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General Order No. 11
10 May 1861
Lappon, M.W., fl. 1861
Lieutenant Fellows has been appointed adjudant of the first regiment. Warren Clark is now drill master. Written in Camp Union
13 May 1861
Capt. Greenleaf will [illegible] the colors on the line after the formation of the same.
General Order No. 7
13 June 1861
Taffan (colonel), fl. 1861
The calls for company and squad drills will be strictly attended to. The men are not allowed to lie on the ground without a blanket because of health reasons.
to the Paymaster General
circa 1861-1864
Ingalls, G.W., fl. 1861
Several soldiers signed a petition requesting their pay up to the 30th of September.
Several soldiers want the 1st Sargeant appointed 2nd Lieutenant of the 3rd regiment.
Petition for Col. Fellows
They feel that the 2nd lieutenant , Samuel M. Smith has violated some code of conduct while on drill. They feel he should be disciplined but they also hope to witness an improvement since they note his many good qualities.
to E.A. Preshay
9 January 1868
Letter of introduction for Fellows, now the director of a bank.
to Frederick Starr
2 May 1864
Starr, George H., fl. 1839-1916
Written from Libby Prison ("Hotel de Libbie") in Richmond. Starr discusses, sometimes humorously, the possibility of exchange, his desire for packages, and his health. He also mentions the fact that his February escape attempt precluded his early...
to Ethan A. Jenks
16 August 1862
Sayles, Welcome B., fl. 1862
Colonel Sayles orders Jenks to assume command of the Seventh Regiment, Rhode Island Volunteers.
20 August 1862
Colonel Sayles orders Jenks to report recruits to Corporal A. C. Eddy at Camp Bliss, Rhode Island.
September 1863
Scovel, Henry W., fl. 1863
Scovel, United States Paymaster, discusses a case involving Jenks. Informs Jenks he can receive pay for the period to 4 May 1863 unless Jenks provides evidence of the dates during which he performed duties as Captain.
to Sergeant McElroy
8 September 1863
Niles, Nelson, fl. 1863
Private Niles requests that McElroy send Niles' description list to the surgeon in charge of the Main Street Hospital in Covington. States that he was reported dead and can draw no pay.
to Montgomery C. Meigs
15 December 1863
Jenks, Ethan A., fl. 1825-1901
Captain Jenks transmits the monthly return of clothing, camp, and garrison equipage and the clothing receipt roll for November 1863.
February 1, 1864
Briggs, James A., fl. 1863-1864
Private Briggs requests his back pay from Captain Jenks and offers Jenks half of the pay.
to Percy Daniels
18 August 1864
Captain Jenks requests a twenty day leave of absence from Colonel Percy Daniels.
to unknown
February 14, 1865
Heistand, P., fl. 1865
Refers to an enclosed Descriptive List for Private Carder Sherman (not included). Instructs the recipient to send a new Descriptive List.
to E. B. French
30 April 1865
Consists of several copied statements regarding items lost from Captain Jenks' ordnance stores. Signed by French as Second Auditor of the United States Treasury.
5 May 1865
Wilbur, George A., fl. 1865
Captain Wilbur informs Captain Jenks that he is required to attend the General Court Martial scheduled for 8 May 1865.
to Samuel B. Ward
31 May 1865
Captain Jenks writes to Ward, Assistant Surgeon at a general hospital, regarding the Descriptive List of Private P. Thornton.
Informs the recipient that as Brigade Officer of the Day, the author found the men at several pickets "well instructed and vigilantly performing their duty." Written at Poplar Grove Church.
18 May 1885
Johnson, William H., fl. 1885
First Lieutenant Johnson requests information regarding surgeons working in the Portsmouth Grove, Rhode Island Hospital during the years of 1864 and 1865 from Captain Jenks. Johnson requests this information for the widow of Sergeant [Dennis J.]...
2 September 1893
Bliss, Zenas Randall, 1835-1900
Colonel Bliss declines an invitation for the annual meeting of the Seventh Rhode Island Veterans Association from Jenks, the Association's President.
22 December 1900
Hopkins, William P., fl. 1973
Hopkins sends Captain Jenks a block made from a picture of General Zenas Randall Bliss (not included). Informs Jenks of his plans to visit Civil War sites in Virginia.
to John Sullivan
2 July 1863
Obeying special orders from the War Department, Colonel Bliss relieves Captain Ethan A. Jenks from duty.
[dates related to Ethan A. Jenks' dismissal]
3 July 1863
Written on a small notebook, this sheet lists the chronology of Jenks' dismissal.
to John G. Nicholay
21 July 1863
Sanford, A., fl. 1863
Sanford, U. S. Marshal, requests that General Nicholay, Private Secretary of President Lincoln, assist Captain Ethan Jenks in delivering an Executive Communication from Rhode Island Governor James Y. Smith. States that the Communication (not...
to Edward Davis Townsend
3 August 1863
Smith, James, fl. 1863
Smith, Rhode Island Governor, requests the original or certified copy of the enlistment of Private James A. Briggs to be used in the trial of Captain Ethan A. Jenks from Townsend, Assistant Adjutant General.
[Private Briggs' statement regarding his health and enlistment in the Seventh Regiment of the Rhode Island Volunteers]
7 August 1863
Briggs states that several doctors' examinations' found him fit for military service before he was sworn in.
to Edwin M. Stanton
22 October 1863
Jenks writes to Stanton, Secretary of War, regarding his pay between the date of his dismissal and the time he received notification of dismissal. Colonel Bliss confirms Jenks' claims.
to the United States Senate and House of Representatives
Jenks' statement claiming he was unaware of the order dismissing him from military service until he received the order in the field during the siege of Vicksburg, Mississippi
[monthly return of clothing, camp, and garrison equipage]
30 September 1863
Monthly return of clothing, camp, and garrison equipage. 30 September 1863
9 September 1864
Monthly return of clothing, camp, and garrison equipage for August 1864
April 1865
Monthly return of clothing, camp, and garrison equipage for April 1865.
10 May 1865
Monthly return of clothing, camp, and garrison equipage for March 1865. Written at Fort Sedgwick
[invoice of equipage issued to Captain Ethan A. Jenks]
October 1863
Merrill, James F., fl. 1863-1865
invoice of equipage issued to Captain Ethan A. Jenks. October 1863
February 1864
Bates, Gustavus D., fl. 1863-1864
invoice of equipage issued to Captain Ethan A. Jenks. February 1864
March 1864
Fessenden, Samuel, fl. 1863-1864
invoice of equipage issued to Captain Ethan A. Jenks. March 1864 Written at Camp Burnside.
to Father
2 March 1884
Fellows, W.B., fl. 1884
He compliments his father on his address and makes a few suggestions on how he can improve it further.
[Jenks relates the chronological details of his military dismissal and reinstatement from memory]
Relates 2 July 1863 Notice of Dismissal charging him for missing a 4 May 1863 appearance before a military commission which he had not been notified of. States that he admitted Private James Briggs into service without knowing that he was physically...
Notes on the 23rd Psalm
Pierco, Charles R., fl. 1862
This was written into a pocket bible on the eve of the battle of Donaldson..
General Orders, No. 375
1 November 1861
Williams, Joseph D., fl. 1861
Enlistments are commanded to stop.
General Orders, No. 350
10 October 1861
About the allocation of pay for volunteers' families.
William Stone Hubbell
Biography of William Stone Hubbell, an officer in the twenty-first
General Orders, No. 11
10 October 1863
Johnston, Geo. H., fl. 1863
Procedure for officer of Volunteers wishing to resign.
Receipt for Thomas F. Burpee
17 November 1863
Burdick, C.M., fl. 1863
For the cost of shirts. He paid $6.00.
receipt for train ticket
27 August 1862
To freight from Hartford
Granting permission to Burpee to take a leave of absence
14 June 1863
Patrick, Marsena Rudolph, 1811-1888
Burpee has permission to go to Ft. Monroe en route for Baltimore and he can also take his horse,
General Orders, No. 20
14 May 1860
Burpee, Thomas Francis, 1830-1864
Orders all officers to appear at their armory on the 23rd day of May, 1860.
to Enoch Q. Fellows
28 November 1861
Gilman, Joseph, fl. 1861
He is writing to see if there is any way Adolphus Hoit can be made to return to his regiment. He deserted from Hemstead Long Island. He is happy that Fellow's regiment gets such praise and accolades.
17 April 1862
Eber, H.W., fl. 1862
He is asking for a furlough because he has received word that his mother is sick. Written at Port Royal, located on Hilton Head Island.
Countersign and Parole list
31 July 1861
William, R.B., fl. 1861
List of Quartermaster's Stores
12 August 1865
McKinn, John, fl. 1865
Lists 3 field desk tables.
Abstract of Articles
3 August 1865
to Col. Tophen
24 June 1861
Abert, William S., fl. 1861
They wish him to be prepared to reinforce the guard.
Special Orders No. 93
8 July 1861
Any wagon that can be spared must be given to the commanding general so he can move a large force to the front.
General Orders No. 1
10 July 1861
The commanding general has learned that [illegible] have not been prepared for the men. They are ordered to attend to this omission at once
11 July 1861
Col. Stine and Col. Swchwartzwald will direct morning reports to be made to them of their commanding officers.
16 July 1861
Countersign and parole. Also ordering troops to have one day's ration cooked. They must be in bed by 8 o' clock.
No one is permitted to go beyond the picket lines and will hold as prisoners all who attempt to do so.
General Orders No. 35
26 July 1861
The regimental baggage wagons will be sent on the Potomac today.
Special Order No. 1
26 April 1861
States the number of commanding officers that will report for guard duty at half past 6. Written in Camp Union
Special Order No. 2
The commanding officer will detail a certain number of soldiers of each rank for guard duty. Written in Camp Union
General Order No. 3
28 April 1861
Every day there will be an "officer in charge," and an officer of the day." The "officer in charge" will oversee dress parade and encampment. The "officer of the day" will have control of the guard and police. Written in Camp Union
General Order unumbered
1 May 1861
Gaye, John H., fl. 1861
Gen. Fellows will be officer in charge and will have full command of the camp. Capt. Gremlief will be officer of the day. Written in Camp Union
General Order No. 8
6 May 1861
Gen. Fellows will continue as officer in charge and Capt. Bell will be officer of the day. All letters sent from the camp will be forwarded to the quartermaster and then put in the mail. Written in Camp Union
Petition to have Denus K. Scuton appointed lieutenant of company K.
February 6, 1862
Monthly Summary Statement
June 1862
Haven, F. (captain), fl. 1862
Lists total purchases, expenditures and advances to officers.
List of names
Formal Adoption of Resolution
14 June 1884
Morrison, S., fl. 1884
Grateful thanks are extended to Fellows for his address delivered in Ashland on Memorial Day.
to his father [incomplete]
Describes, in detail, his capture at Gettysburg and the terrible losses suffered by his corps at the battle. Cites by name fellow officers and soldiers killed and wounded (Lt. Johnson, mortally wounded despite his steel vest, Lt. Col. Tuthill shot...
9 August 1861
Clark, Dexter, fl. 1861
Private Dexter Clark states that he signed a government pay roll for Jenks, after obtaining permission from Captain Simpson and Colonel Burnside. Encloses a draft payable to Jenks' order (not included).
22 May 1862
Brieje, N.B., fl. 1862
Brieje authorizes the recipient (possibly Ethan A. Jenks) to recruit for the Seventh Regiment, Rhode Island Volunteers. States that Dr. Harris will inspect each recruit in Providence, Rhode Island.
24 June 1862
Colonel Sayles requires Jenks to report new recruits to the Providence Headquarters of the Rhode Island Volunteers
January 19, 1864
Colonel Bliss replies to a note from the recipient (possibly Captain Ethan A. Jenks) discussing corn Bliss ordered the recipient to obtain.
to members of the Board of Examination
February 11, 1864
Colonel Bliss states that Captain Ethan A. Jenks has received authority to appear before the Board of Examination. Recommends Jenks to the Board, stating that "For bravery, energy, coolness, and devotion to the cause of the Union, he is unsurpassed...
to Zenas Randall Bliss
Captain Jenks responds to orders from Colonel Bliss requiring him to obtain corn. States that "there is som corn in this county but hard to get."
Captain Jenks requests a twenty day leave of absence from Colonel Percy Daniels. Refers to an enclosed medical certificate (not included).
4 December 1864
The author states that based on Jannis' orders, he visited the pickets three times during his tour of duty as field officer of the day. Written at Fort Sedgwick
to Edward C. Mauran
Locklin, Thomas, fl. 1865
Private Locklin expresses difficulty obtaining his bounty, thus requests Enlistment Rolls from Adjutant General Mauran. Written at Fort Sedgwick
to James F. Merrill
February 20, 1865
Mauran, E.C., fl. 1865
Adjutant General Mauran transmits Private Thomas Locklin's Descriptive List (not included) to Lieutenant James F. Merrill.
to Sanondess Jenks
February 12, 1865
Describing a battle to his wife, Sanondess, Captain Jenks states that "the rebels have directly in our front an eight inch Columbiad gun … they fired every fifteen minutes from this gun all day …" Written at Fort Sedgwick
31 June 1900
Hopkins, who previously served in the Seventh Regiment, Rhode Island Volunteers, transmits blank paper and stamps to Jenks, requesting Jenks to record the details of his service during the Civil War. Based upon his research, Hopkins wrote The...
to Lorenzo Thomas
Colonel Bliss informs Adjutant General Thomas that Captain Ethan A. Jenks knew nothing of "Fraudulently enlisting a Private in his Company who served but one Month and drew bounty." Bliss attests to Jenks' character and requests reconsideration of...
to John Parke
Colonels Arnold and Bliss inform Major General Parke that guards will accompany Captain Ethan A. Jenks to Cairo, Illinois
[certificate granting Jenks permission to ride as a passenger on any steamboat in Cairo, Illinois not exclusivley in governmental service]
7 July 1863
Swayne, Wagner, fl. 1863
Also signed by Deputy [?] Swenney. Wagner Swayne signs as Provost Marshal.
16 July 1863
Smith, Governor of Rhode Island, informs Stanton, Secretary of War, that "the first notice Captain Jenckes [Ethan A. Jenks] received of the commission on the charge made against him was the order dismissing him."
to Abraham Lincoln
Smith, Governor of Rhode Island, informs President Lincoln that "the first notice which Captain Ethan A. Jenks received of the commission on the charge made against him was the order dismissing him from Service, while on duty at the Siege of...
[confirms the dates of Ethan A. Jenks' service in the Seventh Regiment of the Rhode Island Volunteers]
6 June 1865
Daniels, Perry, fl. 1865
Colonel Daniels confirms the dates of Ethan A. Jenks' service and that Jenks did not receive his order of dismissal until 3 July 1863.
5 June 1871
French, E.B., fl. 1865-1871
French, Second Auditor of the United States Treasury, transmits a certificate of payment (not included) to Captain Ethan A. Jenks. Stamped across the page by the Second Auditor's Office and dated June 1871.
November 30, 1863
Monthly return of clothing, camp, and garrison equipage. 30 November 1863
6 December 1864
Monthly return of clothing, camp, and garrison equipage for October 1864
26 June 1865
Monthly return of clothing, camp, and garrison equipage. 26 June 1865
December 1863
invoice of equipage issued to Captain Ethan A. Jenks. December 1863
April 1864
invoice of equipage issued to Captain Ethan A. Jenks. April 1864
May 1864
invoice of equipage issued to Captain Ethan A. Jenks. May 1864
12 June 1865
Monthly return of clothing, camp, and garrison equipage for December 1865.
Invoice of equipage issued to Captain Ethan A. Jenks. September 1863
to my dear wife
23 May 1865
Thompson, Wilmot, fl. 1864-1901
He describes Washington as a handsome city, but not as nice as Richmond. He apologizes for not having written lately. He assures her he has remained true to her since he has been there and always will be.
to Wilmot Thompson
11 June 1894
J.B., Crall, & Co., 1861-1877
From J.B. Crall and Co.
to Friend Thayer
16 September 1862
He describes his journey to Capitol Hill.
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