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to Benjamin Lincoln
March 26, 1783
Knox, Henry, 1750-1806
Discusses buttons needed to repair the clothing of the two artillery regiments stationed at West Point. Written in the hand of Samuel Shaw, Knox's aide de camp.
to Henry Knox
February 1, 1805
Appears to discuss a financial agreement. States, "the preposition he [Lloyd] made this last summer for the liquidation of the debt due from him to the estate of the late [F Lonsman] of London will be acceded to." Letter is possibly written by J...
to Henry Knox [in French]
30 August 1789
Miranda, Francisco de, 1750-1816
Touches on the state of American government, the Constitutional Convention, and the Ohio territories. Asks Knox to present his respects to President [George] Washington, Governor [James] Bowdoin, Colonel [Alexander] Hamilton, and Colonel [William]...
March 15, 1790
Writes that he has not heard from Knox in quite a while, stating "for god sake let me see few lines from you; & then I shall communicate you the progress of that 4: that has begian [sic] already, about 38:" Mentions that he hopes that the new...
March 29, 1790
Wishes to introduce Knox to a friend of his, Count Paolo Andreani from Milan, Italy, who intends to visit America. Describes him as a top "diletante in Chimistery, and natural history, in Europe." Asks him to introduce Count Andreani to General...
4 November 1792
Declares that "...things are coming to maturity; and the Period advancing when our dear Country America shall become that glorious part of the Globe, that nature intended her to be! and that those Skemes our Patriotism sugested to our minds in our...
to Thomas Mifflin
24 May 1794
Later copy. Sends acknowledgement that President George Washington received Mifflin's letter. Discusses the implications of a plan drawn up by the Legislature of Pennsylvania, to create a settlement at Presque Isle. Express his concern over how...
14 November 1792
Mentges, Francis, fl. 1783-1792
Copies an "extract of my daily Journal respecting the arrival of the trrops at Fort Washington and their movements - " for Knox. Goes on to list the arrival dates of the different companies and battalions. Dates range from 13 June to 20 October...
14 April 1782
Moore, Thomas M., fl. 1782
Written by Major Moore to Brigadier General Knox. Introduces a Mrs. Hamilton of Philadelphia to him. Says that Mrs. Hamilton has a sister who was recently married to Lieutenant Colonel Johnston of the 17th British Regiment in New York. Says the...
4 June 1782
Moodie, Andrew, ?-1787
Outlines a situation concerning a Robert Richardson, sent to West Point from Springfield the previous fall. Richardson is not attached to any corps in particular, and works at the laboratory and at other positions at the post. Moodie is finding it...
to Captain Mitchell
20 June 1782
Relates that a Mr. Gedney, the proprietor of a sawmill near Newburgh, has applied to Knox for help concerning some planks he had carved and supplied to the military but was never paid for. Mr. Gedney has no receipts for the planks, and Knox asks...
13 September 1782
Morris, Gouverneur, 1752-1816
Written by Morris as Assistant Superintendent of Finance to Major General Knox. A sarcastic letter expressing annoyance about Congress and their activities after receiving information on the conduct at Elizabethtown -- probably a reference to the...
February 7, 1783
Written by Morris as the Assistant Superintendent of Finance to Major General Knox. Wants to give him an update on affairs. Says "It has given me much Pain to see the army looking wildly for a Redress of Grievances" -- a reference to the half-pay...
February 28, 1783
Written by Morris as Assistant Secretary of Finance to Major General Knox. References Knox's letter sent by General Lincoln. Is sending copies of Robert Morris's letter of resignation (not included here). Says this news should not be unexpected. Says...
21 July 1783
Written by Morris as Assistant Superintendent of Finance to Major General Knox. This is a letter of introduction for a Mr. Darby. Says he is a gentleman of good family and genteel accomplishments. Reports that his reputation is well recommended...
6 October 1783
Informs Knox that he has visitors passing through, a Mr. Vernon and the Count Wengierski, and asks if Knox would mind showing them West Point.
Signer of the U.S. Constitution.
15 May 1784
Mifflin, Thomas, 1744-1800
Mifflin, President of Congress, encloses an Act of Congress directing Knox to ascertain from the British Commander in Chief of North America precisely when the British will leave their posts within the boundaries of the United States (possibly refers...
to John Mitchell
4 October 1784
Relates he has been appointed as a commissioner to "examine whether the people under the Government of Nova Scotia have encroached upon the territories of this state." Requests sworn testimony regarding Mitchell's [in some sources, Mitchel] previous...
6 October 1784
Mitchell, John, fl. 1755-1790
Mitchell [in some sources, Mitchel] responds to a letter from Knox requesting information regarding his previous survey of the St. Croix River. Offers to accompany Knox, who will serve as a commissioner to examine whether people of Nova Scotia had...
26 October 1784
Moore, Thomas Lambert, 1758-1799
Reverend Moore asks Knox to pay his brother John twenty five pounds. Countersigned by John Moore, who acknowledges receipt of the sum.
March 31, 1785
Moriarty, John, fl. 1785-1787
Written in Bristol, Broad Bay (present-day Maine). Hopes to be able to purchase one or two hundred acres of land from Knox. Asks what price Knox would charge for the land, and discusses his method of payment. Writes, "I expect some familys here...
31 July 1785
Discusses the possible purchase of some of Knox's land in present-day Maine, referring to Knox's ownership of two farms and a limeworks. Notes that he could arrange to bring people from Ireland to settle the land. Proposes his method of payment.
to Doctor Monro
7 September 1785
Writes a note thanking Doctor Monro of London for treating his brother William Knox's insanity. Is happy to hear of William's recovery and is very glad Doctor Monro's excellent reputation in America proved to be accurate in his successful treatment...
12 December 1786
Moore, William, 1752-1819
Gratefully acknowledges Knox's support for his cause; this support induces him to include an extract of a letter from Captain [possibly Constant] Freeman which he just received. Had been hoping for an appointment from the state of Massachusetts but...
to unknown
February 27, 1787
Describes his current difficulties in business and the amount of money he lost during the last War. Asks for a position within the army that is being raised and sent to the Ohio region.
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