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to Benjamin Walker
28 November 1792
Knox, Henry, 1750-1806
Asks to see the agreements of land from Madame de Leval and Mr. de la Roche and for Walker to send copies to him.
to Henry Knox
March 1793
Walker, Benjamin, 1753-1818
Apologizes for not meeting Knox that morning as planned. Says he was up late in an unproductive meeting with William Bingham. Has worked hard for an accommodation between Knox and Madame de la Val, but as it has not been possible he must attend to...
February 4, 1794
Would have written sooner if he had information to alleviate Walker's anxiety. Reports that Madame Leval "has been endeavoring to make such negotiations as would exonerate you from all responsibility, but Hither to without effect." She is trying to...
17 June 1794
Wadsworth, James, 1730-1817
Has a postal stamped [New?] Haven dated June 20th. Informs Knox he sent Julia [Knox?] a horse. Describes the horse as not being handsome but says it is a Narragansett Breed, which is the best of breeds. Recommends Knox has the horse saddled...
26 November 1794
Informs Knox he does not believe they will be able to recruit men from Connecticut. Requests to recruit from Vermont as an alternative. Letter is unsigned. The name Wadsworth was added at a later date in red pen. "Free" stamped on address leaf...
February 9,1795
Wallack, Moses, fl. 1795
Mentions Knox's resignation as Secretary of War. Encloses recommendation letters and asks Knox to help him get a position in the military by forwarding the letters on to his successor [Timothy Pickering].
13 April 1795
Discusses land business.
20 April 1795
Discusses business matters, in particular, property payments.
24 September 1795
Discusses the Plymouth company and business. Signed by [S. Walker ?].
18 May 1797
Ware, Henry, fl. 1796-1797
Discusses various business.
7 September 1801
Wadsworth, Jeremiah, 1743-1804
Mentions he received Knox's note and the advertisements Knox sent to be distributed to the Legislature. Notes he will send the advertisement to New Haven, Connecticut to be distributed in October. Complains about his old age and bad health and says...
Wales & Beale, fl. 1795-1806
The firm of Wales & Beale writes to discuss a financial transaction between Knox and Mr. [Elisha] Sumner. They also mention Knox's accounts in general, such as those related to his lime business.
22 August 1805
The firm of Wales & Beale writes to enclose a bill for pork Knox bought (the bill may be the short note that appears on page 3). They continue to urge Knox and his son [Henry Jackson Knox] to provide them with information about the state of the Knox...
25 August 1805
The firm of Wales & Beale writes to discuss Knox's business accounts. Mentions Captain [Edward or Benjamin] Kelleran and General [Henry] Jackson.
to Wales & Beale
29 August 1805
Discusses issues related to cargo shipments sent aboard the ships of Captains Edward and Benjamin Kelleran.
31 August 1805
The firm of Wales & Beale writes to Knox's accounts, particularly those related to his lime business and shipments by the Captains [Edward and Benjamin] Kelleran.
26 September 1805
Has received their recent letter. Reports that "neither BK or EK" [probably Benjamin Kelleran and Edward Kelleran] have yet arrived, the weather being windy enough to make sailing difficult.
27 October 1805
Received recent letters from the firm of Wales & Beale via Captain Edward Kelleran's ship. Answers several of their questions regarding his lime business.
20 October 1806
Unsigned, but handwriting suggests the author is Henry Knox. Reports on the state of his lime business and mentions Captain [possibly Edward or Benjamin] Kelleran.
to the Warren Selectmen
26 August 1786
Signed by Knox and Isaac Winslow Jr., though both signatures, as well as the letter's content, are in Knox's hand. Document serves as an agreement between Winslow and Knox on the one part (as legal heirs of Brigadier General Samuel Waldo), and the...
to the Waldoborough inhabitants
20 September 1788
A letter to the citizens of Waldoborough, Maine regarding supplying the citizens with written warrantee deeds. The letter describes the terms of the agreements including payment terms and resources on the land such as lumber and cattle. Written from...
to Benjamin Walker [incomplete]
8 April 1792
Two parts. First part dated 8 April. Mentions an "embarrased situation of Madme de la Val. The agreement with her might be certainly carried into full effect by some means or other." Mentions William Duer and himself having authorized a purchase...
23 May 1792
Discusses more business with William Duer, along with various other financial transactions. Mentions purchasing a tract of land and the Penobscots in Maine. Watermarked "G R" inside a crest.
to Tench Tilghman and David Humphreys
17 August 1782
Directed to Tilghman and Humphreys, both of whom are aide-de-camps of General George Washington. Mentions that Congress has recently resolved to reduce the size of the Department of Commissary General of Military Stores. Relays correspondence he had...
to Tench Tilghman
10 October 1782
Written to Colonel Tilghman as an aide-de-camp to General Washington. Says seven prisoners of war who have been confined at West Point have petitioned him for relief. They were taken in the Northern Department and sent to West Point from Albany a...
12 October 1782
Tilghman, Tench, 1744-1786
Written from "Head Quarters" by Colonel Tilghman to Major General Knox. Says Knox's "letters" came to hand last evening. Says Washington has gone down to the river and that he cannot answer him until tomorrow. Reports that "Vessels have arrived in...
to Peter Taulman
March 28, 1783
Discusses charges brought by Taulman against Deputy Judge Advocate Cogswel and informs Taulman that he will have to consult with General George Washington regarding the situation.
February 17, 1788
Swan, James, 1754-1830
Swan relates the details of his passage to France. He had planned to avoid conversing with people from Boston, but ran into people he knew aboard ship. Received introductions from French nobility during his passage. Asks for news related to the...
January 31, 1790
Talbot, Silas, 1751-1813
Forwards (not included) copies of papers and a letter (see GLC02437.04491) he sent to the President, George Washington, for Knox to look at. Also asks Knox for his support in his application for a position. Writes, "...being convinced that a word...
December 27, 1790
Swan has enclosed a plan "advantageous" to both the U.S. and France and wishes Knox to exert his influence over President George Washington and Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton to agree to it. Swan also sends "the bankers' letter to me...
26 April 1802
Tousard, Louis de, 1749-1817
Discusses his strained and tensed relationship with [Henry?] Dearborn. States, "Not being a Roman Catholic yourself, you cannot appreciate the feelings of a poor soul after having remained a long while in Purgatory, when the Angel comes to announce...
January 26, 1803
Thatcher, Samuel, 1776-1872
Signature has been clipped. Writes, "I take the liberty to address you respecting the separation of Maine from Massachusetts." Declares that the Federalists in Washington, D.C. fear that this separation is dangerous to federalism and will bring...
February 25, 1803
Glad to hear from Knox that he agreed with Thatcher that separating Maine from Massachusetts would be "destructive of its interests & respectability." Discusses the likely passage of a bill in Congress to establish a lighthouse on an island in the...
March 22, 1782
Swetland, Aaron, fl. 1782
Writes to discuss the future of his appointment with the Commissary of Military Stores. Has served in the department since the previous June, without knowing whether he would receive an appointment to the position of Conductor. Explains that last...
5 June 1782
Tracy, John, fl. 1789-1795
Written by Tracy, of the well-known merchant family from Newburyport, to Major General Knox. Says his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. Jackson, are going to be staying in Philadelphia for the summer and wants his sister to be acquainted with Lucy Knox...
to unknown
5 October 1782
Written from Head Quarters. No addressee is listed, but likely written to Henry Knox. Writes that "Mr. Cornell and Mr. Wadsworth have commenced a treaty, which I hope will terminate in the latter's taking up the Contracts of the whole Army - Mr...
31 October 1782
Written from "Head Quarters." Writes, "I send you a packet for the officer commanding at Dobb's Ferry which His Excellency wishes may be forwarded on without loss of time - You have likewise the general order of yesterday requesting the return of...
to Heman Swift
10 December 1782
Written and signed for Knox in the hand of Samuel Shaw, Knox's aide-de-camp. Writes, "I was yesterday at Head Quarters and applied to His Excellency, respecting your absence and that of Major Smith. He consents to your going for the time you...
12 April 1783
Thompson, Isaiah, fl. 1775-1783
Captain Lieutenant Thompson discusses a mistake made about his pay.
to Lewis [Teisoui]
23 August 1783
Informs [Teisoui] that his brother, William Knox, asked that their correspondence should be sent via [Teisoui] and expresses some uncertainty about whether William will be going to England.
to Cornelius Swartwout
21 October 1783
Informs Swartwout that someone will show him where he and Captain Dusten can gather firewood for the upcoming winter.
22 October 1783
Tillotson, Thomas, 1750-1835
Asks if 1000 or 1500 in exchange for Mr. Morris's notes will be agreeable to Knox. If so, he will keep them for Knox.
to Mr. Tillotson
2 November 1783
Discusses a business transaction.
3 November 1783
Discusses a business transaction and money issues.
25 October 1784
Teissier, Lewis, fl. 1784
Writes, "I beg leave to sincerely congratulate you on the total recovery of my worthy Friend your Brother Mr. Wm. Knox from the disagreeable state of despondency he was in for a few months & of which with his other Friends who like myself live in...
February 5, 1785
Tracy, Nathaniel, 1751-1796
Tracy discusses the "unfortunate situation" of Knox's brother, William, who is in London. Assures Knox that William "is in an exceeding good Family, where he is treated with great tenderness, & is attended by one of the first Phisicians [sic] in...
9 March 1785
Thomson, Charles, 1729-1824
Thomson, Secretary of Congress, transmits "the ordinance for ascertaining the powers and duty of the Secretary at War, the act establishing the salary and the minute of the election." Expresses his wish for Knox's prompt response and acceptance....
to Charles Thomson
March 17, 1785
Knox writes to Thomson, Secretary of Congress. Accepts the appointment of Secretary at War: "I have the most grateful sentiments to Congress for this distinguishing mark of their confidence, and I shall according to the best of my abilities attempt...
27 October 1786
Writes that he is "agreeably saluted with the news of War being declared against the Indians." Is quite overjoyed at the situation: "I told you in State Street, what my hopes were- little did I think the happy circumstance so near." Would like Knox...
to James Swan
4 November 1786
Very flattered by Swan's confidence in his judgment, and only wishes his judgments were up to that standard. He has not been contemplating the funds, so he cannot judge "which species of them ought to have the preference." Provides some thoughts as...
February 26-February 28, 1787
Two parts. First part written 26 February 1787. Notes he missed the post at Hartford, Connecticut and only has time to write a quick note. Describes how long and difficult his journey has been, particularly for Mrs. Swan, and says he will never go...
2 March 1787
Mentions some legal papers that he is trying to get an attorney assigned to. Discusses horse breeding and the recipient's recent trip through Connecticut.
30 October 1787
Returns Swan's account against John Campbell, "who has been liberated from Goal by an oath of Insolvency & gone to Europe." (Swan had a dispute with Campbell; see GLC02437.03437). Says he does not know what the charges of Colonel [Alexander?]...
to Silas Talbot
25 November 1787
Discusses the circumstances of Talbot's sons who are now in France. States they have been well received by the intendant of Normandy and that Count Montmorin, acting as Minister of Marine since the resignation of the Marquis de Castries, has placed...
20 December 1787
Thanks him for the information from Monsieur La Forest about his sons, who were in France for their education (see GLC02437.03714 for a related letter). Laments that he did not meet up with La Forest when he was in New York and discusses paying the...
[to Henry Knox]
January 28, 1788
Tillier, Rudoph, fl. 1788-1800
Tillier introduces Knox to Mr. Tardiveau, possibly Barthelemi Tardiveau, the author of a memorial Tillier had previously given to Knox. Identified as a copy in the docket.
March 29, 1788
Swan refers to his attempts to meet with merchants and manufacturers in France. He writes, "The reason why the French in this Quarter, have not been able to sell their manufrs. as low as the English, I saw in a moment,- there is not that invention &...
3 January 1789
Thanks him for his last letters. Apologizes for not writing to him about private matters, but alludes to the fact that the custom in Europe (where Swan is) is for the post officers to open the mail, so he did not feel comfortable going into detail....
15 May 1789
Tracy, John, fl. 1789
Asks Knox to forward an enclosed letter to General [Josiah] Harmar (he spells it "Harmer"), which contains a letter to Major [Winthrop] Sargent (letter is not included). Also discusses his shares in the Ohio Company and his ability to settle his...
4 June 1789
Asks for Knox's help in keeping his friend, General [Jonathan] Titcomb, in office. Writes that General Titcomb led a militia force in the previous war and never received any compensation, and also lost his fortune after the war. His only method of...
4 October 1789
Tracy, Margaret, fl. 1789
Discusses her husband's position as an inspector and Deputy Adjutant General and asks Knox to confirm the opening of a position.
15 October 1789
Informs Swan of recent Congressional proceedings. Describes the Senate and House of Representatives convening from April to September, and passed revenue and judiciary laws. Adds that Congress plans to reconvene at the end of January.
December 21, 1789
Discusses his troubles concerning his family estate. Says that financial difficulties will prevent him from settling in the Western Country. Discusses his financial ruin, stating, "in a word, I must look to my Country, a Country that I neither spared...
25 December 1789
Expresses his satisfaction on their victory in the revolution and forwards Knox a letter. Writes, "I can assure you that whether I look back to the share I have had in the late glorious revolution, or forward to the prospects which open to view in...
25 May 1790
Thomas, Alexander, fl. 1790
Apologizes for taking the liberty to write to Knox, whom he does not know personally but only by reputation. Explains that he worked as a clerk in the office of the Massachusetts Commissary General, but was recently dismissed because there was not...
to Alexander Thomas
26 May 1790
In response to a previous letter (see GLC02437.04616), Knox informs Thomas that he would be happy to help in any way possible, but at present, he cannot employ him.
January 23, 1791
Informs Knox that "the Count Montmorin, Minister for foreign affairs here, has written Mr. Otto, chargé des affaires auprès le Congrès, to use his influence with the President that the proposals of Schweizer Jeanneret & Co. should be accepted."...
to Isaiah Thomas
27 April 1791
Acknowledges receipt of Thomas's letter of 13 April 1791. Knox writes, "I have always conceived your proposition relative to your note to Mr. Flucker to be [equitable]," and that he himself would not hesitate to accept it. He has written to William...
27 May 1791
Swan says he wrote Knox letters on 27 December 1790 and 23 and 27 January 1791. Mentions new ministers from France arriving in America. Their primary goal is to address the U.S. debt to France. Discusses how they could find 40 million dollars to pay...
4 June 1791
Hoped to already have an answer to a letter he wrote back in December. Says the subject of that letter has taken another turn and he will write in a few days about it. Encloses letters that he hopes Knox will forward to Boston.
31 July 1791
Tatham, William, 1752-1819
References Knox's letter of 22 July. Wanted to write by a return post but could not perform the analysis with Colonel Carrington's papers in time. This analysis is enclosed (see GLC02437.05093.02). This refers to "A Topographical Analysis of the...
3 August 1791
Notes he enclosed by his last letter a Virginia sheet of his intended publication "Analysis of the United States" (see GLC02437.05093.02). Reports that the Clerk of the Federal Court thought it proper to suspend his certificate for copyright. Says...
to William Tatham [incomplete]
February 8, 1792
Discusses a proof sheet for Tatham's publication, "An Analysis of the State of Virginia." Comments on the contents of it, and suggests some edits.
25 June 1792
Tousard signs in text. Sends Knox a picture of the late Colonel Duplessis (not present) which had been commissioned by the Spanish ambassador to France, le Comte de Fernand Nuñez. Writes, "I hope that the picture of an unfortunate and brave...
7 March 1793
Taylor, William, fl. 1793-1806
Reports that the interest of Thomas Goldthwait in the Penobscot lands came into his hands part by purchase and part by a debt owed to Taylor's father, Nathaniel Taylor. Claims he now owns 1/5 of the township of Frankfort along the Penobscot River....
to William Taylor
March 17, 1793
References Taylor's letter of 7 March (see GLC02437.05845). Tells Taylor that his claim on 1/5 of the township of Frankfort in Maine owned by Thomas Goldthwait is "utterly unfounded either in law or equity." Says the original grant was never...
December 21, 1793
Says he wouldn't normally bother Knox, but needs to update him on the situation because of the "cruel war" in Europe. Sends the latest news on 13 sailors captured by the "Algereen pirates." Swan expresses anger that the pirates are allowed to harass...
2 April 1795
Describes the trading patterns between France, Spain, Britain, and the United States. States that Europe does not generally see America, or even Spain as a market for goods, but rather goes to England.
22 June 1795
Dodge, Ezekiel G., fl. 1795-1798
Represents the inhabitants of Thomaston, Maine in extending their welcome to Knox and his family. Place writ previously inferred, written in red.
31 July 1795
Discusses land and an estate and asks if Knox will be able to accommodate him when he travels to the Eastern lands.
17 May 1796
Reminds Knox that he needs a sum of money Knox owes him by 1 June. Declares that if his finances were not tightly arranged, and if his credit were not endangered, Swan would not be so insistent.
10 August 1796
Discusses financial arrangements he has made with Knox. Relates his apprehension about entering into certain types of deals with Knox.
to Edward Tobey
4 October 1798
Forwards a set of papers for the records (not included).
26 September 1799
Tousard informs Knox that he is instructed by the Secretary of War to order more timber for Knox to build "the gun's carriage." He sends Knox the list of needed supplies and measurements, as well as further instructions as to the designs and...
16 October 1799
Tousard is awaiting timber and lime and hopes that Knox has not forgotten the orders. He has word from the Secretary of the War to ask Jonathan Jackson for bricks.
to Louis de Tousard
January 26, 1800
Knox writes that he had hoped to hear from Tousard regarding "further supply of Lime." Knox says that "hitherto I have done nothing with Jonathan Jackson, Esq." The paper of this document is very thin and the writing very faded.
February 12, 1800
Tousard discusses casks of lime he wants Knox to send him to Newport. As far as sending lime to Boston, Tousard say Knox should consult Jonathan Jackson. Tousard is writing Jackson to tell him what supplies of lumber and lime he wants Jackson to...
March 16, 1800
Knox explains to Tousard that he has been away for awhile, so he has not received Tousard's letters. In this incomplete letter Knox discusses his contracts to sell lime and oak.
27 May 1800
Knox discusses his shipments of lime and lumber with Tousard. Mentions the difficulty in getting a "vessel to go to Newport."
17 June 1800
Titcomb, Enoch, 1747-1814
Titcomb writes Knox, "I hereby inform you the Commissioners have made their Reports into the Secretary's office, on one hundred and fifty one lots, referred to them by you and the settlers on the Waldo Patent which the Secretary will proceed to make...
04 July 1800
Ticknor, Elisha, 1757-1821
Ticknor expresses his disappointment in not receiving a "consinement" from Knox "sufficiently large by the 15th ult. [June] to discharge the half of the Note" that Ticknor holds against Knox. Ticknor reminds Knox that "this Note has been due a long...
08 October 1800
Knox asks Talbot "to receive on board of the Constitution on the pay of an ordinary seaman, but to act as a midshipman Master Thomas Fluker, brother to Francis Fluker who has heretofore sailed under your orders."
18 October 1800
Copy of a letter from Knox brought to Talbot by Knox's nephew Thomas Flucker. Knox asks that Talbot accept Thomas as a midshipman.
29 April 1801
Introduces Knox to Lt. James Wilson. Requests Knox signs his "Diploma of the Association of the Cincinnati."
29 August 1801
Thomas, Waterman, fl. 1785-1801
Appears to discuss his brief meeting with [Thurston] Whiting and [Benjamin] Brackett. Also updates Knox on the settlers he has encountered.
4 September 1801
Informs Knox he has been unable to meet up with two gentlemen like he expected. Says he will head out towards the land [likely in Maine?] as long as his health permits it. Mentions he will provide Knox with as much information about the surveying...
to Waterman Thomas
20 September 1801
Expresses his displeasure with Thomas for not sending a written report that Thomas promised Knox.
22 September 1801
Informs Knox he did not make a written report due to [Thurston?] Whiting and [Benjamin] Brackett's report on the back country (possibly near the north part of the Waldo patent). Reports on a incident where he met up with approximately 70 armed...
16 April 1802
Thorndike, Isaac, fl. 1802
Informs Knox he sent a young gentleman to collect on a note that Knox owes.
28 August 1803
Taitt, D., fl. 1803
Written from "Cape Briton," possibly Cape Breton, in Nova Scotia, Canada. Declares that several years ago, he contacted Knox to find out about the fate of a boy left under Knox's care by the late Mr. Alexander McGillivray. As he did not hear back...
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