Summer 2025 PD for K–12 teachers: Registration is now open!
to wife and children
8 October 1862
Boston, John W., fl. 1862-1865
writes that he is in good health and is sending 20 dollars home. believes they will soon be victorious
13 October 1862
very faded. would like to come home once more before he goes to Dixie. promises to do his duty as a soldier.
4 December 1862
front page torn. writes that he is sending Mary a locket and will be sending the boys something as well. tells the story of an orderly who shot a captain in another company.
5 December 1862
is afraid his wife will have changed so much by the time he arrives home that he will not know her. asks her to send him a good pair of boots, also requests sponge cake and tobacco.
14 December 1862
has come down with a cold. says he is in a dangerous place. says the only women he sees are "nigger wenches, and I hate them, every once and a while I see a white woman..." would like to be with her and the children.
2 December 1862
writes they have to survive on half rations.
writes that the regiment will be reorganized ina week. the new recruits will have to stay for the full term of enlistment. but they are confident the war will end before the term is up.
sorry to hear that Mary (his daughter) was sick but hopes she is better now. refers to old friends and asks his wife to tell them he remembers them well and ask how they are getting along.
February 1863
writing from the hospital where he is helping out. many are afflicted with the measles. prefers working in the hospital to picket duty.
to Theodore Roosevelt
January 18, 1910
La Follette, Robert M., fl. 1910
because a tract of land was conveyed to him, it is necessary that he make an appearance in order to protect the rights of the Indians.
January 21, 1910
Field, Walter S., fl. 1910
his deed of land must be protected so that the Kickapoo are not taken advantage of.
January 26, 1910
Teller, Henry Moore, 1830-1914
reiterates need to protect the Indians' interests.
to Mr. Cole
21 June 1864
Moffat, R.R., fl. 1864
He writes that he saw his son fall in battle and crawl several yards. He does not know if he is wounded or dead but suspects only wounded, albeit dangerously.
to my dear cousin
10 August 1864
George, fl. 1864
Frank had a painful day yesterday. But now he is doing better. He plans to slip into New York Saturday. For he must get his signature for his monthly returns.
to wife
6 May 1865
writes that that he is hoping to hear from her soon. tell mother and father "I will be home in a few weeks iif the lord spares my life."
8 June 1865
left Washington D.C last Saturday and are now heading toward Cinncinatti. writes they would have been home by now if not for the regimental commander.
30 June 1865
will be heading to Louisville, KY. notes they are getting closer all the time and she should look for him within the month.
to Annie
13 September 1862
Keyes, Samuel. fl. 1862-1863
writing from the hospital. describes the battle of Bull Run. ends up getting wounded in the arm.
24 September 1862
has the use of three fingers in his right hand. heard that her father and brother have enlisted. recovering.
Diary for 1857
Burpee, Thomas Francis, 1830-1864
Includes brief accounts of his days as well as some accounting. writes "Nothing New" several times.
Diary for 1858
Mainly used as an accounting book but there are also brief descriptions of his days mixed in.
Diary for 1859
Mainly used as an account book with a few diary entries
Diary for 1862
Records troop movements in several entries, also used as an account book.
Diary for 1863
Records troop movements in several entries, also used as an account book. Many blank pages.
Diary for 1864
Final year. Records troop movements until June 11th when his mother takes over after his death. Provides details of funeral. Rest is blank.
Burpee's copy of the New Testament
Pocket size editon of the the New Testament
to Walter S. Field
10 March 1910
Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919
asks that he appear for him in any suits that may be instituted against him as trustee for a Kickapoo indian named Wah-nah-ka.
to sweet and darling wife
20 October 1864
Schumpert, Amos K., fl. 1864
the Colonel gave him brass buttons for his coat recently. writes that a furlough is out of the question now.writes he would like some whiskey. Written in Camp Stevens
to loving, sweet and best of wives
21 October 1864
writes that he now knows that they will lose the enemy "I have never felt so gloomy in all my life..."Written in Camp Stevens
to dear, loving and sweet wife
28 October 1864
received orders to draw and cook up rations for 3 days. will soon be in a fight. wishes he could come home and stay there for the rest of his days. Written in Camp Stevens
4 November 1864
they are expecting to leave soon, most likely in the direction of Atlanta. fears there will be alot of sickness in camp this winter Written in Camp Stevens
to loving, sweet, darling and best of all wives
5 November 1864
asks for his boots and overcoat. wishes he could only be with her. Written in Camp Stevens
15 December 1864
describes a run in with the yankees. they seem to have disappeared but he fears "they will cross the river above or below this place, cut us off , and capture us." Gen. Meloy said there would be a train in the morning to take them away, wherever...
to Frank A. Cole
circa 1861-1864
He complains that he did not receive a letter from him in such a long time he had given up hope. He writes if he ever visits he should come and see him or else he would cry.
February 4, 1861
Lucie, fl. 1859-1897
He heard that he and Mary are not on good terms. He thinks his impending marriage is a good idea.
March 16, 1861
Cole, J., fl. 1861
from his father. illegible.
18 April 1861
From his father. He has sent nine dollars. Tells him he must make it go as far as possible.
March 28, 1861
He informs him that a certain lady he was interested in is already engaged. He asks him if he had a good time on Sunday evening. tells him to give his respects to someone (name illegible).
3 January 1862
Cole, Florence, fl. 1861
From his sister. She asks him about life in Wisconsin. She says Ms. Hillard had a donation party while Mr. Hans had a meeting of the sewing society. She writes that she has sent his slippers.
4 April 1862
Saw his sister the other night. Mentions the nineteenth regiment. Also mentions that someone he knows was killed in the tenth regiment. The tenth regiment has only six hundred men left.
11 August 1862
Cole, fl. 1862
From his father. Arriving Saturday night...? illegible.
4 October 1862
illegible. mentions [ten day application...]
to Parents
20 June 1862
Cole, Frank, fl. 1862-1864
He describes a battle in which he came out safe and sound. 13 wounded, four killed. Heavy artillery.
General Orders No. 32
13 July 1864
Willcox, C.B., fl. 1864
A general court martial is appointed for the July 14th for the trial of Private John Cooney.
4 August 1864
He knows that that his parents know that he has been wounded. He cannot stand lying a in a hosptall.
to Frank
5 August 1864
He is packing all company business and clothes to be sent to him. He has included his dress coat with a key to his valise in the dress pocket. Informs him of the dead and missing.
16 August 1864
unknown, fl. 1864
Glad to hear he is doing well. He mentions Capt. Burnett, Lt. Atwell, Lt. Brall. and James.
25 August 1864
He writes about a Copperhead toward the end. (difficult to read)
receipt for Capt. Cole from Armoury Square hospital.
4 September 1864
U.L.V., fl. 1864
For 34 dollars
16 September 1864
Mother, fl. 1860-1867
He is hoping he can come home where it is more comfortable...illegible.
Showing results 82,301 - 82,350