Summer 2025 PD for K–12 teachers: Registration is now open!
to Nancy E. Jones
31 May 1863
Jones, Joseph, fl. 1862-1865
He thinks the war may end soon but wouldn't be surprised if it lasted a year or two more. Their latest news from Grant is favorable. He will rejoin Company F of the 79th.
3 June 1863
They drove 40,000 Confederates towards Chattanooga and several corps are advancing behind them. Some Confederates say "they want to quit fighting that they have bin deceived long enough by the leaders of the south." He fears the letter will not...
7 June 1863
He has terrible pain in his head and had a tooth removed. He is still with the battery but will be with the regiment soon. "A man cannot git a discharge here until he is four days dead if he wanted it ever so bad."
11 June 1863
He expects the Union to take Vicksburg soon. He must sneak out to prayer meetings in town every night and could be punished if caught.
12 June 1863
He is still with the battery. Mr. Shorter will hand deliver the letter and tell her more in person.
16 June 1863
He has a shelter or dog tent which he stretches out on sticks to cover about five feet of ground. He fashioned a bedstead from an old stable door and uses his oil blanket and dress coat as bedclothes and his knapsack as a pillow. It would be worth...
26 June 1863
They have been marching and fighting and drove the Confederates from the mountains and through Liberty Gap. Moving and placing the cannons in the mountains is difficult and the rain makes it more so.
30 June 1863
The Confederates are retreating towards Chattanooga. The road is so muddy that they can barely get through. The 79th of Illinois and 77th of Pennsylvania defeated nine Confederate regiments. "The rebs having al advantages in the mountains we have...
11 July 1863
They took 200 prisoners from Bragg's army and Grant took 200,000 at Vicksburg. He believes Banks will be "good for port Hudson." Meade defeated Lee at Gettysburg and Lee is retreating with a loss of 30,000 men. "There is no doubt but that lee's...
15 July 1863
He believes "Morgan the [guerilla chief] is neer his last end." The whole army is working well together toward a quick end to the war. The Union has control of Port Hudson and Bragg has left Tennessee. "His Armey is very mutch Reduced" and...
18 July 1863
He received the children's likenesses. She should not write to the captain asking for a furlough. He believes he has fought his last battle; "this armey may have a hard battle yet with brag but I don't expect to be in the engagement."
23 July 1863
He encourages her to go to Indiana with the children and Phebe Jane Walker. He is sending her 21 dollars inside a book of his writings with Lieutenant Williams.
31 July 1863
He has the opportunity to change his terms of service by being mustered out and then sworn in again but awaits her opinion. The new terms would offer him a furlough and a change in pay and length of service.
7 August 1863
Mentions that he has atteneded prayer meetings led by Black church members. Refers to the educational disaparity between Black and White children. Writes, "if they had the schooling and chance that we have they could take care of their selves and be...
22 August 1863
He describes the march from Tullahoma, Tennessee through the mountains. They may follow Bragg to Georgia.
26 August 1863
The Union has captured Chattanooga and he heard that Charleston was taken. Their picket line is near the river and the Confederates are on the other side. The Confederates know "more about retreat than anything else." There are rumors that the...
to Nancy Ellen Jones
31 August 1863
Jones, a Civil War soldier, replies to a letter from his wife. Expresses joy that Nancy spends time with Brother Millis, possibly a pastor. Traveled the previous day from Bellefont to Stevenson, Alabama. States that divisions led by Generals...
3 September 1863
He expects to move to Georgia and fight Bragg. He will look for her cousin in the army.
6 September 1863
They are camped between the Sandy and Lookout mountains. The men "almost melt in the day time and freeze stiff at night." He dreamt that they took all of Bragg's men prisoner. Includes note to Phebe Jane Jones.
15-23 September 1863
Expectations of battle; taking Chattanooga with the loss of only one man; close proximity to the Confederates; wounding of Cornelius Hanvy. .
to Elizabeth Jones
21 September 1863
5,000 troops marched with six pieces of cannon to find the Confederates. He tries to convey what it is like to be in a soldiers' camp; "I could lay down in sight of the rebels and go to sleep without any feer." Their course is towards Mumfordsville...
24 September 1863
They defeated Bragg, Johnson, and the Richmond army even though they were outnumbered five to one. They fell back here to fortify as the Confederates are planning to attack. He calls Stones River a skirmish in comparison with this battle. He has...
29 September 1863
The fighting has subsided but they are often shot at on picket. He "would not give what I have lernt and seen since I have bin in the armey for ten thousand dollars."
General Orders No. 227.
2 October 1863
Goddard, C., fl. 1863
General Rosecrans congratulates the Army of the Cumberland and lists its accomplishments.
5 October 1863
He has kept an account of their movements and battles. He summarizes the hardships he has endured so far.
Showing results 85,101 - 85,125