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Dismantled rebel gun, Port Hudson, LA
circa 1861-1865
The image shows the ruins of a dismantled cannon inside fortifications. Inscription on verso: "Rebel gun- Dismantled by [illegible] Comm Levison 'No gun battery' Port Hudson."
Fortifications and cannon, Port Hudson, LA
The image shows one wagon trailer and one cannon behind fortifications. One African-American man stands on the left-hand side of the photo. Inscription on image: "J. C. Palfrey." Inscription on verso: "Fort [sic] Hudson."
Bomb scene, Port Hudson, LA
The image shows one man sitting on a fortification amidst extensive bomb damage, cannonballs, with a river in the distance. Inscription on verso: "Port Hudson."
Camp scene, Port Hudson, LA
The image shows three wooden buildings, surrounded by trees. In the foreground is a rudimentary foot bridge, with wagons in the background. Inscription on verso: "Port Hudson Mill!"
Camp scene with Church, Port Hudson, LA
The image shows a small camp scene, with A-frame tents in the left background, and a white wooden church. Various soldiers are scattered throughout the scene. Inscription on verso: "Port Hudson" and "Church."
River fortifications with cannon, Port Hudson, LA
The image shows one large cannon, a stock of cannonballs and fortifications. There is a river in the background, and one can see the legs of a man sitting on the right edge of the photo. Numeric notation on verso: "743/10." Inscription on verso:...
Destroyed cannon, Port Hudson, LA
The image show a close up of the wreckage of a destroyed cannon. Numeric notation on recto: "761" and measurements of photo: "3 1/8" "2 5/8." Numeric notation on verso: "761," "217C," "G9733-12," and "L9." Inscription on verso: "Fort [sic] Hudson"...
18th New York Artillery with cannon and fortifications, Port Hudson, LA
The image shows the 18th New York artillery standing behind fortifications with cannon. Inscription on verso: "Port Hudson," "Capt. Mack's Battery #10" and "Collection of Americana Frederick H. Meserve 265 Edgecombe Avenue New York City."
Naval battery with cannon and soldiers, Port Hudson, LA
The image shows approximately eleven soldiers with four cannon and fortifications. Numeric notation on image: "765" and measurements of photo: "6 1/2" and "7." Numeric notations on verso: "219," "765" and "246215." Inscription on verso: "Port Hudson...
River fortification with guns, Port Hudson, LA
The image shows the bank of a river with fortifications and a gun. Numeric notation on image: "797," and measurements of photo: "6 1/2" and "6"." Numeric notation on verso: "210" "797" "175" and "G9733-12." Inscription on verso: "To [illegible] guns...
Captain Grimsby's [?] Battery, Port Hudson, LA
The image shows a large group of soldiers behind a battery with two cannon. Inscription on verso: "Port Hudson," "Capt. Grimsby's Battery" and "Collection of Americana Frederick H. Meserve 265 Edgecombe Avenue New York City."
Captain Cox's Battery, Port Hudson, LA
The image shows approximately thirteen soldiers behind a battery with one cannon. Numeric notation on recto: "766" and measurements of photo: "6 1/2" and "7 high." Numeric notations on verso: "8," "766," "221" and "296275." Inscription on verso:...
The image shows three soldiers standing amid extensive bomb damage. Cannon and fortifications lie in ruins. Inscription on verso: "Port Hudson."
Captain Bainbridge's Battery, Port Hudson, LA
Image shows a large battery with approximately thirteen soldiers and four cannons visible. Inscription on verso: "Port Hudson" and "Capt. Bainbridge's Battery #7."
Wooden house with two chimneys, Port Hudson, LA
The image shows a two-storey wooden house with two chimneys and a wooden front porch. Inscription on verso: "Fort [sic] Hudson."
Cannon with fortifications, Port Hudson, LA
The image shows a cannon with its fortifications. Inscription on verso: "View of interior of [cut off] Port [cut off]" and "Collection of Americana Frederick H. Meserve 265 Edgecombe Avenue New York City."
Rebel gun with fortifications, Port Hudson, LA
Image shows a cannon with fortifications. Inscription on verso: "Rebel Gun on the river front--" and "Port Hudson."
Fortifications with crates of supplies, Port Hudson, LA
The image shows a flag pole to the right, with a large stack of supply crates and fortifications. Inscription on verso: "Port Hudson Flag [illegible] in 50 Gun battery."
River fortification, Port Hudson, LA
The image shows a view up river along fortifications. A-frame tents sit along the bank. Numeric notation on recto: "865" and measurement of photo: "4 1/2"." Numeric notations on verso: "179" "757" and "2559-1." Inscription on verso: "Port Hudson...
The image shows two wooden buildings with extensive bomb damage. Inscription on verso: "Fort [sic] Hudson."
Cannon with fortification, Port Hudson, LA
Image shows a cannon with fortifications. Inscription on image: "From J.C. Palfrey." Inscription on verso: "Fort [sic] Hudson."
Bombproof, Port Hudson, LA
The image shows a large bombproof fortification with debris from shell damage. Numeric notation on image: "759" and height measurement: "4." Inscription on image: "From J. C. Palfrey." Numeric notation on verso: "215B" and "2962-15." Inscription on...
Fortifications with trench, Port Hudson, LA
The image shows wood-reinforced fortifications with a trench running through the middle of the photo. Inscription on verso: "[illegible] & approach to parallel."
Church scene, Port Hudson, LA
The image shows a white wooden church with A-frame tents in the background, and a horse at rest on the left-hand edge of the photo. Inscription on verso: "Port Hudson" and "Church."
Bomb-damaged river gun, Port Hudson, LA
The image shows two men standing near the debris of a damaged cannon with fortifications and a river in the background. Inscription on verso: "Seenie's River Gun" and "Port Hudson."
Grain mill, Port Hudson, LA
The image shows a one-storey grain mill with a horse and a cart near the building's entrance on the right edge of the photo. Inscription on verso: "Port Hudson mill in which the garrison ground their corn."
Confederate fortifications with bomb debris, Port Hudson, LA
The image shows extensive fortifications with scattered barrels and debris. Two figures rest on top of a large wall inside an A-frame tent. Inscription on verso: "Confederate line with one parallel beyond it" and "Port Hudson."
Image shows a cannon mounted on a revolving turret with fortifications in the background. Inscription on verso: "Port Hudson."
Fortifications with supply crates, Port Hudson, LA
The image shows fortifications with stacks of supply crates, cannonballs, and one man standing in the distance on the right edge of the photo. Inscription on verso: "Port Hudson Interior 19. Gen Battery."
Bombed fortifications, Port Hudson, LA
The image shows extensive damage to fortifications with scattered debris and destroyed cannon. Numeric notation on image: "763" and measurements of photo: "3 1/8, Cut to 2 5/8." Numeric notations on verso: "763" "1962-15" and "Volume 10."...
Fortifications, Port Hudson, LA
The image shows barrel-lined fortifications running into the distance. Numeric notation on recto: "767" and measurements of photo: "6 1/2, [illegible] 5"." Numeric notations on verso: "767," "2962-15" and "223A." Inscriptions on verso: "Port Hudson...
Camp scene with relaxing soldiers, Port Hudson, LA
The image shows approximately five soldiers relaxing in A-frame tents, with thick woods in the background. Inscription on verso: "Port Hudson Gen Grover's Hd. Qrs."
The image shows approximately five soldiers relaxing in A-frame tents with thick woods in the background. Inscription on image: "From J. C. Palfrey." Inscription on verso: "Genl. Grover's HdQrs Port Hudson."
Gun battery with fortifications, Port Hudson, LA
The image, a bit out of focus, shows a section of gun battery with three cannons and fortifications, and supplies in the foreground. Inscription on verso: "Port Hudson 19 Gun Battery Opposite Citadel."
Fortifications with battle debris, Port Hudson, LA
The image shows the edge of fortifications with battle debris scattered throughout the photo. Inscription on verso: "Port Hudson Point of attack."
Bomb-damaged fortifications with cannon, Port Hudson, LA
The image shows fortifications with extensive bomb damage, and cannon in the foreground. Inscription on verso: "Fort [sic] Hudson."
The image shows fortifications with heavy bomb damage. A cannon and a wagon rest in the debris. Inscription on verso: "Port Hudson."
The image shows a large cannon with cannonballs in the foreground and fortifications in the distance. Inscription on verso: "Port Hudson."
The image shows stone wall fortifications with a single cannon in the center of the photo, and woods in the distance. Inscription on verso: "Port Hudson."
Ruins of fortifications and cannon, Port Hudson, LA
The image shows extensive destruction to fortifications. A cannon lies in ruins in the foreground. Inscriptions on verso: "Rebel work in Camp of Duryea's and Bainbridge's Batteries garrisoned by 15th Arkansas" and "MES."
Two cannons, one in ruins, Port Hudson, LA
The image shows two cannons, one in the foreground intact, and one in the distance in ruins. Woods cover the background. Inscription on verso: "Port Hudson" and "MES."
The image shows three soldiers resting amid fortifications and a cannon. Inscription on image: "From J. C. Palfrey." Inscription on verso: "Fort [sic] Hudson."
Fortifications with river, Port Hudson, LA
The image shows four figures in the distance resting amid fortifications and bombproofs. A steamship is on the river in the distance. Inscription on verso: "Port Hudson Mid & Sweenie's line down the river- called by our men 'the Citadel.'"
Fortifications and a trench with bomb damage, Port Hudson, LA
The image shows fortifications with a cannon in ruins and other debris lying in a trench. Inscription on verso: "Fort [sic] Hudson."
Two soldiers with cannon, Port Hudson, LA
The image shows one man on horseback and one man standing with a cannon in the center of the photo. Inscription on verso: "Fort [sic] Hudson."
One soldier with a cannon and fortifications, Port Hudson, LA
The image shows one man standing to the left of a cannon and fortifications. Inscription on verso: "Port Hudson."
Portrait photo of Frederick Douglass [cabinet card]
The image shows a close-up of Frederick Douglass. Inscription on photo: "Warren's." Inscription on verso: "Warren's Portraits 465 Washington St. Boston" and "Frederick Douglass 'Lectures.'"
Portrait photo of General Thomas Ewing [cabinet card]
The image shows General Thomas Ewing seated with his right hand tucked inside his jacket. Inscription on recto: "Brady Washington, D.C." Inscription on verso: "Ewing Gen. Thomas Ewing" and "Brady's National Portrait Gallery, 625 Pennsylvania...
Portrait photo of Hon. William Mahome [cabinet card]
The image shows a close-up of Wm. Mahome looking directly at the camera. Inscription on verso: "Hon. Wm. Mahome" and "Brady's National Portrait Gallery, 625 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D.C."
Portrait photo of Abraham Lincoln [cabinet card]
March 1861
Fay, H.W., fl. 1861
The image shows Abraham Lincoln, turned slightly to his left. Inscription on verso: "An Historical Treasure . . . . " followed by a lengthy explanation of the provenance of the photo. The image was taken in Springfield, Illinois just before Lincoln's...
Portrait photo of General Banks [cabinet card]
The image shows General Banks in profile, looking to his right of the camera. Inscription on recto: "Warren." Inscriptions on verso: "Gen. Banks" and "Warren's Portraits 465 Washington St., Boston."
Portrait photo of General George Pickett [cabinet card]
The Image shows General Pickett looking directly at the camera. Inscription on recto: "Handy 494 Maryland Avenue, S.W. Washington, D.C." Inscription on verso: "Pickett."
Portrait photo of Benjamin Butler [cabinet card]
The image shows a close-up profile of Benjamin Butler, looking to his left of the camera. Inscription on recto: "Conly 465 Washington St." Numeric notations on verso: "3" and "448." Inscriptions on verso: "Benj. F. Butler" and "Conly's Portraits 465...
Portrait photo of Charles Devens [cabinet card]
The image shows close-up of Charles Devens looking to his right of the camera. Inscription on recto: "Warren's." Inscriptions on verso: "Hon. Chas. Devens" and "Warren's Portraits 465 Washington St. Boston."
Portrait photo of General J. B. Gordon [cabinet card]
The image shows a close-up of J. B. Gordon looking to his left of the camera. Inscription on recto: "C.M. Bell Washington, D.C." Inscription on verso: "Gen. J. B. Gordon, Ga." and "C.M. Bell Artist 459, 461, 463 & 465 Penn Avenue. Washington, D.C...
Portrait photo vignette of Clara Barton [cabinet card]
The image shows a profile vignette of Clara Barton, looking to her right of the camera. Inscription on recto: "Anthony, Successor to New Photo. Art Co., 905 Penn. Ave. Washington, D.C." Inscriptions on verso: "Clara Barton" and "The New Photographic...
Portrait photo of Phillip Henry Sheridan [cabinet card]
The image shows a close-up profile of an aged General Sheridan, looking to his right. Inscription on recto: "C. M. Bell Washington, D.C." Inscription on verso: "C.M. Bell 459, 461, 463 & 465 Pennsylvania Ave. Washington, D.C. Negatives Preserved."
Portrait vignette of John B. Gordon [cabinet card]
The image shows J.B. Gordon in a close-up vignette. He is looking to his left of the camera. Inscription on recto: "C.M. Bell 463-465 Penna Ave. 701 Fifteenth St. Washington, D.C." Inscription on verso: "Gordon Ga. Please give credit" and "Pro. 4...
Portrait vignette of Wendell Phillips [cabinet card]
The image shows a profile vignette of Wendell Phillips, looking to his right. Inscription on recto: "Warren." Inscriptions on verso: "Wendell Phillips. 'Lecturer.'" and "Warren's Portraits 465 Washington St. Boston."
Portrait photo of Wendell Phillips [cabinet card]
Image shows Wendell Phillips seated and looking to his right of the camera. Inscription on recto: "Conly Boston." Inscription on verso: "Wendell Phillips" and "C. F. Conly Photographer 465 Washington St., Boston."
Portrait photo of Zebulon B. Vance [cabinet card]
The image shows Zebulon B. Vance looking to his right of the camera. Inscription on recto: "C.M. Bell Washington, D.C." Inscriptions on verso: "Z.B. Vance" and "C. M. Bell Artist 459, 461, 463 & 465 Penn Avenue, Washington, D.C. Negatives...
Portrait vignette of General Nelson Miles USA [cabinet card]
The image shows General Nelson Miles in uniform, looking to his left of the camera. Inscription on recto: "Brady Washington, D.C." Inscription on verso: "Nelson Miles."
Portrait vignette of General Joseph E. Johnston CSA [cabinet card]
The image shows a vignetted photo of Confederate General Joseph E. Johnston. He is wearing a suit and looking directly at the camera. Inscriptions on recto: "Photo on wood 1 1/2 Col but don't engrave until ordener 2 3/4 in" and " C. M. Bell...
Portrait photo of General Fitzhugh Lee CSA [cabinet card]
The image shows Confederate General Fitzhugh Lee with a long beard, and wearing a sash and epaulettes. He is looking to his right of the camera. Inscription on recto: "C.M. Bell, Washington, D.C." Inscription on verso: "Gov. Fitz H. Lee" and "Va."
Portrait photo of General Lew Wallace USA [cabinet card]
The image shows Union General Lew Wallace in profile. He is wearing a dark suit and is looking to his right of the camera. Inscriptions on verso: Gen. Lew Wallace. (U.S.A.)" and "Warren's 289 Washington Street, Boston, Mass. Under the Superintendance...
Portrait photo of Admiral John Lorimer Worden USA [cabinet card]
The image shows a vignetted portrait of Admiral Worden in dress uniform. He has a long grey beard and is looking to his left of the camera. Inscriptions on recto: "Same size" and "C.M. Bell, 463, 465 Penna. Ave. Washington, D.C." Inscriptions on...
Portrait photo of General Samuel Sprigg Carroll USA [cabinet card]
The image shows General Carroll in close-up profile. He is wearing a Union uniform and is looking to his left of the camera. Inscription on recto: "Handy, 494 Maryland Ave., South Washington." Inscription on verso: "Gen. S. S. Carroll."
Portrait vignette of General George H. Thomas USA [cabinet card]
Same as #1316. The image shows a close-up vignette of General George H. Thomas. He is wearing his Union uniform and is looking to his right of the camera. Inscription on recto: "F. Gutenkunst, Philadelphia." Numeric notation on verso: "28103 Reg."...
Same as #1315. Image shows a close-up vignette of General George H. Thomas. He is wearing his Union uniform and is looking to his right of the camera. Inscription on recto: "F. Gutenkunst, Philadelphia." Numeric notation on verso: "28103."...
Portrait photo of Brigadier General Boswell [cabinet card]
The image shows General Boswell standing next to an American flag draped over a table. He wears his dress-uniform and is holding his saber. Inscription on verso: "Brig. Gen. Boswell."
Portrait photo of Harriet Beecher Stowe [cabinet card]
The image shows Harriet Beecher Stowe seated, wearing a black dress and holding her pince-nez. Inscription on image: "Sarony 37 Union Square, N.Y." Inscription on verso: "H. B. Stowe."
Portrait photo of General F.S. Dakin [cabinet card]
Image shows General F.S. Dakin looking to his right of the camera. Inscription on recto: "Gen. Dakin." Inscriptions on verso: "Genl. F. S. Dakin Compliments of Alva Pearsall" and "Alva Pearsall Studio and Gallery Junc. 615 Fulton St. Flatbush Av...
Portrait photo of General Joshua L. Chamberlain [cabinet card]
The image shows General J. L. Chamberlain looking to his left of the camera. Inscription on photo: "Gen J. L. Chamberlain." Inscriptions on verso: "Chamberlain, J. L." and "Executed at the Studio of J. H. Lamson, Photographer, 152 Middle St...
Portrait photo of General E. Kirby Smith [cabinet card]
The image shows General E. Kirby Smith wearing glasses, looking to his left of the camera. Inscription on recto: "Gen'l. E. Kirby Smith." Inscriptions on verso: "Genl. E. Kirby Smith" and "Eng 2 3/4 in. wid W.N.M."
The image shows a close-up of a young Abraham Lincoln wearing a goatee and looking directly at the camera. Inscriptions on verso: "M33" and "Whitney--"
Portrait photo of General Abram Duryea [cabinet card]
The image shows a profile of General Abram Duryea. Inscription on image: "Sarony 37 Union Sqr., N.Y." Inscription on verso: "Gen. Abram Duryea."
Portrait photo of unidentified soldier [cabinet card]
A soldier is seated on a chair in apparant civilian clothes under his great coat and forage cap. He faces left, with his elbow resting atop a barrel, and his right cheek resting on his palm. A book is located atop the barrel. Inscription on recto:...
Portrait photo of General Alexander Shaler [cabinet card]
The image shows General Alexander Shaler leaning on his sword, looking to his right of the camera. Inscription on recto: "Gurney & Son. Fifth Ave. N.Y." Inscriptions on verso: "Gen. Shater [sic] Alexander Shaler" and "Gurney Fifth Avenue, Cor. 16th...
Portrait photo of General Albert Pike [cabinet card]
The image shows General Pike seated, smoking a large pipe and looking to his left of the camera. Inscription on recto: "Sarony 37 Union Sqr., N.Y." Inscription on verso: "Gen. Albert Pike."
Portrait photo of N. P. Willis [cabinet card]
Portrait of N. P. Willis seated with a cane and looking directly at the camera. Inscription on recto: "Rockwood 17 Union Square (West) N.Y." Inscriptions on verso: "N. P. Willis" and "Rockwood Photographer 17 Union Square (West) N.Y. 1890."
Portrait photo of Admiral David G. Farragut [cabinet card]
The image shows Admiral Farragut seated in profile with epaulets and sword, and his arms crossed. Inscription on rectp: "Sarony 37 Union Sqr., N.Y." Inscription on verso: "Ad. David G. Farragut."
Portrait photo of W. Phillips [cabinet card]
The image shows a close-up of W. Phillips, looking to his right of the camera. Inscriptions on recto: "W. Phillips" and "Handy 22 Winter St. Boston." Inscriptions on verso: "W. Phillips" and "Copied by Wm Aitken."
Portrait photo of Captain Hugh R. Gardner CSA [cabinet card]
Image shows a close-up of Captain Hugh R. Gardner looking to his right of the camera. Inscriptions on recto: "Sarony 37 Union Sqr., N.Y." and "Gardner 3 day 2111111 12." Inscriptions on verso: "Sarony Gold medal Paris, 1878 37 Union Square New York...
Portrait photo of James Longstreet [cabinet card]
The image shows a close-up of James Longstreet, looking to his right of the camera. Inscription on recto: "Longstreet."
Portrait photo of William Mahone [cabinet card]
The image shows a close-up of William Mahone, turned to his right, but looking directly at the camera. Inscription on recto: "A. Bogardus Sherman & Mchugh, successors 11 East 42d Street, New York." Inscription on verso: "Hon. Wm. Mahone CSA."
Portrait photo of General Jubal Early [cabinet card]
August 1893
The image shows General Jubal Early seated with his hat between his knees in front of a porch. Inscription on recto: "Darnell Photographer Radford, VA." Inscriptions on verso: "Genl. Jubal A. Early taken at the Yellow Sulphur August 1893" and...
Portrait vignette of General M. Donnell [cabinet card]
The image shows General Donnell in a vignette looking to the right of the camera, he is wearing a wide sash and epaulettes. Inscription on image: "Genl. M Donnell recd. Jany 26/87."
Portrait vignette of General Fitzhugh Lee [cabinet card]
The image shows a close-up vignette of General Lee, looking to his right. Inscription on image: "Gen. Fitzhugh Lee," "If used, credit Moreno 420 Fifth Avenue, New York" and "Recd. March 31. 1897."
Portrait photo of General Fitzhugh Lee [cabinet card]
The image shows close-up of General Fitzhugh Lee, looking to his left. Inscription on recto: "A. Bogardus Sherman & McHugh, Successors 11 East 42d Street, New York." Inscription on verso: "Fitz Hugh Lee."
Portrait photo of General Wesley Merrit [cabinet card]
The image shows General Merritt with sash, medals and epaulettes. He is looking to his left of the camera. Inscriptions on verso: "Gen. Merritt" and "Reynolds Photograph Co. Photographs Wholesale and Retail 291 S. Clark St., Chicago, Catalogue Free...
Portrait vignette of Miles Harper [?] [cabinet card]
The image shows a vignetted profile of a Union General, looking to his left of the camera. Inscription on image: "Miles Harper [?]." Inscription on verso: "1/2 col" and "Miles."
Portrait photo of General Nelson Miles USA [cabinet card]
The image shows General Miles in profile. He is wearing a civilian suit and is looking to his right of the camera. Inscriptions on recto: "Pach Bro's 841 B'way, N.Y." and "SA." Inscription on verso: "[struck: Crook] Nelson Miles."
Portrait photo of General John Pope USA [cabinet card]
The image shows General John Pope wearing a civilian suit, and looking to his right of the camera. Inscriptions on verso: "Jno. Pope Maj. Genl. U.S.A.," "1878" and "Put in Box."
Showing results 87,101 - 87,193