Summer 2025 PD for K–12 teachers: Registration is now open!
to Aaron Hobart
10 March 1814
Sampson, Zabdiel, 1781-1828
Asks Hobart to verify in the next letter whether it is true or not true that Albert Smith has stolen $20,000 from the public.
2 November 1818
Drew, Thomas, 1785-?
Sends Hobart the vote tally of the congressional election in the district covering Plymouth, Massachusetts, and informs him that the (overwhelming) majority votes (128 of 190) were for Zabdiel Sampson.
29 June 1820
Mentions that the federalists are trying to appoint Frank Le Barron for Collector of the District of Plymouth. Also mentions that it would be of great help if Hobart wrote a letter to the Secretary and permitted Sampson's friends, Albert Smith and...
7 October 1820
Mentions that he has heard that Hobart is concerned with manufactories, especially because the merchants will not vote for Hobart in an upcoming election. Requests Hobart's confirmation or denial of this rumor, because he fears he may be being...
20 October 1820
Informs Hobart of the votes of Bridgewater, Halifax, Kingston, Duxbury and Rochester. Mentions that Aaron will be elected to congress if the votes of the other towns (not heard of yet) are similar to these votes.
23 October 1820
Informs Hobart of the votes of Middleboro and Carver. Addresses him with pleasure as "Member of Congress elect," because based on the information received so far, Hobart has the majority votes over his opponent, William Baylies.
7 November 1820
Sends Hobart the vote tally of several Massachusetts towns and mentions "by the votes below you will see your election as member of the 17th Cong. is certain."
29 November 1820
Wood, Alexander, 1796-1867
Asks for Hobart's opinion on whether it would be possible to have another attorney fill Zabdiel Samson's place (implying himself). Also, asks if he could come and work in Hobart's office.
2 January 1820
Mentions that Robert Dunham has not heard anything "relating to carrying the mail on said routes." Asks Hobart to call the Post Master General and inquire about the matter.
January 17, 1821
Peirce, Levi, 1773-1847
Discusses his concern that the Federalists in his town plan to change the name of his post office to Middleborough 4 Corners and asks Hobart to stop it. Also discusses the history of his post office, explains the problems that a name change will...
January 18, 1821
Soule, William H., 1791-?
Discusses postal service. Mentions that because of Hobart's motion, the committee on post roads and offices must "inquire into the expediency of discontinuing wholly, or in part, the post rout" and establishing a new one. Gives the history of the...
January 20, 1821
Collings, Michael, fl. 1821
Informs Hobart that he has sent the President his statement on his "Travels through the Seacourse of Massachusetts." Discusses fishing, shipping, and other seafaring matters.
January 29, 1821
Dunbar, Jesse, 1760-1836
Encloses a petition from N. Manson "for the remuneration of a fine paid Z[abdiel] Sampson." Discusses a bounty related to a cod law.
13 December 1821
Robbins, Josiah, 1766-?
Indicates that he has sent a "proposal to the Commissioners of the Navy, to furnish Cordage." Asks Hobart to help him get the contract by exerting his influence in a letter to the commissioners. Describes his capacity to complete the contract....
24 December 1821
Indicates that he voted against a bankruptcy law when a member of Congress, describing such laws as "one of the great evils that always to be avoided." Also notes that he believes the people of Hobart's district would vote overwhelmingly against a...
8 January 1822
Explains and encloses (not included) Captain Edward Morton's "demand against the United States," for monies owed for selling General Henry Dearborn a barge he captured for the use of the United States during the War of 1812. Also, indicates that he...
January 12,1822
Mentions that David Diman sent a petition for a military pension and had not received a response from the Secretary of War. Sampson asks Hobart to inquire about the matter and, if he obtains the needed certificate, to send it to him or Diman.
January 31, 1822
Discusses and endorses the Mackerel Fishery bill then before the Congress, which Samson had worked on when he was a congressman.
February 26, 1822
Discusses the upcoming selection of candidates for state senate. Discusses the suggestion that Sampson's salary (as district Collector) be abolished and thanks Hobart for being against it. Comments on the bill (with the salary provision) and its...
February 28, 1822
Discusses a payment owed in regard to the capturing of a barge, and a mix up in the name of the man owed.
15 March 1822
Notes a town meeting in which republican town officers were re-elected over opposition from local federalists. Discusses the county convention, the appropriations bill, and payment owed to a Mr. Morton for capturing a barge (see GLC06313.165)....
Discusses the account of William Otis and related paperwork. Inquires about games of chess played by Colonel Bassett.
6 November 1822
Election results for five towns in Massachusetts in the race for Congress. Notes how many votes Hobart and his opponent C. Otis recieved in five small Massachusetts town in the election for the eighteenth Congress. Believes the Federalists are...
January 14, 1823
February 6, 1823
10 December 1823
19 December 1823
5 January 1824
January 17, 1824
January 21, 1824
February 2, 1824
February 18, 1824
Includes a handwritten 'f' on the address leaf, possibly a free frank.
February 20, 1824
February 25, 1824
February 27, 1824
16 March 1824
10 April 1824
12 May 1824
19 May 1824
3 June 1824
1 November 1824
8 December 1824
28 December 1824
6 January 1825
January 10, 1825
January 11, 1825
January 17, 1825
January 30, 1826
Comments on the Judiciary Bill, "It would be better in my opinion not to increase the number of judges of the S. Court. Let the number remain the same, and discharge them from Circuit duties, and give to each Circuit a judge, who should not be one of...
3 March 1820
Briefly reports the passage of the Missouri Compromise: "The question, so long debated in Congress of excluding slavery from our territories is settled, by the passage of a bill...which excludes slavery forever, from the whole of the American...
2 December 1817
Sends Hobart a copy of President James Monroe's message to Congress (his First Annual Message to Congress, i.e. the state of the union) and asks him to show the copy to others.
Showing results 1 - 50