Summer 2025 PD for K–12 teachers: Registration is now open!
(House bill, no. 8.) . . . A bill continuing in pay all discharged soldiers by reason of wounds and injuries received in the service.
January 23, 1863
Confederate States of America. Congress
stamp of record division
A bill to be entitled An act to provide an export duty on cotton and tobacco exported fromt he Confederate states to the ports or in the ships of any foreign country which has not recognized the independence of the confederate states
February 5, 1863
(House bill, no. 8.) . . . Preamble and resolutions on the subject of taxes.
February 7, 1863
Mr. Foster's amendment to [the] bill to fund the currency.
February 18, 1863
(House no. .) . . . A bill to be entitled An act in relation to substitutes in the army.
February 19, 1863
(Secret.) . . . Mr. Garnett's amendment to [the] bill of the Senate "To provide for the further issue of treasury notes and for other purposes," by striking out all after the enacting clause and inserting in lieu thereof the following:
February 20, 1863
(House bill, no. [blank].) . . . A bill regulating the granting of furloughs and discharges in hospitals
(House bill no. [blank].) . . . A bill to be entitled An act to provide certain regulations for holding elections for representatives in the Congress of the Confederate States.
February 28, 1863
(House bill no. [blank].) . . . A bill to be entitled An act to provide for holding elections for representatives in the Congress of the Confederate States, in States occupied by the forces of the enemy.
Amendment proposed by Mr. Kenner, from Committee on Ways and Means, to bill "to lay taxes for the common defense, and carry on the Government of the Confederate States."
(House bill no. [blank].) A bill to establish a Nitre and Mining Bureau.
9 March 1863
Communication from G. Tochman, touching his memorial now before Congress.
10 March 1863
(House, no. 1.) . . . Joint resolutions on the subject of the war, and in regard to the free navigation of the Mississippi River.
(House bill no. 27.) . . . A bill to be entitled an act to provide for the payment of officers acting under temporary appointment from the commander of any department, corps, division or brigade.
(House bill, no. 1.) . . . A bill to be entitled An act to provide for keeping in repair the railroads of the Confederate States necessary for the transportation of troops and government supplies.
March 31, 1863
A bill to be entitled An act to provide for holding elections for representatives in the Congress of the Confederate States, in states occupied by the forces of the enemy.
4 April 1863
(House bill no. 6.) . . . A bill to regulate furloughs and discharges to soldiers in hospitals.
A bill to distribute bounty, granted as a reward to the officers and men serving on board of the Virginia, Patrick Henry, Jamestown, Raleigh, Beaufort and Teazer...
8 April 1863
Because man is formed of two parts which equally need nourishment...
The soul, the mind of man needs something to feed upon.
By enquiring what were the designs of Moses...
notes on Luke.14 and 15
I am the bread of life.
7 May 1814
The manner of his subsistence...
written on paper that was used with a stencil as though a child were writing
notes on Job 23.12
20 August 1825
I will satisfy her poor with bread.
That he might make the know that man doth not live by bread only...
Receipt for John Stanton
10 November 1824
Bellow, C.H., fl. 1824
to Hugh Brady
16 October 1838
Arthur G., fl. 1838
talks of hostility between the two nations and a building organization called the Hunters Society that wants to overthrow the government in the Canadian provinces
14 November 1838
Poinsett, Joel Roberts, 1779-1851
asks General Brady to exert vigilance when preventing American miltia from entering Canada
[Expresses apprehension at possible rupture between United States and Empiire of Great Britain]
February 19, 1839
Anderson, Robert, fl. 1839
says that at present things are quiet between the two nations
talks about news of a robbery
22 May 1839
Scott, Winfield, 1786-1866
16 October 1839
expresses hope that United States will respect British North Americans
28 October 1839
says he will see the general earlier than expected
to Secretary of the Treasury
11 November 1839
excerpt of a letter expressing a need for information that would counteract a potential invasion
to Col. Love
15 July 1840
Gardner, L., fl. 1840
talks of an incident in which the soldiers complained they were mistreated, says they can return and prosecute
to sister
15 April 1863
Dewey, Orville S., fl. 1861-1902
He assures her he will see her as soon as possible and offers condolences.
to Mary "Mollie" McLean
21 May 1863
Charley was detailed as adjutant which means he has more work now. The cavalry camp is gone and no one knows where. He sent his citizen clothes home.
26 May 1863
He is discharging his duties as 2nd Lt. in the Buffalo Light Battery. He mentions John Mooney. Mrs. Bush is quite sick. He requests photographs.
13 June 1863
Capt. Cornfield has died, charging at the head of his command. Unfortunaetely he was unable to pay his respects.
21 June 1863
He mentions the apathy and the copperheads amongst the North. He says the Southerners are a remorseless people who are willing to win or die. Recently they had a grand review by Gen. Barry.
5 July 1863
He mentions the irony of celebrating Independence Day when they are no longer a unified country. They are having bad luck with officers and cannot afford to lose any more. He saw Henry Hale.
8 July 1863
He mentions Meade. Lee's chances of getting out of Maryland intact are not very good. However, everything seems to look good for them.
Ulysses S. Grant Carte de visite
[ca. 1863-1866]
Brady, Mathew B., 1823-1896
White mount with purple border. Brady imprint on recto and verso. Three quarter length seated portrait in uniform.
White mount with faded purple border. Brady imprint on both recto and verso. Verso also contains pencil inscription "1069" (or "1869[?]"), and ink inscription "General Grant," with "General" written in German script. Three quarter length standing...
5 June 1868
Burnham, T.R., fl. 1865-1868
White mount with gold border and imprint on recto: "Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, U.S.A. Photographed by T.R. Burnham, 351Washington St., Boston, in Washington, D.C., June 5th, 1868. Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1868, by T.R. Burnham...
4 May 1863
He says to tell mother he liked the shirts she sent. He notes that she has moved. He wants a description of the new place and hopes they can be together again.
22 July 1863
He says he'd rather shoot copperheads than Southerners because copperheads are disgracing the North. They are in Philadelphia and he thinks Philadelphians are the friendliest people.
Showing results 83,101 - 83,150