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to Henry Knox
March 15, 1790
Pike, William, fl. 1789-1790
Asks Knox to aid him in obtaining a position of as a revenue officer.
27 July 1790
Ogden, Samuel, 1746-1810
Informs Knox that a mutual acquaintance, David Ford, will be travelling to New York to see him and discuss "his prospects of discharging" Mr. [possible James] Webber's money. Reports that it "will be in his powers soon to give you upwards of five...
January 10,1791
Writes he "was not as successfull in my jaunt as I expected." Says Knox should, however, expect five hundred dollars via "Mrs. Crookes" and more later to come. Written at Delaware Works, located in what is now Morrisville, Pennsylvania, near...
February 6, 1791
Expresses his gratitude to Knox for introducing him to his Boston connections. He has enjoyed the kind hospitality. Writes, "I want not to know your Business; But tell me only how I can serve you either by lying or cheating or [text loss] for you...
7 June 1791
Pintard, John M., ?-1811
Written by Pintard as the U.S. Consul in Madeira to Knox as Secretary of War. Note of introduction for Mr. John Halsey. Says he is a worthy gentleman and "a warm advocate for the cause of America."
19 June 1791
Says he wrote to William Constable. Found out from a letter from Constable written to another person, that "He suspected that Jackson, and I, had a purchase in contemplation - how he discovered this, I do not know?" In his letter, Constable stated...
28 June 1791
Ogden says "some person, a Country man of yours," stopped by to give their compliments to him, but he was absent. Adds that "old Thomas" took the message but forgot the name of the visitor. The acquaintance is on his way to Philadelphia. Ogden asks...
2 August 1791
Wants Knox to forward an enclosed letter to William Knox (not included). Has been considering the proposals Knox made to him and he is at a loss of how to decide. Is also at a loss "for the very extraordinary refusal of the concerned." Believes...
February 8, 1792
Provides new information that he received on good authority about how a Mr. P. gave information to a merchant company in England that the ports at Niagara and Detroit would be taken by the United States. Briefly mentions how this information...
February 26, 1792
Explains that Knox was supposed to receive information on the Indians but may not have, due to a postal error. Instead he is writing to discuss it with him. Mentions that "Brandt, and the Chiefs of the Six Nations, will meet you in Philadelphia"...
1 March 1792
Reports that he heard, from Captain Williamson, that the "Seneca Chiefs would not be down; in consequence of Kirklands refusing to provide them with sleighs." Wanted to give Knox this information, as Williamson is now in Philadelphia.
13 March 1792
Plans to spend a day or two in Newark and expects his letter will reach Knox before he does. Had recently told Knox he expected Duer would be able to set everything right again within a day or two, but now fears he may not be able to (referring to...
12 April 1792
Wrote Knox this morning from New York, but has heard news of several misfortunes on his way to Newark, so wanted to write again. Reports that many of their business associates, including Mr. [Walter] Livingston and Mr. [Richard] Platt, are in...
to James Watson
24 April 1792
Writes that he sent a letter to Watson, expecting him to be in New York; however, he has learned Watson is in Philadelphia, so he is writing to him there. Asks Watson to lay out for him a sum of money that Ogden suddenly owes in Philadelphia, and...
17 July 1792
Writes about an earthquake that hit Quebec "By a letter from Quebec of the 5th Instant - I find they had a most violent Earthquake on the 6th Decr - a vulcano [sic] broke out about 70 miles north - the light so great as to be seem at Quebec in the...
18 July 1792
Discusses the situation of Joseph Brant [spelled Brandt] of the Six Nations. Writes in full, "You know [sic] doubt have been informed of the Insult offered Brandt in New York - I find he left New York with his feelings very much wounded. Would it not...
8 August 1792
Letter of introduction for two British soldiers, Captain Talbot, a member of Prince Edward's family, and Captain Piggot, of the "Royal Fusileers." They are traveling from Quebec back to England, but before they leave the United States would like to...
February 15, 1793
Asks Knox to deliver the enclosed letter, which is addressed to a man named Chapen. Adds that since Chapen has business with Knox, Ogden expects Knox will see Chapen soon, so delivering the letter should be no trouble. Will see Knox in a few days...
15 August 1794
Marked as a copy. Noted, "Copy original by the Brig Edward Capt Thomas Linnell." Informs Knox he shipped him some wine from the island. Notes it will cost 38 sterling if he chooses to accept the wine. Assures Knox, unlike the last shipment, this...
10 December 1794
Makes a proposal for producing wines from Madeira. Notes he has contacted several societies in America regarding his proposition. Proposes to pay $4 on every pipe of wine he ships to the United States for the next two years. Notes the money will be...
January 22, 1795
Pickering, Timothy, 1745-1829
Requests a meeting with Knox to discuss the military. Writes, "Col. Pickering presents his compliments to General Knox, and begs to be informed when it would be convenient to indulge Colonel P. with a long conversation on the military establishment...
February 18, 1795
States that Paul Rever has his howitzers ready to bore and asks if they should be proved. Pickering feels this might be a waste of ammunition and asks for Knox's opinion. Noted as written at the War Office.
9 April 1795
Pillet, René, fl. 1795
Attempts to explain himself better regarding a request to join General Anthony Wayne's army.
17 May 1795
Sends Knox his "bill of attendance ... " (not included).
18 June 1795
Sends Knox two pipes from Madeira that Knox had requested and discusses sending other various goods. Asks after Knox and his family.
21 July 1795
Forwards a letter and informs Knox of various governmental events, including the signing of the resolutions by the democratic society of Philadelphia, as well as Jay's treaty and John Jay's negotiations with Great Britain. Noted as written at the War...
to Timothy Pickering
14 April 1796
Knox, Henry, 1750-1806
Writes that he received Pickering's letter in which he learned he was appointed head of a committee to negotiate the boundary between Maine and Canada. Declares that while he is grateful for the faith the President places in him, he must decline the...
1 August 1798
Asks Knox if he would be interested in appointing an aide-de-camp.
to Thomas Pinckney
circa 1792-1796
Encloses (not present) a bill of exchange and asks Pinckney, the American minister to London, to negotiate it and pay the proceeds to Lafayette or his wife for expenses incurred on behalf of the Society of the Cincinnati. Signed with initials.
15 September 1782
Knox requests [horses] from Pickering, Quartermaster General. Knox possibly writes from West Point. Notes that the duties at his location require horses and forage. In the right margin, writes, "at present we are totally without."
11 October 1782
Knox possibly writes from West Point to Pickering, Quartermaster General. Mostly illegible, but Knox appears to be discussing construction of artillery barracks on Constitution Island.
January 29, 1783
General Knox writes to Pickering, Quartermaster General of the Army. Requests money to repair redoubts in the West Point vicinity. Notes that Major Villefranche, engineer at West Point, supports Knox's opinion that the redoubts are in need of...
10 September 1783
Major General Knox writes to Colonel Pickering, Quartermaster General. Discusses a chain, possibly the great chain that stretched across the Hudson River near West Point to prevent British ships from sailing upriver. Writes "From the information of...
13 October 1783
Signed "HK." Writes to Colonel Pickering about the transportation of wood. Mentions sending a regiment to Connecticut. Discusses the place where wood can be obtained with the greatest facility. There will be a regiment of men wintering at West...
18 October 1783
Informs Colonel Pickering there will be a sergeant and twelve men to cut wood for the department to send to Newbury and that "time grows more and more precious daily." Mentions that he has received complaints about soldiers cutting wood without...
24 October 1783
Talks about the on-coming winter and the scarcity of wood. Asks Colonel Pickering if it is possible to increase the means of supply to the garrison. Has directed the 4th Massachusetts to occupy the huts as winter quarters. Watermarked with three...
10 April 1784
Putnam, Rufus, 1738-1824
Relates that he will be unable to accompany Knox to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (possibly for the May meeting of the Society of the Cincinnati). Transmits a letter (not included) for Knox to pass on to George Washington, if Washington should attend...
23 December 1790
Procter, Thomas, 1739-1806
Proctor informs Secretary of War Knox that officers of the Philadelphia militia are eager to welcome President George Washington, as well as Knox himself, on New Year's Day.
16 July 1791
Passed along to Knox, some time ago, a letter from "a Gentleman resident on the borders of the Spanish Government." Reports that the man is the principal officer of a new settlement on the Mississippi River. Fears he transgressed "the Limits of...
to Rufus Putnam
5 October 1783
Writes to General Rufus Putnam about how the people feel in regards to the army and compensation. He hopes that it is satisfactory but events show otherwise. Many in Connecticut and the inland counties are unhappy. Feels that Connecticut shows...
January 21, 1783
Pollard, Solomon, fl. 1783
Requests Knox's assistance in obtaining a furlough in order to attend a court session in Concord, Massachusetts, since his reputation is at stake.
February 8, 1783
Prowd, Charles, fl. 1783
Written by Prowd, a former artificer for the Continental Army to Major General Knox. Says that Colonel Frothingham has his pay and would like Knox to help him get it. Says he needs it badly as he is sick. Says his wife is also ill. Reports that "I...
to John Popkin
29 May 1783
Discusses the payment of the noncommissioned officers and the resentment they feel regarding the equality of receiving pay, as well as giving directions on how to handle the disgruntled men. For related documents, see GLC02437.02219, .02220, .02226...
18 June 1783
Discusses the reduction of the army and the issue of opening up the Ohio valley to settlers.
2 July 1783
Written by Major General Knox to Lieutenant Colonel Popkin. References Popkin's letter of 19 June 1783. Says as the army is about to be disbanded the complainants "have been advised to another mode by the Judge advocate, you will consider the...
23 October 1783
Discusses his observations concerning the public view of commutation. States that there is still general prejudice against officers especially by "lower class of people" but that the prejudice is abating. Mentions a "Lake Erie Scheme," the prospect...
to William Price
4 January 1784
Orders Captain Price, commissary of military stores, to deliver supplies such as steel, wine, tin, flannel, leather, and blubber oil to Timothy Pickering, Quartermaster General.
6 January 1784
Knox writes to Price, newly appointed commissary of military stores at West Point. Gives Price instructions regarding his post, including the method by which he must orders stores and keep meticulous records. Price will take orders from Major...
[William Price's oath sworn to the United States]
1 January 1784
Price, William, ?-1790
Also signed by Major General Henry Knox. Price swears to serve the United States in the office of commissary of military stores (for West Point).
February 4, 1784
Randall, Thomas, ?-1811
Captain Randall expresses his gratitude to Knox and his family: "To find an asylum that enabled me to recover my feelings in so distressed a situation, when the calumniating tongue of the world was endeavoring to ruin me forever, was a protection of...
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