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to Estelle Spero
25 December 1943
Diamond, Sidney, 1922-1945
Diamond informs Estelle that at last he has paid back the loan that he took out in order to purchase her engagement ring.
Christmas Greetings card to Estelle.
December 27, 1943
Diamond informs Estelle that he is in the midst of carrying out an inventory and audit. He tells her that he has once again been working with "native boys", describing them as "cute".
30 December 1943
Diamond describes a conversation with one of the "natives" about love and marriage.
Diamond tells Estelle that they will get married immediately upon his return. He states that if anything happens to him she should know one thing: "I've led a full pleasant life - I missed out on but one thing - marriage…"
2 January 1944
Diamond informs Estelle that he had gone into the jungle to inspect the impact area of yesterday's firing. He describes a discussion with the other officers based upon the question: "What will the people back home say to us when we return?""
[Return of Captain Rowland Rodman, Company "G," Seventh Regiment, Rhode Island Volunteers]
February 28, 1863
Greene, Thomas, fl. 1878-1879
[Return of Captain Kenyon, Company "I," Seventh Regiment, Rhode Island Volunteers]
Kenyon, David R., fl. 1863
[Commander Bliss appoints Fuller Dingley as Sergeant in Company "I," Seventh Regiment, Rhode Island Volunteers]
March 24, 1863
Bliss, Zenas Randall, 1835-1900
[Return of Captain Jenks, Company "I," Seventh Regiment, Rhode Island Volunteers]
March 31, 1863
Jenks, Ethan A., fl. 1825-1901
Slightly torn.
30 April 1863
31 May 1863
30 June 1863
[Return of Captain Edwin L. Hunt, Company "I," Seventh Regiment, Rhode Island Volunteers]
31 July 1863
Hunt, Edwin L., fl. 1863
[Return for Company "I," Seventh Regiment, Rhode Island Volunteers]
31 August 1863
[Return of Captain Jenks Company "I," Seventh Regiment, Rhode Island Volunteers]
30 September 1863
31 October 1863
[Monthly return of clothing, camp, and garrison equipage, Company "I," Rhode Island Volunteers]
[Monthly return of clothing, camp, and garrison equipage, Company "I," Rhode Island Volunteers]]
30 November 1863
29 July 1942
Diamond informs Estelle that, if his applications to both officer training and the air corps are unsuccessful, his line of duty will most probably be as a communications sergeant in charge of message centers. He also writes about the task of working...
30 July 1942
Diamond describes the guard duty that he has just come off. He then outlines to Estelle the rest of the day's schedule - a film on the movements of the rifle squad and platoon in battle, a drill, and an interview with the captain for the officers'...
31 July 1942
Diamond describes the process of becoming an officer, and also the restrictions he would have if commissioned. He also answers Estelle's questions regarding a meningitis epidemic.
1 August 1942
Diamond describes his morning, which has consisted of watching a film on explosives and demolitions and another on Japanese aircraft. Sidney mentions that he has still not been called up for his screening interview.
2 August 1942
Diamond informs Estelle that he has been "hot and heavy" with his text books. He describes a discussion about war and people that he had had the night before.
August 1942
Diamond describes a six-mile hike that he had gone on that day, two miles of which was done wearing a gas mask.
5 August 1942
Diamond informs that he will be moved at some time the following week, but that he is still unaware as to where he is being sent. Sidney then describes the day's activities - a session on "night operations" in the morning, and the afternoon spent in...
Diamond discusses the possibility of his receiving a pass for that weekend. He also expresses frustration at the fact that the board has not met yet.
10 August 1942
Diamond mentions that he has seen a film on the use of the bayonet. He also informs Estelle that it would be impossible for anyone to comprehend the sensations that he now experiences in terms of fatigue and weariness.
Diamond describes his interview with the board.
received August 10, 1942
12 August 1942
Diamond describes what his day has consisted of - a film on bayonet use, a film on how to disarm armed men, and another one on sex hygiene.
Diamond informs Estelle that he won't be granted a furlough in his company. He also states that out of the six men accepted by the board, only three will actually get to O.C.S; the rest will be shipped overseas. Sidney then outlines his day - an...
13 August 1942
Diamond describes his day, which has included a film on military discipline, another on "identification of aircraft", a two-hour drill, and a baseball game. Sidney addresses Estelle as his fiancée, and mentions that he has now become accustomed to...
15 August 1942
Diamond clarifies some points from earlier letters, defining what he means be a furlough and also explaining that the training that he had mentioned was referring to training in order to become a sergeant. Sidney describes the process that he has...
16 August 1942
Diamond mentions that his company is now living in tents, and that he is to have classes every day in the officer candidate school (OCS). Sidney explains that from now on, he will have little time to write to Estelle, but that this does not reflect...
18 August 1942
Diamond mentions that he is now sharing a tent with some veterans of the "Pearl Harbor affair", and speaks about the need to prevent "such barbaric gangsterism".
19 August 1942
Diamond apologizes for the brevity of the letter, explaining that he has a lot of studying to do. Sidney also mentions that life in the OCS is replete with rules and regulations.
20 August 1942
Diamond informs Estelle that four men have gone before the Battalion board and have been subsequently put on probation. He expresses worry about a chemical tactics test.
23 August 1942
Diamond describes an episode of racial discrimination at a show sponsored by the Camel cigarette company. He informs Estelle that he has had three exams in the past week. He also relays a lecture that he has had on the clothing and equipment of an...
25 August 1942
Diamond informs Estelle that he has gotten down to a "pretty set schedule".
28 August 1942
Diamond tells Estelle that he has just received his report card for Block A. He describes exhibitions on flamethrowers and incendiary bombs that he has witnessed. He also relates going through a gas chamber and a chlorine gas chamber, for very...
29 August 1942
Diamond discusses with Estelle the advantages of matrimony. Sidney outlines his day - student presentations in the morning and an inspection in the afternoon. He also describes his accommodation which now constitutes a tent.
30 August 1942
Diamond describes a visit that he had received from his parents.
1 September 1942
Diamond discusses with Estelle an upcoming visit to New York. Sidney describes a minor accident that he was involved in.
2 September 1942
Diamond mentions that he has two major exams looming - one on chemical agents and the other on material. Sidney describes the hectic two days that he has just had - a masked agent identification test, an afternoon spent firing FS smoke shells, a...
7 September 1942
Diamond informs Estelle that they must remain "above petty jealousies".
September 1942
Sidney attempts to clear up a disagreement that the couple have had in their correspondence.
Diamond outlines his day for Estelle - watching a series of films on defense against mechanized war agents, sitting through a lecture on sex hygiene, participating in a dismounted foot drill, two hours of instruction in basic signal communication...
Diamond gives Estelle a description of an air raid alert.
circa summer 1942
Diamond explains that the weekend pass that he had been granted for the coming weekend may be retracted as the corporal has threatened to "knife" him, meaning being given a gig or some other punishment. Sidney describes his day which has consisted...
22 September 1942
Diamond describes the train ride back from visiting Estelle, during which he sat next to a young NYU graduate who had been forced to move to Virginia to find work during the war
26 September 1942
Diamond describes a visit by South American dignitaries.
27 September 1942
Diamond pops into a Catholic church while in town in order to take a break. He writes to Estelle that, "while seated there, alone, in the strange hush that only religion can bring about, the thought of death overcame me." He then describes looking...
Diamond hints to Estelle that the sweater that she has been knitting him would come in very handy in the cold weather.
29 September 1942
Diamond informs Estelle that his first choice of position in the military will be in the Air Service. He also warns Estelle that "[t]his is going to be a dull, dreary, bestial, cruel world when this conflict is over."
Diamond tells Estelle that he has too little time to think out logical replies to her many and varied questions.
Letter written while in a program and instruction class. Diamond gives Estelle a definition of the terms lecture, military training, policies, sanitation, scouting and patrolling and field fortifications. He also informs her that he has received...
11 October 1942
Diamond describes a visit to Baltimore that he had made the previous Saturday night. Sidney also mentions the "cracking tension" that he has been experiencing.
13 October 1942
Diamond informs Estelle that eighteen members of his platoon have been selected to go before the board, and of this number five to ten will be asked to resign. He also mentions the 60% casualty rate at the "Dieppe incident".
Diamond describes a "Make the Boys Happy" show that had been performed for the troops in the Recreation Hall.
Written at Edgewood Arsenal
14 October 1942
Diamond explains that, at this point, graduating candidates will be selected not only by their grades, but also personality.
19 October 1942
Diamond discusses Congress' contemplation to prohibit the sale of liquor near army posts.
22 October 1942
Diamond describes the experience of going up for Board Review.
Newspaper Clipping, name of the newspaper not cited.
Wood, Thomas Denison, fl. 1942
Article that must have been included in one of Diamond's letters to Estelle, entitled, "War-Model Love." With notes and much underlining.
23 October 1942
Diamond informs Estelle that they had "lost" two more men that week due to the high expectations of the program. He then describes his morning - a two-hour long film on motor transportation followed by a one-hour test on the material contained in...
24 October 1942
Diamond informs Estelle that he has just received a demerit for having had dirty finger nails. He then describes to Estelle the experience of showering in the Army. Sidney tells Estelle that he has spent the morning listening to the Yiddish Shtunda...
28 October 1942
Diamond tells Estelle that he has already received two demerits so far that week - one for having left his footlocker unlocked, and one for having worn a field jacket to dinner. He then proceeds to complain about the cold weather, mentioning that...
1 November 1942
Diamond praises his parents, and speaks of his gratitude for all that they have done to help him. He also describes the night problem that is scheduled for Sunday.
6 November 1942
Diamond relays a debate that had taken place during the student presentations on the pros and cons of a soldier choosing to get married. He informs Estelle that he received his first mark below 80 (a 79 in chemical tactics), but that the rest of his...
8 November 1942
Letter written just after having visited Estelle, and Diamond writes of "the odor of [her] hair still playing with [his] senses". Diamond also talks about the "confusion of inefficiency" that reigns at home, as soon as the "men are gone".
9 November 1942
Diamond counts down until his graduation that is to take place on Saturday. He writes that of the 500 that started OCS training three months ago, only 350 will be graduating.
Letter written during a study period, in which Diamond writes that they have just completed reviewing an entire year of chemistry in the space of four hours. Sidney has somewhat of a political disagreement with Estelle.
Letter written while Diamond is in class, so it is interspersed with "items" from his class notes. He discusses smoke generators and the fact that classes are to grow progressively smaller due to the fact that many candidates do not manage to...
(second page constitutes notes taken in a class, which are struck out). Diamond tells Estelle that things are moving too rapidly to think straight, with classes in law, tactics, communication and chemical tactics consuming all of his time.
notes from a class on chemical warfare
Handwritten notes on material learned in a class about chemical warfare. The end of the notes does seem to be addressed to Estelle, where he complains of having had a "bad case of the 'runs'".
Letter written during a moot trial, which Diamond then proceeds to describe to Estelle. Sidney also gives Estelle samples of the questions that he was asked in his chemical tactics final.
Letter written while the rest of Diamond's group is being subjected to mustard sensitivity tests. Sidney discusses with Estelle the possibility of obtaining a pass. He also explains to her the system of punishment in officer candidate school.
Diamond apologizes for not having written for the past few days, explaining that he has been acting as cadet platoon leader. Sidney describes the night Reconnaissance Problem that he had been on the night before.
Diamond informs Estelle that he expects to be shipped before the week is up. Sidney tells Estelle that he hopes to be in New York on Saturday, and that he hopes that it is not too late to ask her out on a date on Sunday.
Diamond informs Estelle that he is shipped at 7:25 A.M. the following morning. He states that two other men from his barracks will be on the same shipment - one for cavalry service, the other for the signal corps - but explains that he does not know...
Diamond tells Estelle about a recent visit to the "Casanova", a Mexican restaurant, where one of the dancers danced with him. Sidney also describes the process of crossing the Mexican border across the Santa Fe bridge..
27 November 1942
Diamond describes to Estelle his train journey down to Texas.
28 November 1942
Diamond briefly describes El Paso to Estelle.
29 November 1942
Diamond describes the trip down to Texas, in particular a stop-over in St. Louis.
Diamond describes to Estelle a day spent in El Paso, during which he attended a bull fight.
December 1, 1942
Diamond describes a desert sand storm to Estelle. Sidney speaks of how "trying" it is to have to constantly ensure that other men are doing their work. He then continues to describe his trip down to Texas.
2 December 1942
Diamond speaks of his belief in maintaining "the status-quo of the Americans." He also describes life as an officer - sentry visits etc
March 27, 1942
Diamond describes having been "officer of the day" the day before - a job that entails supervision of the guard and battalion in general.
5 December 1942
Diamond describes his task for the whole week, and possibly the one after, as merely examining men trying for qualification in chemical warfare weapons, specifically in charge of testing men's ability to set up the Linen's Projector battery. He also...
December 31, 1863
[Inventory and inspection report for Company "I," Rhode Island Volunteers]
22 November 1864
Written at Poplar Grove Church
November 1864
Docketed 6 December 1864 by Captain Jenks
[Return of Captain Ethan A. Jenks, Company "I," Seventh Regiment, Rhode Island Volunteers]
January 31, 1865
Phelps, James, fl. 1865
Includes absent and enlisted men, accounted for by name. Signed by Phelps as Lieutenant.
February 28, 1865
Merrill, James F., fl. 1863-1865
Includes absent and enlisted men, accounted for by name. Written at Fort Sedgwick
March 31, 1865
30 April 1865
Includes absent and enlisted men, accounted for by name
[List of camp and garrison equipage abandoned at Fort Sedgwick.]
April 1865
Signed by Daniels as Colonel and Morse as Quartermaster. Written at Fort Sedgwick
[Return of Captain Ethan A. Jenks, Company "I," Seventh Regiment, Rhode Island Volunteers.]
31 May 1865
Includes absent and enlisted men, accounted for by name.
[List of camp and garrison equipage abandoned near Alexandria, Virginia.]
June 1865
Signed by Daniels as Colonel and Morse as Quartermaster.
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