Summer 2025 PD for K–12 teachers: Registration is now open!
[Abraham Lincoln, carte de visite, seated full length view]
Anthony, Edward, 1819-1888
White mount with orange border. Seated, full length view of a contemplative Lincoln. Same image as #6. [O-60].
9 August 1863
Philip & Solomons
White mount with gold border. Seated, full length view. [O-73].
[Abraham Lincoln, carte de visite, standing three quarter view]
8 January 1864
E. & H.T. Anthony (Firm)
White mount with gold border. Standing, three-quarter view. [O-86].
Brady, Mathew B., 1823-1896
White mount with gold border. Standing, three-quarter view. Lighter, retouched version of image #9, with white background. [O-86].
[Abraham Lincoln, carte de visite, bust view]
February 9, 1864
Berger, Anthony, fl. 1864
White mount. Oval photo of engraving showing bust view. Lincoln's image on the five dollar bill is derived from this portrait. Related to image #13. [O-92 variant].
[Abraham Lincoln, carte de visite, half length seated view]
White mount. Half length seated view. Lincoln's image on the five dollar bill is derived from this portrait. Related to image #12. [O-92 variant].
[Abraham Lincoln, carte de visite, vignette bust view]
6 March 1865
Ward, Joseph, fl. 1787
White mount. Vignette bust view photographed on the balcony at the White House. [O-112].
[Mary Todd Lincoln, carte de visite, three-quarter length standing view]
White mount with orange border. Three-quarter length standing view of Mary Todd Lincoln in her inaugural gown. Same image as #17, though slightly darker.
White mount. Three-quarter length standing view of Mary Todd Lincoln in her inaugural gown. Same image as # 16, though slightly lighter.
[Mary Lincoln, carte de visite, seated, half-length]
White mount with purple border. Seated, half length view of Mary Lincoln facing proper right.
to his brother
14 November 1852
McLean, Charles, fl. 1789
He talks about a mischievous cow. Since there are no good schools around, his mother is sending him to boarding school.
to Mrs. Dewey
1 July 1854
McLean, William, fl. 1854-1862
He talks about his future marriage with Mary. He needs her support. Even though he has bad habits, Mary tends to indulge him. He asks Mrs. Dewey for best wishes.
[Mortgage sale of real estate of Norman R. & Harriet W. Dewey]
30 December 1858
Hopkins, Nelson K., 1816-1904
The Deweys' land is being foreclosed and sold at public auction.
[Grant of power of attorney to Norman R. Dewey]
16 June 1859
Dewey, Squire P., fl. 1859-1879
Document grants power of attorney to Norman R. Dewey. He can now make all decisions about the piece real estate in Lancaster.
[Warranty deed with Seth Clark]
10 November 1859
Land agreement between Squire P. Dewey and Seth Blank. The land passes from Dewey to Blank.
to Mary "Mollie" McLean
30 May 1861
He was promoted to first lieutenancy and is trying to arrange for her and the children to come visit him. He expects their destination to be Harper's Ferry or Richmond.
24 June 1861
They heard that Gen. Johnson was going to attack them with 20,000 men. They met them with 15,000 men. He describes some skirmishes. Later his promotion meant he was moved to B company.
20 September 1861
Dewey, Orville S., fl. 1861-1902
He will miss Hattie who has sadly departed. He regrets all the unkind things he said to her. Meanwhile they have been building nice quarters for themselves. He describes the interior of their tents.
to Norman R. Dewey
29 November 1861
He got to occupy the outpost, a dangerous position. But he liked it. He received the box filled with raspberry jam, a handkerchief and towels. Written at Camp Rogers.
1 January 1862
McLean, R.J., fl. 1862
Harry is ill with pneumonia. He worries about Harry because he has a slight build and doesn't think he'll be able to endure this "rough world."
to Harriet W. Dewey
4 January 1862
Mollie has a touch of dysentary. He talks about how he spent his holidays. The prospect of a fight is good and he is looking forward to it. Written at Camp Niagara
8 January 1862
He has been very busy getting off Will's quarterly returns. Charley wrote that if he can enlist 20 or 25 men, he can have a 2nd lieutenancy.
January 18, 1862
He was worried for Mollie since he hadn't heard from her in a while. But she was fine. He predicts Major Whittany will go far in his profession. He likes him a lot. Written at Camp Niagara
to [Norman R. Dewey]
February 14, 1862
Wednesday they marched through Centerville. Centerville has the strongest position the Rebels ever had. He has been to Manassas and Bull's Run.
March 21, 1862
One day he ran into a Doctor Coventry who persuaded him to stay with him. They went to a church now used as a hospital. He met Will in Alexandria.
Showing results 63,426 - 63,450