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to W. S. Smith
29 September 1783
Holmes, Silas, fl. 1775-1783
Praises a Doctor Bayley for his humanitarian effort and attitude toward the sick and wounded in his care. Noted as a retained copy and on the verso as "No. 2".
[Resolves respecting the Army]
30 September - 13 October 1783
United States. Congress
List of resolves respecting the issuing of commissions, rank and promotions. Signed "B. Lincoln" by a secretary for General Lincoln.
Return of clothing wanted in the Connecticut Regiment
10 October 1783
Clark, S., fl. 1783
Lists items by type and amount. Includes hats, shirts, and blankets.
[Report regarding a new agent for the 1st Connecticut Regiment]
16 October 1783
James, fl. 1777-1783
Reports that "The Subscriber is now residing at Mandevillls home, and is employed in filling the Cloathing and pay-Accts of the late, first Connt. Regiment." Noted as written at Mandevills.
to Henry Knox
13 May 1784
Colerus, Christian de, fl. 1776-1784
Major Colerus seeks to obtain four months pay for his service in 1776 and 1777. Notes that his wife has died, and "with her all my Happiness is Vanished."
15 May 1784
Mifflin, Thomas, 1744-1800
Noted as a copy of GLC02437.02998. Mifflin, President of Congress, encloses an Act of Congress directing Knox to ascertain from the British Commander in Chief of North America precisely when the British will leave their posts within the boundaries of...
to Thomas Mifflin and Congress
24 May 1784
Knox, Henry, 1750-1806
Responds to a letter from Thomas Mifflin, President of Congress, requesting Knox to engage in correspondence with the Commander of British forces in North America, likely referring to Frederick Haldimand. Mifflin had requested Knox to inquire when...
[Resolution and order regarding sending an officer to Canada to negotiate the withdrawal of British troops from the United States]
24 May 1784 - 3 June 1784
United States. Continental Congress.
Signed by Charles Thomson as Secretary of Congress. Includes a resolution from 24 May 1784 that "Congress approve of the proposition of Major General Knox to send a field officer into Canada for the purpose of ascertaining... the time when the posts...
[Congressional resolution regarding the discharge of troops]
2 June 1784
Signed by Charles Thomson as Secretary of Congress. This resolution indicates the number of troops to be discharged at West Point, New York and Fort Pitt, Pennsylvania. Stipulates that no officer above the rank of captain will remain in service....
[Congressional resolution establishing the salary for the Secretary at War with Henry Knox's appointment as Secretary at War]
4 March 1785
Signed by Charles Thomson as Secretary of Congress. Contains two separate sections. In the first, dated 4 March 1785, Congress resolves that the salary for the Secretary at War will be 2,450 dollars per year. The second part, signed by Thomson 8...
to Jeremiah Wadsworth
10 March 1785
Replies to a letter from Wadsworth (GLC02437.03101), in which Wadsworth informed Knox of his likely appointment as Secretary at War. Knox had heard that he might receive this appointment, but is disappointed by the low salary. Comments on his...
[Congressional resolutions]
24-25 August 1786
United States. Congress of the Confederation.
Copy, in the hand of War Department secretary Robert Pemberton, of three Congressional resolutions. The first resolution, dated 24 August, is based on the report of a committee to whom were referred two letters on the Moravian Indians, one of which...
6 March 1787
Ward, Artemas, 1727-1800
Copy of a Massachusetts state resolution concerning money matters for raising "six hundred and sixty men as ordered by the aforesaid resolve, and for the pay[,] cloathing, & subsistence of the said men: Provided that the said sum shall not exceed...
2 June 1787
Colt, Peter, 1744-1824
Transmits statements of monies received (not included) on an account related to Colonel Humphrey's regiment. Asks Knox to direct him as to how to close the account.
[Financial settlement]
February 13, 1789-May 1, 1789
Compson, Thomas, fl. 1789
Marked "copy." Written from several locations. In a letter written from Worcester Shire, England, Thomas Compson asks his brother Joseph to pay Samuel Ogden a sum of money due Ogden from a debt owed by their father. The next letter, dated 13...
21 May 1789
Condy, Thomas Hollis, 1754-1833
Asks Knox whether there are job openings in the region in which he lives. Docket states that Knox replied on 30 May, and there is no copy.
12 August 1789
Cockle, John, fl. 1789
Writes to ask for employment under Knox. Emphasizes that he must support an aging mother and three sisters. Explains the financial misfortunes of himself and his family. Mentions several of the others he has contacted on the subject, including...
14 August 1789
Received his last letter. Writes that he did not expect to receive a position under Knox immediately, as he knew Knox's office was fully staffed, but hoped Knox would favor him should any opening present itself.
10 June 1792
Colden, Henrietta Maria, fl. 1792-1794
Discusses various business agreements she enclosed (not present) relating to powers of attorney. Pertains to the Ohio Company. Also discusses her son's travels to India with a Captain Sarly. Sarly highly praised her son's service.
16 July 1792
Asks Knox to deliver an enclosed letter (not present) to Mr. Kean respecting payment to the Ohio Company. Talks about mutual acquaintances. Mentions seeing John Jay, "I had the pleasure to see Chief Justice Jay on his Rout thro' this Place: the...
February 12, 1794
Encloses a letter for Major Sargent. Asks Knox to deliver it. The letter asks Sargent to convey to her a deed for the lands she purchased through the Ohio Company. Sargent was holding her land in trust, which the company's directors did for "all...
to Nathaniel Colesworthy
December 16, 1795
Horn, John B., fl. 1795
Discusses the power of attorney and a plot of land of about 100 acres.
March 17, 1796
McCombs, John, fl. 1796
Writes to remind Knox of a discussion they previously had regarding lime McCombs wanted to buy from Knox and have delivered to the eastern end of Long Island. Relates that they were unable to work out the logistics of the purchase, but would like to...
22 June 1798
Codman, J., fl. 1798
Discusses bills.
to unknown
February 9, 1802
Holland, Park, 1752-1844
Noted as a copy. Discusses the lots, boundaries, and legal issues involving the settlers in Bangor, Maine. Encloses (not included) a plan for Bangor, Main that shows the settlers lots before 17 February, 1798 along with a list of names of the...
to Enoch Titcomb
6 March 1805
Coffin, David, fl. 1805
Recommends the bearer, a Nathan[iel] C. Little, for the position of Justice of the Peace in Bangor, Maine.
February 21, 1788
Resolves regarding admission to the public audience at Congress scheduled for "Tuesday next" (February 26). In the hand of Congressional clerk Roger Alden. The event was the formal introduction of the new minister from France, the Comte de Moustier.
14 December 1792
Complete draft of Knox's cover letter to his December 14, 1792 report to the U.S. House of Representatives on invalid pension claims (printed in U.S. State Papers, Claims v.1, pp. 56-57.) Docket, in Knox's hand, reads: "This is to be copied out a...
[Invoice of goods]
Conkling, Joseph, fl. 1773
List of items sold to Mrs. Lucy Knox. Items mainly consist of stationery, including ink, quills, nubs and paper. Date previously inferred, written in pencil.
circa September 1782
Titled "details of the different guards & fatigue kept by the 2d. Connect. Regt." Locations are in the West Point area. Probably related to GLC02437.01559, .01577 and .01578.
22 September 1789
Collister, Thomas, fl. 1789
Note of receipt of Henry Knox for £2, 17s. for rector fees and other items.
[Recommendation for a leave of absence for Stephen Savage]
January 18, 1783
Patten, Thomas, fl. 1777-1785
Captain Patten recommends Savage for a twenty-five day leave of absence to visit his family. Directs his recommendation to Major General Henry Knox.
to the Congress of the United States.
18 November 1783
Jackson, Michael, 1734-1801
Noted as a copy. A memorial for Michael Jackson to receive a Brigadier General's salary or of equal value for his service to his counrty and for the wounds he recieved while fighting in the [Revolutionary] War.
[Officers' grievances, to be presented to Congress]
December 1782
"The Officers of the Army, in Behalf of themselves and the Soldiery, beg leave, in plain & respectful language, to lay a State of their Circumstances and Grievances before Congress." The writer claims that the Government has not upheld its end of...
To the United States in Congress assembled, the address and petition of the officers of their Army, most humbly sheweth,
4 January 1783
Written by Samuel Shaw, Knox's aide. Last page contains text written in another hand. Appears to be a draft of Knox's petition to Congress on behalf of the Massachusetts officers, regarding their grievances. Similar to GLC02437.10074. Closes with...
[Statement related to the Waldo or Muscongus Patent]
February 4, 1795
Duplicate of GLC02437.10322. Written on fragile, transparent paper.
Schedule of requisitions on the several states by the United States in Congress assembled
1 July 1786
Nourse, Joseph, 1754-1841
Lists the requisitions and quotas, date, amount paid and balances due by state. Noted as taken from the Register's Office in the Department of the Treasury.
to Peter DeWitt re: slave trade
Livingston, Robert III, 1708-1790
Robert Livingston, Jr. describes the multiple deaths of enslaved people on a trading vessel, and expresses disappointment at the financial loss.
to Peter DeWitt re: trade
Robert, Jr. discusses the various goods he would like to trade, as well as the current market prices of these goods.
to Peter DeWitt re: orders for trade
Livingston, John, 1714-1786
John Livingston asks DeWitt to sell the remainder of his enslaved people, and also orders some cattle and pigs. Docketed on address leaf.
to Peter DeWitt re: trade and settlement of accounts [fragment]
Van Duesen, Henry, fl. 1749
Docketed on address leaf.
to Peter DeWitt re: conveyance of rents
Williams, John, fl. 1749-1759
Williams writes to explain the rents he is sending to DeWitt.
to Peter DeWitt re: receipt of payments
Stevenson, James, fl. 1750-1755
Stevenson acknowledges receipt of some payments, and also orders a shipment of butter.
to Dirck Van Veghten re: trade
Livingston, Hendrick, fl. 1734
to Henry Livingston [(?)] re: rent agreement of Michiel Stoppelbeen
The note states that Michiel Stoppelbeen has taken a parcel of land, and notes the rent that he will pay. Docketed on address leaf.
Grant of power of attorney to Peter Van Brugh Livingston
Wright, Anthony, fl. 1734
The document, written and signed by the notary public of London, states that Edward Spear has named Peter Van Brugh Livingston as his attorney. Livingston is therefore expected to retrieve outstanding debts from James Wallace on behalf of Edward...
Receipt of payment from James Wallace
Livingston, Peter Van Brugh, 1710-1792
Peter Van Brugh Livingston acknowledged receipt from James Wallace of a payment due to Edward Spear.
Journal of J[ohn] Livingston's journey from Albany to Boston
Livingston, John
The journal gives a daily account of the journey to Boston, including the distance traveled, and where they lodged every night.
to Samuel Vetch re: closer correspondence
John Livingston writes that he agrees with Vetch's sentiments, and would like to enter into a closer correspondence.
Showing results 87,151 - 87,200