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to Mrs.Thomas F. Burpee
10 September 1863
Burpee, Thomas Francis, 1830-1864
He again discusses what kind of clothes she will bring to Baltimore and how she will dress the children.
to Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Holt
14 October 1863
They wish for them to rip out the lining of her cloak and send it to them so she can use it to make something warm to wear around the house.
to Celicia Paul
28 April 1863
Paul, Miles W., fl. 1862-1863
Paul tells his wife that he has been moved to the Hospital because he became ill while on picket. Paul informs her that his regiment will soon be engaged in a fight, but he doesn't think that he will be part of it. He reminds her that his term of...
General Orders No. 2
9 June 1861
Abert, William S., fl. 1861
The 1st regiment will report to Rockville where they will set up camp. Guides from the President's mounted guard will report to their respective Colonels.
General Order No. 4
8 June 1861
The sentences of the previous document (GLC02745.068) are hereby approved.
to Ethan A. Jenks
27 June 1866
Chipman, Hosmer & Company, fl. 1866
Attorneys Chipman, Hosmer & Co. state that Jenks is entitled to additional servants' pay from 1 May 1864 to 30 March 1865. Inform Jenks that they will present his case to the Court of Claims.
to unknown
16 December 1870
Chipman, Hosmer, & Gilmore, fl. 1870
Law firm Chipman et al. discuss Captain Ethan A. Jenks' pay for the period subsequent to 4 May 1863. Request other officers' statements regarding Jenks' service to 3 July 1863, if it may be obtained.
April 1869
General Orders, No. 382
7 November 1861
Williams, Joseph D., fl. 1861
Outlines the procedure for enlistment.
Exceution of Dr. David Wright
23 October 1863
Summary of several newspaper articles on a man who supposedly shot a Yankee Lieutenant
Permission granted to Mrs. Adeline Burpee and daughter to come to Fort Monroe
14 September 1863
Naglee, H.M., fl. 1863
Official permission from the head quarters of the military governor.
Budget sheet or scratch paper used for accounting
Shows total expenditures per month including clothing, rations, and servants.
Roll of Company C, 5th Regiment
circa 1861-1864
Includes Burpee at top
Return of the Members of Company C., 5th Regiment who performed Military Duty...
Lists town, county and the number of days each officer was on duty
Diary entry?
20 April 1861
Fellows, Enoch Q., 1825-1897
He begins with when he first enlisted as a private in 1861. He mentions meeting the president who calls them the best equipped regiment. He talks about joining the Knoxville Expedition. There was a skirmish at Conrad's Ferry lasting two days...
to John Madleigh
He reports improvement among the officers at the last school of instruction. But there is one defect in that there is a lack of promptitude in the execution of commands. It is also difficult to get the men to march in lock step. Though he recommends...
to Enoch Q. Fellows
11 April 1862
Bald, B., fl. 1862
Currently on board the ship Pocahontas. He emphasizes his cooperation. Tomorrow he hopes to join Fellows. Written aboard the "Pocahontas"
Captain's list of the amount of ammunition
General Orders No. 9
1 March 1862
On Monday morning, the troops of this command will form for review and inspection.
Monthly Return of Quartermaster's Stores
August 1865
Prest, Geo E., fl. 1865
Lists numbers for food, forage,straw and stationary.
General Orders No. 3
12 June 1861
The discharge of firearms is strictly prohibited except against the enemy and in a few other approved situations.
At present the head quarters will be at the camp of the 3rd battalion.
13 July 1861
The troops have marching orders to leave at 4 am. They will carry rations and forty rounds of ammunition. The wagon train will move in the rear of the division under the direction of the quartermaster.
General Order No. 2
27 April 1861
Orders on how the men will spend their leisure time and how they should bathe so that they are ready to march to the city for divine services at city hall. Written in Camp Union
Special Order No. 10
29 April 1861
Gaye, John H., fl. 1861
Gen. Fellows is ordered to act as officer in charge today. Written in Camp Union
General Order unumbered
2 May 1861
Gen. Fellows will continue as officer in charge while Capt. Kennedy will be officer of the day. Written in Camp Union
General Order No. 10
7 May 1861
The field officers are listed, followed by comissioned and non-commissioned officers. The companies are lettered A-K. Then the commissioned officers of each company are listed and their ranking is listed as well, followed by the position of each...
3 May 1861
Gen. Fellows will continue as officer in charge and Capt. Sargent will be officer of the day. All the men are ordered to bathe themselves thoroughly. Written in Camp Union
Special Order No. 12
19 May 1861
Kelly, John S., fl. 1861
Capt. Bell is required to detail fifteen privates from Company A to [illegible].
Summary of Council of Administration meeting at Head Quarters
16 November 1861
Sherman, Thomas W. (Thomas West), 1813-1879
The budget for camp necessities and luxuries was discussed. Includes a complete list of prices for all camp items.
Furlough Approval
Jackson, J.H., fl. 1861
George W. Weber is given permission to take furlough from April 24th to May 24th.
to Sir
14 April 1848
He believes the new infantry regulations (Cooper's Tactics) are more appropriate for today's army because many things have changed including the command for loading.
to Colonel (Fellows)
February 24, 1884
He asks him to give a speech on Memorial Day in Ashland, NH.
20 September 1869
Goodruff, Charles H., fl. 1869
He gave the Colonel's regards to Major. Boynton and relayed the message that he would like to see his book.
to Colonel Fellows
3 May 1884
Harland, Andrew M., fl. 1884
The author says he remembers his family very well, Fellows most of all. He may be able to come up with some stories for Fellow's editor,
2 June 1884
Dow, F., fl. 1884
The author writes that he was pleased with his discourse and it was everything the boys wanted to hear.
to James Pillinghart
27 July 1866
Richmond, M.M., fl. 1866
Funeral was Sunday...
Reminisces of the Snowball Brigade
The author tells a story about how they were given permission to talk to the ladies and hold their umbrellas for them. They got into some kind of battle and couple men were wounded and killed. A soldier called "Carrot Top" passed away and they had a...
to his mother
28 August 1864
Starr, George H. (ca. 1839-1916)
Writes to his mother complaining of not receiving a "letter from home of later date than May 14th" and asks that if his father is well enough, if it would be possible "to have him make an Effort to secure my "Special Exchange" - " Continues by...
January 13, 1864
Bliss, Zenas Randall, 1835-1900
Colonel Bliss requires the recipient (possibly Captain Ethan A. Jenks) to travel to Whitley County, Kentucky. Orders the recipient to seize all the corn he finds without taking corn from families who need it for their own subsistence.
to Montgomery C. Meigs
5 July 1864
Jenks, Ethan A., fl. 1825-1901
Captain Jenks transmits the monthly clothing, camp, and garrison equipage, and clothing receipt roll for March 1864.
to James F. Merrill
January 30, 1865
Heistand, P., fl. 1865
Informs Lieutenant Merrill that he issued Private Frederick Wood clothing for the amount of $3.85 Written at Fort Sedgwick
Sketch of a battle plan, including position of regiments, guns, and wagons. Indicates distance in miles.
to Friend Bemis
8 May 1865
Relates events that took place during April 1865 in Fort Hell, Virginia (also known as Fort Sedgwick). Refers to the Seventh Regiment (possibly of the Rhode Island Volunteers). States that his Company was traveling to Farmville, Virginia when they...
to Thomas M. Vincent
17 August 1863
Signed by Vincent and returned to Jenks on 19 August 1863. Captain Jenks asks that Vincent, Assistant Adjutant General, inform him of the decision made concerning his case for reinstatement of command.
[statement regarding Captain Jenks' pay between the times of his dismissal and reinstatement from military service]
12 September 1865
Walker signs as Justice of the Peace. Contains Jenks' statement that he was dismissed on 4 May 1863, but learned of this dismissal while in the field 3 July 1863. Jenks requests pay for the period between 4 May 1863 and 12 June 1863.
[confirms that James A. Briggs was unfit for military service at the time of enlistment]
Rex, George, fl. 1861-1877
Rex, a surgeon, confirms that Private James A. Briggs received a bounty though he only served in the military for one month.
to Abraham Lincoln
Captain Jenks requests that President Lincoln reconsider the 12 June 1863 order dismissing him from military service.
[monthly return of clothing, camp, and garrison equipage]
31 July 1863
Hunt, Edwin L., fl. 1863
Monthly return of clothing, camp, and garrison equipage. 31 July 1863.
March 31, 1864
Monthly return of clothing, camp, and garrison equipage. 31 March 1864 Written at Camp Burnside.
30 April 1864
Monthly return of clothing, camp, and garrison equipage. 30 April 1864
9 September 1864
Monthly return of clothing, camp, and garrison equipage for June 1864
4 June 1865
Monthly return of clothing, camp, and garrison equipage for May 1865.
[invoice of equipage issued to Lieutenant Edwin L. Hunt]
Merrill, James F., fl. 1863-1865
invoice of equipage issued to Lieutenant Edwin L. Hunt. 14 October 1863
[invoice of equipage issued to Captain Ethan A. Jenks]
October 1863
invoice of equipage issued to Captain Ethan A. Jenks. October 1863. docketed November 1863
23 April 1864
Bates, Gustavus D., fl. 1863-1864
invoice of equipage issued to Captain Ethan A. Jenks. 23 April 1864
[hospital record]
6 April 1863
A surgeon requests a Descriptive List or Private William H. Daken from the Commander of the Seventh Regiment, Rhode Island Volunteers
Merriam, J.W., fl. 1863-1864
Confirmation that Dennis Scannel is a patient at Lovell General Hospital
[Record of a musket and equipment received by Ethan A. Jenks]
3 June 1863
Stanhope, John R., fl. 1863
[Invoice of ordnance and ordnance stores turned over by Colonel Daniels to Captain Ethan A. Jenks]
17 September 1864
Daniels, Percy, fl. 1864-1865
Writen in the location of the Battle of the Weldon Railroad.
[Invoice of ordnance and ordnance stores turned over by Lieutenant Merrill to Captain Ethan A. Jenks]
February 1, 1865
Merill, James F., fl. 1865
Written at Fort Sedgwick
7 April 1864
Meacham, J., fl. 1864
A surgeon informs the Commander of the Seventh Regiment, Rhode Island Volunteers that Thomas Chafer is discharged from the United States General Hospital in Lexington
[invoice of clothing issued to Captain Ethan A. Jenks]
6 June 1865
Remington, Daniel, fl. 1865
invoice of clothing issued to Captain Ethan A. Jenks. 6 June 1865
27 June 1863
Higer, A., fl. 1863
A surgeon informs the Commander of the Seventh Regiment, Rhode Island Volunteers that James Robinson received pay from the Hammond General Hospital
Confirmation that Cyrril Thornton is a patient at Lovell General Hospital
February 28, 1865
O'Leary, Cha., fl. 1864-1865
A surgeon requests Descriptive Lists for Dennis Scannel and James Hoard from the Commander of the Seventh Regiment, Rhode Island Volunteers
[military notification]
February 2, 1865
Russ, Charles, fl. 1836
Notification that the Office of the Quartermaster furnished transportation for Joseph F. Seymour
[Morning Report for Company H, Seventh Regiment, Rhode Island Volunteers]
29 August 1862
Groves, Joseph, fl. 1862
[List of articles lost in the public service at Camp Nelson, Kentucky]
December 1863
[Ordnance stores turned over to Lieutenant Hunt by Captain Ethan A. Jenks]
3 July 1863
[Invoice of ordnance and ordnance stores turned over by Hunt to Captain Ethan A. Jenks]
9 September 1863
[Abstract of expenditures during the 4th quarter, 1863]
[Ordnance stores received by Captain Ethan A. Jenks]
February 20, 1865
to the Commander of Company "I," Seventh Regiment, Rhode Island Volunteers.
16 December 1864
Assistant Quartermaster Russ reports that he paid for the apprehension and delivery of deserter Hugh McNally.
[Officers of Company "I," Rhode Island Volunteers, confirm their receipt of Company funds upon being mustered out of United States Service]
Rhode Island Volunteers, Company J
Signed by members of Company "J."
[Captain Ethan A. Jenks' legal statement regarding the validity of Allen G. Stillwell's pension claim]
6 October 1891
[clothing receipt roll]
March 1865
Includes the names of various members of Company "I" Seventh Regiment, Rhode Island Volunteers and a witness
[muster out roll of Private William H. Northrop]
14 May 1865
Macaulay, John, fl. 1865
Macaulay signs as Mustering Officer.
to Sister
2 November 1862
Wright, Sereno A., fl. 1862-1863
Last night a drunken man from one of the companies was arrested. He was put in the guard tent. He put up such a fuss they had to take his musket away from him.
to Mother
20 November 1862
They left Middletown and are now in New York. They were on a boat briefly where they received their state bounty. They are camped near the Centreville Race Track.
30 November 1862
The day after Thanksgiving they were given marching orders to get to the South Brooklyn ferry. They are now on board the New Brunswick. He had to sleep on a very narrow berth at first. They have been eating hard bread and coffee. Written aboard the...
4 January 1863
He went to church today for the first time in a while and enjoyed it immensely. He says there is little religious feeling among the troops. They are stationed by an old negro cabin in which 2 crippled men and and one woman live.
to Mother and Sister
February 1, 1863
He heard a good sermon from the chaplain about a soldier who recently died. In other news he is on fatigue duty so he is spared inspection. His tent mate is sick.
to Mother and Elmira
February 9, 1863
Lately they have been living good. The rations are more than enough. The cook house was recently inspected. The Colonel got sick and was taken to the hospital.
to Mother and Sister Elmira
6 March 1863
He contracts the measles and is taken to the hospital. Some of the men have died from the measles. But he is sure he will get better.
to Sister Rosetta
12 March 1863
He tells her how he contracted measles. His friend Newell also has the measles so they have been keeping each other company. George came to visit.
17 May 1863
He has been taking the medication that Rosetta sent and he thinks they have cured his diarrhea. He mentions Newell's death again. He also talks about the food he has been eating lately.
[hospital records]
January 16, 1863
A surgeon informs the Commander of the Seventh Regiment, Rhode Island Volunteers, that Private J. Geary received clothing while at the United States General Hospital
January 24, 1863
Hudson, O.A., fl. 1863
A surgeon informs the Commander of the Seventh Regiment, Rhode Island Volunteers, that Private Perry Wills received clothing while at the Carver United States Hospital
February 23, 1863
Baxter, J.H., fl. 1863
A surgeon informs the Commander of the Seventh Regiment, Rhode Island Volunteers, that Private John O'Connell received clothing while at the Campbell Hospital
6 June 1863
A surgeon informs the Commander of the Seventh Regiment, Rhode Island Volunteers that John O'Connell received pay from the Campbell Hospital
February 4, 1865
Renton, R., fl. 1865
Notification that the Office of the Quartermaster furnished transportation for Esek Darling
[Official Pass authorizing Captain Ethan A. Jenks to travel to Washington, D. C.]
1 June 1865
Wright, Samuel, fl. 1864-1865
[pamphlet of laws and information relating to claims against the government of the United States]
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