90,731 items
Alexander Hamilton and the Ratification of the Constitution
Return to Alexander Hamilton: Witness to the Founding Era .
Alexander Hamilton Establishes the US Economy
Return to Alexander Hamilton: Witness to the Founding Era .
Alexander Hamilton and Washington’s Presidency
Return to Alexander Hamilton: Witness to the Founding Era .
The American Revolution through the Eyes of Hamilton
Return to Alexander Hamilton: Witness to the Founding Era .
Hamilton's New York: Lower Manhattan Walking Tour
Join the Gilder Lehrman Institute and Professor Cindy Lobel on a virtual walking tour of Alexander Hamilton’s Lower Manhattan.
Affiliate School FAQs
General What is the Affiliate School Program? How much does it cost? The Affiliate School Program is a special gateway to education resources, events, and tools designed to bring American history to life in the classroom. Initially...
Current Fellows
Charlene J. Fletcher PhD Candidate, Department of History, Indiana University "Confined Femininity: Race, Gender, and Incarceration in Kentucky, 1865–1920" Kurt Graham Director, Harry S. Truman Presidential Library "Counting the...
Civil War Essay Contest Winners 2000-2010
2010 Winners High School Division First Prize Jacob Fletcher , Eleanor Roosevelt High School, Greenbelt, MD "The Postman: Joseph William Briggs and the Free City Delivery System" Second Prize Geoffrey Andrews , West Morris Central...
Civil War Essay Contest Winners 2011
High School Division First Prize Martin C. Carlino , Patchogue-Medford High School, Medford, NY " President Lincoln ’ s Influence over the Northern Press " Second Prize Martina Harris , American History High School, Newark, NJ "...
Past Winners
History Scholar Award Winners 2017 Michael Antosiewicz of Rutgers University Rebecca Barker of Liberty University Jacob Bruggeman of Miami University of Ohio Robert Campbell of Texas Tech University Amanda Horrocks of Franklin Pierce...
Abraham Lincoln: A Man of His Time, A Man for All Times
This exhibition traces Lincoln’s path from a self-educated, rough-hewn lawyer with virtually no administrative experience, to the president who guided a divided nation through the crises of slavery, secession and Civil War. We hope...
Past Exhibitions
Free at Last: A History of the Abolition of Slavery in America The Free at Last: A History of the Abolition of Slavery in America was damaged during Hurricane Sandy and is no longer available for loan. Free at Last was the first...
Freedom: A History of US
This exhibition documents and illustrates critical figures and events while tracing the evolving concept of freedom from founding until 1968. Among the highlights are: a rare 1776 printing of the Declaration of Independence, a printed...
Past Fellows
Below is a list of all recipients of Gilder Lehrman Fellowships since the program’s founding. The Fellow’s name, home institution at the time of the fellowship, and project title are followed by the research archive and year of the...
Dear George Washington Contest Winners 2012
First Prize Joli Dou , Haaff Elementary School, Pueblo, CO Second Prize Lucas Lemas , Brighton School, Lynnwood, WA Third Prize Jackson Davis , Ravenscroft School, Raleigh, NC Fourth Prize Konnor Rafferty , Puesta del Sol Elementary...
Showing results 1,951 - 1,975