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Account of the Seneca attack in Virginia
The document explains that a group of Seneca Indians attacked some English settlers in Virginia, and then describes the conflict that ensued.
Information regarding the French invasion of the Seneca's country
Seneca Sachem
A Seneca Sachem explains some past incidents that may have provoked Canada to go to war with them, but explains that everything was supposedly forgiven. He then describes when the Senecas first heard of the French designs for war, and what they saw...
Propositions to the 5 Nations westward
Dongan, Thomas, 1634-1715
Thomas Dongan writes that he will convey news of the French invasion of English territory to the King, but wishes first to settle upon a few issues with the 5 Nations. He asks if they in any way provoked the French, and notes that they were warned...
Bond to the city of Albany
Frederickse, Salomon, fl. 1687
The document states that Salomon Frederickse and Johannes Onderkerk are bound to the people and city of Albany for the sum of 50 pounds. It then goes on to explain that the two men have a pass from the Governor to trade with the Indians of Ottowa...
Discourse on Schenechtady with an answer [in Dutch]
Mohawk Indians
to the Mayor & Aldermen of Albany re: settlement at Catskill for the Winter
New York (N.Y.). City Council
The document orders that the 5 Nations bring their women, children, and old men to Catskill on Robert Livingston's land for the winter, where they will receive any assistance they may need. It also requests that they bring as much corn and...
"Propositions made by his Excell[en]cy the Governor of Virginia to the . . .
Howard of Effingham, Francis Howard, Baron, 1643-1695
. . . Representatives of the five Nations of the Sinnias in the Fort att New York" The Governor of Virginia reprimands the 5 Nations for breaking their covenant and committing crimes in Virginia. He explains that Governor Dongan has convinced him...
The Mohawk's return from Chambly [in Dutch]
Docketed on verso.
Proposition to the Oneidas, Onondagas, and Cayugas
Dongan writes that he is distressed by news of the Mohawks and Senecas traveling to Canada to make a settlement with the Governor, which would constitute a breach of their agreement with him. He also reprimands the Oneidas, Onondagas, and Cayugas...
Proposition to the Mohawks and Senecas
Dongan writes that he is distressed by news of the Oneidas, Onondagas, and Cayugas traveling to Canada to make a settlement with the Governor, which would constitute a breach of their agreement with him. He also reprimands the Mohawks and Senecas...
Instructions for Arnout and Akus [in Dutch]
Docket notes: "originall & worth minding"
Bond with Robert Livingston
Teunise, Gerrit, fl. 1687-1697
The document states Teunise's financial bond to Robert Livingston, and then goes on to explain the conditions of this obligation. Teunise explains that he has been given a commission by Gov. Dongan to be the Ranger for Albany, and in this capacity he...
"The humble Peticion of Adam Vroman"
Vroman, Adam, fl. 1688
Vroman explains to the Mayor and Aldermen of Albany that a number of years ago a Mohawk Sachem gave him a tract of land, which is now included in a grant by the county of Albany to purchase another piece of land. Vroman therefore asks if he may...
Deposition of Symon Groot
Livingston, Robert, 1654-1728
The deposition explains that Symon Groot came to the colony in 1638 to trade with the West India Company, and throughout his time here he has repeatedly endangered himself by fighting with the Mohawks in their war with the French and their Indians....
Deposition of Jean Labate
The deposition relates Jean Labate's account of conflicts between the French and the 5 Nations, particularly the Senecas and Mohawks, during the 1650's and 60's. He describes the taking of prisoners, including priests; the attacks made by the...
Document regarding the Ottowas [in Dutch]
Proposition to the Senecas, Cayugas, and Onondagas
In his proposal, Dongan forbids the Indians to travel to Cadarachqui at the Governor of Canada's request, and reminds them to remain loyal to England at all times. He also instructs them on what to do in the event of an attack, and notes that he...
"Instructions for Arnout Cornelise Interpreter"
Pynchon, John, 1626-1703
John Pynchon, Thomas Savage, Jonathan Bull, and Andrew Belcher, the representatives of Massachusetts, Plymoth, and Connecticut, instruct Arnout to bring back to Albany some Sachems of the 5 Nations, where they will be met with friendship. They warn...
Copy of GLC03107.01.02020, with an extra note to Arnout signed by the 4 Commissioners, and dated 30 August 1689. The note states that enclosed are some instructions from the Mayor that ought to be effected with the greatest speed. It also states...
Propositions to the River Indians, Mohicans, and Skachtkook Indians
The 4 Commissioners, John Pynchon, Thomas Savage, Andrew Belcher, and Jonathan Bull write to the Indians to include them in the chain and covenant with the 5 Nations. They explain that they expect their loyalty and assistance in a war against the...
Propositions made to the 5 Nations
The 4 Commissioners, John Pynchon, Thomas Savage, Jonathan Bull, and Andrew Belcher write that they have been asked to renew the covenant chain with the 5 Indians, and also to update them on affairs in England that will have an impact on the colonies...
Copy of GLC03107.02024, and contains the answer given by the 5 Nations. In their answer, the 5 Nations recognize their friendship with the English, and promise to pursue the French and Eastern Indians as enemies. Docket notes the document as...
List of gifts and provisions exchanged with Indians [in Dutch]
Docketed on recto.
"Examination of three french Prisoners taken by the Maquase & brought . . .
Schuyler, Peter, 1657-1724
. . . to Shinnechtady, who were Examined by Pr. Schuyler May[or] of the Citty of Albany." The Canadian prisoners state that they were under orders to attack Schenechtady and kill as many as they could, and then give an account of how they advanced...
Report delivered by Robert Livingston and Jarred Teunice
Council of Connecticut
The document notes that Robert Livingston and Jarred Teunice were commissioned by the convention of Albany to appear at the Council in Connecticut to relate the affairs of their county. It is explained that Albany is in need of protection, and also...
Showing results 9,426 - 9,450