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to Enoch Q. Fellows
17 April 1862
Bald, B., fl. 1862
He is sorry that he was ordered to go to Charleston to join the blockade and will be unable to see him after all. But he will not forget. Written aboard the "Pocahontas"
21 April 1862
Barham, S., fl. 1862
He writes that the 3rd regiment is ready to leave tomorrow. Also that his application for leave will be recommended.
22 June 1862
Moulton, A.A., fl. 1862
Now that he is colonel of the 9th regiment, Moulton wants him to appoint him the regiment's surgeon. He argues he will need an experienced man.
7 May 1862
Jackson, Y.M., fl. 1862
He really wants the Adjutant's Commission. If Fellows gets it for him he will give him 50 dollars as soon as they are paid off.
to Col. Whipple
16 June 1861
Kelly, L.S., fl. 1861
He was keeping watch on the 25th when he heard some other voices on the island. He thought they were the only company there but he was wrong. They kept up a question and answer session but they could not get any closer to each other because he had to...
to L.P. Chase, Secretary of the Treasury
7 October 1861
Chase, M.E., fl. 1861
He wishes to establish a scientific and religious institution. He mentions Fellows as a mutual acquaintance as a way of introduction.
to Father, Mother and Brother
15 December 1862
Thompson, A.W., fl. 1862
He is currently in the hospital but will soon be sent to Murfreesboro. He advises his brother not to join the army as he will have to endure many hardships.
to Thomas Ryan
March 28, 1862
Cammings, G.D., fl. 1862
He mentions Gen. Thurman and Gen. Sheridan. He would not be surprised if his friend gets sent to Richmond. He himself hopes to go to Richmond this Spring. He mentions money they owe one another.
Order from N.M Lappon
6 June 1861
Scott, fl. 1861
The order states that Captain Kennedy will be in command of the detachment at Point of Kocks. He will keep strict guard.
General Orders No. 18
30 September 1861
Williams, S., fl. 1861-1864
No officer or soldier can leave camp to visit Washington. All commanders with make weekly reports on the amount of ammunition. Payment for rations will be made only by the officers.
General Orders No. 2
9 June 1861
Abert, William S., fl. 1861
The 1st regiment will report to Rockville where they will set up camp. Guides from the President's mounted guard will report to their respective Colonels.
Legal Document
7 June 1861
3 privates are officially sentenced for disobedience and drunkeness. Their punishments range from carrying 20 lb bags of sand and no food to witholding pay.
General Order No. 4
8 June 1861
The sentences of the previous document (GLC02745.068) are hereby approved.
to Father
2 March 1884
Fellows, W.B., fl. 1884
He compliments his father on his address and makes a few suggestions on how he can improve it further.
to Respected Miss (Kitty)
26 November 1861
Morse, Justus, fl. 1861-1864
He was unable to come home on Friday because his captain was not there. He wishes she could see him, especially to watch him cook. He is very healthy.
to Respected Miss ( Kitty)
February 22, 1862
He has been marching and going back and forth in a boat. They were supposed to help take Fort Donaldon, but the other men took it before they got there. Theya re near Columbus but they won't go there because the Rebels have already evacuated there.
1 March 1862
They are close to the Rebels now and there should be a fight soon. The only reason there wasn't one before is because they didn't have guns.
11 July 1861
Stowe, William Alexander, 1832-1908
All commanders will make a written report to headquarters stating the amount of ammunition.
Captain's list of the amount of ammunition
circa 1861-1864
Captain's list of unidentified values
Countersign and Parole list
31 July 1861
William, R.B., fl. 1861
General Orders No. 9
Fellows, Enoch Q., 1825-1897
On Monday morning, the troops of this command will form for review and inspection.
Monthly Report of Forage
June 1862
Haven, F. (captain), fl. 1862
Lists number of mules, horses, oxen and oats, corn and hay.
Monthly Return of Public Animals, Wagons, Harness and other means of Transporting
Monthly Return of Quartermaster's Stores
August 1865
Prest, Geo E., fl. 1865
Lists numbers for food, forage,straw and stationary.
List of Quartermaster's Stores
12 August 1865
McKinn, John, fl. 1865
Lists 3 field desk tables.
Abstract of Articles
3 August 1865
Empty-Reads Reports of June
General Orders No. 3
12 June 1861
The discharge of firearms is strictly prohibited except against the enemy and in a few other approved situations.
At present the head quarters will be at the camp of the 3rd battalion.
to Col. Tophen
24 June 1861
They wish him to be prepared to reinforce the guard.
Special Orders
6 July 1861
The four companies of the 1st regiment infantry must go to Williamsport. Tonight they will go as far as Sharpsburg and and tomorrow morning onward to Williamsport.
Special Orders No. 93
8 July 1861
The 1st New Hampshire, 9th New York, 17th and 5 companies of the 25th regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers will make up the 7th brigade.
Any wagon that can be spared must be given to the commanding general so he can move a large force to the front.
9 July 1861
The sick of the regiments will all be sent to the commanding officer who will attach them to companies and have them treated by medical personnel. Written at Camp Brown
Commander of regiments will bring supply of ammunition up to 70 rounds per man.
General Orders No. 1
10 July 1861
The commanding general has learned that [illegible] have not been prepared for the men. They are ordered to attend to this omission at once
Col. Stine and Col. Swchwartzwald will direct morning reports to be made to them of their commanding officers.
13 July 1861
The troops have marching orders to leave at 4 am. They will carry rations and forty rounds of ammunition. The wagon train will move in the rear of the division under the direction of the quartermaster.
16 July 1861
Countersign and parole. Also ordering troops to have one day's ration cooked. They must be in bed by 8 o' clock.
No one is permitted to go beyond the picket lines and will hold as prisoners all who attempt to do so.
General Orders No. 6
The troops will march at 3am. The cooks will fix breakfast at 1:30am and five men from each company will pack the wagons.
General Orders No. 35
26 July 1861
The regimental baggage wagons will be sent on the Potomac today.
Special Order No. 1
26 April 1861
States the number of commanding officers that will report for guard duty at half past 6. Written in Camp Union
Special Order No. 2
The commanding officer will detail a certain number of soldiers of each rank for guard duty. Written in Camp Union
General Order No. 2
27 April 1861
Orders on how the men will spend their leisure time and how they should bathe so that they are ready to march to the city for divine services at city hall. Written in Camp Union
Gaye, John H., fl. 1861
Duplicate of GLC02745.053. Written in Camp Union
General Order No. 3
28 April 1861
Every day there will be an "officer in charge," and an officer of the day." The "officer in charge" will oversee dress parade and encampment. The "officer of the day" will have control of the guard and police. Written in Camp Union
Special Order No. 10
29 April 1861
Gen. Fellows is ordered to act as officer in charge today. Written in Camp Union
The same number of men will be detailed from each company for guard duty. Gen. Fellows will be officer in charge and Capt. Drew will be officer of the day. Written in Camp Union
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