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to Libbie Elmore
28 August 1864
Elmore, Bruce, fl. 1862-1865
The forefinger of his right hand is sore and he cannot use it to write. Therefore most of the letter is illegible
29 August 1864
He thanks her for the blackberries. His finger still hurts very much. Very faded.
3 September 1864
The Rebels evacuated pretty fast after some heavy fighting. They also captured a large number of prisoners. They've been mustered for pay and soon he can send her some money.
8 September 1864
The rebels have lost both in men and ammunition. They've had no mail the last few days. The word is that Sherman's army will rest for a month. He hopes to hear from the paymaster soon. Was written near Atlanta, Georgia.
18 September 1864
They were supposed to have a review but it was cancelled. Lately, though, they have been living pretty well. He advises her to discuss the legal aspects of selling the farm with a lawyer.
circa 1861-1864
Once again he discusses the deed of sale for the farm. Willard is doing as well as can be expected.
September 29, 1864
They are enjoying a good rest. He has read that the price of gold is going down. The food is rather terrible lately. All they get is hard tack. Willard is ok.
7 October 1864
There has been a lot of fighting. Their corps is the only one left in Atlanta. The rest have gone to meet the enemy. He tried to get a furlough but it wasn't approved. He takes comfort in knowing that one day he will make it home without a furlough.
Discarge of Henry Pitcher.
9 August 1862
Platmer, John S Major, fl. 1862
A discharge certificate from the service for Henry Pitcher, dated 9 August 1862
to Lawrence Richey
02 July 1934
Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964
Addressed to "My dear Larry". Cover letter describing enclosed as a memorandum on "Atwood's question". Note at bottom written in pencil: "Sent to Atwood 7-9-34". On Herbert Hoover stationary and signed by Hoover.
to Richard H. Jackson
5 January 1862
Davies, Isabelle, fl. 1862-1865
She describes her Christmas and New Year's.
March 28, 1873
Hobbi, W.J., fl. 1873
Notification of a meeting of the Argonauta Rowing Association.
March 23, 1885
H.S., fl. 1861-1885
"Mailed letter this morning addressed same as within. please attend to my request..."
From the Library of Arthur L. Jackson
Shows man in medieval clothes carrying books.
to Arthur L Jackson
3 November 1923
McCarl, J.R., fl. 1923
Notice of Settlement (Office of the Auditor of the War Department)
March 24, 1873
Fish, Ferdinand, fl. 1862-1873
He discusses the matter of a horse. Apparently Jackson has complained about the horse, but Fish points out, he took it for "better or for worse."
to Father
Jackson, Richard H., fl. 1861-1865
He includes the copy of a letter written by a local woman upon the arrival of two companies. She refers to them as a "swarming herd."
6 July 1861
Maxwell, A.S., fl. 1861-1864
No year. He asks how Jackson spent his fourth of July. He fished all day. He mentions the girls and how they miss him.
January 18, 1864
Andy, fl. 1861-1865
Lately he has felt pretty tired, but he enjoyed his New Year's. He writes that skating has been very popular. He advises Richard not to worry too much about the girl that rejected him.
21 November 1865
Emerson, Theo H., fl. 1862-1865
He has been very sick and got hurt by a stick striking him in the breast. He promises to write more later.
to Unknown
A Christmas card featuring a picture of an early airplane and a qoute from Tennyson.
27 May 1864
Gibbons, Patrick F., fl. 1861-1864
He is glad Richard wants to pursue a future that is less dangerous. But he is disappointed in his friend Samuel who has refused to release certain information in reference to old friends in New York.
15 June 1864
He is glad to hear of their friend Samuel's prosperity. He believes that Boston is the best city for a stranger to prosper.
9 May 1864
He mainly talks of how glad he is at the possibility of seeing Richard and he invites him to stay in his home. He asks what has happened since Richard was in Morris Island.
January 12, 1864
Merritt, John B., fl. 1861-1864
He describes his Christmas and New Years in which he ate and drank alot. New Year's Day is also his birthday and his friends said "he would drink the Croton dry."
10 August 1863
Carrie, fl. 1860-1866
She apologizes for taking so long to write and teases him about his current activities. She says he must be flirting with all the girls.
December 16, 1861
Flinn, Sam, fl. 1861
He writes that they have been marching for a while. He likes their current stop (Frederick City) because there are several large stores and good-looking girls.
March 29, 1873
Ray, James H., fl. 1814
He wishes to get a life policy of $10,000. He talks about his mortgages in detail.
9 June 1865
Contiary, A.L., fl. 1865
He writes that he actually likes the people he met in Maryland and Virginia. And he doesn't have time to get homesick. There are about 400 troops guarding 22,000 Rebel prisoners at Point Lookout.
to Henry Jackson
9 September 1864
He describes the Catskills where he is staying to his father and sailing up the Hudson.
10 October 1865
Armstrong, J. A., fl. 1861-1864
He is glad to hear that RIchard and Fred Snow are doing all right now. He asks Richard what he thinks of the Emancipation Proclamation.
Annie Lisle
Down near the wavering willows/'Neath the Sunbeams's Smile...
17 July 1861
A.M., fl. 1861-1864
No year. He said he called on Mrs. Hallers the other evening and had a nice time. He will leave Frederick City for Baltimore soon and thinks he will go to work there.
Palmer, Rheua L., fl. 1861-1864
Asks Richard to write again but has nothing interesting to say to him.
February 22, 1861
Maxwell, Alexander S., fl. 1861-1864
No year. He spent a week at New Year's but did not have enough time to see any of the Miss Harrisons. However, he saw Mrs. Haller. Asks Richard if he needs a clerk, for he would be happy to oblige,
2 May 1861
Chapple, James, fl. 1861-1865
No year. He saw Mary Cranston and Emma last night and had a great time.
9 September 1863
He writes about a battle in Georgia between Rosecrans and Bragg in which both armies were used up. General Thomas gets the credit on their side
January 15, 1861
Armstrong, J.A., fl. 1861-1864
No year. He says he is tired of working for someone or some people and would like to just work for himself.. Kid recently wrote him saying he is sick of the South.
He requests his knapsack.
He writes that he never knew so many girls in his life. Lately he has been answering to the name A. Stone, with the Maxwell left off and he is introduced this way to girls that have never met him. They then say he looks a lot like Maxwell.
January 13, 1861
No year. He writes that he has no confidence in the leaders but he has a lot of confidence in the soldiers. He says the boys are all fine and they are great card players.
1 January 1864
Kid, fl. 1861-1864
While he is sorry that Richard will be leaving he is glad that he has decided to go to school. He hopes he will see Richard before he leaves.
January 28, 1864
He writes about how people's tastes vary greatly especially when it comes to pens. Then he goes on to say that he is glad Richard is leaving the South before summer sets in because there are better business opportunities in the North.
February 16, 1864
Cafferty, R.P., fl. 1861-1864
He writes that he has been promoted to sales clerk. Mr. Dernshaw has left and gone with Capt. Wheaton. An expedition of 10,000 troops has gone to Florida as well and Jacksonville was captured.
February 17, 1864
Vandhart, D., fl. 1861-1864
He thanks him for the errand to his family and says he misses him now, for the cabin is cheerless and business irksome. He then fills him in on his daily activities.
February 20, 1864
C.H.E., fl. 1861-1864
He met an old acuaintance at Beaufort and they went back to her place and enjoyed some "horozontal refreshment." He also informs him that Mr. Sinclair has gone on the expedition with Gen. Gillman.
3 March 1864
Charlie, fl. 1861-1864
He writes that he answered an ad form a lady asking to hear from soldiers. He wrote in and she calls him her "Darling Soldier Boy," and they have promised to exchange photographs. He warns Richard not to tell Miss Annie. Also tells the story of how...
March 16, 1864
There was a defeat in Florida and Mr. Dernshaw has since returned North, leaving Captain Wheaton. On Monday the Union Theatre opened and was a great success.
2 June 1864
He is hoping to get a furlough. In other news he dreamt about Richard and saw the two of them having a great time in New York. He is currently with a splendid officer. The quarters he has built are excellent.
10 August 1864
Leachy, Larence, fl. 1861-1864
He informs Richard of the death of Capt. Flemming. Written at Fort Buffalo
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