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[Discharge of Michael Joiner with note by Shaw on verso]
7 March 1781
Patten, Thomas, fl. 1777-1785
Written at a Park of Artillery. Certifies the discharge of Michael Joiner from Artillery Artifice.
to Benjamin Lincoln
March 7, 1781
Knox, Henry, 1750-1806
Later copy. Discusses General Cornwallis' movements in the south in detail, particularly by the Virginia/North Carolina border and Generals Nathanael Greene and Daniel Morgan's efforts in harassing him. Wonders about Benedict Arnold's movements, who...
to William Knox
Discusses business, Cornwallis' activities, and General Nathanael Greene's movements. Mentions the Marquis de Lafayette.
[Discharge of Patrick When with note by Samuel Shaw on verso]
9 March 1781
Certifiying the discharge of Patrick When, an Artillery artificer.
To The Committee of the State of Jersey for examining the inlistments [sic] of their lines-at Morris Town
March 16, 1781
In Samuel Shaw's hand, and signed by Shaw for Knox. Discusses an incident where a Captain Hugg gave unauthorized discharges to a number of enlisted men who were his neighbors. Title from docket.
March 21, 1781
Begins by listing the ships comprising the French fleet (possibly François de Grasse's): three 74-gun, three 64-gun, one 44-gun, two frigates, and one armed ship. States that he is happy to be seeing his brother William soon and asks for William to...
[Certificate of wages owed to John Adams, an artillery artificer]
March 22, 1781
Shaw, Samuel, 1754-1794
Shaw signs as Henry Knox's aide-de-camp, certifying that the statement is true and just. Marked as a copy, containing the copied signature of Thomas Patten, Captain of Artillery Artificers. Patten also indicates that Adams has more than his share...
[Recommendation for the discharge of John Dalton, an artillery artificer]
Captain Patten recommends Dalton, of Phildelphia, Pennsylvania, for an honorable discharge. Notes that Dalton enlisted 14 February 1777. Directed to Brigadier General Henry Knox.
[Recommendation for the discharge of Samuel Adams, an artillery artificer]
Captain Patten recommends Adams, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, for an honorable discharge. Notes that Adams enlisted 18 February 1777. Directed to Brigadier General Henry Knox.
[Recommendation for the discharge of John Adams, an artillery artificer]
Captain Patten recommends Adams, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, for an honorable discharge. Notes that Adams enlisted 8 February 1777. Directed to Brigadier General Henry Knox.
[Recommendation for the discharge of James Steel, an artillery artificer]
Captain Patten recommends Steel, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, for an honorable discharge. Notes that Steel enlisted 10 February 1777. Directed to Brigadier General Henry Knox.
[Recommendation for the discharge of Josiah Jenkins, an artillery artificer]
Captain Patten recommends Jenkins, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, for an honorable discharge. Notes that Jenkins enlisted 19 February 1777. Directed to Brigadier General Henry Knox.
[Recommendation for the discharge of James Dawdle, an artillery artificer]
Captain Patten recommends Dawdle, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, for an honorable discharge. Notes that Dawdle enlisted 12 April 1777. Directed to Brigadier General Henry Knox.
[Recommendation for the discharge of Thomas Engle, an artillery artificer]
Captain Patten recommends Engle, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, for an honorable discharge. Notes that Engle enlisted 18 March 1777. Directed to Brigadier General Henry Knox.
[Recommendation for the discharge of John Diddy, an artillery artificer]
Captain Patten recommends Diddy, of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, for an honorable discharge. Notes that Diddy enlisted 21 March 1777. Directed to Brigadier General Henry Knox.
[Recommendation for the discharge of Andrew Clark, an artillery artificer]
Captain Patten recommends Clark, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, for an honorable discharge. Notes that Clark enlisted 3 March 1777. Directed to Brigadier General Henry Knox.
[Recommendation for the discharge of James Bruce, an artillery artificer]
Captain Patten recommends Bruce, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, for an honorable discharge. Notes that Bruce enlisted 26 April 1777. Directed to Brigadier General Henry Knox.
[Recommendation for the discharge of Richard Ellis, an artillery artificer]
Captain Patten recommends Ellis, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, for an honorable discharge. Notes that Ellis enlisted 3 March 1777. Directed to Brigadier General Henry Knox.
[Recommendation for the discharge of Adam Burger, an artillery artificer]
Captain Patten recommends Burger, of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, for an honorable discharge. Notes that Burger enlisted 20 February 1777. Directed to Brigadier General Henry Knox.
[Recommendation for the discharge of William Austin, an artillery artificer]
Captain Patten recommends Austin, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, for an honorable discharge. Notes that Austin enlisted 14 April 1777. Directed to Brigadier General Henry Knox.
[Recommendation for the discharge of Francis Miller, an artillery artificer]
Captain Patten recommends Miller, of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, for an honorable discharge. Notes that Miller enlisted 27 May 1777. Directed to Brigadier General Henry Knox.
[Recommendation for the discharge of Mr. Engle, master blacksmith for the artillery artificers]
March 24, 1781
Captain Patten recommends Engle, of Reading, Pennsylvania, for an honorable discharge. Notes that Engle enlisted 15 February 1777. Directed to Brigadier General Henry Knox.
to the Board of War and Ordnance
March 25, 1781
Argues that a small group of artificers attached to the Park of Artillery have served since the beginning of the campaign of 1777 and "are duly entitled to have the depreciation of their pay made good... the very good character these troops sustain...
A return of arms & accouutrements at New Windsor, Fish Kill, & West Point.
March 26, 1781
Frothingham, Richard, 1748-1819
Lists numbers of muskets with bayonets, muskets without bayonets, damaged muskets, spare bayonets, cartridge boxes, and cartridge boxes needing repair. Pertains to New Windsor, Fish Kill, and West Point, New York. Addressed to "Brigadier General...
circa March 21, 1781
Jones, Thomas, fl. 1777-1782
Return for ordnance and military stores available, received and delivered during the month of February of 1781. Items listed by type, weight and current condition.
February 27, 1781
Harrison, Richard, 1750-1841
Sends his greetings and joy at hearing that William Knox arrived safely back home. Mentions the market for tobacco and his newly established trading company, Harrison & Co.
[Continental Army War Council minutes]
6 September 1780
Minutes of a council of war held by Washington with his generals on 6 September 1780 at Camp Bergen County. Discusses the effects of a blockade in Rhode Island Harbor by the British fleet on the amount of supplies and the issue of raising troops as...
An opinion delivered to His Excellency General George Washington
9 September 1780
Knox answers Washington's queries from his 6 September 1780 council of war (refer to GLC02437.00838). Discusses the siege of New York and how the lack of supplies and stores is affecting their campaign. Knox's retained draft.
[Bank exchange notes]
Archer, Robert, fl. 1842-1875
Bank exchange notes (numbered--2 and 3 respectively), each detailing a payment to Edward R. Archer the sum of "Eighteen pounds Seven Shillings and Sixpence Sterling," from the account of "Messrs. Baring Bros. Co." of London. First National Bank.
to friend Paddon
Archer, Edward R., fl. 1830-1917
Requesting information about the process of pressing and refining the surplus coal at the Tredegar Iron Works into a saleable product for steamers through compression into blocks that burn longer and produce more steam than unrefined bituminous coal...
Brig. Gen. Knox in account with the United States
18 August 1780
Certified by George Olney. Lists account information of Henry Knox with the government by date. Noted that "Errors Excepted in behalf of General [Nathanael] Greene."
List of continental officers killed, captured, wounded, and missing in the actions of the 16 &18 August 1780
29 August 1780
Entirely in Shaw's hand, including the signatures of O. H. Williams and Horatio Gates. Lists names of Continental officers who have been killed, captured, wounded and missing.
Col. John Crane Dr. to the United States
Lists of accounts paid according to date, ranging from October 1775 to August 1780. Page from a ledger concerning bounties to the recruits and artillery units.
to Henry Knox
Hodgdon, Samuel, 1745-1824
Informs Knox that he has concluded some business settlement for him, perhaps including ordering a sword.
[List of stores from 1780]
Later copy. Lists artillery supplies and stores by date. Date written in pencil.
23 August 1780
Cheever, Ezekiel, 1720-1793
Receipt for $2,500 accountable to Cheever, Comissary of Military Stores and Artillery. Written in Shaw's hand.
to Mary Epperly
11 March 1865
Epperly, Christian M., 1837-1904
Reports that they have been ordered to Raleigh, North Carolina. Comments that he does not believe there are 14,000 men left in the Army of Tennessee.
to Sarah Phleagar
12 March 1865
Writes that he hopes that she is feeling better.
to C. M. Epperly
March 24, 1865
Epperly, Mary M., fl. 1859-1865
Writes that she thinks the Yankees have stopped the mail and that is why he has not received her letters. Notes that she believes the Federal Army will soon occupy Richmond and Lynchburg, Virginia. Comments that she does not believe the Yankees...
to Christian M. Epperly
20 September 1859
Epperly, T. B., fl. 1859
Writes that there is enough work for six or eight months. Discusses girls and asks Christian not to get married without letting him know first.
30 April 1860
Poem about spring.
Service record of Christian M. Epperly.
circa 1862-1865
[page one] "Went to the Army on the 15 of March 1862 and Remained thare untill June [inserted: the] 14 1863 When he returned and staid untill the 25 of the same month on which he returned to the army again and remained thare untill 27 Sep. on which...
April 24, 1872
Speakman, Jesse C., fl. 1872
Informs his cousins that his wife has died of consumption. Asks them to help take care of his three children. Inquires if they have sold their farm yet.
to Marion Epperly
January 8, 1861-1865
Epperly, Sarah, fl. 1850
Discusses a friend or family member [illegible] who she says ought to join her out west. Writes that there have been a number of weddings this season, but she has not yet been asked. Letter was written on 8 January, year and state not listed.
to C. M. Epperly and Mary M. Epperly
29 November 1868
Writes that they have written many letters to the Epperlys but have received none in return.
to his mother
15 August 1877
Phleager, H.D., fl. 1877
Apologizes for not having written and tells her the news from the area.
to Mary M. Epperly
6 September 1879
Alelay, Harriet C., fl. 1879
Sends her condolences over her Aunt's death. Writes that she hopes one day to see her mother and four children in heaven. Says that she is homesick for the county she grew up in.
to Mother
[See # 135.] Apologizes for not going somewhere last Monday night. Thanks Mathe for taking care of "No. 6."
to Christian Epperly
Writes that she will help find spouses for Christian and his sisters.
to Miss Lillie
18 August 1865
Epperly, C. D., fl. 1865
Wishes to escort Miss Lillie to the institute. Note on verso wishes to escort Miss Lena to and from Church. Includes a biblical quote. The name Louola Martin is written several times on both sides of the paper.
to Josiah Smith
16 August 1880
Smith, S. A., fl. 1880
Discusses a debt owed.
to Nisenous E. Epperly
4 May 1882
Martin, Victorie A., fl. 1882
Comments that she is ill. Asks who Senous's sweetheart is. Discusses friends who may visit.
to Mary
7 May 1890
Dorian, fl. 1890
Asks if all the cases of Roanoke Fever in Floyd have proven fatal. Says that he hopes she will come to visit.
circa 1861-1865
"D Company, 31st Mass. Volls. and Regimental Officers." White mount. Vignette bust portrait in uniform.
"D Company, 31st Mass. Volls. and Regimental Officers." White mount. Vignette bust portrait in civilian dress.
"D Company, 31st Mass. Volls. and Regimental Officers." White mount. Vignette bust portrait in civilian dress with hat.
to Aaron Jeffery
August 1, 1866
Alfocord, E.B., fl. 1860-1866
Apologizes to her nephew, Aaron, for not writing sooner and wishes that Jeffery and her family had not left Petersburg to live in "...that distant country under existing circumstances." Wishes for Aaron and Roberta [Jeffery] to come visit and...
to her granddaughter
October 24, 1866
Jeffery, Ann, fl. 1860-1867
News of letters received and written, family sicknesses, particularly of her cousin, Richard W. Jeffery, and herself. News of family fortunes in the post-war period, including the rental of a farm.
An Estimate of arms, accountrements and ammunition requisite for an army of 30,000 men, in an active campaign, The dificiences are calculated in specie at six shillings to the dollar, after the rate the articles could have been purchased in 1774.
6 October 1780
Lists supplies for men on active campaign by type, number required, number supposedly available, the difference and value. Written at a Park of Artillery. Document is not signed but is written in the hand of Samuel Shaw.
[Calculations for the cost of ammunition]
Calculations for the cost of ammunition listed according to ammunition type. Date in pencil.
Carte de visite [Unidentified]
"D Company, 31st Mass. Volls. and Regimental Officers."
Showing results 85,901 - 86,000