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Scrapbook, Vol. IV.

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Gilder Lehrman Collection #: GLC06196.108 Author/Creator: Place Written: s.l. Type: Scrapbook Date: circa 1940-1945 Pagination: Order a Copy

1 a. Wire Service Bulletin re: Hilldring's nomination as Assistant Secretary of State. 27 Feb 1946
b. [?]. Note re: Hilldring's nomination by Truman. 27 Feb 1946
2 a. New York Herald Tribune. Clipping: "Gen. Hilldring Nominated as Aid to Byrnes." 28 Feb 1946
b. Daily Times, [s.l.] Clipping: "Hilldring chosen." 27 Feb 1946
c. New York Times. Clipping: "Nominated by President As Assistant to Byrnes." 28 Feb 1946
d. Clipping from [?]: "2 Named to Settle Assets of Nazis Cached in Europe." [n.d.]
e. Clipping from [?]: "Hilldring Named Aid to Secretary of State." [n.d.]
3 a. Clipping from [?]: "Washington Merry-Go-Round-New Boss for Germany." [n.d.]
b. Clipping from [?]: "Washington Merry-Go-Round-Hilldring appointed." [n.d.]
c. New York World-Telegram. Clipping: "A Good Appointment." 1 Mar 1946
d. The Washington Daily News. Clipping: "A Good Appointment." 1 Mar 1946
4 a. Detroit Free Press. Clipping: "New Boss For Germany." 6 Mar 1946
b. Clipping from [?]: "Allied Military Government." [n.d.]
c. Clipping from [?]: "Major General John H. Hilldring." [n.d.]
d. Clipping from [?]: "Naming of Maj. Gen. . . ." [n.d.]
e. [Chicago Daily News]. Clipping: "General Named State Dept. Aid." [n.d.]
f. Columbia Alumni News. Clipping: "Who, What, When, Where." Mar 1946
g. Clipping from [?]: "State Department Aide." [n.d.]
h. Clipping from [?]: "Truman Names Gen. Hilldring to State Department." 26 Feb 1946
5 a. New York Times. Clipping: "Starts to Give Out US Nazis' Names." 12 Mar 1946
b. Clipping from [?]: "New Post for Hilldring." [n.d.]
5 c. [The Evening Outlook]: "Hilldring named to State Department Post." 27 Feb 1946
d. Clipping from [?]: "Gen. Hilldring to State Dept." [n.d.]
e. Clipping from [?]: "Hilldring named Aid To Secretary of State." [n.d.]
f. [Arizona Republic]. Clipping: "Hilldring Gets Units Approval." [n.d.]
g. Photograph: Hilldring at dinner for Charles De Gaulle. [n.d.]
h. New York Times. Clipping: "Hilldring in New Post.". 18 Apr 1946
i. [Washington Daily News]. Clipping: "Nominated." [4 Mar 1946]
6 a. Washington Post. Clipping: "George V. Allen Named Envoy to Iran; Atcheson, Hilldring Stanton also get New Assignments." [n.d.]
b. Clipping from [?]: "3 Former Residents Of D.C. Area Listed On Nazi Party Roll." [n.d.]
c. Baltimore Sun. Clipping: "Berlin, Tokyo to get Unions." 29 Apr 1946
d. [News Digest]. Clipping: re: Hilldring and economic policy. 16 Apr 1946
e. Kalmanowits, A. Greeting card in English and Hebrew. [n.d.]
f. Trammell, Niles. NBC studio pass. 1946
7 a. Photograph: Hilldring at swearing in with Stanley Woodward. [n.d.]
b. The New York Bureau. Caption re: Hilldring at swearing in. 18 Apr 1946
c. New York Herald Tribune. Clipping with image. [n.d.]
d. Chicago Sun. Clipping with image. [n.d.]
8 a. Arizona Republic. Clipping: "Hilldring Enjoys Sun, Awaits 'Mystery' Job." 19 Mar 1946
b. Arizona Republic. Clipping: "General, Sergeant Feature ROTC Reviews At Schools." 21 Mar 1946
c. Photograph: Hilldring, in uniform, sitting on porch with cat. [n.d.]
9 a. The Fort Worth Press. Clipping: "German Thought Must Change, Says Hilldring." 5 Apr 1946
b. Fort Worth Star-Telegram. Clipping: "New Boss of Occupation Policies is Visitor Here." [n.d.]
10 a. New York Times. Clipping: "Occupations Onus Not Shifted as yet." [n.d.]
b. The Sunday Star, Washington, D.C. Clipping: "Gen. Hilldring Saw Need to Rule Beaten Nations After Last War." 21 Apr 1946
c. Fort Worth Star-Telegram. Clipping: "Ex-84th Division Commander is here." 5 Apr 1946
11 a. American Relief for Italy Newsletter re: Hilldring's resignation. May 1946
b. Clipping from [?]: "Judge Rifkind Urges Opening of Palestine." [n.d.]
c. Adenhauer, [?]. TLS to Hillding re: his birthday. 27 Mar 1946
12 a. Newsweek. Clipping: "From the Capital." 29 Apr 1946
b. [?]. Note to Hilldring re: new post. [n.d.]
c. Photograph: Hilldring in uniform at his home in Arizona. [n.d.]
13 a. The American Jewish Conference Record re: efforts to help disinherited European Jews. [n.d.]
b. Kenen, I.L. Note to Hilldring re: forwarding Rifkind's speech. 2 May 1946

c. Epstein, Eliahu. Card, compliments of Jewish Agency for Palestine. [n.d.]
14 a. O'Connor. TLS to Hilldring re: Hilldring's article "Military Government." 29 Jan 1946
b. Hilldring, John. Article: "Military Government." re: feeding of civilians in Italy by the Allied Military Government. [n.d.]
15 a. New York Times. Clipping: "General Defends Rule of Germany." 15 Feb 1946
b. "In The American Zone." re: occupation government in Germany. [n.d.]
c. Photograph: Bust portrait of Hilldring in uniform. [n.d.]
16 a. The US News. Clipping: "Governing the Conquered." 8 Mar 1946
b. Card-size map of the Pentagon. [n.d.]
17 Truman, Harry S. TLS to Hilldring re: appointment to the Central Committee of the American National Red Cross, with envelope. 13 May 1946
18 a. Clipping from [?]: "Top US Policy Coordinated By Agency Called 'SWNCC.'" [n.d.]
b. Clipping from [?]: "Hilldring, Paul Nominated for Reich Civil Policy Posts." [n.d.]
c. O'Connor, Basil. TLS to Hilldring re: service on the Central Committee of the American National Red Cross. 15 May 1946
d. Washington Daily News. Clipping: "Bearer of 'Bombshells'?" [?] Mar 1946
19 a. Clipping from [?]: "Gen. Hilldring Appointed Assistant Secretary of State." [n.d.]
b. Washington Daily News. Clipping: "Hilldring Named Byrnes' Assistant." 28 Feb 1946
c. Philadelphia Record. Clipping: "Gen. Hilldring Named to State Dept. Post." 28 Feb 1946
d. New York Times. Clipping: "MacArthur rejects Liaison Proposal." 30 May 1946
e. Photograph: bust portrait of Hilldring. [n.d.]
20 Marchisio, Juvenal. TLS to Hilldring re: Hilldring's resignation from American Relief for Italy, Inc. 22 May 1946
21-22 a. The Evening Star, Washington, D.C. Clipping: "Radio Program." 18 May 1946
b. Department of State press release re: Hilldring's discussion on radio show "Our Foreign Policy." 17 May 1946
23 a. Ostrander, L.S. TLS to Hilldring re: Belgian government's award to Hilldring. 6 May 1946
b. Witsell, Edward F. TLS to Hilldring re: forwarding of the award from Belgium. 27 May 1946
24 Certificate naming Hilldring Commander of the Order of Leopold II, signed by the Belgian Minister of National Defense. 28 Mar 1946
25 Chair, Joseph Cummings. Photograph: drawn or painted portrait of Hilldring in uniform. [n.d.]
26 a. Envelope addressed to Hilldring and his wife. 18 Jun 1946
b. Invitation to celebrate the Independence of the Philippines. 4 Jul 1946
27 a. Photograph: Hilldring sitting with Miss Whang Kyung Koh. [n.d.]
b. Kim, Yongjeung. Calling card. [n.d.]
c. Clipping from [?]: "Society and Clubs." [n.d.]
28 Menu and program for dinner in honor of Leon Blum. 12 Apr 1946
29 a. Card re: accommodations and transportation for the inauguration of Manuel Roxes in Manila. [1946]
b. Response card addressed to the Resident Commissioner of the Philippines. [n.d.]
c. The American Foreign Service Journal. Clipping. Jun 1946
d. The Infantry Journal. Clipping. [n.d.]
30 Photograph: Hilldring in civilian dress, with hat and medals. [n.d.]
31 University of Connecticut. Graduation program. 9 Jun 1946
32 a. Meservey, Douglas W. Memo to Mrs. Berman (Hilldring's secretary) re: Hilldring's article on Allied Military Government for Encyclopedia Britannica. [n.d.]
b. Hilldring, John. Article: "Allied Military Government." [n.d.]
33 a. Hilldring, John. Article: "Allied Military Government." [cont'd] [n.d.]
b. Photograph: Hilldring,in uniform, sitting on porch with cat. [n.d.]
34 McNair, Claire. ALS to Hilldring re: Hilldring's talk on Allied Military Government in Germany. 26 Jun 1946
35 a. University of Connecticut Alumni News. Clipping: "General Hilldring, '18, Gives Commencement Address." [n.d.]
b. Clipping from [?]: "President Receives Earth From Bastogne Battlefield." [n.d.]
c. Freist, Mr., and Eliahu Epstein. Card, compliments of The Jewish Agency for Palestine. [n.d.]
36 a. Meservey, Douglas W. Note to Hilldring re: allusion to crossword puzzle. 9 Jul 1946
b. Alberqueque Times. Clipping: crossword puzzle with picture of Hilldring in the center. 26 Jun 1946
c. The Railsplitter Newsletter. Clipping: "Best Wishes from Assistant Sec'y of State and Ex-84th CG." Sep 1946
37 a. 84th Infantry Division Railsplitters Society. Membership card. [n.d.]
b. Fretwell, Elbert S. TLS to Hilldring re: membership on the Boy Scouts of America National Council. 26 Sep 1946
c. Boy Scouts of America. Membership card. [n.d.]
38 a. El Paso Times. Clipping re: public criticism of Hilldring. 11 Aug 1946
b. Spalding, Ike. ALS to Hilldring re: congratulations. 12 Aug 1946
39 Department of State Wireless Bulletin re: possibility of a merged US-Great Britain economic zone in Germany. 29 Jul 1946
40 a. New York Times. Clipping: "Washington Sees a Helpful Step Toward Unity of German Zones." 30 Jul 1946
b. Washington Post. Clipping: "US and Britain Move Nearer Zone Merger." 1946
41 a. Baltimore Sun. Clipping: "Maj Gen Hilldring- A Profile." 7 Mar 1946
b. New York Herald Tribune. Clipping: "Byrnes called it 'Last Resort.'" 30 Jul 1946
c. Department of War. Special Orders #165 re: Hilldring's retirement. 29 Jul 1946
42 a. National Farmers Union. Press release re: students' meeting with Hilldring. [n.d.]
b. War Department Bureau of Public Relations. "Radio Digest." re: 'Big Four' and spy-swapping. 17 Jul 1946
43 Doyle, Hugh A. ALS to Hilldring re: meeting with group from American Relief for Austria, Inc. 16 Jul 1946
44 a. Life. Clipping: "The State of the Armed Forces." [n.d.]
b. New York Herald Tribune. Clipping: "4 Departments Win Occupation Voice." 20 Sep [n.y.]
c. Newsweek. Clipping: "Pen vs. Sword." 26 Aug 1946
45 a. Strippand, Robert. ALS to Hilldring re: awarding of the Medal of Freedom to Strippand. 5 Oct 1946
b. Beard, Mary R. Note to Hilldring re: promotion of German Women's Rights. 20 Sep 1946
46 Itinerary for Hilldring's visit to New York. [n.d.]
47 a. Edsen, Peter. Article: "Diplomatic Victory." [n.d.]
b. Edsen, Peter. Article: "Revising 1067." [n.d.]
c. Edsen, Peter. Article: "AMG Audit." [n.d.]
48 a. Clipping from [?]: "State Officials at White House." [n.d.]
b. Walker, John. TLS to Hilldring re: recovery and protection of art looted in Germany. 9 Sep 1946
c. Clipping from [?]: "Travel Popular with Members of Little Cabinet." [n.d.]
49 Cicograni, A.G. TLS to Hilldring re: assisting Holy See in purchase of food from the War Department. With envelope. 14 Aug 1946
50 a. Department of State incoming telegram re: International Relief Organization. 20 Sep 1946
b. Kalmanowits, A. Greeting card in English and Hebrew. [n.d.]
c. Clipping from [?]: "Byrnes Speech Had Truman's Full Approval." [n.d.]
d. Klobass, A. Postcard to Hilldring. 17 Jul 1946
51 a. New York Times. Clipping: "Bodies of 5 Flyers Rest at Arlington." 13 Sep 1946
b. Clipping from [?]: "The Needless Journey's End." [n.d.]
52 a. Clipping from [?]: "Notables Pay Homage to Five Slain Flyers Lying in State at Arlington Cemetery." [n.d.]
b. Clipping from [?]: "Battered Dove Greets Truman." [n.d.]
c. Pamphlet: "Open Secret: Reports on the Betrayal of Roosevelt's Peace Policy and American Preparations for World War III." [Jul 1946]
53 Foreign Policy Reports. Excerpt: "Influence of Armed Forces on US Foreign Policy." 1 Oct 1946
54-56 The Department of State Bulletin. Clipping: "American Policy in Occupied Areas." 14 Jul 1946
57 The Department of State Bulletin. Clipping: "Peace: A Challenge to American Leadership." 13 Oct 1941
58 a. Clipping from [?]: "Verbal Fireworks at Convention Opening - The Fight for Peace: Hilldring tells Convention the Battle is Far from Won." [1 Oct 1946]
b. Clipping from [?]: "More About the Legion's Debut Here." [1 Oct 1946]
c. Clipping from [?]: "Hilldring Says Peace Must Yet be Won." [1 Oct 1946]
d. Clipping from [?]: "Legion Convention." [1 Oct 1946]
59 a. The Deseret News, San Francisco. Clipping: "American Legion Begins Day-Long Parade at San Francisco Meeting." 1 Oct 1946
b. Clipping from [?]: "Eye US Future; Play on the Side." [n.d.]
c. Washington Daily News. Clipping: "Warnings Dim Ardor of Legion's Parade." 1 Oct 1946
d. Clipping from [?]: "Cordell Hull, J. Edgar Hoover and Bob Hope Get Highest Legion Medal." 1 Oct 1946
e. Stage pass allowing Hilldring access to the Convention Hall. [n.d.]
60 a. Clipping from [?]: "'Put Ceiling on Bureaucrats,' Legion Commander Demands." [1 Oct 194o6]
b. Clipping from [?]: "Legion Session Warned U.S. Still Faces Many Dangers." [1 Oct 1946]
c. Program from 28th National Convention of the American Legion. [30 Sep 1946]
61 Department of State Wireless Bulletin re: Hilldring's speech to the American Legion. 1 Oct 1946
62 a. Summary of Proceedings, 28th Annual National Convention of the American Legion. [1946]
b. National Convention of the American Legion. Index of Speeches and Remarks. [1946]
c. Pamphlet: 28th Annual National Convention. Contains transcription of Hilldring's speech. [1946]
d. Warren, Earl. Invitation to to cocktails. 1 Oct 1946
63 a. Lapham, Roger D. Invitation to the Bohemian Club. 2 Oct 1946
63 b. Ticket book for American Legion events in San Francisco 29-30 Sep [1946]
c. Glascoff, Donald G. TLS to Hilldring re: speech at the National Convention of the American Legion. 11 Oct 1946
64 a. Patterston, [?] Memo to Floyd Weidman re: attendance at Hilldring's speaking engagement. 22 Jul 1946
b. Rommel, Rowena. Memo to Floyd Weidman re: possible contents of Hilldring's speech. 16 Jul 1946
65 a. Army orders re: Hilldring's retirement. [n.d.]
b. Clipping from [?]: "Hilldring to Represent Division Unit at Tomb." [ca. Nov 1946]
c. Time. Clipping: "Revival of Germany?" 7 Oct 1946
d. Hannegan, Robert E. Invitation to hear election returns. 11 Apr 1946
66 Photograph: Hilldring placing wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. 11 Nov 1946
67 Photograph: Hilldring and others at Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. 11 Nov 1946
68 Photograph: wreath placed at Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. 11 Nov 1946
69 a. "Summary of Allied Military Government's Work with the Fifth Army." [n.d.]
b. "Summary of Service and Commendations of the Allied Military Government, Fifth Army, Italian Campaign 1943-1945." [n.d.]
70 "Statement of Assistant Secretary of State, Major General John H. Hilldring,…during the… Army's Service in Italy." [n.d.]
71 Scandinavian Airlines Systems. Dinner invitation + env. 9 Sep 1946
72 Far East Commission. Minutes of th 21st meeting. 27 Jul 1946
73 Koh, Whang Kyung. ALS to Hilldring re: treatment of Korean Education Commission in U.S. 25 Jul 1946
74 a. Nover, Barnet. TLS to Hilldring re: interview with Hilldring for the Washington Post. 28 Oct 1946
b. Nover, Barnet. Transcript of interview with Hilldring. [n.d.]
75 Department of State press release re: Dr. Karl Gruber's visit to U.S. 29 Oct 1946
76 a. The Sunday Star, Washington, D.C. Clipping: "Reich Trade Parleys Start on Tuesday." 10 Nov 1946
b. Washington Post. Clipping: "US, Britain Open Talks On Occupation Zone Merger." 15 Nov 1946
c. Clipping from [?]: "British Party is En Route To the U.S." [n.d.]
77 a. New York Times. Clipping: "Clay Sees End Soon to Occupation Cost." 14 Nov 1946
b. Washington Post. Clipping: "Mrs. Truman Entertains at White House Luncheon." 15 Nov 1946
77 a. Clipping from [?]: "O'Connor Is Renamed Red Cross Chairman." [n.d.]
b. Ginder, Allen W. TLS to Hilldring re: Army-Navy football game. 29 Oct 1946
78 Guest list for Bitish Ambassadorial Mission dinner. [n.d.]
79 Southard, Frank A. Pamphlet: "Some European Currency and Exchange Experiences, 1943-1946." [n.d.]
80 Jewish Telegraphic Agency news release re: locating homes for displaced persons in Europe. 13 Dec 1946
81 a. Newsweek. Clipping: "Hilldring's Retort." [n.d.]
b. Newsweek. Clipping: "Socialism in Germany." [n.d.]
c. Clipping from [?]: "Occupation Attitude Held Important." [n.d.]
d. Time. Clipping: "Accent on Brass." 20 Jan 1947
82 a. Clipping from unknown newspaper. [in Hebrew] [n.d.]
b. Smith, Walter Bedell. Telegram to Hilldring re: Roger Mahin. 20 Dec 1946
c. Arizona Republic. Clipping: re: cartoon praising Gen. Hilldring. 26 Jan 1947
83 a. Truman, Harry S. TLS to Hilldring re: appointment Central Committee of the American National Red Cross. 5 Dec 1946
b. Clark, [?] TL to Hilldring re: hopes for an independent Austria. 30 Dec 1946
c. Arizona Republic. Clipping: "We Tip Our Hat (for Service to Arizona in '46)." [cartoon] 29 Dec 1946
d. Clipping from [?]: "50% Increase in Coal from Ruhr Expected in Merger of Zones." [n.d.]
84 a. Curtiss, W.M. "Food, Famine, and Diplomacy." The American Journal of Economics and Sociology. Oct 1946
b. National Conference of the United Jewish Appeal. Dinner invitation. 30 Nov 1946
84 c. Wise, Jonah B., Charles J. Rosenbloom, and William Rosenbloom. Welcome note. [n.d.]
d. Chalfonte Haddon Hall, Atlantic City, N.J. Courtesy card. [n.d.]
e. United Jewish Appeal. Accreditation card. [n.d.]
85 a. New York Herald Tribune. Clipping: "Hilldring Says US Can't Bear All D.P. Costs." 2 Dec 1946
b. Washington Post. Clipping: "DP Needs Call for Wider Aid, Hilldring Says." 2 Dec 1946
c. New York Times. Clipping: "Jews Told of Drop in Government Aid." 2 Dec 1946
d. United Jewish Appeal. National conference program. [n.d.]
86 a. Clipping from [?] re: United Jewish Appeal conference. [n.d.]
b. Clipping from [?]: "Lack of Funds Prevents Proper Care of Refugees." [n.d.]
87-89 Clipping from [?]: "The Great Challenge of the Year 1947." [page 1] [1 Dec 1946]
United Jewish Appeal. "Highlights of Atlantic City." [n.d.]
90 a. Clipping from [?]: "Hilldring, Masaryk Ask for UJA Aid to Victims." [n.d.]
b. Warburg, Edward M.M. Address to United Jewish Appeal. [n.d.]

Hilldring, John H., 1895-1974

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