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[Order to deliver rations]
10 October 1783
Lillie, John, 1755-1801
Order to deliver eighteen rations for Captain John Vincent and his men. Includes a note on the verso signed by Vincent with his mark.
[Army Return of the Sappers and Miners Corps]
Bushnell, David, 1740-1826
Lists men by status, rank and file. Written at Constitution Island
Return of Clothing Wanting for the Massachusetts Corps of Artillery
11 October 1783
Knowles, Charles, ?-1796
Lists men by name and items by type with amounts. Countersigned by Henry Burbeck.
15 October 1783
Stevens, William, 1750-1801
Reporting to complete the accounts of the regiment for settlement according to a garrison order.
[Rations request]
Request to issue thirty packages of rations for John Vaughn of the Massachusetts regiment and his family. Includes a note of receipt on the verso signed by Vaughn.
to Henry Knox
16 October 1783
Clark, Jeremiah, fl. 1783
Complains of West Point men trespassing into the neighborhood and cutting down timber. Asks Knox to help put a stop to the trespassing and cutting of wood.
[Army rations issued to artificers]
18 October 1783
Wright, J., fl. 1783
Lists men by company with issued rations. Countersigned by John Lillie.
[Weekly return of the artillery]
Lists officers by rank, status and state.
[Army return of the 1st Massachusetts Regiment]
19 October 1783
Bowles, Ralph H., 1757-1813
Indicates the number of men "whose times of service expire ... in Decr. and January 1783 & 84." Signed by Bowles and countersigned by Joseph Pettingill.
[Return of the Connecticut Regiment]
Loomis, Libbeus, ?-1836
Lists men by rank and location. Countersigned by H. Smith.
22 October 1783
Barber, William, fl. 1783-1784
Forwards the muster rolls for August and September. Notes that there is a discrepency in numbers for September due to the number "of the sick, absent and on Commands." Goes on to complain about the decline of the army, in particular the lack of...
[Army return for the Rhode Island Battalion]
23 October 1783
Greenman, Jeremiah, 1758-1828
Lists men by rank, company and status. Countersigned by Captain Zephaniah Brown.
Monthly return of the Corps of Sappers & Miners
24 October 1783
Lists men by status and rank.
[Army rations for the company of artificers]
25 October 1783
Wright, Jotham, fl. 1779-1783
Lists men by company with issued rations. Countersigned by John Lillie with a note of receipt on the verso.
List of men lately discharged from the 4th Massachusetts Regiment
27 October 1783
Selden, Charles, 1755-1820
Lists men by name and rank.
[Return of names of non commissioned officers and privates discharged]
Stafford, John R., ?-1812
to Reverend Doctor Cooper
Knox, Henry, 1750-1806
Discusses Count Wengierski, "a polish gentleman on his travels through America" and how foreigners view Boston. Mentions the likelihood of a British evacuation of New York City.
Monthly return Corps of Artillery
Lists men by rank, status and state of service.
[Return for the Connecticut Regiment employed in cutting wood]
28 October 1783
Lists men by name, rank and company.
Antill, Edward, 1742-1789
Informs Knox that he has yet to hear about the issue concerning his family provisions and if Knox would permit him to send someone over to hear of any news. "Public service" written on address leaf with no signature.
29 October 1783
Boudinot, Elias, 1740-1821
Asks Knox to personally deliver a letter to General Alexander McDougall and emphasizes that it is private. Requests Knox to forward the two pieces of field artillery designed for the Count De Grasse to New York as soon as the British evacuate. Wants...
[Army rations issued to detachments]
30 October 1783
Smith, F., 1783
Return of provisions for five men. Countersigned by John Lillie with a note of receipt on the verso signed by James Robinson.
United States. Continental Congress.
Signed by Charles Thomson as Secretary of Congress. Copy of a resolution allowing General Henry Knox to have the "pay of a major general in a separate department, during his command at West Point ... " Intended for presentation to Congress on...
to Edward Antill
31 October 1783
Informs Antill that he is unable to assist him but instead refers him to another unnamed general.
[Army return of Canadian refugees]
October 1783
Merlet, H., fl. 1783
Lists men by military denomination and rations issued. Noted as a copy.
Tisdale, James, 1740-1811
Lists number of men with issued rations for the 4th Massachusetts Battalion. Date from docket.
[Army return of the Corps of Artillery]
Lists men by rank, status and state in which they serve. Date from docket.
Weekly return of the New York Corps of Artillery Commanded by Major Sebastian Bauman
Wetrell, C., fl. 1783
Lists men by rank and status. Table of "Absentees Accounted for On Duty" on the verso, which lists men by name, duty, place of service and rank.
[Report pertaining to Captain Aaron Averson]
Averson, Aaron, fl. 1783
Reports that Captain Averson and Jer. (Jeremiah?) Van Rensselaer were chosen as the agent and pay master, respectively for the 1st New York Regiment. Date added later in pencil.
1 November 1783
Billings, Andrew, 1743-1808
Discusses finished pieces (probably engraved cannon), the work that went into creating them and the price of that labor. Also mentions the settling of accounts.
7 October 1783
Brooks, David, 1756-1838
Writes to Knox about a return for an article of clothing that Knox requested. Apologizes, saying "I cannot be particular in my Return...on account of my bad state of Health." "Public service" written on address leaf with no signature.
Weekly return of the Massachusetts Corps of Artillery
Cooper, Samuel, 1757-1840
Lists the number of men by rank and availability. Watermarked with a crest and "F. Notramy (?) 1780.
[Return of Artillery Corps]
October 11, 1783
List of men broken down by rank, regiment and stats - whether they are fit for duty or not. Calculation in the lower left corner. Watermarked with a stamp & illegible writing. Docketed as "Scale Artillery."
Return of the State of the Connecticut Regiment
Swift, Heman, 1733-1814
Lists number of men according to availability and rank. Of those present and fit for duty, five are sergeants, three are corporals, one is a drum and fife soldier, thirty-four are privates, leaving the total aggregate to be forty-three. Watermarked...
Monthly Return of the Massachusetts Corps of Artillery
List of the Massachusetts Corps of Artillery. Lists people present in the corp by rank and status, where they are on duty, who is on the staff, among others. Of the two captains, one is present and fit for duty, while the other is on the staff...
List of men's names-for discharge of the 1st Massachusetts Regiment
Pettengill, Joseph, 1753-1833
List of fifty-three men discharged from the first Massachusetts Regiment. Noted that men are "entitled by cuting [sic] two cords of Wood each." Watermarked with a crest with three fleur-de-lis.
Weekly Return of the Massachusetts Corps of Artillery
List of the Massachusetts Corps of Artillery. Includes list people present in corp by rank and status, where they are on duty, who is on the staff, among others. Of the four captains listed, two are present for duty and the others are on the staff...
[Additional sources of funding for supplying troops]
November 1786
Docket reads, "Some minutes of additional funds which might be pledged for a loan, or contract for supplying the troops." Lists various sources of funding, and the amounts he might be able to acquire through these sources.
to Sylvanus Bourne
17 April 1790
Replies to Bourne's letter (GLC02437.04585) that he received earlier that morning. Says that he will assist Bourne with his pursuits (an appointment abroad in the public agency) and gives him advice on how to best handle the business. Recommends...
20 June 1790
Biddle, Clement, 1740-1814
Mentions acquaintances who recently arrived from Switzerland. Notes that they saw George Greene, presumably George Washington Greene, in Paris for one day. Encloses a letter from George to Mrs. [Catharine] Greene (letter not included) and asks Knox...
to George Washington
July 1790
Moultrie, William, 1730-1805
Writes to Washington on behalf of the South Carolina branch of the Society of the Cincinnati to complain that the Secretary General "is not sending forward in proper time the notice required by the letter from the Chairman of their standing Committee...
7 August 1790
A draft of a letter to Washington from Secretary of War Knox sketching out elements of a treaty with the Creek Indians. Signed a public treaty with the Creeks, represented by Alexander McGillivray and all the Creek leaders able to attend....
14 September 1790
Bowles asks Secretary of War Knox for assistance in obtaining the post of collection officer for the port of Machias. Bowles does not want to bother President George Washington about this. Bowles lists his credentials as a former soldier and good...
23 September 1790
Secretary of War Knox informs President Washington that "the differences between England and Spain have been accommodated." Signed "HK." Knox's retained draft.
22 December 1790
Barrett, Samuel, 1739-1798
Barrett wants to know "(in confidence)" from Knox whose idea was behind a recent speech President Washington made in which he "introduces the Subject of the Consular Convention to the Consideration of Congress." Barrett asks for advice about when he...
3 April 1791
Cobb, David, 1748-1830
Informs Knox that his son, William Gray Cobb, "thou by a wrong name" has accepted a military commission offered to him by President George Washington. Says he hopes to build a canal and believes that it may interest Knox as well. Asks Knox to send an...
to George Washington [in French]
May 29, 1791
Behague, Jean Pierre Antoine, comte de, 1727-1813
The letter, which is in French, appears to be about the request of several French officers to join the Society of the Cincinnati. Behague, Governor of the French Windward Islands, requests a diploma for himself and for Fressinaux from the Society of...
to John Adams
10 June 1791
Written by Secretary of War Knox to Vice President Adams. Thanks Adams for his hospitality at Bush Hill. Mentions criticism of Adams's travels in the Connecticut and New York newspapers. Comments on the "political heresy [of the] American edition...
19 June 1791
Adams, John, 1735-1826
Written by Vice President Adams to Secretary of War Knox. References Knox's letter of 10 June. Is happy Knox is pleased with his situation at Bush Hill. Hopes to hear soon "of the Birth of a peaceable son of Mars." Says he did not know about the...
26 September 1791
Belcher, Andrew, 1763-1841
Writes, "It is often matter of great Regret... that it was out of my power to improve & to cultivate so much as I cou'd have wish'd, the Acquaintance I was honor'd with in your Family & to be recognized by Mrs. Knox as a near Relation." Introduces...
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