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[Receipt for gun locks]
7 May 1777
Clarke, Timothy, fl. 1777
Certifies that Church received and paid for two gun locks manufactured by Uriah Hanks last March. Hanks was a prominent gun maker from Connecticut.
December 1771
"Grease" written at the top, then a list of five men's names with numbers beside them. Possibly a listing of men on a ship and their payment.
[Receipt for delivery to Captain Drinkwater]
27 September 1777
Jepson, Benjamin, fl. 1777
Asks that 26 bushels of corn be delivered to Captain Drinkwater. Note on reverse signed by Elijah Drinkwater stating he received the bushels.
Collection of two documents related to Robert Dodge [Decimalized .01- .02]
[Orders of Colonel David Waterbury]
20 July 1775
Waterbury, David, 1722-1801
Orders Lieutenant Briggs to proceed to the towns of Rutfield, New Fairfield, Danbury, Reding, and Newton, Connecticut. States the Briggs should give orders to all officers, doctors, and soldiers belonging to the 5th regiment to return immediately as...
[Receipt for soap and candles]
Morris, William, fl. 1777-1793
Receipt for John Holt for soap and candles. For the use of "Ct Lathrop Company." Signed by Morris as deputy quartermaster.
[List of mathmatical calculations]
Ely, John, 1737-1800
Document contains a number of mathematical calculations and the words "Adam Shapley" and signed "Colo. Elys".
[Provision return]
8 January 1777
Gates, Lebediah, fl. 1777
Reads "A Provision Return of Capt Calkinses Company for Eleven Men. To the Comdg Lebediah Gates Sergent."
9 January 1777
Provision return for eleven men in Captain Colking's company. Verso contains a crossed out receipt.
January 10, 1777
Provision return for eighteen men of Captain Colkin's company.
A provision return of Colo John Ely Regt for January 11 & 12: 1777
January 1777
Lists pounds of bread and beef provided to various officers in John Ely's regiment. Also lists number of men under each officer.
January 13, 1777
Reads "A provision Return for 9 Men for Capt Colkine Company that fell in this Day for the Company."
[Reciept for beef and bread]
January 14, 1777
Received "seven pound beef & seven pounds bread an allowance of seven men" in Justus Buck's regiment.
[Reciept for a prisoner]
January 15, 1777
Requests that money be delivered to sergeant Chapman for various things, including a prisoner.
A provision return of Colo John Ely's regiment for January 17: 18 & 19: 1777
Lists pounds of bread, pork, and beef provided to various officers in John Ely's regiment. Also lists number of men under each officer. Dated January 17, 1777 - January 19, 1777.
A provision weekly return of Colo John Ely's Regt for January 18th 1777
January 18, 1777
Lists pounds of bread, pork, and beef provided to various officers in John Ely's regiment. Also lists number of men under each officer. Signed on verso. Note on verso states that Morris received the articles mentioned.
[Reciept for bread]
11 March 1777
Buck, Justus, 1726-1807
Received thirty pounds bread for his company from "John Deshon Commissary."
Chapman, Labeus, fl. 1777
Provision return for fifty men in captain Buck's company.
12 March 1777
Grant, Oliver, 1754-1832
A provision return for sixty-six men under captain Oliver Grant in colonel John Ely's regiment.
Provision return for one hundred men.
13 March 1777
Provision return for eighty men for captain Calkin's company.
Nettleton, George, fl. 1777
Provision return for thirty nine men in Oliver Grant's company.
Provision return for Captain Buck's company containing one hundred men. Signed on verso. Veros also reads "100 Beefe, 75 Pork."
[Bounty paid to Daniel Dee]
January 28, 1778
Dee, Daniel Davol, 1742-1823
States that Dee receives half bounty for thirteen men, whose names are listed. Verso signed by Dee, saying he received the money. Also sworn to and signed by Oliver Ellsworth.
[Service record of John Ely]
circa 1781
Lists dates when Ely was commissioned, taken prisoner, paroled, recalled, and exchanged. States his service time totaled four years two months and twenty three days.
[Account between John Ely and Connecticut]
7 June 1783
Howell, Joseph, 1750-1798
Formal record listing money owed to Ely by Connecticut. Includes pay and reimbursement for expenses incurred during fighting.
[Account betwee John Ely and Connecticut]
5 May 1790
Formal record listing money to Ely by Connecticut. Includes pay of one dollar per day for time while he was captured, and reimbursement for expenses such as rations incurred during fighting. Includes conversion values between old currencies and...
[Marching orders for Asa Hamant]
December 20, 1776
Mann, Sabin, fl. 1776-1779
Orders Asa Hamant to march to Warwick Neck Rhode Island "as a soldier."
[Reciept for fine of Asa Hamant for refusing to serve]
16 May 1777
Baxter, John, 1746-1832
States that Hamant has paid his ten dollar fine "for refusing to enter the continental service."
[Reciept for fine of Charles Hamant for refusing to serve]
21 August 1778
Wheelock, Ephriam, 1733-1826
States that Hamant has paid his ten dollar fine "for refusing to enter the continental service, after being Duly Notified."
Colonial America
17 August 1670
to Eben R. Ayers
3 October 1861
Garfield, James A. (James Abram), 1831-1881
Garfield States that the telegram from Ayers got to him just as he was leaving on a recruitment tour for the 10th companies 42nd regiment. He says that he has yet to hear from Washington on a officers apointment to 2nd liutenant, but will let Ayers...
to James G. Wilson, Esq.
27 September 1862
Breck, Samuel, 1747-1809
All applications for copies of the new Register must be made to the Senate.
to Sir
16 September 1862
Stein, Sam I, fl. 1862
Very difficult to read but looks like "It was reported this morning that Gen R.E. Lee died of his wounds," which of course would have been a false report.
to My Dear Mother
10 June 1861
Senard, Laurent, fl. 1861
He writes that so far the life of a soldier has been peaceful because the hard fighting they expected did not occur. He is in the Salem Mechanic Light Infantry. The city of Washington was the dirtiest place he ever saw.
to Bro. Sherman
10 December 1863
He hasn't been able to write because there have been so many wounded under his care, both Union and Rebel soldiers. He describes particular soldiers he was able to save.
22 June 1863
Gage, W.H., fl. 1863
He mentions several friends that have been discharged like Doody, Maxim, O'Donanhue and Charlie. He mentions the doctors and nurses at the hospital and how at one point there were nearly a thousand patients.
to Mr. Baker
McNamara, James, fl. 1861
In reference to the state aid he receives. It has been going to the wrong person and he has not received it.
to Aunt
3 January 1862
Celerk, B.D., fl. 1861
He has been taking care of a lot of sick people. He thinks more will die of disease than of bullets. He also describes a funeral.
to Uncle Frye
23 October 1861
Thompson, Frank J., fl. 1861
In Boston they were presented with a flag by the Hon. R.C Winthrop. In New York they were invited to the 5th Avenue Hotel where they heard James G. Brady speak and were presented with another flag. They also passed through Philadelphia, Baltimore and...
to William J. Whittford
26 July 1863
Stone, David L., fl. 1861
He writes on the Christian faith and God's will which has carried them to this point in the war. He refers to the Garrison abolitionists and their motto: "The United States Constitution is a covenant with death and an agreement with hell."
to Alexander Catlin Twining
16 December 1854
Espy, James Pollard, 1785-1860
A letter written by James Pollard Espy to Alexander Catlin Twining. Espy speaks about past and future experiments and the character of huricanes. This letter is written on blue paper. While the date written on the top of the first page of the letter...
United States. Patent and Trademark Office
An envelope addressed to Alexander C. Twining in New Haven, Conneticut from the U.S. Patent Office in Washington, D.C. The envelope is unaccompanied by contents. 121.757 was written on the back of the envelope. Both bottom corners are torn as is the...
to Professor Alexander Catlin Twining
February 13, 1873
Ferry, Orris S. (Orris Sanford), 1823-1875
A letter written by Senator Orris Sandford Ferry to Professor Alexander Catlin Twining. Senator Ferry writes to Twining about proposed amendments to a bill that will be put before the House of Representatives.
to Lewis L. Strauss
22 October 1943
Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964
Addressed to "my dear Lewis". Writes that it was helpful of Lewis to arrange the broadcasting of Hoover's speech over WOL, a talk radio station in Washington, D.C. On Herbert Hoover stationary and signed by Hoover.
to his sister Martha [Spohn]
19 October 1863
Wheeler, Lysander, 1837-1917
Discusses the weather, particularly the muddy conditions. He states that the local rock is limestone and that the mud makes good mortar for building chimneys. Wheeler expects that they will stay in Nashville for some time, possibly through the...
to his brother-in-law, parents and sister
28 July 1864
There is occasional shelling from both sides. Beyond that little has changed and his regiment is still in the same locations as when he last wrote. Most of the Confederate shells fall too short or go too far to cause much damage to the Union lines...
to his parents, brother-in-law, and sister
21 May 1865 - 22 May 1865
Written at Cloud's Mill near Alexandria, Virginia. His regiment passed through Richmond, Virginia on 10 and 11 May. They marched through the principal streets in column formation. Union Army Chief of Staff Henry Halleck did not receive them and...
26 May 1865
Writes that he is very grateful to be able to see his family once again and looks forward to being reunited with them. He hopes that the war is over for good and that they will be able to return home soon. Writes that the government is working hard...
to unknown
circa 1861-1865
Writes that during the holidays he was very busy and had a lot of work to do around the farm. He has received a book from his class and an album with a photograph in it came to him in a "mysterious" way. He has also received several smaller presents...
to Lewis Hayden
30 May 1853
Smith, Gerrit, 1797-1874
He has been so busy getting his affairs in order to leave for Washington that he hasn't had time to reply to Hayden. Writes that Wendell Phillips properly named McLean when he called him the "Western Miscreant." Possibly refering to John McLean, an...
to Burwell Bassett
28 August 1762
Washington, George, 1732-1799
In a humorous letter, chastizes Bassett, his brother-in-law, for not attending church. States "strange it is that you will be so blind to truth that the enlightening sounds of the Gospel can not reach your Ear, nor no Examples awaken you to a sense...
Clerical copy of an article from the Treaty of 1805
14 March 1838
Smith, Daniel, fl. 1838
to [Father]
Van Nuys, Samuel Watson, 1841-1864
to Dear Parents
4 January 1863
January 11,1863
to Brother
January 19, 1863
to Parents
January 27, 1863
February 1, 1863
to Pa
February 5, 1863
Written at the Columbia College Hospital, in Washington, D.C.
21 July 1863
to uncle
5 January 1865
Voris, J.A., fl. 1865
Speech of Hon. Andrew Jackson of Tennessee, on The Expulsion of Mr. Bright. Delivered in the Senate of the United States, Friday, January 31, 1862.
L., Towers, & Co., fl. 1862
Includes letter from Jennie to Samuel Watson Van Nuys, n.d., penciled on verso of pamphlet.
[Detailed report of Union Victory at Fort Henry, Tenn.]
February 7, 1862
Cincinnati Gazette
Detailed report of Union victory at Fort Henry, Tenn. Includes three clippings: "Union Flag Planted on Tennsesse Soil;" "Rebel Scouts Captured-Occupation at Romeny;" and "Our Troops in Pursuit of the Rebel Refugees from Fort Henry-The Rebel Troops...
to Father
3 July 1862
Jackson, Richard H., fl. 1861-1865
Their dramatic club performed, meanwhile they were given orders to march down to the wharf, unfortunately they were too late to meet Burnside and he heard they would sail to Washington.
6 September 1862
He embarked on the steamer Lousiana and arrived in the dock of Washington City where the men and women asked what regiment they were from. Upon replying Hawkins, they received a warm welcome.
25 October 1862
Although his request for a leave of absence to go to New York was denied, Col. Hawkins said he could go as far as Washington. Then writes about the benefits of his promotion. Heasks for a leather valise and includes a list of items of things he will...
to Richard H. Jackson
February 24, 1862
Jackson, Henry, fl. 1861-1864
He is very proud that his son is in the "gallant ninth" he has been reading about. celebrated Washington's birthday. He sent the (looks like "Flushaled") Papers.
He informs him he has called on Orderly L. Huct and had a pleasant talk. He learned that Lt. Col. Kimball has a short stay in Washington.
25 September 1862
Wells, fl. 1861-1864
His friend writes from the Hospital and asks to get a description list for him. He asks for several signatures. Written at Casparis Hosital, Washington, D.C.
26 November 1863
Hazelton, C.B., fl. 1861-1864
He thinks he may go to Washington in a week or two, if not he will try to get to where Richard is. He is hoping they will have Charleston within the month.
Knight, L.M., fl. 1861-1864
He heard that Captain Wheaton is sick. Also he wants to get Jimmy Fileon a clerkship position.
[ receipt for Arthur L. Jackson]
16 August 1919
Barnwell, C.H., fl. 1919
A receipt for the final payment of the Fourth Liberty Loan Bond.
Received Dec, 21st, 1863.
Received Dec. 13th, 1863.
circa 1861-1864
No date visible.
"Louisiana Sketches, 1864...U.S.S. Alexandria, Lower Mississippi Fleet"
Stauffer, David M., 1845-1913
One volume of a sketchbook entitled, "Louisiana Sketches, 1864...U.S.S. Alexandria, Lower Mississippi Fleet." Illustrations by David M. Stauffer dated 1864. Consists of architectural drawings and nomenclature of naval guns, carriages, and artillery...
"Sketchings, 1886, D.M. Stauffer, Lancaster City, Penna"
One sketchbook entitled, "Sketchings, 1866. D.M. Stauffer, Lancaster City, Penna," by David M. Stauffer dated 1866. Consists of ink and watercolor sketches depicting people (including African Americans in Louisiana), landscapes, coats of arms, and...
to Theodore Roosevelt
January 18, 1910
La Follette, Robert M., fl. 1910
because a tract of land was conveyed to him, it is necessary that he make an appearance in order to protect the rights of the Indians.
January 21, 1910
Field, Walter S., fl. 1910
his deed of land must be protected so that the Kickapoo are not taken advantage of.
January 26, 1910
Teller, Henry Moore, 1830-1914
reiterates need to protect the Indians' interests.
Ulysses S. Grant Carte de visite
[ca. 1863-1866]
Brady, Mathew B., 1823-1896
White mount with purple border. Brady imprint on recto and verso. Three quarter length seated portrait in uniform.
White mount with faded purple border. Brady imprint on both recto and verso. Verso also contains pencil inscription "1069" (or "1869[?]"), and ink inscription "General Grant," with "General" written in German script. Three quarter length standing...
5 June 1868
Burnham, T.R., fl. 1865-1868
White mount with gold border and imprint on recto: "Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, U.S.A. Photographed by T.R. Burnham, 351Washington St., Boston, in Washington, D.C., June 5th, 1868. Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1868, by T.R. Burnham...
Hoyt, fl. 1861-1877
White mount with imprint of G.W. Thorne, New York, below image on recto. Imprint of Hoyt visible on lower left corner of image. Verso contains imprint of Hoyt and pencil notations: "U.S. Grant," "9040-2," "3000," "3238," and "1272." Half length...
[Steel-plate engraving of Ulysses S. Grant]
Bureau of Engraving and Printing
Engraving of Grant as he appears on a version of the $50 bill.
to Mrs. Barton
February 22, 1919
Barton, James Harley, fl. 1919
Writes to his mother that it is an army holiday for George Washington's birthday but the weather is terrible. Reflects on his one year anniversary of deployment in Germany and describes his first days in that country. Tells Mrs. Barton to stop...
[Vignette of Abraham Lincoln and son Tad]
Reproduction of a photograph taken by Brady. Lincoln and his son are looking at an album of cartes.
Treaty Between the United States and the Miami Indians
5 June 1854
Concerns land and annuities for the Miami Indians of Indiana. Authorized by President Franklin Pierce. Treaty arranged by George W. Manypenny, Commissioner on the part of the United States, with the Miami leaders.
Treaty Between the United States of America and the Appalachicola Tribe of Indians
February 13, 1833
Concerns the cession and removal from the Appalachicola Indians' Florida land and the remuneration they will receive. Authorized by President Andrew Jackson. Treaty arranged by James Gadsen, Commissioner on the part of the United States, and John...
Treaty Between the United States of America and the Arapahoe and Cheyenne Indians of the Upper Arkansas River
5 December 1861
Concerns the cession of Arapahoe and Cheyenne land, their removal, and the remuneration they will receive. Authorized by President Abraham Lincoln. Treaty arranged by Albert G. Boone and F.B. Culver, Commissioners on the part of the United States...
Treaty Between the United States of America and the Chiefs of the Swan Creek and Black River Bands of the Chippewa Nation
20 May 1836
Concerns the cession of Chippewa land, their removal, and the remuneration they will receive. Authorized by President Andrew Jackson. Treaty arranged by Henry R. Schoolcraft, Commissioner on the part of the United States, and the Chippewa leaders...
Treaty Between the United States of America and the Chippewa Nation of Indians
2 July 1838
Concerns the cession Michigan land owned by the Saganaw tribe of the Chippewa nation, their removal, and the remuneration they will receive. Authorized by President Martin Van Buren. Treaty arranged by Henry R. Schoolcraft, Commissioner on the...
Supplementary Article to the Treaty Between the United States of America and the Chippewa Chiefs of Saganaw
2 March 1839
Stipulates the sale of forty acres of land owned by the Saganaw tribe of the Chippewa nation. Authorized by President Martin Van Buren. Concluded on 7 February 1837 and ratified on 2 July 1838.
Treaty Between the United States of America and the Chippewa Indians of the Mississippi and Lake Superior
7 April 1848
Concerns the cession of Chippewa land, their removal, and the remuneration they will receive. Authorized by President James K. Polk. Treaty arranged by Isaac A. Verplank and Henry M. Rice, Commissioners on the part of the United States, and the...
Treaty Between the United States of America and the Mississippi Chippewa Indians
7 April 1855
Concerns the cession of Chippewa land in Minnesota, their removal, and the remuneration they will receive. Authorized by President Franklin Pierce. Treaty arranged by George W. Manypenny, Commissioner on the part of the United States, and the...
Treaty Between the United States of America and the Chippewa Indians
2 August 1855
Concerns the cession of Chippewa fishing rights at the Falls of St. Mary's and the remuneration they will receive. Authorized by President Franklin Pierce. Treaty arranged by George W. Manypenny and Henry C. Gilbert, Commissioners on the part of...
Treaty Between the United States of America and the Red Lake and Pembina Bands of Chippewas
5 May 1864
Concerns the cession of Chippewa land in Minnesota and the Dakota Territory, their removal, and the remuneration they will receive. Authorized by President Abraham Lincoln. Treaty arranged by Alexander Ramsey and Ashley C. Morrill, Commissioner...
Treaty Between the United States of America and the Boise Fort Band of Chippewa Indians
5 May 1866
Concerns the cession of Chippewa reservation land near Lake Vermillion in Minnesota, their removal, and the remuneration they will receive. Authorized by President Andrew Johnson. Treaty arranged by Dennis N. Cooley and E.E.L. Taylor...
Treaty Between the United States of America and the Swan Creek and Black River Chippewas, and the Munsee or Christian Indians
9 July 1860
Concerns the cession of reservation land in Minnesota, their removal, and the remuneration they will receive. Authorized by President James Buchanan. Treaty arranged by David Crawford, Commissioner on the part of the United States, and the...
Showing results 6,801 - 6,900