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Account of Robert Livingston
04 July 1700
Hoogan, William, fl. 1700
Livingston purchased wine and rum from Hoogan. It appears that the wine and rum was then sold to some Indians on the 4 July 1700.
to the Gentlemen re: request for their presence in Albany
Van Brugh, Peter, fl. 1699-1714
Van Brugh enclosed a copy of a message from Onondaga, and asks for the"Gentlemen's" presence in Albany to discuss the matter with the Indians. The Indians apparently have a great deal of news to share with Albany.
Propositions made by the messengers of the Onondaga Sachems
Onondaga Sachems
The messengers inform Corlaer that the Seneca Sachems have gone to Canada, and that 5 "Waganhaes" from different nations have recently arrived at Onondaga. P.2 contains Robert Livingston's answer given to the Onondagas, signed and dated 14 June 1700...
Instructions for Lawrence Claese [in Dutch]
Livingston, Robert, 1654-1728
"Propositions made by Joseph Henry & Gideon three Christian Maquase"
Joseph, Henry, & Gideon, fl. 1700
The three Christian Mohawks inform the officials of Albany that the Onondagas called them to a meeting where there would be no English men present. They explain that they felt it was their duty to inform the English of this occurence.
"Propositions made by the Sachims of the Canada Praying Indians . . .
Sachems of the Canada Praying Indians
. . . belonging to their Castle called Kachanua[g]e to the Com[mission] for the Indian Affares." The praying Indians state that they have come to Albany to trade, and ask to be treated with kindness; the Commissioners answer that they will oblige...
Van der Heyden, Dirk, fl. 1700
Livingston purchased 3 bottles of wine for the Mohawks Sachems on 6 July 1700. Van der Heyden signed for receipt of payment on 12 December 1700.
Report about the Indians
Baptist van Eps, John, fl. 1700
Van Eps states that upon his arrival at Onondaga in July, he found the Indians meeting with some French men, for which he reprimanded them and informed them that Corlaer forabade such activity. When he questioned the Indians about the French...
Answer to the 5 Nations
Earl of Bellomont, fl. 1700
The Earl of Belloment states that he is happy to satisfy the Indians' request for a minister, and expresses his hope to translate the Bible into their language. He asks that they send 3 Sachem's sons of each nation to New York, where they will learn...
Answer to the 5 Nations [in Dutch]
Answer to the River Indians
The Earl of Bellomont asks the River Indians to invite their brethern the Eastern Indians to reside with them at Skachtkook, where they will receive the King's protection. He expresses his grief at their reluctance to join the Protestant faith, and...
Instruction to the Commissioners of Indian Affairs
The Earl of Bellomont instructs the Commissioners to uphold the peace in Albany, and to relieve the Indians in the event of a French attack. Bellomont also notes that Robert Livingston is to pay for the Indians' provisions out of his own excise, and...
to Peter Schuyler and Robert Livingston re: message from Onondaga
Livingston, Robert Jr., 1688-1775
Robert Junior encloses a message from Onondaga, and explains that men appointed to manage Indian affairs disagree with the payment they received. Docketed on address leaf.
to Robert Livingston re: recommendation for representatives to Onondaga
Robert Junior asks his uncle Robert Livingston to recommend him and David Schuyler as representatives to travel to Onondaga.
to Robert Livingston re: transcription of a journal
Nanfan, John, fl. 1688-1702
Nanfan asks Livingston to trascribe/translate a journal, and to send it home to the Ministers the following evening. Docketed on address leaf.
to Peter Schuyler re: the fort at Albany
Nanfan asks for information regarding the construction of the fort at Albany, and gives instructions to stock it with firewood for the winter. He also requestst that Robert Livingston be sent to Albany to expedite a matter in Indian affairs.
to John Nanfan and the council of New York re: suspension of execution
Treat, Robert, fl. 1792-1801
Robert Treat D: Governor and the Council of Connecticut request that New York postpone the execution of Coll. Bayard and Alderman Hutchins until the King's "pleasure" is known, or until the arrival of Lord Cornbury.
"Propositions made by four Mohoggs who upon the Desyre of . . .
Mohawk Indians
. . . the governor of Canada to there Sachims were by them appointed to goe and hear what we would say." The Mohawks describe some meetings with the Canadian Governor, in which they returned some French prisoners, and discussed relations with the...
"Propositions made by four Sachims of the Mohogs"
The Mohawk Sachims explain that they were on their way to make peace with the Eastern Indians, but stopped their journey due to the breaking of war and other dangers. They also remind the Governor of New York of the Earl of Bellomont's promise to...
Message from the Sachems of Onondaga
The Onondaga Sachems announce that the Seneca Sachems have called a general meeting among the 5 Nations, and that Peter Schuyler is requested to attend, along with some French representatives from Canada. P.3 contains a note dated 23 March 1703...
"Propositions Made to the Schakook Indians Meet at Shinnechtady on . . .
Mayor and Gentlemen of Albany
. . . there Journey and Conveyed By severall Mohogs to settle In the Mohogs Countrey" The proposition asks the Skachtkook Indians why they are travelling to to the Mohawk Country, and advises them to return to where they came from. In their answer...
to Lord Cornbury
Schuyler, Peter, 1657-1724
Peter Schuyler writes that he has received a message from Coll. Partridge that Indians have caused some destruction in Deerfield in New England. He then explains what detachments he has sent to the frontiers for security purposes. Letter marked as...
to Lord Cornbury re: meeting at Onondaga
Item 1: 1p. + docket. Schuyler enclosed a letter from the interpreter at Onondaga, and directs Cornbury's attention to the gifts presented to the Indians by Canada. He also inquires about the payment of the expenses accrued on his journey to...
to Mr. Whit[r]ing re: death of Indians in the far nations
Schuyler, Pieter, 1657-1724
Schuyler writes that a settlement of French and Indians is to be made on the River Quaasick. He also states that 9 Indians of the 5 Nations were killed while hunting in the far nations, and it remains unknown if the French or the far Indians are...
Proposition to the Commissioners of Albany with an answer
Oneida and Cayuga Indians
The Sachems report that they are resolved not to let a priest or French man live among them, and state that they are returning to their castles for security. They also complain of the lack of security offered by the English, and request more arms...
to Lord Cornbury re: spying on the French
May 24, 1704
Schuyler writes that some men have gone to spy on the French, and that he has enclosed a letter from the interpreter at Onondaga, which relates news of the continual trouble with Indians. Letter marked as a copy.
"Propositions made by three Mohogs and some Riber Indians and Waganhaer . . .
. . . come from Tiogsagrondie" The Indians tell Corlaer that they have come to Albany to trade, and that they expect to be well received and welcomed into a partnership. In their answer, the Indians are thanked for coming to trade, but are told...
Petition to Sidney Lord Godolphin, High Treasurer of England
Livingston petitions the High Treasurer to reinstate his position as Secretary of Indian Affairs, and to order the payment of the arrears of his salary out of the surplus revenue of Albany. P.3 contains a letter from William Lowndes to the Earl of...
to Mr. Attorney General re: the petition of Robert Livingston
Lowndes, William, fl. 1704
Lowndes asks the Attorney General to review Livingston's petition, and determine if it is legal to pay the arrears of his salary out of the surplus revenue.
"Message sent from the Sachims of Onnondage by the way of the Oneyde and . . .
. . . MohogsCountrey hither" The Onondaga Sachems inform the English that two of their Indians were abducted by the French and their Indians on a recent trip into Canada. In their answer, the English thank them for the information and instruct them...
Petition to Sir Charles Hedges, Secretary of State
Livingston requests a new commission for serving the offices of Secretary of Indian Affairs, Receiver of the Quit Rents, Town Clerk, Clerk of the Peace, and Clerk of the Common Pleas. He also asks for his salary as Secretary of Indian Affairs, which...
to Peter Schuyler re: retrieval of captives
Partridge, Samuell, fl. 1707
Partridge thanks Schuyler for retrieving a captive boy, and asks him to try to find any more that he may hear of. He also notes that he would greatly appreciate any information Schuyler may offer of the enemy's designs. Docketed on address leaf.
to Lord Cornbury re: trouble with the inhabitants of New England
Schuyler asks Lord Cornbury to address a recent incident in which the people of New England violently chased away a group of peaceful Indians hunting in that area. P.2 contains another letter in which Schuyler requests Lord Cornbury's presence in...
"Account of the negotiations of K:V: Renselaer & Robert Livingston who . . .
. . . were sent Express to Albany by the President & Councill of N: York to dispatch spys to Canada"
"Instructions for Mr. Renselaer and Mr. Livingston"
Schuyler and Renselaer are instructed to travel to Albany, and there find the most trustworthy Indians to send to Quebec and Montreal
Order for Mr. Livingston and Mr. Renselaer
President and Council of Albany
The document orders Livingston and Renselaer to oversee the Indians' expedition to Canada.
Dispatch of Indians to Quebec and Montreal
May 11, 1709
Renselaer and Livingston send one pair of Indians to Quebec, and another pair to Montreal and order them to make what discoveries they can and to follow the instructions of Coll. Vetch and Coll. Nicholson. P.2 contains the instructions of Vetch and...
Account of pork, bread, and Indian corn distributed to Indians and English men
Propositions to the Mohawks, Oneidas, Onondagas, and Cayugas
Ingoldesby, Richard, ?-1719
Ingoldesby asks the Indians for their full support in a land expedition against the French in Canada, who have shown themselves time and again to be the enemies of the 5 Nations. He also expresses his concern over the absence of the Senecas, who...
Examination of an Onondaga Indian
The Onondaga Indian relates news he heard from a Seneca that a company of Indians were discussing plans to attack the 5 Nations. He also states that 2 nations of Indians from Maryland have all been killed by a pestilential disease. P.2 contains an...
Petition for the payment of Robert Livingston's salary
Commission on Indian Affairs
The Commissioners for Indian Affairs, Peter Schuyler, Hendrick Hun[ter], John Cuyler, Henry Holland, and [J.] Abeel verify that Robert Livingston has worked dilligently as Secretary for Indian Affiars, yet has not received the salary due to him. They...
"At a Meeting of the Mayor aldermen of the citty of Alb[any] the Justices . . .
Mayor and Aldermen of Albany
. . . of the sd. County, the Commissioners for the Expedition against Canada & Commissioners of the Indian affares" The Commissioners state that it would be a great risk to sail up the river into Canada during the winter, and make a number of...
to Richard Ingoldesby re: petition concerning the expedition to Canada
The Mayor and Aldermen of Albany discuss some reservations regarding the planned expedition to reduce Canada. They recommend recalling the land troops until the fleet arrives from England, which will necessitate postponing the expedition until the...
Resolution to give an account of the provisions sent to Albany
Commissioners of New York
The Commissioners of New York for the Canada Expedition state their resolve to give the General Assembly an account of the provisions they sent to Albany to assist with the expedition to reduce Canada.
"The Camp at the Wood Creek Reviewed with an account of the Forces Built . . .
. . . Between Albany and said Camp, and of the Forces Posted there in order for the Expedition against Canada and how they are Subsisted." The Review relates a number of concerns regarding the expedition to reduce Canada. The soldiers are described...
Propositions made to the 5 Nations
Hunter, Robert, 1664-1734
Propositions made to the Mohawks and an answer.
The Commissioners state that English families will be settling on the land called Skohere, and they ask that the Mohawks send some men there to accompany the Surveyor General as he searches for an appropriate place to make a road. In their answer...
Speech made to Coll. Robert Hunter
Showenoos people
The Showenoos Indians welcome Coll. Hunter to New York, and state that they have come only to show him love and respect.
Propositions made to Coll. Robert Hunter
The Showenoos Indians state that most of their men have gone hunting, but they wish to welcome Coll. Hunter to New York. In his response, Hunter states his disapproval with the Indians for having gone out hunting, but thanks them for their show of...
Propositions to Hendrick Hanse (Sinnonquirese)
P.1 states that 3 Mohawk Sachems appeared in Albany and requested that Hendrik Hanse, whom they call Sinnonquirese, appear at a general meeting at Sinnondoroge. P.2 records the Mohawks' proposition, dated 5 March 1711, at Sinnondoroge. The Mohawks...
to Peter Schuyler re: instructions to travel to Onondaga
Hunter informs Schuyler that a group of French men and officers recently arrived at Onondaga, and he wishes Schuyler to travel there immediately. While at Onondaga, Schuyler is instructed to thank the Indians for informing the English of the French...
Propositions of the 5 Nations and River Indians to Coll. Robert Hunter
Five Nations
The 5 Nations and River Indians have gathered at Albany to voice their commitment to General Francis Nicholson and the expedition to reduce Canada. They ask the Governor to pardon the French Praying Indians if they decide to help the English, and...
Proposals of the 5 Nations to Robert Hunter
Sachem of the 5 Nations, fl. 1711-1717
The Sachems ask the Governor and Lieutenant Governor of New York to pay the salary of Robert Livingston, who has served the position of Secretary of Indian Affiars without receiving a just salary.
Proceedings at a council of war
Council of War
The Council gives directions on how to use the "brass ordinances" sent from England, and addresses complaints of bad bread from Coll. Schuyler's regiment. They also give orders for the creation of a court to try crimes committed against the aritcles...
The Council discusses an operation to take Mount Royal, and lists payment due to officers and other individuals involved in the expedition. Notes are also made on replacing the bad bread in Coll. Schuyler's regiment.
The Council asks that accounts be made for the victualling of soldiers, the Commissioners procure as many carpenters as possible, provisions be delivered to soldiers and Indians with great speed, and surgeons be instructed to tend to casualties...
Account with Indian Nations [in Dutch and English]
Docketed on verso.
to the Commissioners for regulating the palatine affairs re: approaching enemy
Schuyler writes of news that the enemy is approaching, and requests that the Commissioners send their palatines to Albany with the greatest speed and urgency. Docketed on address leaf.
to Richard Ingoldesby re: mischief of Johannis Lucas
Huddy, Charles, fl. 1713
Huddy writes that Johannis Lucas spread rumors among the 5 Nations, telling them that the English planned to take their land away. Consquently, discontent has spread and many Indians, including the Skachtkook Indians, appear to be removing to other...
Warrent for the arrest of Dirk Wessells ten Broek Junr. and Anthony van Shaik
The warrant charges Dirk Wessells ten Broek Junior and Anthony van Shaik of breaking down the house of Frederick the Weaver, and destroying and taking his goods. It is ordered that the men be apprehended and brought before the Justices of the Peace...
Answer to the Indians
The document warns the Indians not to trade with the French, who lie and cheat in order to weaken the Indians and make them more vulnerable in the time of war.
Propositions made by the Mohicans [in Dutch]
circa 1585-1763
to Robert Livingston re: sale of Alida Schuyler's house
Livingston, Philip, 1686-1749
Philip describes his unsuccessful attempts to sell Alida Schuyler's house, which is old and poorly kept. He also wishes his father the best of luck in obtaining his warrants and salary, but acknowledges that it will continue to be a most difficult...
Answer to the propositions of Governor Hunter
The 5 Nations express their solidarity with the English, and their determination to maintain peace with them. They agree to try to make peace with the "flatheads" of Carolina, and to stop their young men from killing and stealing English cattle and...
Propositions to the 5 Nations
Governor Hunter speaks on behalf of the Queen of England, and invites the 5 Nations to renew their covenant chain of peace with the English. He informs the Indians that the English have made peace with the French, and expects that the 5 Nations will...
Propositions to Governor Hunter with an answer
The Sachems state that they have heard news of British plans to cut off the 5 Nations, and explain that they are inclined to believe this rumor due to the rapidly rising price of powder. Governor Hunter replies that the rumors are spread by their...
The Sachems resolve to end their war with the flatheads of Carolina, condole the death of Queen Anne, and request that the English sell goods at a more reasonable price. In his reply, Governor Hunter states that he will need time to think about the...
Alteration of the former propositions
The Sachems request that the part of their former proposition stating their resolve never to join the English in a war be blotted out and forgotten. They explain that the rising cost of goods caused them to initially make this statement, and they...
The Sachems explain that they have received word from the Far Nations that they desire to make peace with Governor Hunter and the 5 Nations, and also that they wish to travel and trade with freedom. Governor Hunter replies that the accepts the...
Answer to the propositions of the 5 Nations
Governor Hunter begins by recalling the war against the French of Canada, and states the importance of upholding the "hatchet" of mutual defense between the English and the 5 Nations. In response to the Indians' complaints of the high price of goods...
Reply to the propositions of Governor Hunter
The 5 Nations
The 5 Nations correct Governor Hunter's account of the attacks commited by the Flatheads of Carolina, and explain that the English provoked them when they failed to lower the price of goods in return for the Flatheads' service in a war with another...
to Robert Hunter re: attacks made by the 5 Nations [excerpt]
Spotswood, Alexander, 1676-1740
The Governor of Virginia, Alexander Spotswood, writes to Governor Hunter to inform him that the 5 Nations have attacked a nation of Indians in an English fort as they prepared to make peace with Virginia. Docket notes that this is an excerpt of a...
Proposition to the 5 Nations [in Dutch]
Docketed on p.4.
to Robert Livingston re: 5 Nations' mischief in Virginia
Livingston, Robert, 1688-1775
Robert writes that he sends this letter per Capt. Smith, the Agent of Virginia, who has informed him of the mischief wrought by the 5 Nations in that colony. He also notes that some pirates took Smith and held him in Sandy Hook for some time, and...
Private conference between Governor Hunter and Sachems of the 5 Nations
In response to an inquiry, the 5 Nations note that the French have not built a fort in the Seneca's country, but have rather erected a trading post at that site. The Indians state that they are uneasy due to news that the French and English plan to...
Proposition to the Five Nations
Governor Hunter assures the 5 Nations of the good will and protection of their sovereign, King George, so long as the Indians uphold their part of the agreement. He reminds them that the 5 Nations and the English are bound to keep peace with each...
Answer to the proposition of Governor Hunter
The 5 Nations thank the Governor for his assurance of good will and protection, and agree to maintain the covenant with the English. However, they note that if the English should attack another Indian nation out of malice, then the 5 Nations would...
Proposition to the River Indians
Governor Hunter assures the River Indians of King George's good will and protection, and then presents them with gifts as gesture of faith in their duty and fidelity.
Proposition to Governor Hunter
The 5 Nations request that the Governor acquaint the King of their ardent desire for better trading prices. They also explain that better prices will attract the Indians that trade with the French, who will travel to Albany to conduct business. In...
Proposition to the 5 Nations regarding Virginia
Governor Hunter states that the Governor of Virginia has informed him that the 5 Nations recently attacked a nation of Indians settled in an English fort as they prepared to make peace with the colony of Virginia. He reminds the 5 Nations that this...
Answer to the proposition of Governor Hunter regarding Virginia
The 5 Nations state that the Indians they attacked in Virginia are a "false and treacherous" people, but if they had known that they were friends of the English, they would never have attacked. They extend their apologies to Virginia, and ask that...
Proposition to the Sachems of the 5 Nations [in Dutch]
Receipt of payment from Robert Livingston for the account of William White
Kataruksat & Itakampaas
Payment was made to Kataruksat and Itakampaas on account of the sale to William White of the land called Oyataak. Kataruksat and Itakampaas signed with their marks.
Propositions to the Mohawks, Oneidas, Onondagas, and Cayugas [rough draft]
Schuyler warns the Indians not to make war against the southern Indians, and to respect English property when their warriors travel to Virginia and Maryland. He also mentions the danger of the French building a fort at Onjagare. Marked as a rough...
Propositions made to Peter Schuyler
River Indians
The River Indians apologize for breaking the custom of presenting the English with gifts, but explain that they are too poor to do so. They ask Schuyler to renew the covenant chain, and express their desire to learn English so that they may...
Propositions to the River Indians
Schuyler encourages the River Indians to send their men out hunting, but to keep them from fighting with the Southern Indians. He also warns them against entering into agreements with the French, and urges them to remain peaceful.
Schuyler explains the French designs to make a settlement at Onjagore, and warns the Indians that they will be ruined if they allow such a settlement. He discusses the mischievous activity of the 5 Nations in the southern colonies, and advises them...
Propositions to the Mohawks, Oneidas, Onondagas, and Cayugas [delivered]
Schuyler proposes to renew the covenant chain on behalf of all of the King's colonies, and regrets the absence of the Senecas, who have entered into an agreement with the French. The 4 Nations are asked ot make peace with all English allies, and are...
Private conference with the 4 Nations
Most of the document is illegible due to damage. Signed by Robert Livingston, Secretary of Indian Affairs.
Meeting of Peter Schuyler and Commissioners of Indian Affairs.
The document proposes to lift the suspension of Hendrik the Mohawk, and to receive him as a Sachem once again. It then notes that Hendrik has requested that rum no longer be sold so freely in the Mohawk's country, as it keeps them from living...
Answer to the propositions of Peter Schuyler
The speaker agrees to renew the covenant on behalf of all 5 Nations, and promises to stop traveling through the southern colonies and upsetting the Christians and Indians that live there. They also state that they will not allow the French Indians...
to Robert Livingston re: possession of the land called Niagara
January 1, 1721
Burnet, William, 1688-1729
Burnet asks Livingston if the Senecas gave the land called Niagara to the English while Coll, Thomas Dongan was still in office, and before the French conquered that territory. He asks that either Livingston or his son look through the old records...
to Robert Livingston re: unfair practices in trade with the Indians
Holland, Henry, fl. 1721
Holland complains of unfair trading practices with the Indians, and asks that an act be passed requiring all suspected traders to exonerate themselves on oath. He notes that this is the only way to maintain fair and regulated trade.
Propositions to the River and Skachtkook Indians with an answer [in Dutch]
William Burnet, the Governor of Pennsylvania, invites the 5 Nations to renew the covenant chain between them. He recalls an unhappy incident in which 2 men from Pennsylvania killed an Indian of the 5 Nations in the midst of an argument over the sale...
Propositions to the 5 Nations [in Dutch]
Council meeting of Governors Burnet and Spotswood with Sachems of the 5 Nations
Governor Burnet explains that the Eastern Indians have attacked settlers in New England, and asks if the 5 Nations knew of any plans for this attack. The 5 Nations reply that a year ago the Mohawks received black wampum from the Onnagongues, who...
to Lieut. Harme Vedder re: commission to travel to the Seneca's country
Burnet appoints Vedder to travel to the Seneca's country with Abraham Schuyler for a period of 12 months, during which time he is to follow all orders and directions given to him. Marked as a copy on the docket.
"Instructions for Mayor Abraham Schuyler"
Abraham Schuyler is ordered to settle in the Seneca's country for 12 months in an effort to trade with the Far Nations, and invite them to Albany to trade with the English settlers. Schuyler is directed to tell the Far Nations that the English offer...
Answer to the propositions of Governor Burnet
The 5 Nations receive and approve all articles of Burnet's proposition, and express their desire for an everlasting peace. They also state that they forgive the men responsible for killing one of their Indians, and ask that they be released from...
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