Summer 2025 PD for K–12 teachers: Registration is now open!
[Attestation of Doctor Dean's health]
13 August 1776
Townsend, David, 1753-1829
Verifies "that Doctor Dean has been innoculated more than three weeks & is free from infection"
[Certificate to Lewis Campbell]
15 October 1783
Jackson, Michael, 1734-1801
Certificate verifying the admission of Lewis Campbell, a soldier in the first New Jersey Regiment guarding George Washington, to the hospital "for the cure of a wound received thro' his body ..." Lewis was wounded at King's Bridge and sent to the...
[Document regarding the organization of hospital staff at West Point]
December 31, 1783
Signed by Townsend and Samuel Adams, both hospital surgeons. Townsend and Adams assert that one hospital mate, one steward who also serves as ward master, and four orderlies will be sufficient staff for the hospital at West Point during the winter....
to Alexander McDougall
1 January 1784
Knox, Henry, 1750-1806
Knox informs General McDougall of the death of Doctor [Hagan], who worked at the West Point hospital. Hagan was entitled to join the Society of the Cincinnati, and left behind a wife and young son, who are unable to afford "subsistence or protection...
[Certificate of illness]
22 November 1783
Countersigned by Samuel Adams, a hospital surgeon. Certifies that soldiers in the general hospital are "so reduced by Sickness as totally to disqualify them for any Kind of military Duty & in our Opinion they will continue in that situation thro'...
[Report on Charles McCormick]
1 September 1782
Writes, "The bearer Charles McCormick of Col. Hazen's Regt. now in Provost has the venereal disease which daily increases in malignity, and will continue to grow worse upon him while he remains in his present situation, where he cannot have the...
Showing results 1 - 6