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Unknown Election news.

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Gilder Lehrman Collection #: GLC01698 Author/Creator: Unknown Place Written: s.l. Type: Broadside Date: 1864 Pagination: 1 p. ; 41.5 x 21 cm. Order a Copy

Election broadside announces Lincoln and Johnson elected, prints returns for many states, and states that Wayne County, Illinois, "stands firm."

[Draft Created by Crowdsourcing]

We announce to our readers the grand and glorious news of the triumph of the Union party in almost every State. Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson are most triumphantly elected. Never was a victory more complete or overwhelming. The friends of liberty and of the Union away rejoice indeed, and be exceeding glad. Though we have not yet received full returns from every State, enough has already come over the wires to make sure the following results, as may be seen by telegraph returns in another column:

Maj. Elect. vt.
Ohio,..........................35,000 21.
Pennsylvania,.............20,000 26.
New York,..................10,000 33.
Massachusetts,...........75,000 12.
Vermont,....................30,000 5.
Maine,........................20,000 7.
Rhode Island,............ 4,000 4.
New Hampshire,....... 3,000 5.
Maryland,.................. 5,000 7.
Indiana,......................30,000 13.
Wisconsin,...............,..10,000 8.
Illinois,........................15,000 16.
Missouri,.................30,000 11.
Iowa,..........................25,000 8.
Minnesota,................. 5,000 4.
Michigan,...................15,000 8.
Connecticut,..............20,000 6.
New Jersey,................. 4,000 7.
Delaware,.................... 3,000 3.
West Virginia, largely
Union,......................... 5.
Tennessee, largely Un
nion 10.

Total........................... 219
The States to hear from are California Origon, Louisiana and Nevada, having together 18 electoral votes-every one of which we believe have gone for Lincoln, leaving McClellan only the Guarilla State of Kentucky with 11 electoral votes. Is not this a clean sweep- a most overwhelming victory.

Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865
Johnson, Andrew, 1808-1875

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