History Now Essay George Washington and the Constitution Theodore J. Crackel Government and Civics 9, 10, 11, 12, 13+ George Washington was among the first of America’s statesmen to recognize the flaws in the government under the Continental Congress and the Articles of Confederation. His experience in the Revolutionary War had convinced him that... Appears in: 13 | The Constitution Fall 2007
History Now Essay African Americans in the Revolutionary War Michael Lee Lanning From the first shots of the American Revolutionary War until the ultimate victory at Yorktown, black men significantly contributed to securing independence for the United States from Great Britain. On March 5, 1770, Crispus Attucks,... Appears in: 46 | African American Soldiers Fall 2016
History Now Essay Immigrant Fiction: Exploring an American Identity Phillip Lopate Literature 9, 10, 11, 12, 13+ Strictly speaking, all American novels (with the exception of those written by Native Americans) are in one way or another immigrant fiction. But we usually think of immigrant fiction more narrowly as the encounter of the foreign-born... Appears in: 3 | Immigration Spring 2005