Summer 2025 PD for K–12 teachers: Registration is now open!
to Eliza Cook
February 29, 1864
Cook, Gustave, 1835-1897
Describes camp news. Almost illegible, very faint writing.
4 March 1864
Christens his wife with a pet name: "Mavourneen" (my darling). Has sent her a care package. "Then as now I had comparatively nothing to write but I neglect no opportunity to send you a line." Discusses the importance of men being with women to...
29 April 1864
Glad that he received Eliza's picture and letter. Cook is relived that she is well again and shares his fear of her death. He was most afraid she would die without ever knowing how much he loved her. Wishes their children to grow up and follow in...
13 June 1864
Cooks wants to set the record straight on "the house 'I loved so much'." He feels he has been straightforward and has told Eliza everything of his past indiscretions. Says he will again clear things up when he returns. He writes, "…nothing will...
14 June 1864
Cook writes that he has been very sick but is getting better. Critiques Eliza's last letter in which she doubts his love and truthfulness. He writes, "You speak of "Annie Laurie" as being sung in the house I 'used to love so much.' Was this kind?...
7 July 1864
Writes that he is thinking of Eliza and has nothing to write except "that I love you and fear you do not believe it." Discusses at length camp and army news. Reports on his gaunt physique and how much he has changed from the man Eliza fell in love...
15 July 1864
Writes about his and Eliza's wedding day, 11years ago. Reminds her of God's blessings regardless of all the illness and death that has been bestowed upon them. Wishes he had kept and journal and "let our children see the joys and sorrows, hopes and...
16 September 1864
Shares his distress over being one of the few people left in his family. With his brother Girard paralyzed, Gustave feels he must take his place as the beloved warrior in the family but feels like he would be usurping that position. Tells Eliza she...
22 October 1864
Has received Eliza's letters those from friends dated as far back as December 1863. Fills her in on where his camp is going and where they have been since his last letter. Can't bear to write any news of the war and instructs Eliza to read the...
29 October 1864
Short note reporting that "Sammie is alive and well though a prisoner in the hands of the enemy." Writes that his application for furlough is being strongly recommended. Was written near Jacksonville, Alabama.
14 December 1864
Discusses camp news. Feels that the war is more than half over. Interested in how the children are doing and what they are learning. Wants daughter Ida to continue her education away from home but doesn't think she would do well in the presence of...
8 January 1865
Decides to write a lighthearted and witty letter since he cannot sleep. Describes the routine morning activities and talks about the bad food. Writes a bit later in the day and includes "…I only need the love of one being and that one you can guess...
January 12, 1865
Tells Eliza that he wrote her four days ago and "sent the letter off by a very uncertain carrier but hope you will get it. I now regret not having retained it until the present as I have a most excellent opportunity to transmit letters." A friend...
[Bond for J.T. and William Brady]
11 May 1865
Murrah, Pendleton, fl. 1865
Bond in the amount of $1000 made out to J.T. and William Brady. Also signed by C.N. Randolph, Treasurer; and W.L. Robards, Comptroller.
13 December 1865
Illegible, very faint writing.
Illegible fragment
"Fort Burnh[a]m, Interior View."
Brady, Mathew B., 1823-1896
Image of soldiers amongst a group of closely-spaced tents.
"Interior, Fort Brady."
Numbered 10786 in pencil on verso. Image of two men beside a cannon near the camp wall.
"Gen. Heinkelman [Heintzelman] & staff at Arlington House."
Gathering of soldiers and women on the steps of Arlington House. Photographer Timothy O'Sullivan (in the tall black hat) stands next to Gen. Heinztelman (Horan, 32).
Genl. Lee's Head Quarters
circa 1861-1865
Image of stone house that served as Lee's Head Quarters at Gettysburg and surrounding grounds.
"Bridge destroyed by the Rebels in July 2d."
Image of bridge at Hanover Junction prior to destruction by Confederates, with men visible atop bridge, and railroad tracks in foreground.
"Huts built by Reb[s] occupied by the Union sol[diers]s. Brandy."
Image of soldiers gathered before a group of a log structures.
"3 Reb Pris[oners] behind B[reast]works. "
Image of three Confederate prisoners gathered behind the breastworks. Identified as Gettysburg in Ward, 237.
"3 Reb Pris[oners] behind B[reast]works."
Slightly darker print of image #7. Caption and image number on side of negative are slightly easier to read than in image #7.
"Engineers R. R. Depot."
Image shows eight men in a mixture of military and civilian dress, accompanied by four women and two young girls. No railroad is visible.
Showing results 67,101 - 67,125