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to Lula and John Elmer Dyer
7 May 1944
West, Ben Eugene, fl. 1920-1944
One letter from Ben Eugene West to Lula and John Elmer Dyer dated May 7, 1944.
to Omer H. Kelpe
June 11, 1945
Buersmeyer, Sylvanus R., fl. 1918-1945
One letter from Sylvanus R. "Bush" Buersmeyer to Omer H. Kelpe dated June 11, 1945.
to Leonard Eugene Graeff
8 March 1943
Winemiller, Roberta A., fl. 1921-1947
One letter from Robert A. Winemiller to Leonard Eugene Graeff dated March 8, 1943. Robert begins by noting Leonard's chivalrous nature. He notes a recent trip to Chattanooga. In reference to a remark made by Leonard about Robert and Dotty, he says...
to Ambrose E. Burnside
December 29, 1862
Lee, Robert E., 1807-1870
Lee writes a letter to Burnside discussing the fate of Capt. E. P. Lawton. Captain Lawton, apparently a Confederate being held in Alexandria and probably mortally wounded, had asked to be visited by his wife. Lee's letter acknowledges receipt of...
to Brother
February 10, 1856
Scott, Asahel Adams, 1829-1894
One unaddressed letter from Asahel and Mary F. Scott dated Allens Grove, February 10, 1856. The letter is divided into two messages from Asahel and Mary F. Scott. Gives updates on the family and neighbors' health; finances; and plans to purchase land...
to Jackie Robinson
8 August 1957
Nixon, Richard M., 1913-1994
One typed letter addressed to Jackie Robinson dated August 8, 1957 from Richard Nixon. Nixon writes to Robinson pertaining to a recent Senate vote. Nixon vows to introduce a more "effective bill than the watered-down version." Written on presidential...
to Mahala F. Page
December 16, 1864
Page, Enoch S., fl. 1864-1865
One letter addressed to Mahala F. Page from Enoch S. Page dated In Camp near Petersburg, December 16, 1864.
January 30, 1865
One letter addressed to Mahala F. Page from Enoch S. Page dated Patrick Station, Va., January 30, 1865.
to Enoch S. Page
March 20, 1865
Anson, fl. 1865
One letter addressed to Enoch S. Page from Anson dated Camp Patric Station, Petersburg, Va., March 20, 1865.
22 May 1865
One letter addressed to Mahala F. Page from Enoch S. Page dated In Camp Near Richmond, May 22, 1865.
20 June 1865
One letter addressed to Mahala F. Page from Enoch S. Page dated On Camp Near Washington, June 20, 1865.
to: Mary [Armstrong]
April 19, 1865
Armstrong, Halleck, fl. 1865
One letter addressed to Mary from Hal dated Browder's Crossing, April 19, 1865. Pertains to his reflections on abolition and emancipation.
to Sarah Boyer
July 18, 1865
One letter addressed to Sarah Boyer from Hal dated July 18, 1865. Pertains to daily life while stationed in the military.
to Sarah Jay
9 April 1794
Jay, John, 1745-1829
Refers to his wife Sarah as Sally. Comments to his wife that he dined with President Washington. Relates there is a suspenseful atmosphere in the capital over a possible war with Britain. He says peace will probably prevail, but that war should be...
to William Davies
November 3, 1781
Lee, Richard Henry, 1732-1794
Written by Lee, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, as a legislator in the Virginia Assembly to Davies as Commissioner of the Virginia War Office in Richmond. Asks Davies to see that arms taken from militiamen at Gloucester, probably used at...
to Henry Knox
27 August 1791
Duer, William, 1747-1799
Reports that this letter will be delivered by Madame de la Val and Mr. de la Roche who will communicate provisional articles "I have Enterd into with them for commencing a French Establishment on the Lands we have purchased." Says the present state...
7 August 1791
Jackson, Henry, 1747-1809
References Knox's letter of 29 July. Besides the 100,000 acres mentioned as his payment earlier, Jackson wants another 100,000 acres more "as a subordinate purchaser, but I will leave it with you to determine exactly as is most agreeable to your...
to Thomas Longman
15 December 1793
Knox, Henry, 1750-1806
Marked "Triplicate." Letterpress copy of the original. See GLC2437.05994 for a copy of this letter. References Longman's letter of 1 August. Is sorry to hear Longman is having so much trouble with the Flucker estate. Says "I have it the most...
to Alexander Irvine
March 26, 1781
Irvine, Charles, 1756-1819
Letter written to his brother in Aberdeen, Scotland. States that since his last letter, he has decided not to take the first ship to New York and to wait for the convoy as it is safer. Reports that he wrote to Mr. Moir in order to get credit with the...
14 June 1789
Randall, Thomas, ?-1811
Written from Bombay, present-day Mumbai, India. Declares that he will be on his way to America before Knox reads this letter. Mentions he had arrived in Bombay ten days earlier, after an excruciating five-month-long journey from Batavia. After...
to Samuel Breck
9 October 1791
References receiving Breck's letter from his son. Thanks him for his sympathy upon the death of his son Marcus. Says "Language is utterly inadequate to convey any idea of the agony of our souls upon the occasion." References Breck's previous letter...
To: M. Armstrong & Sons
Grant, Jesse R., 1794-1873
Inquiring about the prices of cotton in February of 1863. He had sent 500 bales to New York to be sold and believes he was cheated. He thanks Armstrong for a "complimentary notice of my 'soldier boy.' But I often receive such letters."
8 July 1779
Knox, William, 1756-1795
Makes financial plans before embarking for Holland on a business venture. Encloses an inventory of "the stock on hand, which amounts nearly to as much sterling as it did upon my taking it after returning from the Army ... " Informs Knox he has only...
to [D.W. Lewis]
21 September 1863
Davis, Jefferson, 1808-1889
Discusses his relationship with Robert A. Toombs, his former Secretary of State. Six months earlier Davis had failed to give Toombs a military promotion and he subsequently resigned. Praises Toombs for helping free the south from "A union so odious...
to George Washington
8 June 1781
Replies to a letter he received from Washington on the same day. Refers to another letter Washington enclosed, from General [Ezekiel] Cornell. Cornell's letter referred to lead and cartridge expected to arrive from Boston, Massachusetts, and...
to Eleanor Hammond
January 9, 1865
Hammond, Horace J., fl. 1862-1865
Most everyone is healthy. Leg is feeling fine, but an ulcer sore has developed on it above the ankle in addition to the sores that were already there below the knee. Received three letters, the ninth, tenth, and eleventh she has sent, from her this...
to H. Livingston Rogers re: response to a research inquiry about Anthony and William Thompson
Jordan, John W., fl. 1901
John W. Jordon gives information about William Thompson's military service in the American Revolution. The letter is marked as a copy.
August 1, 1786
Lafayette, Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert Du Motier, marquis de, 1757-1834
Lafayette says a letter of recommendation was requested by Madame Gregorie, who has claims to present to the General Court in Massachusetts. Thought the best way to help her was to introduce her to Knox "who can better than Any Body Advise Her How to...
to Mr. Price
December 19, 1861
Mason, J. M. (James Murray), 1798-1871
Letter written as a prisoner of war near Boston. Mason thanks Price for the gift of tobacco he sent to the prisoners of war. Mason had been captured on board the Trent. Letter written at Fort Warren.
to Joseph Palmer
October 3, 1775
Adams, John, 1735-1826
Letter written as member of Congress to a neighbor at home. The letter discusses family news and congressional business. Adams mentions Franklin, Lynch, and Harrison forming a committee to visit New England to investigate continuation of a united...
to Franklin Butler Van Valkenburgh
16 August 1905
Van Valkenburgh, Edward Porter, fl. 1865-1908
A letter written by Edward Porter Van Valkenburgh to his brother Franklin Butler Van Valkenburgh. Edward thanks his brother for the gift of the book "The Shuttle," and mentions a recent health scare. The letter is signed Edy.
to Joseph M. Maitland
February 16, 1865
Coleman, Henry, fl. 1865
Addresses letter "Dear Friend Joseph." Reports on the growth of his pets. Informs Joseph that Joseph's brother Grier has four nice sheep. Says a neighbor died of consumption. Letter appears to be written by a very young boy.
23 May 1885
Tibbits, A. W., fl. 1884-1886
Letter addressed "Dear Brother." Informs of his travels as a minister and his attempts at "conversions." Writes in great detail about his horses and their health. Reports his family has the whooping cough. Letter has repeated bleeding.
to the students of the Medical College of Virginia
Coleman, R.J., fl. 1874-1884
Thank you letter for the gift of fruits and flowers the class sent to him while he was ill in bed. A pencil inscription at the end of the letter reads: "Died March 4th / [18]84".
to Frank B. White
20-21 August 1945
White, L. Jean, 1915-2014
One letter from L. Jean White to Frank B. White dated August 20-21, 1945. Letter was started on the 20th, on the second page it is re-dated as the 21st of August.
21-22 August 1945
One letter from L. Jean White to Frank B. White dated August 21-22, 1945. Letter was started on the 21st, on the second page it is re-dated as the 22nd of August.
to sister
December 9, 1864
Cook, George B., fl. 1845-1865
George B. Cook is replying to his sister's letter from the 2nd. "I am not well at this time." Had a difficult march starting the night of the 7th. The marched started at night and continued until 12:00 AM in the middle of a rainstorm. Returned to...
to Guy Fenton
February 26, 1962
Puslowski, Franciszek, fl. 1962
Written on mourning stationary. He spends most of the letter talking about wine.
to Cousin
November 16, 1839
One unaddressed letter dated November 16, 1839. Sender did not sign. Mentions daughter.
To: Honorable Strom Thurmond.
Hilldring, John H., 1895-1974
Hilldring is sending a copy of the letter that he wrote to Max Taylor.
[The Boys Magazine Subscription reminder]
4 April 1913
The Boys' Magazine (Smethport, PA), 1910-1920
One letter from The Boys magazine reminding the subscriber to renew their subscription.
to Clarence W. Slocum
June 11, 1943
MacGregor, James A., fl. 1943
One letter from James A. MacGregor to Clarence W. Slocum dated June 11, 1943. Contains well wishes and the text of a note from the Lions Club. Also mentions that he has sent a letter via V-Mail and by air mail in hope of one or more reaching Slocum.
January 4, 1865
George B. Cook is replying to his sister's letter dated December 25, 1864, which he received this evening. He can only enjoy Christmas so much when there are thousands of shells falling around him every hour. Fortunately, no one in the company was...
to Hannah E. Russell
February 21, 1862
Russell, E. S., fl. 1861-1862
Reports that he is not well and has been suffering from lung fever for the past eight days. Writes that he is slowly mending and can now walk around and eat a little. Comments that he is not in the general hospital but in a private house with 18...
26 April 1791
Wonders why he has not heard from Knox in so long and expresses hurt and confusion over it. "...only consider you are my only relation, and although I am in a country partly civilized, yet it is a Country of Strangers." States he has written "eleven...
to Morris "Moe" Weiner
24 April 1944
Weiner, Sylvia, 1912-2008
Sylvia complains about the weather, and mentions what happened after the wedding.
27April 1944
Sylvia mentions Ruth, Sarah Felker and Sammy B.
20 May 1944
Sylvia mentions Bennie, Adele and Moe's parents.
22 April 1945
Sylvia spent time with Bess, Mad and Ben. She heard that the Russians are in Berlin.
to Lucy Knox
March 12, 1777
Arrived last evening after a long trip. The roads past Hartford were so bad that "the Slay" and much of the baggage had to be abandoned. Has heard a report that at Spanktown, modern day Rahway, "our people" killed and wounded five hundred of the...
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