperately needs to pay his family's bills.
Certifies that Thomas Burpee is still ill and requires leave of absence
March 24, 1863
Prisley, Stephen, fl. 1863
Doctor writes about Burpee's rheumatic fever which will prevent him from working.
to Richard H. Jackson
March 27,1863
Martin, fl. 1861-1864
He notes that his love of adventure is not yet satisfied, yet he thinks it would be after two years of military service. He writes that Richard's mother wants very much to receive a letter from him.
to Mrs. Thomas F. Burpee
March 17, 1864
He talks about the weather and compares it to Conn. He says the climate is healthier where he is. He would like to have her come but says the enemy is too close right now. He mentions Aunt Armenia.
March 21, 1864
Copy of faded letter, GLC02744.169, possibly by Burpee's son.
Report that the rebels are threatening Plymouth. Feeling lonely. Imagines they are having supper together.
Showing results 17,201 - 17,300