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Receipt for 50 pounds
22 August 1775
Lynch, Thomas, 1749-1779
Partially printed. Provided by South Carolina as legal compensation for an executed slave belonging to Lynch's father, Thomas Sr.
to William Short
24 November 1791
Jefferson, Thomas, 1743-1826
Secretary of State Jefferson writes to Short, charge d'affaires to France. Short was in Europe negotiating a commercial treaty with France and handling details of a Dutch loan. Jefferson attempts to answer Short's request for information to quell...
[Joseph Curtis's membership certificate for the New York society for promoting the Manumission of Slaves]
February 20, 1812
Colden, Cadwallader David, 1769-1834
This document is a large printed certificate for Joseph Curtis, with seal, confirming that he is a member of the New York Society for Promoting the Manumission of Slaves. It it signed by Cadwallader Colden as President and William Van Hook as...
[Manumission of mulatto slave Robert Cowley from the estate of Peter Randolph]
December 21, 1785
Randolph, Edmund, 1753-1813
Signed and sealed in the presence of Beverly Randolph, Martha Randolph, and James Rim. Randolph purchases the slave, Robert Cowley, from Peter Randolph, deceased, with the intention of freeing the slave. Cowley purchased his freedom from Randolph...
Letters from a man of colour, on a late bill before the Senate of Pennsylvania.
circa 1813
Forten, James, 1766-1842
An eloquent response to a bill in the Pennsylvania senate to stop the emigration of people of color into the state. Forten wrote anonymously, signing his letters "A Man of Colour." Five letters respond to the Pennsylvania bill, arguing that...
Memoir of Benjamin Banneker read before the Maryland Historical Society, at the monthly meeting, May 1, 1845
Latrobe, John H.B., 1803-1891
First edition published by John D. Toy. Honors Banneker, a free African American scientist/astronomer from Maryland who created of a series of famous almanacs. Compares Banneker to David Rittenhouse, a noted Pennsylvania astronomer and inventor....
[Affadavit of sales agreement for a slave named Hannibal in St. Croix]
4 April 1787
Yard, Benjamin, 1757-1787
Marked "Copy." Certifies that he purchased Hannibal in October 1780 from Captain John Earl. He was informed that Thomas Wright, a sailor on board Earl's ship, owned one half of Hannibal. Payment was twenty half "Joes" - ten to the captain and ten to...
To the free Africans and other people of color in the United States
6 January 1796 - 9 May 1797
Poulson, Zachariah, 1761-1844
Two addresses by the conventions of delegates of the Abolition Societies of the United States. The first is dated 9 May 1797 and signed by Joseph Bloomfield as President of the Convention. The second is dated 6 January 1796 and signed by Theodore...
to Edmund Pendleton re: waiting foreign dispatches on peace talks; selling slave
Madison, James, 1751-1836
Awaiting news of peace talks and personal advice regarding impossibility of selling a slave. Madison notes that while European newspapers "teem with paragraphs relative to pacific negotiations" but past British policy "should always restrain our...
Queries Respecting the Introduction, Progress and Abolition of Slavery in Mass.
Belknap, Jeremy, 1744-1798
Small broadside, disbound and signed by Belknap. Virginian St. George Tucker wrote a 1796 Dissertation on Slavery, proposing abolition. As part of his research, he queried colleagues with a list of eleven questions which are printed here. Jeremy...
Postscript to the Freeman's Journal, Sept. 21.
21 September 1781
Bailey, Francis, 1744-1817
This document is a copy of the Postscript to the Freeman's Journal from 21 September 1781. It contains letter from a free black man named Cato, "a poor negro," complaining of a newly proposed act that would have sent free blacks back into slavery...
to Robert Livingston, Jr. re: report on Robert, Jr.'s slave
Stevenson, John, fl. 1765-1787
Stevenson writes that Robert, Jr.'s enslaved person has just set out to return home, and was unable to leave earlier due to bad weather. He also notes that the enslaved person behaved particularly well while staying in Albany.
[Information given by Icholbald Hubbel concerning Thom]
Livingston, Robert III, 1708-1790
The document relays information regarding the whereabouts of Thom, a man seeking emancipation from Robert Livingston. Thom claims that he was freed from Livingston in order to work freely. Hubbel mentions that Thom is travelling with two other Black...
to Robert Livingston, Jr. re: prescription for Robert, Jr.'s slave, Jack
Cooper, Ananias, fl. 1783
Ananias Cooper says that he is sending Jack back to Robert, Jr., and explains that he is nearly recovered from an illness that caused him to cough and spit up blood. He prescribes some pills to be given to Jack, and recommends that he refrain from...
[Manumission of Charlotte Robinson]
19 July 1808
Berkley, Carter B., fl. 1808
Emancipating Charlotte Robinson, as ordered in the will of Dr. George D. Spatt. Signed by Thomas M. Locke and Carter B. Berkeley, executors of the will of George Spratt. Also signed by George D. Nicolson, John Minor, Thomas Muse and Mr. Chew.
[Manumission of Phoebe Miller]
Minor, John, fl. 1808
One document emancipating Phoebe Miller in accordance with the will of George D. Spratt. Signed by Minor, Carter B. Berkley, Thomas M. Locke, George D. Nicolson and Jonathan Chew as executors of Spratt's estate. Signed and attested by Thomas Muse...
[Manumission of Reeves Murray]
One document emancipating Reeves Murray in accordance with the will of George D. Spratt. Signed by Minor, Carter B. Berkley, Thomas M. Locke, George D. Nicolson and Jonathan Chew as executors of Spratt's estate. Signed and attested by Thomas Muse...
[Manumission of Maria Muse]
One document emancipating Maria Muse in accordance with the will of George D. Spratt. Signed by Minor, Carter B. Berkley, Thomas M. Locke, George D. Nicolson and Jonathan Chew as executors of Spratt's estate. Signed and attested by Thomas Muse as...
Freedom and citizenship of Robert Livingston
Willson, Ebenezer, fl. 1709
Legal statement of Ebenezer Willson Esq., Mayor and the aldermen of the City of New York declaring the freedom and citizenship of Robert Livingston. Grants Livingston the right to "partake of all the benefits, liberties, priveliges, freedoms, and...
[Announcement for reward for runaway "negro man servant" named Peter]
20 September 1781
Bartlett, Josiah, 1729-1795
An announcement made by Bartlett, the second signer of the Declaration of Independence, regarding his runaway "Negro man servant Named Peter, aged about Twenty years, a short thick fellow, speaks good English, is pretty sensible and understands...
18 March 1799
Negro woman "Jane" seeks a writ of "Homine Replegiando" (asking the Court to return to freedom) against Edward Worrall.
Pennsylvania Packet or the general advertiser. [Vol. 3, no. 117 (January 17, 1774)]
January 17, 1774
Dunlap, John, 1747-1812
Prints on page two an account on the manumission of slaves calculating what the estimated costs would be to pay for the manumission of all slaves in the Colony. Also includes news from New York, Boston, and Philadelphia and public postings.
Federal gazette & Baltimore daily advertiser. [Vol. IV, no. 788 (May 14, 1796)]
14 May 1796
Yundt, Leonard, 1756-1825
Printed and sold by Leonard Yundt and Matthew Brown at 3 Calvert Street, Baltimore, Maryland. First page is entirely advertisements, including ones for various goods and services, real estate sales, and announcements for sailing vessels. Second page...
Gazette of the United States. [No. 7 (May 2 - May 6, 1789)]
Fenno, John, 1751-1798
Anti-slavery essay, President's home (in New York).
The Pennsylvania packet, and daily advertiser. [No.2915 (June 6, 1788)]
J. Dunlap and D.C. Claypoole, 1784-1790
Reports on South Carolina's ratification of the Constitution as well as their convention. Also contains news from around country and ship news. Many advertisements appear, some regarding land and estate sales.
Showing results 1 - 25