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to Bruce Elmore
February 24, 1863
Elmore, Libbie, fl. 1861-1865
They had a bad winter storm. Kniffin has calmed down and is doing everything he is supposed to. Father sold the oxen. She mentions the photograph he sent again.
February 26, 1863
She advises him to be careful of his health and is glad he got his tent fixed up. She has faith in the Union. Ways to reduce their debts is further discussed.
to Libbie Elmore
February 28, 1863
Elmore, Bruce, fl. 1862-1865
Last sheet is small piece of paper. Her letters give him such pleasrue. If Kniffin wants to stay, he says she might as well let him, but be careful.Their Colonel is sitting president for a court martial
1 March 1863
She requests more photographs.Wilber returned from Newburgh and brought Martha with him. She wishes he could have dinner with them. THe price of sheep is going up.
5 March 1863
Last page is small. She hopes the examination board has ended Captain French's rule. She and Kniffin have discussed buying a plow. He missed a party the other night.
7 March 1863
He remembers a first child that died. He maintains his faith that the rebellion will soon be crushed. Then he talks about their debts for the rest of the letter. Written near Fort Worth, Virginia.
He says she is right not to keep money in the house. He doesn't think she will be able to pay debts "out of her butter."
8 March 1863
She went to the Falls with Mother and Father where they had the list of all her trades. They promptly wrote her a check and called her a smart woman. Later she had a visit from Leroy's family.
9 March 1863
Kniffin took the oxen last night and went visiting a friend of theirs. Her lambs are doing fine. She feeds her sheep a special diet of oats and corn.
She asks if Wallace Hill has got out of the hospital and refers to Capt. French's resignation. He may get a promotion now. She wishes he could get a furlough.
to R.H. Jackson
March 23, 1863
H.S., fl. 1861-1885
"Mailed letter this morning addressed same as within."
to Estelle Spero
January 18, 1944
Diamond, Sidney, 1922-1945
"Baptism of fire" letter. First air raid encounter with Japanese bombers. Year on letter is 1943 but content indicates it was written in 1944.
[to unknown]
March 26, 1862
Keyes, Samuel. fl. 1862-1863
Diary of Eseck G. Wilber
March 1863 - July 1863
Wilber, Eseck G., fl. 1862-1864
Entries are pretty regular from March 1863 to July of that same year. He mainly records the daily weather. but does mention being a prisoner and some of activities there.
Photograph of unidentified boy
Circa 1862
Aldrich, Henry B., 1833-1890
Boy is dressed in a suit and standing next to a table.
Photograph of unidentified woman
Woman is sitting down and wearing an everyday dress.
Photograph of unidentified girl
Girl is standing next to a table.
Photograph of unidentified man
Man is sitting down and wearing a suit. He has a beard.
to N.B Berry
29 September 1862
Fellows, Enoch Q., 1825-1897
On Sept. 1st, his regiment marched through Washington. towards upper Maryland. At Monocacy, a skirmish took place. On Sept. 13th, they arrived at Middleton. On Sept. 14th, they arrived at the base of South Mountain and were shortly thereafter ordered...
to Enoch Q. Fellows
18 July 1862
Paymaster, fl. 1862
They are asking him to sign for his salary from January until June of 1862.
to Thomas H. Sullivan
1 June 1861
Scott, fl. 1861
He lists the countersigns by date and city.
to Mary
10 October 1862
Kellogg, James H., fl. 1862-1864
He describes the battle of the eight. 5 or 6 men were wounded, one of which ended up dying.. He was detailed to take care of the wounded and in the hospital he was appointed ward master
4 November 1862
He is anxious to hear about the farming affairs. He inquires after family members and friends. He thinks they will be stuck at their present location three or four weeks.
19 November 1862
He thinks they will go to a town called Lebanon about 19 miles away. His only real satisfaction these days is knowing he will get mail. He is sorry to hear that she is sick. He is healthy.
December 7, 1862
He arrived in Nashville on the 5th and the next day joined a regiment about six miles from there. Their company has been reduced to half its former size. Alot of soldiers are sick but not in body, in mind, he writes. Everyone is tired of the war. He...
25 December 1862
He explains why he has not written as often as he could have. He then describes how amazing the army can look in battle and how splendid they can look as they take their position.Written in a camp near Nashville, Tennessee
December 26, 1862
There has been terrible fighting. They lost 160 men in the first round. He fears that W.J Scare has died. He was shot int he knee and he does not know what happened afterward. He tells her to kiss the children for him.
January 10, 1863
He has a cold but otherwise is fine. They started toward Memphis. A lot of rain has been falling and turning into mud. On Monday fighting commenced. They camped near a corn field and the next morning after breakfast started fighting again. He goes on...
January 18, 1863
They are having an easy time of it lately but he does not know how long it will last. They are getting plenty to eat and he may get a raise. He had to make out a muster roll for the captain the other day.
February 2, 1863
He has not been as well as he was before the battle. He notes that she found the house in poor condition. If she lets it, he wants her to get a good down payment for it.
February 6, 1863
There is nothing going on at the moment. They left him at camp for the last five days because he has not been feeling well. He wants to know all about the animals on their farm. He tells her not ask Father for help in the farm because he is old and...
February 10, 1863
He thinks his regiment has seen harder times than most, since they have been in two battles already. He responds to her request for details of William Sears' death.
February 15, 1863
.There has been a lot of sickness in the camp. He remarks that Southern homes have a chimney on the end instead of the side and this looks strange to Northerners. He describes the way plantations are built.Later he notes that William and Jane will...
March 1863
William H. Tratt is in the hospital with a pain in his side. He himself has been unable to participate in any hard duty since he hurt his back trying to lift a brass cannon.
18 April 1863
After marching a good deal they arrived in camp where they had a feast. The weather is getting warmer and he can go without socks. He will send her five dollars.Written at a camp near Stony River
to dear wife and beloved children
5 April 1863
He is glad she is trying to sell the farm but the price she has set on it is the lowest it could possibly go for. He is not that anxious to sell but if the money is there take it. He says to pay Uncle Cheleb what he owes him.
19 April 1863
He talks about the business of selling or keeping the farm. The buyer wants it on account of the house which they may or may not keep. He talks about the possibility of crops.
25 April 1863
He is glad she finalized agreements with Mr. Shaw to let the farm. He talks about the possibility of crops in the orchard.
3 May 1863
He talks about the differences in climate in the North vs. the South. This leads to the next topic of Southern diseases.
6 May 1863
He figures it is time to send her some money. They will stay where they are five more days. There are four sick men in the company.
11 May 1863
He is concerned because she doesn't have any money to get the children shoes. He doesn't want them to catch cold so he will spare some money, though he sent her some previously. He warns her he may have to do the best she can without.
13 May 1863
He is anxious to hear from the boys in the potomac. He goes on to talk about the sacred principles of defending one's country as his grandfather and father did. David is not very well
21 May 1863
He heard of the death of a fellow soldier, whom he hoped had lived. They are under marching orders and have to be ready to leave at any time. He talks about the hand of providence.
26 May 1863
He is glad the only time he has gotten sick was when he had jaundice last winter. He describes a chase between the Rebels and some of the men in the company. There 8 of them and 20 Rebels. They were cornered at one point and decided to take them on...
28 May 1863
He is getting news about Vicksburgh and he hopes the victory there won't be confined to Vicksburgh. David English has left Murfreesboro and was sent to a hospital in Detroit. He is getting better.
3 June 1863
He refers to slavery as one of the most degrading institutions ever and says the Rebels should soon see the error of their evil ways. They have broken up camp. Everyone is being sent elsewhere and they expect to join the others soon.
22 June 1863
He has been sick on his back, but is improving. The medicine could only do so much. He is too weak to write many letters so he tells his wife to tell everyone he will write as soon as he is able.
2 July 1863
He explains why he has not written lately. Picket duty has started. Once again he alludes to the day the last Southern flag will be hailed in the dust.
20 July 1863
He is in Nashville now but he doesn't think he will stay there long. He is in the hospital and he is eating well. His appetite is good.
23 July 1863
He is now in Lousiville. He thinks he may go farther north as they have been sending all the men that are unfit for duty to their own state hospitals.
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