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General orders no. 190
25 June 1863
Townsend, E. D. (Edward Davis), 1817-1893
Order stating that "All men enlisting in the Regular Army for five years' service...shall receive a premium, advance pay, and bounty, of $402."
to Richard Henry Lee
9 January 1777
Henry, Patrick, 1736-1799
Written by Henry as Governor of Virginia to Lee as a Virginia delegate to the Continental Congress. Sends congratulations about Washington's victory at Trenton on 25 December 1776. Observes that the people of Virginia are firm. Believes a great...
[Pardon of Robert Barnett by Abraham Lincoln]
25 March 1865
Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865
Barnett was arrested during the New York Draft Riots and convicted of discouraging enlistments, he was pardoned due to poor health. Endorsed on verso on the date of Lincoln's death. (c/s F.W. Seward)
to Robert Livingston, Jr. re: a welcome period of tranquility
Livingston, Robert Cambridge, 1742-1790
"The most turbulent Spirits amongst us do not expect the arrival of any Troops at present. Mr. Colden says it was only propogated to facilitate the introduction of the Connecticut Forces amongst us - We are now enjoying as much tranquility as ever...
to Robert Livingston, Jr. re: fire in New York
Clinton, George, 1739-1812
George Clinton informs Robert, Jr. of his brother's military actions, and states that the British set a fire in New York, which has caused only a small amount of damage. He explains that there is a great deal of tension between British soldiers and...
to Sir
16 June 1863
Stout, Frankin, fl. 1853
A call to arms. Letter reminds recipient of Frank Stout's bravery and ability and asks that he fight under Stout. Stout is going back again for six months.
[History of 157th regiment Pennsylvania volunteers]
Richie, Joseph, 1862-1865
Autograph manuscript. Noted as a copy and signed "Thomas E. Carter" on page one. Not really a diary, although first three pages contain information that Richie received the book on 5 September 1864, the day Private Joseph Richie Co. C, 157th...
to Eliakim P. Scammon
11 August 1862
Hayes, Rutherford B., 1822-1893
Hayes writes as Lieutenant Colonel of the 23rd Regiment of Ohio Volunteers to Scammon, his superior, as commander of the 1st Brigade. Mentions the completion of service of a three month Ohio regiment and that more men will have to be recruited....
Texas expects every man to do his duty... [calling for reinforcements at Alamo]
February 28, 1836
Smith, Henry W., 1836-1869
[Notice declaring resolutions passed by the Massachusetts state senate intended to raise militia to meet Massachusetts' quota in the Continental Army]
16 June 1781
Hancock, John, 1737-1793
Issued by Hancock as Governor of Massachusetts. Sent up for concurrence by Nathaniel Gorham as Speaker of the House of Representatives, read and concurred on June 16, 1781 by Samuel Adams as the President of the Massachusetts State Senate, signed by...
to Benjamin Huntington
24 September 1780
Parsons, Samuel H., 1737-1789
Brigadier General Parsons complains about insufficient provisions and decreasing numbers of troops, in which he did not see "in the present Temper of the Country a possibility of recruiting them again. Rails against Congress and the promotion of...
to John Angel James Creswell
10 December 1863
Birney, William, 1819-1907
Marked as "Private." General Birney discusses the publication of an enclosed certificate (not included) with Creswell, a United States Representative from Maryland. Discussing African American soldiers, states "In July, I was authorized by telegram...
War Meeting! at Laona!
31 July 1862
Recruitment broadside with woodcut of American eagle on top of shield. The eagle holds a banner that says "The Union Must and Shall Be Preserved!" Says there is a meeting at the church in Laona. Discussion to be on raising volunteers for the defense...
to John Bryant
18 June 1792
Knox, Henry, 1750-1806
Directs Captain Bryant to "furnish Capt. Flunt, with arms for his recruits: and that you will transport to Middletown, Connecticut, addressed to Captain John Pratt, - Fifty - stand of arms - Let them all be of the 'Charleville' Stamp." Written from...
15 April 1796
Hodgdon, Samuel, 1745-1824
Requests Bryant sends 40 of his best French Arms with cartouch boxes and gun [worms] to Captain Edward Miller's recruits in Connecticut. Notes to take triplicate receipts upon delivery.
to Lemuel Trescott
21 July 1791
Buell, John Hutchinson, 1752-1813
Captain Buell writes to Major Trescott of the 2nd U.S. Infantry about Trescott sending troops to join Buell, who was on his way to Middletown, Connecticut: "I hope you have at Springfield some good non Commissioned officers, as I shall have some...
to unknown
14 July 1791
Howe, B.A., fl. 1791
Howe, a lieutenant in the 2nd U.S. Infantry, discusses efforts to recruit men, possibly for Captain John H. Buell (see GLC03432.050) who he mentions has not yet arrived in Middletown, Connecticut. Possibly written to Major Lemuel Trescott of the...
11 August 1791
Howe, a lieutenant in the 2nd U.S. Infantry, reports on recruitment efforts to Major Trescott. Indicates that "our success is miserable only one Recruit since the party marched... hope after the harvest the prospect will be more favorable." Also...
August 8, 1783
Crane, John, 1744-1805
Colonel Crane asks Captain Bryant to sign a duplicate receipt for recruitment money Crane had given him in 1777, so he could settle his accounts. Crane had lost the original.
4 September 1791
Turner, Edward D., fl. 1768-1811
Informs major Trescott that he is sending six new recruits, two of which need to be examined by a doctor. Also discusses finding a person to "Stack [Major Trescott's] pistols." Trescott resigned his commission later that year and went on to found...
[Regarding African American troops in Missouri]
24 December 1863
President Lincoln states that commissioners are "to appraise negroes in Missouri." Mentions that he was previously unaware of General Order No. 135 issued in mid-November 1863 by General John McAllister Schofield, in command of the Department of...
to Robert Livingston re: attempts to recruit men in struggle against French
Bolcher, Andrew, fl. 1690
Bolcher discusses Livingston's wishes to live peaceably, and his attempts to recruit men for the "warr with france," which have apparantly met with little or no success. Much of the letter is illegible due to damage. Written in the Charlestown...
to Robert Livingston re: potential for a war with the Indians in New England
Graham, James, fl. 1679-1700
Graham was in New York "to attend the business of the supreme court." Taking the opportunity to forward the news of new Colonial Governor Hamilton's arrival in New York, Graham also writes of the troubles in New England: "Accordingly they are very...
22 May 1862
Brieje, N.B., fl. 1862
Brieje authorizes the recipient (possibly Ethan A. Jenks) to recruit for the Seventh Regiment, Rhode Island Volunteers. States that Dr. Harris will inspect each recruit in Providence, Rhode Island.
to Ethan A. Jenks
24 June 1862
Sayles, Welcome B., fl. 1862
Colonel Sayles requires Jenks to report new recruits to the Providence Headquarters of the Rhode Island Volunteers
20 August 1862
Colonel Sayles orders Jenks to report recruits to Corporal A. C. Eddy at Camp Bliss, Rhode Island.
to Edward C. Mauran
February 14, 1865
Locklin, Thomas, fl. 1865
Private Locklin expresses difficulty obtaining his bounty, thus requests Enlistment Rolls from Adjutant General Mauran. Written at Fort Sedgwick
to Lorenzo Thomas
2 July 1863
Bliss, Zenas Randall, 1835-1900
Colonel Bliss informs Adjutant General Thomas that Captain Ethan A. Jenks knew nothing of "Fraudulently enlisting a Private in his Company who served but one Month and drew bounty." Bliss attests to Jenks' character and requests reconsideration of...
[confirms that James A. Briggs was unfit for military service at the time of enlistment]
Rex, George, fl. 1861-1877
Rex, a surgeon, confirms that Private James A. Briggs received a bounty though he only served in the military for one month.
[List of Company Books turned over to mustering officials by Captain Ethan A. Jenks]
22 June 1865
Jenks, Ethan A., fl. 1825-1901
[blank printed form for volunteer enlistment]
Volunteer Descriptive List and Account of Pay and Clothing of Recruits for Seventh Regiment, Rhode Island Volunteers.
20 March 1864
Silvey, W., fl. 1864
Account filled out by W. Silvey, Capt. 1st Artillery and Supr. Vol. Recruiting to record the debit record of a recruit for the 7th Regiment of Rhode Island Volunteers. The recruit's name was Thomas Lockliu Jr. Signed by Edward C. Mauran as Adjutant...
to John Francis Mercer
February 27, 1785
Monroe, James, 1758-1831
Monroe, a member of the Confederation Congress, informs Mercer, member of the Virginia House of Delegates, that a secretary will soon be appointed to assist John Adams as Minister to Great Britain. States that James McHenry, also a member of the...
to Thomas J. Semmes
18 March 1861
Moore, Thomas Overton, 1804-1876
The Governor of Louisiana writes to Semmes, a Confederate Senator from Louisiana, regarding raising of the first troops for the Confederacy. States that the Secretary of War is asking for 1700 men as soon as possible. Says that the government would...
[Call for applications to join a Corps of Field Engineers for the defense of Philadelphia]
Committee of Defence (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Calls for 100 men to serve as artillerists. Indicates pay will be the same as artificers in the United States Army. The committee was authorized to raise the corps by the General Committee of Philadelphia.
to Robert M. Patterson
Williams, Jonathan, 1750-1815
Reports that the General Committee of Defence had an interview with the Pennsylvania governor about the formation of a corps of engineers and pioneers. Governor Simon Snyder agreed to commission them as volunteers that could be called into service...
Discusses expanding the Corps of Field Engineers & Pioneers. Hopes Patterson, the chief engineer, has decided to become the first captain, which Williams asked of him in GLC02978.12, and will help decide who else become officers. Claims Patterson's...
[Receipt for 300 pounds for Continental Army enlistment]
February 5, 1777
Belcher, William, 1731-1801
Partially printed document signed by Captain Belcher indicating his receipt of the money "for the additional Encouragement granted...for raising a Company in the Battalion to be commanded by Jedediah Huntington Colonel."
[Bounty receipt for Revolutionary War soldiers]
17 August 1779
Foster, Caleb, 1760-?
Indicates the receipt of twenty one pounds for Foster and Allen Perley enlisting "to go to Boston 'tll the first of October."
[Note of the enlistment of Eli Lealand, John Fairbanks, and Joseph Morese in the Continental Army]
Indicates their enlistment for February and March with the condition they be allowed a visit home.
[Receipt for powder for the British Royal Artillery]
February 23, 1782
Traille, Peter, fl. 1782
The powder was received from and the receipt sent to George Wray, Commissary to the Royal Artillery. The powder was for making blank cartridges for recruits.
[Jonathan Norris' military enlistment during the French and Indian War]
3 May 1760
Norris, Jonathan, fl. 1760
Partially printed document in which Norris enlists himself in the British army from the Province of Massachusetts Bay, noting that he received five dollars as partial bounty money from Joseph Thompson. Indicates their mission is "the total Reduction...
[Document in the name of George II re: authorization to recruit soldiers for a British regiment]
1 May 1745
Yonge, William, ?-1755
A true copy signed by John Campbell, Earl of Loudon, sent to William Yonge who was the British secretary of state for war. Campbell was a colonel in the British army in the American colonies.
[Nathan Lovell's military enlistment during the French and Indian War]
February 27, 1760
Lovell, Nathan, 1742-1760
Lovell enlists himself in the British army from the Province of Massachusetts Bay, noting that he received five dollars as bounty money from Captain Timothy Hamant. Indicates that he is joining a mission for "the total Reduction of Canada."...
Blank French and Indian War enlistment form.
[Printed resolution of recruitment schedule]
1 March 1782
Massachusetts House of Representatives
1,500 men are needed for the "Massachusetts Line." Lists quota required from each town. Also resolves that a tax will be imposed if these quotas are not met. A few handwritten calculations in the margins.
[Pages 1-4 are present, but the document...
[Proclamation concerning raising troops in New Hampshire]
February 28, 1757
Wentworth, Benning, fl. 1757
Promotes voluntary enlistment in order to raise troops to serve on the western frontiers of the New England governments and to prevent the further encroachment of the French. Lists what each volunteer will receive in terms of salary and equipment....
Printed resolutions regarding recruiting and clothing [Decimalized .01-.02]
Massachusetts Assembly
See decimalized entries.
Broadside says that the 4,240 troops apportioned on Massachusetts was not a sufficient quota to fill out the Massachusetts Line by nearly 1,000 men. Because of casualties and this shortage, the state needs to raise another 1,500 men for three years...
Showing results 301 - 350